Faith Versus Fact : Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (9780698195516) (49 page)

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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

abortion, 242

abstinence-based education, 242

accommodationism, xv, 97–112

blaming religious harm on social problems, 53

and declining religious affiliation, 11, 16–17

Eastern faiths and, 75, 105–6

as harmful to science, 226–28

logical and mental compatibility arguments for, 99–100

NOMA argument, xviii, 4, 64–65, 106–12, 196, 226

overviews, xviii–xix, 95–96, 97–98

political reasons for, 98, 138

psychological reasons for, 97–98, 138

religion's privileged position, xviii, 10

“science doesn't deal with the supernatural” argument, 112–20

scientists as promoters of, 6–9, 18–20, 93–94, 99–100

syncretic arguments for, 100–106

Templeton Foundation's influence, 8, 14, 17–20

See also
natural theology; theistic evolution; ways of knowing

Adam and Eve's historicity, 124–31

belief in, 55–58, 109, 124, 126

disproof of, 126–28

religious reactions to disproof of, 76–77, 128–31

Adam's Ancestors
(Livingstone), 56

adaptation(s), 77–78, 139, 140, 141–42

convergences, 142–44, 171–72

Adelson, Ted, 180

adoption, 175–76

African Americans

Black Muslim beliefs, 84

in Mormon priesthood, 71

afterlife, 22, 52–53, 80–81, 219, 220

Templeton Foundation's “Immortality Project,” 19

See also
hell; paradise

agnosticism, 9, 12, 16, 98

See also

AIDS, 217

alchemy, 214

Alexander, Denis, 129–30

alternative medicine, 236, 238–39, 250–51

See also

altruism, 168, 169, 172–77

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 7, 8–9, 19

American Bible Challenge, The
(television show), 20

Amorth, Gabriele, 237–38

angels, literal belief in, 53, 58

Angier, Natalie, 26, 64

animal behavior, 171–72, 175–76, 184–85

anthropic principle (fine-tuning argument), xix, 21, 156, 159, 160–66, 227

apologetics, 66–67, 75, 77–81, 88–89, 153

apostasy, 11, 62, 85, 119–20, 251–52

Aquinas, 55, 57–58, 215

archaeology, 32, 39

Armstrong, Karen, 49

art history, 39–40

arts and humanities, xxi, 185–86, 190–94, 258, 261

science's relationship with, 198, 199–200, 201

Aslan, Reza, 43, 44, 55

Asser, Seth, 232

assisted dying, 243–45


atheists as accommodationists, 98

as crime, 252

in modern Europe, 254, 261

among modern philosophers, 110

New Atheism, xii–xiii, 14, 20–21

public professions of, 98, 99–100

among scientists, xviii, 12–14, 95, 99–100, 216

See also

atheist churches, 261

Atkins, Peter, 72

atomic weapons, 111, 152, 217, 218

Augustine, Saint, 55, 57, 58, 126

Aus, Mike, 128, 151

Australian animals, 142, 143, 149

authoritarianism, 220–21


faith and, 25, 66, 68, 69–72, 186, 209

science and, 65, 70, 72, 205, 208–9

See also
scriptural literalism

Ayala, Francisco, 18, 75, 78, 148

Baggini, Julian, 51–52, 59, 62, 198–99

Barbour, Ian, 46, 135–36

Barker, Dan, 209

Beale, Nicholas, 79

beavers, 141

faith; religiosity; scriptural literalism

“belief in belief” argument, 98, 237, 253–54

Benedict XVI, Pope, 71, 75

Berlinski, David, xiv

Bernstein, Andrew, 58, 214–15

Besra, Monica, 117

Better Angels of Our Nature,
(Pinker), 170


historicity of biblical events, 44–45, 90–91

immorality in, 189

scientific test in First Book of the Kings, 39

See also
biblical literalism; biblical scholarship;
specific Bible stories and claims

