Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5) (16 page)

BOOK: Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book 5)
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The house settled in for the night, and after one last security check, I made my way back to the guest room and Justine. She still slept deeply, and I had the distinct feeling fear had limited her rest for far too long. That she felt safe enough with me to let down her guard, and give in to the exhaustion, swelled my chest with pride. Deep down, she knew I would give my life to keep her safe. I liked her knowing that.

I grabbed an extra blanket rather than disturb her to pull the covers from beneath her. Stripping down to my boxers, I laid down beside her and spread the blanket over both of us. She sighed, and almost immediately, rolled toward me, wedging her body in close to mine. I slipped my arm under her, and she moved to pillow her head on my chest, as if she'd always done it.

Far be it from me to argue. I nestled her closer and drew her arm across my waist. Her even breathing lulled me to a state of relaxation I hadn't seen in a very long time. Too bad the threat against her kept me partially alert, even at a subconscious level. It would have been good to give it all up and truly rest in her arms. Soon, though. As soon as I killed the motherfucker, we could both rest easy.

Lazily, my thoughts wandered to the future. I had some serious decisions to make, relatively soon. With three weeks left in the school year, I needed to accomplish things quickly. Alexis and Simon's estate had to be settled, first and foremost. Hopefully, there was life insurance to give the kids a start when the time came for them go their own way.

In the meantime, I had to break it to them that we were going back to Kentucky. My life, and my club, were there. Not going back was not an option I wanted to consider, though I would, if the kids needed it. How would Justine feel about that? Could I convince her to come with me?

My gut tightened, interrupting the relaxed state. If she refused to come to Kentucky, what would I do? Sure, I could adapt, stay in Oklahoma, with her and the kids. It would be rough, but I could do it, if I had to. But I sure as fuck wouldn't be happy about it.

Would she leave her parents, family, and friends, for me? How would she feel about starting over in a place so different from what she'd always known? My instincts, or maybe that was just hope, told me she would jump at the chance to get away from painful memories. For the moment, that would have to be good enough.

I dozed, resting but alert, so when the quiet rumble of an engine stopped out on the street, I immediately woke. Careful not to wake Justine, I extricated myself and slipped on my jeans and boots, then made my way down the dark stairs. Beside the living room window, I checked the street.

The black extended-cab four-wheel drive pickup idled at the curb, the occupants evidently waiting for something. A cigarette tip glowed above the steering wheel, then my cell phone beeped.

Dude, U gonna just stand there watching us? Or let us in?

I chuckled. Leave it to Cherry. She never missed anything.

Pull in the driveway, close to the house. Meet u at the door.

The truck backed up, then pulled into the drive. I headed for the door, 9mm in my hand, just in case. Crank came up from the basement as I reached for the doorknob.

"Ours?" His quiet whisper confirmed he'd heard the truck outside as well.

I nodded. "Cherry texted."

He gave a nod. "Okay, go out and meet them. I'll cover your back." He expressed what I'd been thinking all along. Anyone waiting for a chance to get by our defenses could easily take advantage of the distraction of the new arrivals.

"Thanks, Brother." I slipped out the door without a backward glance. Crank stood between Justine and the kids, and any threat that might come their way, and I knew he took the duty seriously.

I approached the truck, careful and looking for trouble. As soon as I drew near, the driver's door opened, the interior lights long ago disabled, and someone climbed out. The street light momentarily silhouetted Cherry's familiar form against the privacy fence.

"Hell ain't froze over yet, son. Come give me a hug." The line she always used when she sensed one of us holding back brought a smile to my lips.

"Best offer I've had in a long time." I swept her into my arms while the others climbed out of the truck. "Let's head inside. Could be watchful eyes out here."

All quiet, I shepherded them into the house, where Crank stepped back from his guard post. "Any trouble?"

Georgie, Dix's ol' lady shook her head. "This burg roll the fucking streets up at dark? We didn't see a soul after we hit town."

I grinned. "Sure does, at least on work nights. Kinda like back home, just on a larger scale."

She laughed a little. "We attracted a little attention at a rest stop in Missouri, nothing we couldn't handle, though."

Cherry grinned. "Between them, Georgie and Tanya had that ol' boy wishing he never been born."

