Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) (19 page)

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He tossed Trip a small baggie. "Contents of his pockets."

Trip nodded. "Good. I'll note everything down and send it on to our friends. That way they'll know who to visit if the need arises."

"Have a nice ride, motherfucker." I shut the tailgate, and joined Trip, Dix, and Skates in the truck. Crank took the evidence to dispose of it.

In the very early morning, we made a quick stop in town, not far from the Sheriff's Office, carefully out of range of any security cameras. We dropped our passenger off, lowering him to lie on the sidewalk. A brief note tucked into the blanket explained who, and what, he was.



As darkness fell the next day, the national news media had picked up the story of the rapist found tortured and mutilated, and still alive, in a tiny town in Oklahoma. Reaction was mixed, with cries for the police to arrest whoever had tortured the poor victim, and a loud chorus of approval.

Worried about how Justine was handling the whole thing, I spoke to Crank for a moment. When he agreed readily to my request, I wrapped my arms around her. "Come on, let's get out of here."

"What?" Startled eyes peered up at me. "Where?"

"Leave that part to me. It's a surprise."

"But, I can't go anywhere! I look terrible. And you ruined the only bra I had with me." The very normal, very female, alarm in her voice made me smile.

"I guess the mall is our first stop then. Besides, I'm told a t-shirt and club cut isn't the appropriate attire for many activities." I gave a long-suffering sigh. "We can take the SUV, so I don't mess my hair up."

She came up with about a dozen objections, but the girls encouraged her to go with me, and she finally relented.

I by-passed the mall in town, and headed into OKC. There, I found what I wanted—not teen and casual clothing stores. As we parked, Crank texted with our reservation information, right on time. Inside, I found one of those fancy boutiques, and led Justine through the door.

"What are you doing?" She pulled back a little.

Ignoring her, I focused on the anorexic-looking shop girl. "Can I have a word, please?"

Her fake-purple gaze flicked nervously over me, but she nodded, and I stepped a few feet from Justine. "My lady's been through a rough few days. I'm taking her to Carlini's for dinner. She needs everything from the skin out, head to toe. Whatever you don't have here, can you make arrangements for, and see she's taken care of?" I slipped her five hundred-dollar bills.

The purple eyes widened. "Of course. What's the time frame?"

I glanced at my watch, and gave her the reservation time. "I also need a good men's shop, since I doubt the maître de would appreciate this look."

She smiled, won over. "Probably not. Okay, it's unusual, but I can make sure everything is ready in time."

I handed over a credit card, and told her to knock herself out and impress me, then went back to Justine. "Okay, baby. This young lady will help you find something to wear. I'm going over to the men's shop and see if I can find a fucking shirt."

She smiled, accepted my kiss, and totally missed my wink at the shop girl.

I found the right place a few shops down. By the time the shop girl—this one with fake aqua-marine eyes—finished with me, I had to admit, I was impressed. But when I went to pick up Justine, I could barely pick my own jaw up off the floor.

Purple-eyes had outdone herself. Justine's hair was swept up off her neck into an elegant knot, and tasteful makeup accented her natural beauty. A rich blue dress hugged every curve, ending just above her knee. She seemed equally awestruck.

"I hope you have a wonderful evening." Purple-eyes returned my credit card, and receipts, and ushered us out of her way.

"I can't believe you did all this."

"What, take my girl out to dinner?" I helped her into the SUV and closed her door.

When I took my place behind the wheel, Justine placed a light hand on my sleeve. "You didn't have to take me anywhere fancy. Fast food is perfect, as long as we're together."

I grinned. "You have a point there. But seeing as we're all dressed up, I'd hate to waste it." The drive to Carlini's took only a few minutes. Valet parking and maître de service were both pretty damn low on my list of things to do. Until I saw the excitement sparkling in Justine's eyes. For that, I would hand my keys over every fucking day of the week.

