Eye Candy (4 page)

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Authors: Frederick Germaine

BOOK: Eye Candy
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“Harold was right. She definitely is some good eye candy to look at.”

“I don’t say this too often about beautiful women but I have a funny feeling about this one,” Sebastian said looking at me squarely in the face.

“And what feeling is that, Sebastian?”

“It’s called a man’s instinct. Besides, you know what they say about eye candy, don’t you?”

“No, what do they say?”

“Everything that glitters isn’t gold.”


It was a few minutes after the noon hour and Monica was seated next to Shanna in the teacher’s lounge at North Atlanta High School. The two had just initiated their forty-five-minute lunch. As Monica dug into her brown bag to pull out the chicken salad sandwich on rye bread she prepared earlier this morning, a voice came over the intercom system.

“Would Mrs. Malone please report to the front office as soon as possible,” said the voice.

“Now, I wonder what Doris wants during our lunch break?” Monica said to Shanna.

“It must be important,” said Shanna pouring ranch dressing over the Caesar salad that was in front of her. “You know Doris wouldn’t call you unless it was.”

Doris was the school’s administrative assistant who handled important affairs. This included notifying teachers when they were immediately needed as Monica was now.

“Well, I’ll be back in a minute,” said Monica standing on her feet.

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get back.”

As Monica made her way to the front office, she wondered why she was needed. First, she thought about her twins and hoped everything was alright with them. Secondly, Aaron came to mind. As the anxiety built up, she quickly moved faster to her destination. Making her way down a corridor and through a set of stairs she finally had her eyes fixed on the school’s front office. She took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

“Hi Doris,” said Monica entering the office with a set of mixed emotions. “I heard your announcement over the intercom. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, dear, everything is alright,” replied Doris standing behind the chest-level counter. “I thought you’d like your gift now instead of later.”

“What gift?”

“These beautiful dozen red roses that were just delivered here for you a few minutes ago,” Doris said pointing to the far end of the counter.

The full bloom red roses were elegantly positioned in a glass vase and even added atmosphere to the school’s office. They sat there waiting for Monica to pick them up.

“Oh, my, they are beautiful!”

“Yes and there is a card attached to them also.”

“I wonder who sent these to me.”

“I think you know but read the card just to be sure.”

Monica quickly reached within the vase and pulled the small white envelope out. She opened it and found a tiny card which had a brief message on it.

“Well, Monica, what does it say?”

Monica stood there speechless, smiling, and teary eyed. Finally, she answered Doris’ question.

“The roses are from my husband, Aaron. He wrote:
Roses are continually red as my love is for you. I want to spend the rest of my life, plus eternity, forever loving you. Love, Aaron.”

“Oh, how sweet, Monica. You’re so lucky to have a loving husband like Aaron.”

“Yes, he is a great husband and father.”

Monica carefully picked up the vase of roses and made her way back to the teacher’s lounge where Shanna was waiting. A few more teachers had arrived in the lounge since her brief departure. All eyes gravitated to the display of roses she was carrying as she walked over to her table.

“Well, let me guess who sent you those lovely roses,” said Shanna with an inquisitive stare.

“Yes, Shanna, you already know they are from Aaron,” Monica said carefully placing the roses on the table and taking her seat.

“When am I going to find a man to love me as much as Aaron loves you?”

“Patience is a virtue, Shanna.”

Monica finally took a bite out of her sandwich but could hardly take another one due to all the excitement with the roses. Shanna read the card that Aaron had sent and smiled while a few of the teachers came over admiring the roses.

“I must say, Aaron has a flair for being a romantic husband,” said Shanna still looking at the roses. “I know who is in store for some good loving tonight.”

“And you know I’m a hopeless romantic too.”

“With the twins upcoming birthday, his rigors at work, and your anniversary coming soon he still found time to send roses.”

“Tell me about it. I can barely get the plans together for the twins’ birthday.”

“So how are the plans coming along anyway?” Shanna asked.

“I’ve narrowed it down to Six Flags, White Water, or a birthday celebration at our home.”

