Faith Versus Fact : Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (9780698195516) (45 page)

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“What I meant by ‘scientism'”
Haack 2012, p. 76.

“But beneath the weighty ethical concerns”
Kass 2007, quoted in Pinker 2013, p. 30.

“‘Scientism' is a term of abuse”
Noordhof 1995.

A few academics
Wilson 1998; A. Rosenberg 2012.

“History, for example”
Baggini 2012b.

“is not an imperialistic drive”
Pinker 2013; for a critical response see Wieseltier 2013.

“Consider the beauty of a sunset”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 54.

“is a completely undefined term”
Paulson 2010, p. 171.

“Of course an atheist can't prove”
Jacoby 2013.

“The issue of God”
Kenneth Miller, interview on
Today Programme,
BBC, April 29, 2009,

“Once again, the only sensible approach”
Sagan 1996, p. 173.

“Finally, we note”
Giberson and Collins 2011, p. 109.

“Clearly, then, both religion”
Davies 2007.

“If you find the idea”
Sarewitz 2012.

“I'm not a biologist”
Redlawsk 2013.

“There's the deeper worldview”
Haught 2007.

Many older readers
Finch 2010.

“There is a very, very important difference”
Dawkins 1997.

Isn't science, as some maintain
Cortical Rider 2012.

“The rise of science”
Stark 2005, pp. 22–23.

“The very notion of physical law”
Davies 2007.

“The ethical and moral acceptability”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 224.

“My explanation . . . is”
Whitehead 1925, p. 19.

“Any list of the giants of physical science”
Hutchinson 2003, p. 75.

As the historian Richard Carrier has argued
Carrier 2010.

The historians Richard Carrier, Toby Huff, Charles Freeman, and Andrew Bernstein
Freeman 2003; Huff 2003; Bernstein 2006.

“In the Middle Ages, the great minds”
Bernstein 2006, p. 26 (reviewing Stark 2005).

“Science is a revolutionary activity”
Miller 2012.

“Critics of religion”
Small 2011.

“It's not a charge I'd throw around”
Cohen 2014.

is like blaming architecture
Analogy from Pinker 2013.

“With or without religion”
Weinberg 1999, p. 48.

“For a successful technology”
Feynman 1986.

But Weinberg
on the money
Weinberg 1999, p. 207; Popper quote from Popper 1957, p. 244.

“We must also be careful”
Small 2011.

“Many other historical blunders”
Texas Charter School statement, in Scaramanga 2013.

the development of “golden rice”
Golden Rice Project,

Chapter 5: Why Does It Matter?

“A surgeon once called upon a poor cripple”
Ingersoll 1900b, p. 87.

“empty of any claims”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 207.

“The Foundation supports projects”
This and following quote from John Templeton Foundation, “Overview of Core Funding Areas,”

One of the most horrible cases
Details of King case from J. W. Brown 1988; Swan and Swan 1988; Whiting 1989a, 1989b; Fraser 1999; Peters 2007; and Massachusetts Citizens for Children, &id=161&Itemid=1652010.

The children who have died
Article on children of Jehovah's Witnesses who died from refusing tranfusions at

In 1998, Seth Asser and Rita Swan
Asser and Swan 1998; quotes that follow are from that paper.

It's not just the parents . . . Religious exemptions
Lee, Rosenthal, and Scheffler 2013; CHILD 2011; National District Attorneys Association 2013; Massachusetts Citizens for Children, DBRE [death by religious exemption],

Islamic clerics in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria
Whitaker 2007; Katme 2011.

“a respected figure”
A. M. Katme, “Islam, Vaccines, and Health,” International Medical Council on Vaccination,

“the case of vaccination”
Brian Whitaker, “Is There a Doctor in the Mosque?,”

a study of childbirth in women
Kaunitz et al. 1984.

In 2013 . . . “We have no direct information”
Gerson 2013; CBC News, “Calgary Strep Victim's Mother ‘Will Be Held Accountable,' Say Police,” November 23, 2013,

Within a given year
Barnes et al. 2004; McCaffrey et al. 2004.