I thoroughly believed it. Georgie was a genuine badass, and handled security at Rita's Rattlesnake, where she worked. The nearly all-female staff couldn't be safer from errant red-necks with caveman complexes. And Trip's ol' lady, Tanya, had taken self-defense seriously after Trip rescued her from life as a sex slave for the Saxon's MC.

"The boys will be here in a couple hours. They ranged back and forth around us, scouting, and right now, they're just outside town, making sure they don't come in right on our heels and raise suspicion." Georgie's explanation only confirmed my respect for her. The girl didn't miss a trick.

Crank hugged each of them. "It's good to see all of you. Fabio's girl will probably be glad for company, too."

I nodded. "She's sleeping now. We'll have to be careful not to overwhelm her, though. She's been a little, uh…sheltered." The word didn't quite fit, but it served the purpose.

Cherry nodded. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. Won't take her long to realize we don't bite much."

"Sheltered, hmm?" Warmth washed over me at the sound of her voice. "I wouldn't call it that, but okay." Justine came to stand close to me, but not as close as I wanted.

I made the introductions, and the girls all seemed on best behavior. I couldn't ask for more than that. Before I knew it, Justine offered food, and the others took her up on it. The kitchen hummed with quiet activity as they worked together, heating up the last of the casseroles and other funeral food, to make sure the boys had a hot meal when they showed up.

I stepped back out of the way to watch. She fit in with the girls just fine. Relief settled in as a fear I hadn't been aware of was soothed. Some women thought themselves superior to the ol' ladies, and snubbed them. Clearly, Justine wasn't that sort.

"She's going to do okay." Crank's quiet voice at my shoulder startled me a little.

"The fuck? Why you sneaking around?" I pretended I hadn't been worried about exactly that.

He chuckled. "Wasn't sneaking, Brother. Made more noise than a heard of elephants. You were just lost in watching your woman, and didn't notice."

Okay, he had me there. I grinned, and admitted it.

"The others are coming in quiet. They'll roll up in a few minutes and park out of sight, then slip inside."

"Good." I would definitely feel better with the security of my Brothers there. "I have a feeling that motherfucker is going to make a move soon."

"Yeah, me too." Crank's confirmation of my intuition put me more on edge.

We lived by our instincts, picking up on non-verbal cues, and paying attention to our guts. My suspicions were one thing, but for Crank to express the same meant a very high likelihood of something nasty happening soon.

A soft sound at the door drew our attention, and within moments, we were joined by Trip, Dix, and Skates. Crank and I greeted them quietly, but enthusiastically. It felt really good to have them there.

Everyone ate while Crank and I moved the pickup into the garage where we could unpack it in privacy. Beyond the normal clothing, and stuff people would bring along for an extended visit, the truck held guns, ammo, other weapons, and cash. Most of the weapons and cash were concealed within carefully designed traps we'd hidden throughout the vehicle.

If the ATF ever got their hands on one of our club vehicles, they would probably die of a massive wet dream. Some of the members' personal vehicles had hiding places, but everything the club owned, from the big SUV to the ATVs, were outfitted to carry a small arsenal entirely out of sight. Of course, they sometimes carried more than weapons and cash, but those were our main interests.

Kellen was a fucking genius at tapping into the interests of his members, and putting them to work for the club. Recently, even a couple of the club girls got in on the act when Kellen acquired a half dozen horses for cheap as part of a rescue. The original intent had been to resell them as soon as they were straightened up enough. But Yolanda and Krissy convinced him the animals could be useful, and offered to train them. So now, the club owned non-mechanical means of transportation, too. Watching Justine with the other women, I couldn't help but wonder what she would bring to the club.

With everyone fed, and the supplies safely stashed in the basement and garage, everyone settled in for the remainder of the night. I showed Trip and Tanya to my sister's room, fully aware of Tanya's need for personal security, even among close friends. After what she survived, it was a fucking miracle she could stand to be near anyone.

In the guest room, Justine waited for me, sitting nervously on the side of the bed. I grinned inwardly. She came without having to be coaxed. A small victory, but it made me feel good anyway.