biblical literalism, xiii, 49–53

cherry-picking, 74–77, 129–30

“scripture is not a textbook” argument, 54–57, 74–75

vs. metaphorical/allegorical interpretations, 44, 54–59, 74–75, 129–30

theologians' waffling about, 55–57, 62–63

See also
Adam and Eve's historicity; creationism; scriptural literalism;
other biblical stories and claims

biblical scholarship, 40, 90, 123–24, 199, 257–58

Big Bang, 28, 32, 146, 245

Biola University, 20

BioLogos Foundation, 8, 19, 46

Black Muslim beliefs, 84

Blank Slate,
(Pinker), 169, 172

blasphemy, 70

blood transfusions, 232

Bloom, Paul, 172

blue tits, 184–85

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 155

Book of Mormon, 62, 82, 121

books, banned by Catholic Church, 87, 215–16

Boudry, Maarten, 114

Boyer, Pascal, xxii, 182

Boyle, Robert, 99, 214

brain development and complexity.
consciousness; intelligence; reason

brain science.
neuroscience; psychology

Breaking the Spell
(Dennett), 21

Briggs, Russ, 262–63

British Centre for Science Education, 98

Brown, Donald, 169

Bruce and Stan's Pocket Guide to Talking with God
(Bickel and Jantz), 49

Bruno, Giordano, 215, 217

Bryan, William Jennings, 2

Buddhism, xvi, 22

Dalai Lama's accommodationism, 105–6

Bush, George W., 240

Caesar, Julius, 121

Calvin, John, 58, 178

Cambridge University's Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, 19, 129

capuchin monkeys, 171

Carrier, Richard, 214

Carroll, Sean, 165, 188

Catholicism and Catholic Church

adherence to monogenism and the historicity of Adam and Eve, 55–56, 126, 128–29

antipathy for reason and curiosity, 68–69

believers' rejections of church positions, 43

evidence standard for miracles, 116–17

exorcism, 237–38

on impossibility of faith/science conflict, 9–10

Index Librorum Prohibitorum
, 87, 215–16

moral code of, 22

National Catholic Almanac
on God's attributes, 48

Nicene Creed, 49–51, 70–71

position on euthanasia, 244–45

position on evolution, 43, 61, 132, 133, 136–37

position on mandatory HPV vaccination, 242

sources and purposes of Catholic dogma, 70–71

suppression of scientific inquiry, 2, 3, 5, 215–16, 217

transubstantiation, 61, 84

Vatican observatory, 69, 250

Vatican's authority, 70

certainty, 30, 37–38, 80, 195, 219–20

See also
doubt; faith

checker-shadow illusion, 180

chemistry, alchemy vs., 214

cherry-picking, 74–77, 129–30

child abuse and neglect, religious legal exemptions for, 231, 234–35

childbirth, medical neglect and, 232–33, 236, 262–63

children, medical neglect and, 229–34, 236, 237, 262–63

chimpanzees, 171, 185

China, ancient, science in, 212, 214, 215

Christian fundamentalism, 14, 88, 110

Christianity, xvi

fundamental claims of, 44–45, 54

seen as progenitor of science, 211–17

See also
Bible; Catholicism; faith; heresy; religion
specific Christian beliefs, claims, and tenets

