F-Stop (30 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: F-Stop
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“Was there any sign of where they were taken?”

Faith shook her head. “No, honey, there isn’t. That’s all I know. The guys will be back soon and they can fill you in.” She squeezed Kat’s hands. “It’s going to be okay, Kat. I promise you. Whatever happens, the guys will find the Wrights and your sister and get them out in one piece.”

But she could see the doubt and fear battling in Kat’s eyes.

With the hostages gone and no guards visible, Ed hovered the helicopter just low enough for the men to scramble in. Mike was first through the door. He tossed his gear to the side and was beside Kat in seconds. Not caring who saw them, he pulled her to him and hugged her to his chest.

“It’s okay, kitten,” he said in her ear, taking the gun from her hands and stashing it in one of his vest pockets. “We’ll find them and we’ll get them out.”

“What was at the hut?” She still couldn’t believe, after the clarity of her images, that no one was there.

“You could tell people had been staying there. Marks on the dirt floor, evidence the bathroom had been used.”

“They did have a bathroom?” She didn’t know why that was so important to her.

“Very crude but usable.”

Kat barely noticed when Rick slammed the open door of the cabin closed and Ed lifted off, climbing away from the marijuana fields. All she could focus on was the disappearance of her sister and the Wrights.

“Did you… Did they… Was there…” She stopped took in a deep breath and let it out. “Okay. I’m all right. I just need to know if you could tell by looking if…”

“There was very little trace of blood,” he assured her. “In one of the photos Eli looked like he’d been hit in the nose, so a nosebleed would account for what we found.”

“Weren’t there any guards or anything?”

“No. The place was completely deserted.” He kissed her forehead. “I promise you, whatever it takes, we’ll find them again and get them out safely.”

“Why do you think they moved them?” she asked.

Mark had divested himself of his gear and was crouched down beside them now.

“Something went wrong with the ransom drop.”

“I say call Anthony Delaware, just tell him Katherine’s beside herself with worry and what can he tell us? Don’t let him onto anything we’re doing.”

“And feel him out to see if they’ve got a lead on the kidnappers.” Dan had moved over to sit with them. “If they do, they may have done something stupid that triggered this.”

“The Feds are reluctant to go into Mexico,” Mark reminded him.

“Yeah but they could still have tried to pull something.”

“Here’s another question,” Troy put in. “Did anyone see somebody hanging around the airfield who could have been from their San Diego office?”

“No,” Mike answered. “I checked very carefully when I filed our flight plan and drove back to where we had the bird sitting. You know me. Recon’s my middle name. If there had been anyone there out of sync, I’d have seen it.”

“So what the hell happened to make the hostages disappear?”

“You don’t think they’ve killed them, do you?” Kat had been almost afraid to ask the question.

“No.” Mike tightened his hold on her. “I think whatever’s going on is still happening and the hostages are still a valuable commodity.”

“I say let’s call the Feds in the morning,” Dan suggested. “Not tonight. It’s way too late. We’ll look too panicked and they’ll wonder what prompted the call. But tomorrow morning, first thing, let’s get this guy on the horn.”

* * * * *

Rip had snuck off to the bathroom again and called the other two men. One answered immediately. The other he had to wait and call back, knowing the vibrating of the phone had alerted him and he’d need time to get someplace private.

“This damn thing better be over tomorrow when the ransom’s handed over,” one of them said. It was obvious his nerves were frayed and Rip just hoped like hell he didn’t come unglued at the wrong time.

“Don’t worry,” he assured them. “We know the Feds screwed up and these guys are playing with our heads. Tomorrow will be it.”

“I just hope to hell you’re right.”

“It’s almost over,” Rip assured them. “We all just need to hang tight. The Feds have no idea who’s behind this, who’s getting the ransom, or who set the Wrights up. Let’s keep it that way.”

There was a little more grumbling before they all hung up. Rip just hoped what he said was true and tomorrow this would all be behind them.

* * * * *

Kat was exhausted emotionally and mentally by the time they returned to the hotel.

Dan had called ahead with reservations for those who had flown in with Ed and they all parted in the lobby.

