Faith Versus Fact : Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (9780698195516) (44 page)

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“Any sufficiently advanced technology”
Clarke 1973, p. 21.

“As a purely
Giberson 2009, pp. 155–56.

“a religious faith that depended upon a belief”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 222.

The classic test for the truth of miracles
Hume 1975 [1748].

The Shroud of Turin
Philip Pullella, “Italian Scientist Reproduces Shroud of Turin,” Reuters, October 5, 2009,; Inés San Martin, “Pope Francis to Venerate Famed Shroud of Turin,”
, November 5, 2014,

In 2012, a statue of Jesus
J. White 2012.

One was suggested by the philosopher Herman Philipse
Philipse 2012, chapter 10.

“The body of Jesus probably decayed”
Funk and the Jesus Seminar 1998, p. 36.

Of course, more conservative Christians
Branch 1995.

“God created man in his
Genesis 1:27.

“For since by man came death”
1 Corinthians 15:21–22; see also Romans 5:12–21.

As we've learned, Augustine
City of God,
Book XIV,

“The account of the fall”
United States Catholic Conference 1994, Section 2, chapter 1, paragraph 7.

And Americans as a whole
Bishop et al. 2010.

The genetic evidence tells us
Y chromosome data from Francalacci et al. 2013; Poznik et al. 2013; Mendez et al. 2013. Other genome data from Garrigan and Hamer 2006.

But the evidence is even stronger
Henn, Cavalli-Sforza, and Feldman 2012; Li and Durbin 2011; Sheehan, Harris, and Song 2013.

“The denial of an historical Adam and Eve”
Mohler 2011.

“Really, without a doctrine of original sin”
Aus 2012.

“For the faithful cannot embrace”
Pius XII 1950; see also United States Catholic Conference 1994, Section 390.

“According to this model”
Alexander 2010–11.

The most “sophisticated” attempt
Enns 2012.

“One can believe that Paul is correct”
Ibid., p. 143.

“Paul's handling of Adam”
Ibid., p. 102.

“possess[ed] this land among themselves”
Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 1:5–9; see also Ether 13:2.

But as with the existence of Adam and Eve
Genetic data on Native Americans from N. A. Rosenberg et al. 2002; Murphy 2002.

“DNA studies cannot be used”
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “Book of Mormon and DNA Studies,” 2014,

On twelve occasions since 1982
Gallup 2014; Newport 2014b.

“The Teaching Authority of the Church”
Pius XII 1950, Section 36.

And because life itself
Pross 2012.

“in [a modern human's] large and well-developed brain”
Wallace 1870, p. 343.

“Religions can put up with all kinds”
Haught 2003, p. 185.

“What is
consistent with Christian belief”
Plantinga in Dennett and Plantinga 2010, pp. 4–5.

“The world of molecules”
Barbour 2000, p. 164.

While ID arguments
See Pennock 1999; Miller 1999, 2008; Coyne 2005; Orr 2005.

“With man, we find ourselves”
John Paul II 1996.

“Fortunately, in scientific terms”
Miller 1999, p. 241.

What we
Sniegowski 1995.

“Contrary to popular belief”
Conway Morris 2003, p. xv.

“But as life re-explored adaptive space”
Miller 2008, pp. 152–53.

In his book
Wonderful Life
Gould 1989.

“a wildly improbable evolutionary event” and “a cosmic accident”
Ibid., pp. 44, 291.

“The idea that secondary causes”
Haught 2003, p. 57.

“The theory of evolution provided”
Ayala 2007, pp. 4–5.

“But any world that contains atonement”
Plantinga 2011, p. 59.

“arbitrary superfluity”
Grayling 2013.

Chapter 4: Faith Strikes Back

“When I was working as a pastor”
Aus 2012.

“there must always be many extraordinary facts”
Humphrey 1996, p. 71.

“No one infers a god”
Ingersoll 1879, p. 56.

“the attempt to argue for the truth”
Philipse 2012, p. 14.

“As far as the examination of the instrument goes”
Paley 1809, p. 18.

“Men think epilepsy divine”
Hippocrates of Cos, ca. 400 BCE. Quoted in Sagan 1996, p. 8.