Dinner lived up to every cent of the inflated price, and after, I checked my phone for the other reservation Crank texted. It nearly killed me, but I checked my phone GPS for directions, and followed them carefully.

When we pulled up to the Richland Hotel, I thought Justine would hyperventilate. Again, I handed my keys over, and led her inside. The whole time I checked us in, and found our suite, she didn't say a word.

As soon as the door closed behind us, she flung herself into my arms. "Oh my God! Why?"

I bent to taste her lips. "Because I love you."

A couple of times, as I got rid of our fancy clothes, she tensed up, but I pushed on, unwilling to give her attacker a millimeter of space in her head. That was all mine.

When we were finally naked, and I could barely restrain myself, I lifted her into my arms and carried her over to the big bed, lowering her to the fancy Egyptian cotton sheets. She surprised me by pulling me up her body and cradling my hips between her thighs.

"I don't want to wait. I need you inside me."

This time, I was prepared with a condom. "Well, far be it from me to argue with a lady." I sheathed my cock in her wet heat, and quickly pushed us both over the edge and into the stratosphere.

Later, after making love to her in the hot tub, I sat back with Justine in my arms. "Hey, Jus?"

"Yeah?" She met my gaze, concern evident in hers.

"Will you go back to Kentucky with me and the kids? I haven't talked to them about it, but I think it would be best for them." I fought the impulse to explain further.

She stared up at me. "When are you leaving?"

My heart sank. That didn't sound very promising. "Nicole has two weeks left of school. I thought I'd use that time to get the estate settled and figure out what to do with the house."

She nodded. "That sounds reasonable."


"Yeah. I can turn in my resignation and get things taken care of in two weeks." She smiled. "As if there was ever any question."

I laughed. "You had me going there for a minute."

"I fucking love you, Fabio." The dirty word, combined with her declaration, made my cock jump in anticipation.

"You ready for the next question?"

She smiled. "I don't know. Depends what it is."

I swallowed the smartass remark that threatened. "Think you could see yourself as an ol' lady?"

She stayed silent a long moment. "I guess, if I live long enough, I will when I look in the mirror."

Disappointment took the wind out of my sails. "I didn't mean—"

She burst out laughing. "Yeah, Fabio, I'll be your fucking ol' lady."

"You are an evil woman, you know that?" I fished an ice cube from the champagne bucket beside us, and trailed it down the back of her neck.

The End




It turned out, two weeks wasn't very long when it came to getting shit settled, but we managed it. The kids were as excited as I was about the whole operation. I wasn't sure which they liked better, the idea of riding in Justine's car with her, or the move itself.

Friday morning, after the school year ended on Thursday, we added the last few things to the trunk, and Crank and I ran through a final safety check out by the street. Some idiot came speeding from behind us, and I turned, ready to flip them off.

Sarah Channing's work car pulled in behind the bikes, and she got out. "I just wanted to stop in and say good bye and good luck." She smiled, and went to lean in the car and talk to the kids.

One glimpse of Crank's face as he caught a look at her ass while she bent over, and I laughed. Fucker was lost and didn't even know it yet.

After a moment, Ms. Channing came and shook my hand. "I'm glad I was the one who took the call when you showed up to get them. It's good to know you."

I grinned. "I'm glad, too. You restored my faith in the system. A little, anyway."

She glanced at Crank. "It was good to meet you, too, Crank." She turned and started back to her car.

He stood there like an idiot for a second, then bolted after her, to catch her arm and pull her to him. The kiss he laid on her probably melted the neighbors' eyeballs. "You have my number, Sarah. You need anything, and I do mean
, you call. I'll be here." Reluctant, he released her, and she drove away.

"Sure you don't wanna stay here, man, pursue that a bit longer?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm not sure. But I'm not stupid. Uptight chick like that don't give up suburbia for a long-term walk on the wild side." He swung onto his bike and rolled out, leading the way.


