Eye Candy (9 page)

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Authors: Frederick Germaine

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“Is that what you always wanted?” I asked as I slowly withdrew my dick and began to enter her again but this time much deeper.

“Awww,” she screamed in pleasure while clawing her nails into my back.

Then in a hurry, I picked her off the counter by her waist as she held onto me by my neck. Her legs dangled from my forearms while I kept my dick firmly inside her. We stumbled two steps backwards towards the front door. Once there, I pushed her back up against it. I grabbed the door handle with my right hand and placed my left hand on the opposite side where it connected to a door hinge. It was in this position I stroked her harder than ever and both of our pelvises met.

“That’s what I want!”

“Are you sure, Tiffany?”

“Hell yeah, fuck me you married mother fucker!”

For the next fifteen minutes, I kept her in that position stroking and pounding every inch of me into what seemed to be an endless pit. My adrenaline was racing throughout my body and I was sweating profusely. I kept her in the same position and moved backwards from the door. Her legs still dangling from my forearms, I found the sofa next to the large windows in the living room. I sat back while she rode me and she finally came.

“Come on and follow me,” she said rising off my erected dick, standing up, and not wanting to take a break.

I obeyed her directions and stood up taking off my heavily sweat soaked shirt. Then, I removed my pants and boxers which were still around my ankles. After that, I ripped the remaining dress off of her.

She grabbed my hand and led me onto the balcony. The April night air was balmy and cool but our hot bodies didn’t care. Next to Tiffany’s gorgeous body the view of downtown Atlanta was spectacular.

“Now, fuck me in my ass like I love it,” she ordered while carefully bending over the balcony railing.

Within seconds my dick had penetrated the walls of her anal cavity and was flowing freely into her. As our bodies clapped together, I grabbed the back of her long hair and pulled her head up. She would have no choice but to observe the city landscape while I was in her.

“Now give it to me more,” I said in a controlling voice.

“Hell yeah, Aaron, fuck me like that!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her arrogance and screams turned me on even more. I penetrated deeper.

“Is that deep enough for you?”

“Deeper dammit!”

“So you really want me to fuck you harder, huh?”

“Uh huh,” she cried out in her sexy voice.

“Okay, take your right leg and extend it onto the railing.”

She complied and it was at this position where our sexual performance peaked out. In and out I entered her while bending over stimulating her clit with my hand. I stroked harder and harder until I was almost there.

“I’m about to come,” I growled out

“Yes, Aaron, I’m almost there too.”

“Here it is!”

“Oh, your throbbing dick feels so good inside me. I’m coming with you.”

When our sexual escapade was over, she led me back inside but this time to her bedroom. We quietly immersed ourselves under the covers. Regrettably, I had done something I thought would never happen in a million years. I failed to remain faithful to my wife. To make matters worse, I validated Sebastian’s five-year itch theory.


Monday morning had arrived and it was back to the grind at Donaldson and Bradshaw as usual. Only this time, I had to deal with the thoughts of my transgressions with Tiffany which occurred on Friday night. As I took my morning stroll past Jane’s desk, I spoke before she had an opportunity to.

“Good morning, Jane,” I said while standing in front of her desk.

“Good morning to you, Mr. Malone,” she replied cordially. “How was your weekend?”

“It was good. And yours?”

“It was delightful as usual, Mr. Malone.”

“Well, that’s great, Jane. Any messages for me this morning?”

“No, not one.”

“That’s odd, especially for a Monday morning. Well, I’m off to my office to get some work done.”

“Oh, Mr. Malone, there was an early delivery for you this morning.”

“There was a delivery for me?”

“Yes, a courier service arrived with fresh flowers addressed to you. They had special instructions to only place them on your desk. Of course, I signed for the delivery.”

“Who would send me flowers?”

“They were actually a dozen red roses in a vase with a note attached. I assumed they were from your wife.”

“My wife?” I stated with a perplexed look.

“Yes, Mr. Malone. Maybe since you are always sending her red roses she thought to return the favor back to you.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right, Jane,” I said but thinking to myself Monica had never sent me flowers in all our years of being married.