“Eight o’clock in your suite,” Dan told Mike. “Order breakfast.” Mike nodded and guided Kat into the elevator. Then half-carried her to their suite.

As soon as they were inside, he swept her up in his arms, carried her into the bedroom and set her on her feet. He made a quick detour to turn on the shower. Then with unbearable tenderness, he began to peel away her clothing.

She felt as if she was crumbling from the inside out.

“I don’t know how much longer I can stand this,” she told him, squeezing her eyes shut to hold back the threatening tears.

“As long as you need to.” He brushed his lips against hers. “You’re a strong woman, Kat. Mari needs you to be strong just a little while longer.”

“W-What if she’s already dead?” She threw her arms around him and pressed herself against him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” He unwound her arms long enough to strip his clothes away.

“If they were dead, we’d definitely have heard from the FBI. They might not like
but they have an obligation to inform
So let’s don’t even go there yet. Come on.” He lifted her again. “A hot shower will wash away some of that tension. Then I vote for the brandy in the minibar.”

The hot water spraying down on her began to ease her nerves but not nearly as much as the movement of Mike’s hands over her body. He poured liquid soap into his palms, worked it into a lather and began at her shoulders with sweeping strokes. His fingers kneaded her tense muscles, the tips dancing down the knuckles of her spine, massaging her buttocks, then continuing the massage down the outsides of her thighs and calves.

“See how good this is?” he murmured. “You were wound tighter than a rubber band. You know what happens when rubber stretches too far, don’t you? It breaks. I don’t want you to break, Kat. Mari needs you.” His strong hands moved to massage her neck. “
need you.”

She let out a shuddering breath. “I need you too, Mike.”

“Well then. See how nicely that works out?” He nipped at the lobe of one ear.

“Turn,” he said in a soft voice, his hands urging her to lean against the tiled shower wall.

When she’d done so, he turned his attention to the front of her body. His touch was like liquid magic, plucking at her nerve endings, waking up every pulse and ratcheting up its beat. He circled her breasts and she felt the ice inside her body begin to melt. His fingers lightly pinched her nipples, sending threads of heat unraveling through her veins. Then he moved to the curls covering her mound, rubbing the lather into them with slow, circular strokes before moving his fingers through the outer lips of her cunt.

Her legs began to wobble and she grabbed his shoulders for support.

The hard ropes of muscles beneath his skin flexed as he moved his arms and the thick mat of hair on his chest tickled and teased at her suddenly diamond-hard nipples.

His soap-slicked fingers rubbed her clit, brushing back and forth, just enough to arouse her but not enough to give her relief. Sensation built on sensation beneath his touch and the tightly coiled spring of need deep inside her began to unwind.

She dug her fingers into his granite arms as shudders raced through her, shaking her like a leaf tossed into the wind. One hand trailed back down to the hard bundle of nerves between her thighs, his fingers slick with the soap as he rubbed and tugged at it, lighting fires she didn’t even realize had been dormant.

“Please,” she begged.

“Please what?” he whispered, sliding three fingers into her waiting pussy. “Please make you come?”

“Yes,” she whispered, reaching, reaching, reaching for the top of that sensuous peak.

“Go with it, kitten,” he whispered, continuing his strokes between her thighs. “Let it happen. Now.”

He backed her against the tile wall, clamped his mouth to hers and pinched her clit, tumbling her into the abyss. The orgasm rolled over her as she clung to him to anchor herself, trembling and shaking. When the last tiny little spasm had subsided, she dropped her head to his shoulder, trying to calm the rapid beat of her heart.

He unhooked the manual shower head and rinsed her off completely, then turned it on himself.

She was as limp as a dishrag, barely able to stay upright as he dried her off with a fluffy towel, then carried her to the bed and placed her on the soft, almost silken sheets.

But she wasn’t going to let him get away without satisfaction himself. Sated as she was, the sight of his erection was enough to set up the drumbeat in her pulses again and the snapping tingle in her nerves.