Watch for Crank and Sarah's story this summer! If you enjoyed Fabio's Remorse, please consider leaving a review. It only takes a moment, and it's a great way to help Indie Authors. You might also like my other books:
Hell Raiders MC Romance Series

Kellen’s Redemption (Hell Raiders MC Book #1) –

Dixon's Resurrection (Hell Raiders MC Book #2) -

Trip's Retribution (Hell Raiders MC Book #3) -

Prizefight (Hell Raiders MC Book #4) -

Hunted Love Series

Big Game: Hunted Love #1-

Bounty : Hunted Love #2-

Captured: Hunted Love #3 -


Ride Series – Co Written with Ashley Wheels

Ride It Out –

If you'd like to stay up to date on what I’m working on,


Keep reading for a sneak preview of my next release, which will begin a

The Unwanted Soldiers: When the good guys can't get the job done, you hire the bad boys.

The following scene is from Trick's Target, Book One of the Unwanted Soldiers, coming Summer 2016. This is an unedited draft, and what appears in the final published version of Trick's Target will differ. This preview is copyrighted.

The target worked the crowd like a pro, moving from one group to another, charming their checkbooks right out of their pockets. She gave the terms 'little black dress' and 'fuck me heels' a whole new meaning. She absolutely sparkled, and every dick in the room paid attention, including mine.

I stayed nearby and kept a close eye on her, exactly as agreed. A stir on the other side of the room drew my attention for a second, until the voice in my earpiece assured me it was only the Candidate entering, late as usual.

It only took a few minutes for Senator Richardson to make his way over to his girlfriend, and I instinctively moved closer. "A word, darling?"

Fear, quickly hidden, flashed in her sea-green eyes. "Of course." She slipped her hand into his arm and allowed him to lead her away.

Fuck! He drew her into a service corridor, away from the crowd, removing my reason to hang close by her. So I lingered at a discreet distance, the same as the Senator's security man. The two of us stood and waited, just outside the door to the hall.

I ran my finger under the collar of my shirt, ready to ditch the fucking tie. "You ever get used to the suit and tie get-up every single day?"

My counterpart smirked. "No, but it funds the things I actually like to do, so I deal with it."

"Heard that. When this thing gets far enough along for him to get Secret Service protection, you got big plans?" I spent the last twelve days trying to find a way to get close to someone on the Senator's security detail, with varying degrees of success. This guy seemed my most likely source of intel.

"I'm staying on. He wants his own people, loyal only to him. With all the black marks against the Secret Service in the last couple of years, he doesn't trust them."

I filed that information away for later examination. "Don't blame him. The last administration has let shit get way out of hand." At the moment, I just needed to secure a spot on that private team, in case I couldn't get her out before the feds stepped in.

The door behind us swung open suddenly, interrupting the conversation, and Senator Richardson headed back to the party. I waited, expecting Lauren to follow closely. A full minute passed with no sign of her, so I ducked into the hall.

She sat crumpled against the wall at the far end of the corridor, past the kitchen entrance.

I flipped the lock on the door to the party, drew my .45, and hurried to her side. "Lauren? What's wrong?"

She shook her head rather than reply, and her loosened hair fell to hide her face. A blood droplet fell to the white tile of the floor.

Alarm shot through me. "You're hurt. Hang in there, I'm calling for help."

"No!" The shrillness of her voice surprised me. "I'm fine. I just want to go upstairs now." More blood fell.

Rage shot through me, but I concealed it. "Okay, I'll make sure you get there safely." I tugged the white handkerchief from the breast pocket of my jacket, and extended it to her. "Here, let me help."

After a long moment, she tipped her head back, eyes closed, to reveal a split lip and bloody nose. "I was so stupid."

"Let's get you upstairs and patched up. Here, keep this over your mouth and nose, and keep your head down." I helped her stand. "We have to go through the ballroom to reach the elevators. Anyone asks, you've come down with a stomach problem."