I walked into my office and closed the door behind me. Just as Jane had described the vase containing the twelve roses were positioned in the middle of my desk. But these weren’t ordinary roses they were culturally grown. My curiosity was killing me, so I finally grabbed the note that was attached. The note read:
I’m glad you decided to come out and play.
I knew instantly the roses were from Tiffany. I shredded the note then stared at the roses trying to decide what to do next.

“Mr. Malone are you available?” asked Jane through my phone’s intercom system breaking my concentration.

“Yes Jane, I’m here,” I said in an angry tone. “What is it?”

“Sir, it’s Ms. Tiffany Towns on line four for you?

“Who?” I asked stalling Jane trying to gather my thoughts as I took a seat in my chair.

“Ms. Towns, the consultant, who was here in the office not too long ago.”

“Oh, yeah Jane, I remember her now. You can just transfer her through.”

As my number four line constantly blinked I simply waited before answering. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone’s handset pressing the corresponding line.

“This is Aaron,” I answered in a calm voice.

“Well good morning, Aaron, I see you finally made it to your desk,” said Tiffany sounding sultry on the other end. “Do you like your roses?”

“They’re nice.”

“Listen, I’m working at my firm’s satellite office today downtown on Marietta Street. I’ve picked up a new assignment but figured we could do lunch today.”


“I figured Maggiano’s or Morton’s if you prefer. They’re both in Buckhead on Peachtree Road.”

“Yeah, I know where they both are located.”

“Or maybe we can just rendezvous at a more intimate place like my condo for a quickie.”

“Tiffany, slow down because we need to talk.”

“Talk about what, Aaron?”

“About what happened on Friday night?”

“You mean how you literally fucked the shit out of me?”

“It was a mistake,” I said in a firm tone and taking a stance on which way the conversation was going. “It shouldn’t have happened and it won’t again.”

“What do you mean a mistake!” she shouted out in a defensive tone. “Was it a mistake the way you purposely allowed me to suck your dick? Or how about how you continuously fucked me until I came? Was that a mistake too, Aaron?”

“I have a wife and two kids and I’m not going to lose it to a one-night-stand. Besides, Tiffany, we both probably had a little too much to drink.”

“So now you’re blaming it on the alcohol.”

“No, I’m saying it was just poor judgment on both of us.”

“Aaron, I’m not trying to make you upset so please don’t be mad at me. I realize you have a wife and kids but keep in mind I like married men.”

The more we spoke the more our ideas and views spread further apart. I wanted out and she continued to push in.

“Tiffany, there’s nothing further to discuss here,” I said firmly trying to get her off my phone. “We both should remain professional about the situation. From my understanding, our firm only retained your services for the initial designs on the revitalization project. As you know, those designs were completed last week.”

“So that’s how you want it, huh?”

“That’s the way it has to be.”

“Well, I guess you’re calling the shots right now, Mr. Malone. But I’ll definitely see you later.”

Before I could respond to her facetious comment, she quickly hung up. I, in turn, slammed the receiver down in a sign of disbelief of what had just happened. After interlocking my fingers together and placing them on my chest, I leaned back in my chair. Exhaling, I then swiveled the chair towards the window and back to my desk again. When I did, I noticed the dozen red roses right in my face as if they were smiling at me. In an angry haste, I grabbed the bottom of the vase and flung it as hard as I could to the wall in front of me across the room. The vase shattered into many pieces while the water was soaked up by the thick carpet on the floor. Scattered all over the floor were the twelve red roses.

“Oh my God, Mr. Malone, are you alright?” shouted Jane barging into my office without knocking. “What happened in here?”

“The roses slipped out of my hand when I tried to move them,” I said quickly standing up and remained behind my desk.

“But how did they slip out of your hand when the debris is near your door and you’re behind the desk?”

“Jane, we just need to call housekeeping right away and have them clean up this mess.”

“Okay, Mr. Malone,” she said hesitantly and looking at me in a strange manner. “But I’m going to personally pick up these roses because they are too pretty to be on the floor.”