Fabio paused at the door, watching me with hooded eyes, while every nerve in my body poised for flight. A big part of me wanted to jump him like some kind of fevered animal, and beg him to make me his again. The part of me created by fear reeled in horror at the thought. How could I want a man, any man, even one I loved, after that night?

"Jus." His voice rumbled intimately, in an almost physical caress.

My body responded immediately, despite the questions fear-me kept hurling around.

He came close, the tattoos covering the golden skin of his bare chest drawing my attention. "You're mine. I'm not letting him take us away from again." One hand came up to push my hair back, and lingered on my jaw.


He paused for a moment, as if considering the wisdom of sharing. "The one who's been calling, he's the one behind it all. Might even be working alone now."

A shiver slid over me.

"You understand what I'm saying? I am not going to let him in here." He touched my head.

My faint nod assured him, and he bent to take me in his arms. I had to breathe through my warring emotions, but I managed not to resist.

He easily drew me to my feet, pressing close, making sure I could feel his arousal through his jeans. "I'm going to make love to you, baby."

Fear-me pitched a hissy fit, but I refused to listen to her. Instead, I moved closer, rising to my tiptoes, asking for his kiss.

With a small groan, he bent to take my mouth, making all sorts of promises with his lips and tongue. And I met him, promise for promise.

The warm, rough glide of his fingers along the skin of my sides barely startled me. Not enough to make me react with anything more than clinging to him more tightly. His satisfied grunt served as a good reward. Slowly, he drew my shirt up, and broke our kiss long enough to ease it over my head. Heat blasted through me at the first contact of my bare skin with his, drawing a whimper from me.

He seemed as strongly affected, uttering a long groan, and injecting a hint of desperation into his possession of my mouth. His hands settled at my waist, pulling me closer to press his erection against my belly. Fear-me tried again, but desire flooded my senses, sending her back to her corner.

My hands crept up his sides, tracing taut muscles that rippled under my touch. Focused intently on exploring him, I didn't even notice when he unhooked my bra, until it loosened. He slipped the straps down my arms and let it drop to the floor, then gathered me closer.

Caught between experiencing more of Fabio, and the need to surrender to his passion, I made no objection when his fingers pushed the top of my yoga pants down, taking my panties with them.

In a matter of seconds, I stood before him naked, self-conscious, and needy. His jeans landed on the floor with a thud from whatever he kept in his pockets. He moved away, surprising me, and turned on a small lamp on the nightstand, then clicked off the overhead.

His intimidating erection led the way as he returned, and stopped just in front of me. "You're fucking beautiful, Jus." He brought his hands to my shoulders, and slowly trailed calloused fingers down my chest, pausing for a beat at the upper curve of my breasts. When I remained still, he went on.

My nipples hardened alarmingly under his touch, the sensation driving me to seek more. A soft smile tilted his lips as he cupped my breasts, then bent to take one nipple in his mouth, while he rolled the other between his fingers.

The sound he brought from my throat sounded like someone else, and my hands reflexively went to his head, pulling him closer. Fear-me sulked in her corner, for the moment, defeated by Fabio's touch.

He moved back, leading me along with him, and lowered himself to the bed. I followed without question, eager for more. When he helped me straddle his hips, I hesitated, just for an instant, but that wicked mouth settled over my other nipple and took away any thought of resisting.



She settled her knees to either side of my hips, after a momentary stiffening of her muscles left no doubt about the war she continued to wage in her mind. I should probably wait, not push her so far, so fast. Give her time to become more accustomed to the idea.

But, fuck me, the feel of Justine in my arms overrode any good sense I might have possessed. The taste of her skin was the most intoxicating thing I'd ever encountered, and I had to have more.

The temptation to pull her down and bury myself to the hilt in her made me tremble with the force of resisting. I needed to hang on, coax her, until she made that move herself. Slow and careful, I slid my hand down her flank, over the slight curve of her belly, and down.

A hiss escaped her when I stroked over her damp heat, but she stayed put for my finger to slip between her folds. As much as it killed me, I waited for her to get used to having her pussy touched, then probed further to find her slippery with desire.

Her incredibly sensitive nipples served me well, keeping her need ratcheted higher than any fear that might creep up on her. Slight pressure on her clit compelled her to move her hips, seeking more.

