Eye of the Beholder (29 page)

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Authors: Ingrid Weaver

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Eye of the Beholder
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She tried to ignore the tickle of disappointment she felt. He meant they would get together when he was on leave. So what if he wanted to pick up where they left off? He was willingly talking about John and facing his past, which was a huge step forward for him. “That sounds great.”

“I realize we’ll have a lot of details to work through because of our careers, but given your gift for organization we’re bound to figure out something. If the Winston chain does go ahead with the resort in Rocama, I could volunteer to work with you as a local adviser or liaison. Then if you can’t transfer to a hotel in this area, the army public relations office could always use someone with your skills.”

The disappointment was quickly replaced by confusion. “Transfer? For a weekend?”

“Glenna, I didn’t mean…” He paused. “Damn, I’ve been going over this in my head for almost two days now and I still don’t know how to say it.”

“Say what, Rafe?”

The weariness eased from his face as his lips curved into a smile. “To be honest, I’d rather show you.”

Headache or no headache, his smile still knocked the breath from her lungs. “Show me?”

“That night we spent at my apartment, you were right about what we were doing, Glenna.” He leaned over and brought his lips to hers. “We were making love.”

His kiss was restrained, a mere brush of his mouth, yet she felt it clear through to her toes. The grogginess she’d awakened with was long gone as her heart began to race. This was her warrior lover, her real-life hero.

“I love you, Glenna.”

She wasn’t dreaming. She’d been through enough now to recognize reality. And this was more real than she’d dared to hope.

“I love you.” He pulled back to look at her, his smile growing. “And if you’ll have me, I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be a man you can love in return.”

Her eyes filled. “Oh, Rafe, you don’t have to try. You already are.”

He caught her tears with h fingertips. He didn’t say any more. He didn’t have to. Because he was showing her. Love trembled in the corners of his smile. Love gleamed in his pure blue gaze. Love softened the hard planes of his face and turned the lines and gullies of his ruined cheek into a reflection of the strength in his soul.

And in that moment Glenna knew she was looking at the handsomest man in the world.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8256-2


Copyright © 2003 by Ingrid Caris

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