For the next few seconds, Jane carefully picked up each rose and placed them delicately into her arms. I stood there looking foolish thinking how did I let my emotions get the best of me.

“Mr. Malone, I’m going to find another vase, fill it with water, and bring these lovely roses back to you,” she said after gathering all the roses off the floor. “Besides, we wouldn’t want your wife coming by and not seeing the roses she sent you.”

“I guess you’re right, Jane.”

“I’ll be right back, shortly.”

“Jane, do me a favor.”

“Yes, Mr. Malone.”

“When you find the vase for the roses, just place them on your desk.”

“But why?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Well, my desk is cluttered enough and I wouldn’t want another accident ruining my new designs I’m working on.”

“Whatever you wish, Mr. Malone.”

“Jane, one more thing before you go.”


“Call Sebastian Carter right away and transfer him to my main extension.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jane exited my office and I sat back down still disgusted. Housekeeping arrived expeditiously cleaning up the mess I had made in a jiffy. Then right on cue, Jane patched Sebastian over to my main line.

“Hello, Sebastian.”

“Morning, Aaron. I just received a call from your secretary stating you needed to speak with me. Did you need help with the new designs?”

“No, I think I have the designs covered but we need to talk.”

“About what?” he asked as if my comment peaked his interest like never before.

“Man talk,” I quickly said.

“Okay, Aaron. How about we meet in the firm’s athletic club downstairs during the lunch hour? We can work out and talk at the same time.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I always keep a fresh change of workout gear in my locker downstairs.”

“So is one o’clock good with you?”

“That’s perfect, Sebastian. I’ll see you then.”

When one o’clock arrived I told Jane where I would be for the next hour or so and made my way downstairs. The firm’s athletic club was only a few floors down. Mr. Bradshaw found it to be a convenient way for his workers to stay in shape without any excuses. All employees enjoyed free membership and could work out before their shift, during lunch, or after hours.

In the men’s dressing room, I changed my attire and headed out to the aerobic area of the club. Within this area, there were rows upon rows of treadmills with mini monitors attached. People were walking or running to various speeds like robots. I quickly found Sebastian on one making small talk with a female on one side of his treadmill. Then I approached him.

“I thought I’d find you in here working out on the treadmills,” I said walking up to him on the opposite side of the woman.

“Glad to see you made it, Aaron,” he replied turning away from the woman. “Just step up on the treadmill next to mine. I’m five minutes into my thirty-five minute walk and sprint.”

The woman next to him plugged in her earphones and turned her attention to the monitor keeping a brisk pace. Now, I had joined Sebastian in the steady flow of robots.

“So what’s so important that you had to talk to me about?” he asked maintaining his speed.

“Something happened to me this weekend that I don’t feel right about,” I said turning on my treadmill to a medium pace.

“Did it involve the wife and kids?”

“Not directly.”

“So what is it?”

“It was at the mixer last Friday night.”

Sebastian turned his head towards me slowly and looked me squarely in my eyes. He glared at me for a few seconds before he spoke again.

“No, Aaron, don’t tell me what I’m thinking is right. And it happened with the consultant?”

“We had been drinking all night, Sebastian. Then unexpectedly before I leave she falls at the dining table and there’s a commotion.”

“What?” he said almost falling off his treadmill. “So what happened next?”

“So Mr. Bradshaw and the service manager rushed over to make sure she was alright.”

“Yeah, go on.”

“And of all people, Mr. Bradshaw suggested I walk her upstairs to her condo to make sure she would be alright.”

There was brief pause and then Sebastian figured it out. He made a large grin that covered his entire face.

“Aaron, you are an old sly dog. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“I swear, Sebastian, it wasn’t planned. To make matters worse, she sent me a dozen red roses this morning.”

“So I don’t get it, Aaron. What’s the problem?”

“She called me this morning and I told her what happened on Friday night was a big mistake. She strictly got upset about my rejection towards her.”

“Well, do you blame her for that?”

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