“Well, don’t let it wreck your brain whatever you decide the twins will enjoy it. So what are your plans for the big wedding anniversary?”

“I don’t have the slightest clue,” said Monica tiding up their area on the table as their lunch break was almost over. “Aaron is in charge of that since I’m responsible for the twins’ birthday.”

“Judging by his romantic taste, I’d say you won’t be disappointed.”

The two women said their good-byes as Monica made her way to her senior English class while Shanna would teach the biology class she really loved. Monica was so excited about the roses Aaron sent her, she couldn’t decide on which new Victoria Secret outfit to put on for him tonight. Either way, she was definitely going to show him her gratitude.

As Monica reached her classroom, there were a few students trickling in behind her. She placed the ever-so-beautiful roses on her desk which faced outwards towards the students. Then the bell rung which meant it was time for the class to begin. Before speaking, she overlooked the class and made sure everyone was in their designated seats.

“Okay class let’s begin where we left off on Friday,” she announced. “Who can compare and contrast one irony element in Shakespeare’s novels ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’?”

“Oh, Mrs. Malone,” said a student from the front of the room raising her hand. “I can.”

“Yes, Marilyn, let’s hear your answer.”

Marilyn was one of the brightest students in Monica’s class and the entire school. She already accepted a full academic scholarship to Vanderbilt University. There she planned to major in English and become a professor.

“Sure, but first may I ask who brought you those lovely roses?”

“My husband. Now your answer.”

“Well, I would buy roses for you too if you were my beautiful wife,” cried out a male student from the back.

“Danny!” shouted out Monica giving the student a scornful look while the class erupted in laughter.

As you may have guessed, Danny was voted senior class clown and liked by everyone. He had a way with one-liners and smart aleck responses. Surprisingly, he excelled in academics too and received a full scholarship to Wake Forest University where he planned to major in law.

“Sorry, Mrs. Malone, for the outburst,” he said with a sly grin on his face.

“You may proceed with your answer, Marilyn, before you were so rudely interrupted,” said Monica while still giving Danny a stern look.

As the class listened, Marilyn answered Monica’s question more in depth than she had anticipated. For the remainder of the eighty-minute class, the students carried on an intriguing conversation about Shakespeare and his many works. Then the bell rung and the next group of senior English students walked in.

At precisely three-fifteen the final bell rang for the day. Monica decided to leave the roses on her desk so she would have something beautiful to look at throughout the remainder of the week. She eagerly walked to the parking lot, jumped in her Chevy Tahoe and headed to Dunwoody for the twins. She couldn’t wait to give them a hug and a kiss. More importantly, she couldn’t wait for what was in store for her and Aaron later that night.


It was almost seven-thirty when I finally arrived home. I pulled my car into the garage after one of the most exciting yet busy days at work. As I entered the home, our alarm system chimed as usual. It was a way to let the occupants know someone had just entered.

“Daddy’s home,” I shouted out to anyone who would be listening.

“Daddy, daddy,” screamed the twins running towards me from around the corner. “Hey boys,” I said smiling as I scooped both of them up in my arms. “So how was your day?”

“We had fun at grandma’s house, daddy,” blurted out Brandon clinching onto a cartoon action figure in his hand.

“Yeah, and look what mommy bought us,” said Braylon holding up his cartoon action figure. “We got it in our happy meal from McDonald’s after we left grandma’s house.”

“Well, good for you two,” I said. “Looks like you can add those to your ever-growing collection. So where is mommy now?”

The question I asked was really a moot point as the scent of pot roast savored in mushroom gravy, red potatoes, and bell peppers with onions resonated throughout the house. It was also the first thing I smelled when I entered the home.

“She’s in the kitchen, daddy,” answered Brandon before his brother could get a word out. “Do you want to watch the movie with us?”

“What movie is that, Brandon?”

“Happy Feet Two,”
he exclaimed in joy

“Mommy bought us the DVD today after we left McDonald’s,” uttered Braylon still holding up his cartoon action figure.