Opening her legs wide, she tugged at him until he tumbled into the cradle of her thighs. Threading her fingers through his damp hair, she pulled his head down to hers, pressing a warm kiss to his sensuous mouth. His tongue licked the edges of her lips, then traced the closed seam before slipping gently inside.

The kiss grew in intensity, his tongue like a hot flame licking every surface of her welcoming cavern, until he suddenly jerked his head back.

“Kat,” he began, “you’re in no shape—”

“I’m in great shape,” she protested. “You made sure of that. This is what I need.

What we both need. Please, Mike. Let me lose myself in you.” His dark eyes locked with hers, studying them, reading them. Then, apparently reassured by what he saw, he kissed her with so much emotion she felt tears threatening again. The crisp hairs on his chest felt so good as they brushed against the sensitive skin of her breasts and her nipples. The heat of his body infused itself into hers and the need drove through her once more.

Reaching into the nightstand drawer, he pulled out a condom, ripped it open with his teeth and, rising above her, sheathed himself with one movement.

When he entered her she felt a sense of completion like nothing she’d ever felt before. She felt as if they were joined together to become one person and she knew that whatever had been in the past, her future was inextricably bound to this man.

His strokes were deep and sure, his hips rolling as he drove into her again and again. The tight need inside her rapidly uncoiled, spinning through her with the force of a whirlwind. Harder, deeper he pushed, until they were both teetering on the brink of an eruption.

This orgasm was more like an unfolding than an explosion and it went on and on and on, lifting her to a higher and higher plane. When she came down it was more of a soft landing than a crash. She lifted her face for Mike’s kiss, his lips like raw silk against hers, his tongue a whisper of a caress inside her mouth.

“I love you, Kat,” he murmured, tightening his arms around her.

“I love you too.”

When he’d disposed of the condom, he climbed back into bed and spooned her against him. She nestled her head against his arm and fell asleep, knowing whatever the next day would bring, she could face it with this man next to her.

* * * * *

As the sun rose, chasing away the darkness of the night, Anthony Delaware touched base with his agents at other locations. No one had anything to report. He had never felt so helpless in his life. Here he was trying to manage a ransom drop and a hostage retrieval and he didn’t even know who he was dealing with.

What if Pelley was manufacturing the whole thing? What if none of this was real, just a way for him to sneak fifteen million dollars out of Wright International and split it with the people in Mexico? But the next moment he realized that wasn’t true. Besides, if there hadn’t been a kidnapping, the Wrights and Mari Culhane would have shown up someplace by now and blown the whole thing. Besides, he’d seen the photos of the hostages and they were anything but fakes.

So how did he get a handle on this?

He still wasn’t letting Pelley off the hook. Or the other two men, as a matter of fact.

Someone had made the contact with the kidnappers. Someone had fed them information. If he could just pinpoint which of the three men receiving the emails it was, he’d wring the hostage location out of him if he had to break every bone in the man’s body. Forget about following the manual. Four people could die if he couldn’t figure this out.

He felt as if he’d been living in this office for a year. He’d finally borrowed Pelley’s executive bathroom, showered and changed into the clothes he’d had someone from the office drop off. He felt marginally better. A gallon of coffee would help even more.

He was also sure that someone from the Phoenix Agency would call him this morning. If he didn’t have answers for them, they’d simply tell him politely—or not so politely—to kiss their ass and go off and do their own thing. He had no doubt that with their contacts and unshackled by the restraints of political pressure and government rules, they’d find out who was behind this, rescue the hostages and he and his men would all be called to Washington to have their asses handed to them.

Well, shit.

When he walked back into Pelley’s office, he saw that the big coffee urn from the employee cafeteria was bubbling away on the sideboard and plates of pastries had been set out. Pelley was waiting for him impatiently.

“I got another call,” he blurted out. “And another email. While you were showering. They want the ransom drop at ten thirty today.” Delaware poured himself a cup of coffee and sipped it while he kicked his brain into gear. “Will you have the bonds by then?”

“Yes. I was very specific that I had to have them by nine o’clock.”

“What else did the email say?”

“That the moment they have the bonds in hand they will take the hostages someplace we can pick them up and release them.”

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