Faith Versus Fact : Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (9780698195516) (43 page)

BOOK: Faith Versus Fact : Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (9780698195516)
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When asked in 2007
Gallup 2007.

This arrant rejection of facts
Kahan 2014 and references therein.

Nevertheless, 27 percent
John Paul II 1996; Masci 2009.

A survey of Americans
Pew Research 2010.

The psychologist Jonathan Haidt
Haidt 2013.

How many Christians
See Ehrman 2013 on the historicity of Jesus.

“People come to faith”
Luhrmann 2012, p. 223.

“The aim is to discover”
Plantinga 2011, p. 154.

“[In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam]”
Plantinga 2010.

“the substance of things hoped for”
Hebrews 11:1.

“intense, usually confident, belief”
Kaufmann 1961, p. 2.

“blessed are they that have not seen”
John 20:29.

“But the natural man receiveth”
1 Corinthians 2:14.

“The Son of God died”
Evans 1956 (“. . . et mortuus est Dei filius: prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est; et sepultus resurrexit: certum est, quia impossibile”).

“To be right in everything”
Fordham University, “Medieval Sourcebook: St. Ignatius Loyola: Spiritual Exercises,” Thirteenth Rule,

“The spirit of curiosity is not a good spirit”
Elise Harris, “Pope Francis: Kingdom
of God ‘Comes by Wisdom,'”, November 14, 2013,

“For reason is the greatest enemy”
Luther 1857, p. 164.

“There is on earth among all dangers”
Luther quoted in Kaufmann 1961, p. 75.

The Lutheran theologian whom I debated
Lutheran creeds from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,

“an expression of the determination”
Royal Society, “History,”

“Natural selection was a revolution”
Atkins 1995, p. 98.

“And therefore, if in some historically contingent circumstances”
William Lane Craig, “Dealing with Doubt,” video at; see also “Set Free” at

“Let's take the resurrection”
Justin Thacker in interview with Julian Baggini, in Baggini 2012a, pp. 516–17.

“if you ask me”
John Haught in interview with Steve Paulson, at; see also Paulson 2010, pp. 83–98.

“As a believer in God”
Giberson 2009, p. 213.

“Genesis is a book of religious revelations”
Ayala 2007, p. 175.

“As we have seen”
Gilkey 1985, pp. 113–14.

“How should we understand the narratives of Genesis?”
Pope Benedict, 2013. Text from,_creation_and_free_will/en1-662454.

Unfortunately, many believers
Jones 2011.

“The Bible's prime purpose”
Wieland 2000, p. 4.

“A world of life with evolution”
Ayala 2012, p. 291.

“Seeking to populate this otherwise sterile universe”
Collins 2006, pp. 200–201.

“The presence of God is veiled”
Polkinghorne and Beale 2009, p. 11.

“It is essential to religious experience”
Haught 2003, p. 86.

“The other day I was praying”
Weaver 2014.

“The invisible and the non-existent”
McKown 1993, p. 39.

Given that nobody has returned
For criticisms of two recent reports of visits to heaven, see Dittrich 2013 and T. A. McMahon, “‘Is Heaven for Real' for Real? An Exercise in Discernment,” at
The Berean Call
(a religious site),

“In any case, were I to try”
Haught 2006, pp. 203–4.

“With respect to the theological view”
Darwin letter to Asa Gray, May 22, 1860. Darwin Correspondence Project, letter 2814,

If born in Utah
Newport 2014a.

The Quran also claims
Quran, Surat An-Nisa' 4:157.

How many different religions are there?
Number of Christian sects from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary,

And even today
Pew Research 2011.

“It is
Loftus 2013, pp. 16–17.

“argument from symmetry”
Kitcher 2014, chapter 1.

The progress of science
Increase in life span from Finch 2010.

“The nesting relationship of successive scientific theories”
Polkinghorne 1994, pp. 7–8.

“The slow progress in philosophy and theology”
Moreland 1989, pp. 238–39.

“Name me an ethical statement”
Hitchens 2007b, p. xv. Hitchens's corollary to this question is “If you ask an audience to name a wicked statement or action directly attributable to religious faith, nobody has any difficulty finding an example.”