“Well, maybe later I’ll watch the movie with you two. Let me go and see what mommy is up to in the kitchen.”

“Okay, daddy,” said Brandon. “Come on Braylon lets go finish watching the movie.”

Without hesitation, Braylon complied with Brandon wishes. They both ran into the living room like two little cheetahs and disappeared right before my eyes. I shook my head and smiled, then made my way to the kitchen to see my wife.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I said entering the kitchen.

“Hello, honey,” she said wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a kiss. “I’m so glad you finally made it home.”

Monica was still dressed in her attire from work and looked sexier than ever. She wore a nice pink-printed dress that showed a little bit of her cleavage. Along her neck and arms were the right accessories to give her dress a bit of flair but remain conservative too. Her waistline showed the perfect figure which no one would ever imagine she had twins.

“I’m glad to be here.”

“Thank you so much for the roses, honey. You really know how to brighten up my day, especially since the school year is coming to an end.”

“A lovely lady should always have lovely roses,” I said taking the dinner plates out of the cabinet in an attempt to set the table. By now, I was thinking how lucky I was to have Jane as my secretary.

“So how was your day at work with the new consultant?” she asked still smiling at my last comment.

“It was good. Tiffany, that’s her name, seemed to be a very likable and knowledgeable candidate whom Mr. Bradshaw selected. She even completed her undergraduate degree here in Atlanta.”

“Oh really. Where?”

“Not too far from here over at Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. She even finished top of her class and then went to Stanford for her masters.”

“Interesting, I’m so glad to see Mr. Bradshaw being open-minded and having a well-qualified female to assist you on the redevelopment project.”

“Yes, but beginning tomorrow I’ll have my work cut out for me,” I said continuing to set the table. “Today, Mr. Bradshaw officially assigned the redevelopment project to me which has time-sensitive deadlines. That means a lot of late hours at the office and proof presentations for his approval.”

“Well, the boys and I understand, Aaron. Besides, once you do come home, I’ll be able to relieve you from your hard day at work.”

“So what did you have in mind?” I asked prying into her imagination but knowing where she was going with the conversation.

“For starters, we can begin tonight with playing dress up. I’ll be the naughty school girl and you can play the big, bad, and mean principal.”

“Oh, I like that! However, you know what happened last time you played that roll. We almost woke the kids.”

“Yes, I remember,” she said chuckling. “But they should be dead asleep in a few hours. I took them to their favorite park earlier where they played and ran their little hearts out. Thus, they’ll be fully knocked out after their bellies are full.”

“I could always leave it up to you to come up with a master plan like that,” I said pulling a chair out from the table. “Come on boys, dinner is ready. It’s time to eat and then it’s off to bed.”

When the boys eagerly entered the kitchen, we all sat down. Then I led grace and we dug into the pot roast.

“Well boys, I’ve finally decided how we are going to spend your fourth birthday celebration,” Monica said sitting from table without having touched her food.

“Mommy, I want to go to Six Flags and I mean it,” Brandon said in a loud voice.

“No, no, no Brandon,” yelled Braylon with his mouth partially full. “It’s going to be White Water.”

I dug in further to my pot roast and simply looked down at my plate. I knew Monica had her hands full trying to select the birthday event and I didn’t want any part of it.

“No, we’re not doing either one of those this year,” she said in a stern voice even catching my attention. “Instead, we are going to have the biggest birthday party right here at the house with all your friends and family.”

“Mommy, I don’t want to do that,” said Brandon pouting with fake tears in his eyes.

“Well, just wait a minute and hear me out,” she continued. “With the birthday party, all your friends can come over and bring you lots of gifts and toys. Plus, we can have a bouncy house of your favorite cartoon character with grandpa cooking burgers, hot dogs, and barbeque chicken on the grill.”

Once the boys’ brains comprehended all the gifts and toys they stood to take in, their eyes lit up. Between the neighbors, our friends, and co-workers kids there were surely to be at least fifty kids at the birthday party. I didn’t have any complaints because at the end of the day it would be well worth it.

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