Christian Science, 22, 83, 108, 229–32, 234, 237

Clarke, Arthur C., 119

Clergy Letter Project, 8

climate change denial, xix–xx, 245–50, 251

Clinton, Bill, 240

cognition, human.
consciousness; intelligence; learning; reason

cognitive dissonance, 97, 123

Cohen, Nick, 218

Collins, Francis, 8, 99–100

on acceptance of physical laws as form of faith, 204–5

on “god of the gaps” arguments, 155–56

on morality as evidence for God, 168, 226

on religion as another way of knowing, 185

on religious claims as truth claims, 46

on theistic evolution, 78

Conan Doyle, Arthur, 223

confirmation bias, 29, 116, 123–24, 180, 238

See also

Confucianism, 65

consciousness, 15, 156, 158

See also

consequentialism, 189–90

Consolmagno, Guy, 250, 259

Constantine I, emperor of Rome, 70

consubstantiation, 84

continental drift, 223, 224

convergences, 142–44, 171–72

Conway Morris, Simon, 100, 142–43

Cornell, Ezra, 3

Cornell University, 3

Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, 248–49

cosmology, 32–33, 37, 162, 163

See also
Big Bang; universe

counterevidence, dismissal of, 10, 72–74

apologetics and rationalization, 66–67, 75, 77–81, 88–89, 153, 157

cherry-picking, 74–77, 129–30

global-warming denialism and, 246–47, 250

interpreting scripture as metaphor, 44, 54–59, 74–75, 129–30

making theological virtues of scientific explanations, 66–67, 77–78

and willingness to abandon faith, xiv–xv, 119–20

See also
confirmation bias; falsifiability

counterevidence, in science.
doubt; falsifiability

Cowdery, Oliver, 121

Craig, William Lane, 73, 165–66


before Dawin, 92, 154

extent of belief in, xviii, 8–9, 59–60, 110

faith as explanation for, xiv, 60–61

and NOMA argument, 108, 109–10

as nonnegotiable belief, 61, 125

public education and, 2, 5, 7, 14–15

recent upsurge in, 14–15

scientific creationism, 14, 103–4

as testable claim, 107

See also
biblical literalism; evolution; intelligent design; theistic evolution

Crick, Francis, 216


faith and, 82–86, 121

in science, 26–27, 29, 34–35, 94

See also

crows, 184

cuckoo birds, 176

learning; social

Dalai Lama, 105–6

D'Aleo, Joseph, 249

Darrow, Clarence, 2

Darwin, Charles, 81, 92, 118, 132, 154, 166–67

On the Origin of Species
, 2, 14, 33, 70, 154

Darwin, Emma, 81

(Wallace), 183

Davies, Paul, 205, 212

Dawkins, Richard, xii, 21, 103, 208, 209–10

Dawson, Charles, 223

Day, Tracy, 20

death, assisted, 243–45

Death of Ivan Ilyich, The
(Tolstoy), 191–92

deism, 42, 99, 135

Dembski, William, 54

Demon-Haunted World, The
(Sagan), 203

Dennett, Daniel, xxii, 21, 98, 201

Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, The
(Darwin), 166–67

determinism, 15–16

Deus absconditus
, 79–80

disease and healing

faith as solace for the terminally ill, 252–53

faith healing and medical neglect, xviii, xix, 83, 108, 229–39, 262–63

imputation of epidemics to God, 242–43

miracle healings, 116–17

religious suppression of science and, 217

science's advances and effectiveness, 206–7

testing the efficacy of prayer, 115–16

See also

counterevidence; falsifiability

DNA and DNA structure, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37

Watson's and Crick's motivations for their work, 216

See also

dogma, 1–2, 3–4, 25, 43, 66, 70–71

See also
religious claims


faith and, 38, 66, 68

science and, 26–27, 34–35, 38, 65, 94

See also
certainty; uncertainty

Doubting Thomas, 68

Draper, John William, 3–4


age and origins of, 37, 146, 154, 245

global-warming denialism, xix–xx, 245–50, 251

inhospitability to humans, 164–65

Ebola virus, 243

Ecklund, Elaine, 100, 103

ecological niches, 141–42

economics, 40, 186, 187, 188, 199

Edamaruku, Sanal, 122


abstinence-based, and sexually transmitted diseases, 242

debates over the teaching of science, 2, 3–4, 5, 7, 11–12, 98, 103–4, 110, 134

religiosity and, 12–13

religious education, Templeton Foundation's funding of, 20

Ehrman, Bart, 62

Einstein, Albert, 101, 102, 209, 218, 256–57

See also
relativity theory


the arts and, 190–91, 193–94

faith and, xv, 24, 44, 61–62

nonbelief and, xxi, 102–3

as subjective, 193–94, 195

empathy, 169, 170, 171, 175, 191–92

See also

End of Faith, The
(Harris), 21

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