“It is not that the methods and institutions of science”
Lewontin 1997, p. 31.

“First, science is a limited way of knowing”
Scott 1996, p. 518.

“Taken together, the (1) proven success”
Forrest 2000, p. 21.

Chapter 3: Why Accommodationism Fails

“There is no harmony between religion and science”
R. G. Ingersoll, “The Truth Seeker,” September 5, 1885,

“Cognitive dissonance” is a well-known phenomenon
Tavris and Aronson 2007, especially chapter 1.

Some of these, whom I call “faitheists”
“Belief in belief” discussed in Dennett 2006, chapter 8.

“We have a political battle”
My post: /2011/04/21/another-tom-johnson-did-dawkins-call-religious-people-nazis/; Stanyard's comment:

“Unless at least half of my colleagues”
Gould 1987, p. 70.

Even Indian scientists
Ram 2013.

In America, religious scientists
Ecklund 2010.

“The most beautiful and deepest experience”
Albert Einstein, “My Credo,” 1932,
Albert Einstein in the World Wide Web,

“I believe in Spinoza's God”
Quoted in Isaacson 2007, pp. 388–89.

“dilutes religion to the point of meaninglessness”
Miller 1999, p. 221.

“Gingerich is still baffled”
Tom Mueller, “Whale Evolution,”
National Geographic,
August 2010,

“frisson in the breast”
Dawkins described his spirituality in an interview on Al Jazeera, quoted in Mooney 2010.

“Our results show unexpectedly”
Ecklund and Long 2011, pp. 255, 261–62.

“truth cannot contradict truth”
Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, October 22, 1996,

“God is the source of both reason and revelation”
Pope 2004, p. 189.

“The fire you kindle arises from green trees”
Nurbaki 2007, p. 133, translation of Quranic verse 36:80.

“simply grabs whatever theory”
Nanda 2004.

“If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate”
Dalai Lama 2005, p. 3.

“Remember the widely different aspects”
Whitehead 1925, p. 265.

“that grants dignity and distinction”
Gould 1999, p. 51.

“Science tries to document”
Ibid., p. 4.

“the potential harmony”
Ibid., p. 43.

“Religion just can't be equated”
Ibid., pp. 209–10.

“Thou shalt not mix the magisteria”
Ibid., pp. 84–85.

“In other words”
Ibid., pp. 128, 148–49.

Recall that 42 percent of Americans
Polls on belief in and teaching of evolution: Gallup 2014; Newport 2014b.

“quibble about the labels”
Gould 1999, p. 62.

“But the religion”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 207.

“[A] closer look at Gould's writings”
Haught 2003, pp. 6–7.

“Because they are not a part of nature”
National Academies 2008, p. 1.

“Science is a method”
National Science Teachers Association 2013.

“[if] we could apply natural knowledge”
Pennock 1999, p. 290.

“1. Intercessory prayer can heal the sick”
Fishman and Boudry 2013, p. 929.

It's surprising how often Americans pray
Gallup and Lindsay 1999, p. 46; Jones 2010; Luhrmann 2012; U.S. News and Beliefnet Prayer Survey:

Over 35 percent of Americans .
 . . 24 percent
Barnes et al. 2004; McCaffrey et al. 2004.

In fact, such a test
Galton 1872.

there are more modern and scientifically controlled studies
Aviles et al. 2001; Krucoff et al. 2005; Astin et al. 2006; Benson et al. 2006; Schlitz et al. 2012.

There's no substantive difference
Offit 2012.

The “miracle” that clinched
Rohde 2003.

“When I was at Lourdes”
France 1894, p. 203 (my translation).

The question, “Why won't God heal amputees?”
See “Why Won't God Heal Amputees?” at

“That seems sensible”
France 1894, p. 204 (my translation).

In his book
The Varieties of Scientific Experience
Sagan 2006, chapter 6.

“Your question what would convince me”
Darwin letter to Asa Gray, September 17, 1861. Darwin Correspondence Project, letter 3256,

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