“How wrong it is to use God as a stop-gap”
Bonhoeffer 1967, p. 311.

“A word of caution is needed”
Collins 2006, pp. 92–93.

As for the origin of life
Hazen 2005; Pross 2012; Keller, Turchyn, and Ralser 2014.

Neuroscience has already made
Baars, Banks, and Newman 2003; Pinker 2007 and personal communication; Dehaene and Changeux 2011.

“the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences”
Wigner 1960.

A full 69 percent of Americans
Bishop et al. 2010.

“It almost seems”
Miller 1999, pp. 228, 232.

Assuming that life can inhabit
Siegel 2013.

“What reasons can God have had”
Philipse 2012, p. 276.

“But why should we think of God”
Craig 2012, responding to Carroll 2012.

“The following proposition”
Darwin 1871, pp. 71–72.

“Scientists and humanists”
Wilson 1975, p. 562.

“the sudden appearance in consciousness”
Haidt 2001, p. 818.

“But humans are unique”
Collins 2006, pp. 27, 140.

“Selfless altruism . . . is quite frankly a scandal”
Ibid., p. 200.

“There are specific human experiences”
Linker 2014.

In his book
The Blank Slate
Pinker 2002, citing D. Brown 1991.

A survey of sixty “traditional societies”
Curry, Mullins, and Whitehouse in preparation.

There are also moral instincts
Thompson 1976; Hauser 2006.

The Better Angels of Our Nature
Pinker 2011.

The primatologist Frans de Waal
de Waal 2006, 2013; de Waal, Machedo, and Ober 2009.

capuchin monkeys seem to show
See the video at

Indeed, even rats
Bartal, Decety, and Mason 2011; Bartal et al. 2014.

When you overlay animal “morality”
Brosnan 2011, 2013.

The work of the child psychologist Paul Bloom
Bloom 2013.

“There is no support”
Bloom 2014.

In fact, many aspects
Price 2012.

As Peter Singer explains
Singer 1981.

Explaining altruism toward relatives
See Dawkins 1976 and references therein.

I've just seen a video

“What evolution underwrites”
Plantinga 2011, p. 316.

“God created both us and our world”
Ibid., p. 269.

“This capacity for knowledge of God”
Plantinga 2000, p. 180.

“What I'll argue”
Plantinga in Dennett and Plantinga 2010, p. 17.

“There is superficial conflict”
Plantinga 2011, p. ix.

“Members of our species commonly believe”
Pinker 2005, p. 18.

“checker-shadow illusion”
The illusion can be seen at

The skeptic and science writer Michael Shermer
Shermer 2002, 2013.

“Were it not for sin and its effects”
Plantinga 2000, p. 214.

The anthropologist Pascal Boyer
Boyer 2002; for the development of religious beliefs over time, see Banerjee and Bloom 2013.

Rather, religion is likely to be
See Gould and Vrba 1982 for a discussion of exaptations.

“We see, then, that whether we compare”
Wallace 1870, p. 343.

“These abilities far surpass”
Plantinga 2011, p. 286.

“All knowledge that is not the genuine product of observation”
Lamarck 1820, p. 84 (my translation): “Toute connaissance qui n'est pas le produit réel de l'observation ou de conséquences tirées de l'observation, est tout-à-fait sans fondement, et véritablement illusoire.”

“science is not the only way of knowing”
Collins 2006, p. 229.

“confirmed to such a degree”
Gould 1983, p. 255.

Nevertheless, microeconomics has produced
Chetty 2013.

The physicist Sean Carroll
Carroll 2013.

“Philosophy of science”
See, for instance,

Philosophy, for instance
For example, Dennett 1991, 1995; Kitcher 1982, 1985; Pennock 1999.

The Old Testament God
See Deuteronomy 20:17–18 and 1 Samuel 15:3.

Sam Harris, for instance
Harris 2011.

“Over a century after publication”
Charlton and Verghese 2010, pp. 94–95.

“Consider the kind of putative insights”
Kieran 2009, pp. 194–95.

“We know the ways in which humans express”
Comment by “Vaal,” May 8, 2012,

“It is not merely the misapplication”
Hutchinson 2011, p. 175.

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