"Fabio, please." Her moan nearly undid my resolve, but I held strong. Giving her only a little more friction, I let one finger dip inside her.

She froze for an instant, battling her demons.

I hummed against her nipple, increasing the sensation, and the moment passed. She relaxed and pressed tighter to my hand, allowing my finger to delve deeper. With more encouragement, she finally gave herself over completely, riding my hand and moaning her pleasure.

Losing the battle with my need, I slid a second finger inside her, groaning at the ripple of tight muscles, then back out to smooth her juices over her clit. The more intense stimulation sent her over the edge, catching me by surprise.

"That's it, baby, come for me."

She weathered the storm of her orgasm with her hands braced on my shoulders, and I continued to stroke gently, prolonging her pleasure. She gave a breathless laugh. "Oh, my God, I'd forgotten how good that feels."

"First of many, baby." I lay back on the bed, and drew her down with me. "So fucking sweet." I laced my fingers through her hair to bring her mouth to mine, and she gave herself over to my kiss once more.

Emotions rolled through me in a tidal wave, impossible to name, but incredibly powerful. I fucking gave that back to her. As desperate as I was to be inside her, to make love to her, my satisfaction with the accomplishment overshadowed it all.

She shifted a little, taking charge of our kiss, and I surrendered gladly, content for her to take the lead. At the moment, her tentative explorations, and the scorching contact of her skin with mine, were all I needed. Until she moved, bringing her pussy to rest against the underside of my hard-on.

I groaned and my hips surged upward, seeking more, before I managed to still my muscles and wait to see what she would do. If I fucking died in that moment, I could ask for nothing more.

Justine wriggled her hips a little, sliding her heat along the length of my cock. A choked groan escaped me with the effort of remaining still. Every instinct screamed for me to take charge, to bury myself in her and not stop until I filled her with my seed. But I gritted my teeth and held on. This needed to be all her decision.

She quickly found a rhythm, and her slick folds moved back and forth over me, the evidence of her desire drenching me. When we were both gasping with need, she paused for a moment, then repositioned herself.

Her muscles vibrated with tension as she held herself over me. "Now, Fabio. I want you inside me."

No further encouragement needed, I arched to reach her opening. The head of my cock slipped between her folds, and I froze, muscles rigid with desperate need.

She lowered herself a little, taking a little of me inside her. I twisted my hands in the sheet to keep from grabbing her hips and slamming her down, impaling her. My impossibly tight balls threatened to erupt with the first inch. Would I be able to hold off until she could take all of me?

When she moved again, coming lower, I tasted blood as my teeth sank into my lip from the strain of forcing myself to hold still. Incredibly tight muscles writhed around my cock, pulling me deeper, and still, I held off, letting her be totally in charge.

Drawing back a little, she came down again, taking me deeper, and deeper. After an eternity, every inch finally buried in her sweet pussy, I moved, allowing my hips to roll a little.

Her muscles clenched so fucking tight, and her hands fisted against my chest, but she moved to meet my thrust.

That was all the encouragement I needed. My hands slid up her thighs to her hips, ready to support and help my woman. She rose and fell on me, forcing me to work at waiting for her.

Suddenly, she cried out, muscles clenching around me. I thrust one more time and surrendered to an orgasm that wrung me dry.

"Fuck, baby." I struggled to get enough air into my lungs as she collapsed onto my chest, heaving for breath. As I started to come down a little, I wrapped my arms around her, cradling the rare treasure of my woman. "You okay?"

She nodded, her hair tickling my jaw. "Fabio?"

"Yeah, baby?" Apprehension licked along my spine.

"We didn't use protection."

My heart stuttered to a halt for a moment, then shifted into overdrive. "Fuck, baby, I'm sorry. I should have…I'm clean, though, so we don't have to worry about that." The words sent my mind reeling to the other thing we
have to worry about. What if I just got her pregnant?

"I'm on the pill, but I forgot yesterday."

Surprisingly, I kind of liked the thought of my baby growing in her belly. "If anything happens, it'll be okay."

Her hair tickled me again as she nodded, then raised her head. "Yes, it will."

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