She nodded and took a step, only to flinch and nearly fall. "I don't think I can walk that far. I twisted my ankle when…"

Damn it. "Okay. I'll carry you. Just keep your face turned in, and covered. I'll say you have a severe migraine."

She nodded again and allowed me to pick her up. I cradled her carefully against my chest, made sure she was covered, then spoke into my comm unit. "Hey, man, clear me a path. I'm coming out of the corridor. She has a bad migraine, can't walk. I'm carrying her through to the elevators."


As soon as I pushed through to the ballroom, the Senator rushed up. "Lauren, are you okay?"

Her body tensed in my arms, but she nodded a little. "Migraine. I'll be fine."

"I'm taking her upstairs, Senator. I'll make sure she's safely settled in with some Tylenol." The temptation to set Lauren down and beat the piss out of the coward made me tremble, but I hid it.

"Thank you, so much. Mitch, will you go up with them, make sure no one bothers them?" The Senator turned to my counterpart. The man nodded. "Good, thank you. Lauren, feel better, darling." The hand he laid on her shoulder was meant to look comforting for his supporters, but I saw the way his fingertips dug in, exerting painful pressure.

Lauren moaned with pain, and he released her. His security man went ahead, clearing the way, and I strode after him, furious and ready to kill.

We went up in the elevator without a word. She didn't move, except to relax a little into my arms. Mitch opened the suite with the keycard. "You got it from here?"

"Yeah, we're good. Thanks."

He gave a quick nod and headed back down.

I placed Lauren gently on the sofa and went in search of ice and hand towels. "Here, let's get you cleaned up." I pressed a cool washcloth to the corner of her mouth.

"I-I'll be fine. You don't have to stay."

"I'm not leaving, so get used to it." She accepted that far easier than I expected. "Want to tell me what happened?" I already knew, but I needed her to know it. She had to fucking acknowledge the abuse, and let me get her out.

She shrugged a little. "Jason wanted me to wear green tonight. The dress had a rip, so I wore this one instead. I should have asked first."

"He got mad that you didn't wear the right dress, so he hit you?" I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice.

"It wasn't his fault. I knew better. Black makes me look washed out."

"Listen to me, Lauren." I touched her chin to make sure she looked at me. "You could wear a feed sack and be fucking gorgeous. You were the most beautiful woman in that room tonight. He was jealous."

Her eyes widened. "No, you're being sweet, but I know—"

"It doesn't matter. He hit you. That's never acceptable." I stopped talking before I got any more pissed, and concentrated on cleaning the blood away, and giving her ice to hold on her face.

With that taken care of, I turned to deal with the twisted ankle. The sexy shoes came off easily, despite the already substantial swelling. I hurried with ice, wincing when I spotted the angry bruise already forming on the side of her delicate foot.

"Don't move. I'm going to find Tylenol." As soon as I moved away, I tapped my comm unit. "Let the Senator know Miss Johnson is settled in safely for the night. I'll make sure no one bothers her."

"Affirmative. Good job."

And watch for DESTINY, by Ashley Wheels, coming Summer 2016


Just when I think my life can’t possibly get any worse, it does.

The one phone call.

The doctor’s visit.

Something was wrong with me.

Deciding to let fate handle my life, I do nothing. Instead, I choose to focus on my list of things I should have done long ago. Number one on the list?

To fuck a biker.



Two weeks.

That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen her.

But why would I? I was just fulfilling a good girl’s fantasy.

But, damn, she fulfilled some of mine as well.

I didn’t want to admit it, but it’s true. I’m jealous of Chalk, Fianna and the relationship they had with Abigail. I want that for myself.

But I fucked up it all up by using Astro’s name. Do I give a damn? No. I want more of her and I won’t stop until I find her.

She’s hiding something from me, something big.

But now that I’ve found her, I won’t let anything stop me from having her in my life, forever.

Not even her.










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