The Vatican, for instance
Bentson 2010; Keneally 2014.

The work funded by NCCAM
Mielczarek and Engler 2012; Offit 2012.

While “alternative medicine” is often secular
See Shermer 2013 for characteristics of pseudoscience.

“Imagine a society's discovering a vaccine”
Stark 2001, p. 35 (emphasis in the original).

It is because of this opposition
History of stem cell restriction from Babington 2006;
Nature Cell Biology

One of the most egregious forms
Information on HPV and vaccination at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “HPV Vaccine—Questions & Answers,”, and at “Fact Sheet: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines,”

Surprisingly, in 2007 Governor Rick Perry
Eggen 2011.

Despite studies showing no apparent increase
Bednarczyk 2012.

“The seriousness of HPV and other STIs”
Focus on the Family, “Position Statement: HPV Vaccine,”; see also Cole 2007.

Although the Canadian government
Craine 2012.

Pressure from the Catholic Church
Boodram 2013.

But the situation isn't helped
Ebola blamed on God and “homosexualism” from McCoy 2014; fasting, prayer, and President Sirleaf's statement from Front Page Africa, “Liberians Urged to Observe Three Days Fast and Prayer over Ebola,” August 6, 2014,

“Intentionally causing one's own death”
This and next quote from Declaration on Euthanasia, 1980, Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,

“I confirm that euthanasia is a grave violation”
John Paul II 1995.

An AP-GfK poll
AP-GfK poll, March 2014,; see also Borenstein and Agiesta 2014.

“When people are shown evidence”
Kahan 2014, p. 17.

“We were put on this Earth as creatures of God”
Santorum quote reported in Hooper 2012.

“‘Never again will I curse the ground'”
John Shimkus on global warming in video at

Thirty-six percent of his fellow Americans
Statistics from Public Relations Research Institute survey, “Americans More Likely to Attribute Increasingly Severe Weather to Climate Change, Not End Times,” December 13, 2012,

“What We Believe”
Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation 2009.

Because Americans with conservative attitudes
Malka et al. 2012; Hirsh, Walberg, and Peterson 2013.

profited financially from their efforts . . . “real scientific facts” . . . “real” evidence shows no trend
Mervis 2011.

“one of the greatest hoaxes”
Guest blogger 2009.

“a massive international scientific fraud”
Piltz 2009.

“to make people realize”
Consolmagno quoted in Harris Interactive 2013.

Father Consolmagno's heart
Iaccino 2014.

The degree of pure atheism
Religious belief in Europe from European Commission 2010; religious belief in America from Newport 2011.

And on those scales
Paul 2009; see also Zuckerman 2010 for an analysis of well-being in Scandinavian societies.

My own analysis
Coyne 2012.

“I do not see in religion”
Napoleon 1916; the original quote, from
Au conseil d'état
(March 4, 1806), is “Je ne vois pas dans la religion le mystère de l'Incarnation mais le mystère de l'Ordre Social. La religion rattache au ciel une idée d'égalité qui empêche le riche d'être massacré par le pauvre.”

In the United States
Norris and Inglehart 2004; Rees 2009; Delamontagne 2010; Solt, Habel, and Grant 2011.

distress is at the same time”
Marx 2005, p. 175 (emphasis in the original).

“Science without religion is lame”
Einstein 1954, p. 46.

Einstein's views, often misconstrued
Some examples of religion/science dialogues are those occurring regularly at the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (, the International Society for Science and Religion (, and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (

There are many theories
See Boyer 2002 and Dennett 2006 for the variety of explanations.

“The study of theology”
Paine 1848, part 2, p. 78.

“I wish to propose”
Russell 1928, p. 1.

“Pretending to be certain”
Harris 2005.

The first involves
Robert Park's story from Park 2008 (the quote is from p. 165) and my telephone interview with Park on October 14, 2014.

Such was the case
Briggs's story from van Biema 1998; Stauth 2013 (Briggs's quote on pp. 88–89); and “Taking Faith Healing Too Far,” ABC
January 6, 1999, transcript at

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