Fallen Angel (18 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jones

BOOK: Fallen Angel
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“Hello Amy.

“It is good to see you, you wouldn’t believe some of the rumors I have heard about you.”

“Oh really? Like what?” She asked her eyes wide and innocent.  Amy looked surprised that she would ask, then she looked from Angelica to James and back again.

“Oh Amy Marshal I would like you to meet James Madison.” 

“How do you do.” Amy said and smiled prettily James smiled and tipped his hat to her.

“Of the Delaware Madison’s.” Angelica whispered loud enough that she was sure James heard her.

“Oh I see.” Amy said and her smile widened. “Why don’t you come over for tea this afternoon and we’ll catch up.

“Oh I couldn’t I am entertaining Mr. Madison today.”

“That’s quite alright, you don’t mind joining us do you Mr. Madison?”

“It would be my pleasure ma’am.”

“Great it’s all settled then, say two o’clock?”

“We’ll see you then.” Angelica waited until Amy left the store and then laughed.

“Who are the Delaware Madison’s?”

“No idea. They don’t have to exist they just have to sound important.
” James smirked and Angelica grinned. “These people are so predictable, you don’t mind do you?” She said suddenly looking up at him.

“As long as this isn’t so kind of match making thing I am fine with it.”

“Matchmaking? No way, you are way out of her league.”

“I am out of her league?”

“You’d never be happy with an empty headed debutant that only thinks about clothes and parties.” James looked at the door Amy had walked out of then back at Angelica and grinned.

“I could try.” She laughed and linked her a
rm through his.

“Come on let’s get out of here.”
She stepped out of the store into the sunlight and something on her right caught her eye she turned but all she saw was someone in a gray cloak step into the alley. Well Matt certainly put people in place fast she thought to herself, it was a good thing she knew they were supposed to be there since they weren’t very sneaky.


Angelica had done her best not to look bored when Amy had recounted all of the gossip she had missed but it wasn’t easy. There was a time when she listened intently to the gossip, looking for anything her father could use to further his political agenda but now she just didn’t care anymore. She had played her part but now she was glad to be back in her room. James had been great company but it was nice to have some time to herself too.  Now that she felt like she had her escape planned she was trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. She could ask James to come with her initially but that couldn’t last forever, he was a good friend but she didn’t love him and now that she knew what it felt like she knew she would never marry someone she didn’t love. If she had been able to stay with Luke it would have made things easier although she knew that would be too close to her father. It was ironic that when she had no memory she had worried about never having family and now that she had her memory back she wanted to put as much distance between herself and her only living family member as possible.

She walked to the bed and looked at the packages she had bought that day, she hadn’t decided for sure where she was going and yet today when she was out shopping she bought simple functional clothes that she could’ve used on the ranch. She even bought the hat. She closed her eyes forcing back the tears. She lifted a bag from under her bed and carefully packed everything she had bought inside.  She couldn’t put them in her closet the maid would get suspicious and if she had to leave quickly it was better that she have something packed already.

Angelica opened the balcony door and stepped out. The evening air was warm she looked around the perimeter of the balcony and saw a large tree that she had never paid attention to before. She went and took a closer look and had to smile. Clearly this is how Luke had gotten into her room. The big tree might as well have been a ladder. She looked out across the yard, it was dusk, she wondered if Luke was sitting somewhere watching the sunset.
She knew they were under the same sun but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like they were in different worlds and she would give anything just to be able to live in his again. He had said he missed her, now she wished she had told him she missed him too. She had been hurt by the idea that he had only come because he felt guilty and she lashed out at him. She wanted to hurt him as much has he had hurt her, she thought it would make her feel better but it didn’t if anything she felt worse.


“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Hello to you too Luke.”

“You’re using Angie as bait for a killer?” He growled angrily.

“I don’t think I would say bait precisely.” Matt said blandly and Luke knew if he had been standing closer he would have hit him.

“Damn it Matt what is the matter with you? She is innocent in this and you could get her killed and for what, just because you always have to get your man?”

“Luke seven women have been brutally murdered. I am trying to prevent anymore.”

“I don’t care about those ones I care about this one.” Luke advanced toward his brother, he really hated it when he took that self-righteous, holier than thou, tone and he was just mad enough to show him how much he hated it.

“Luke calm down, I didn’t ask her to do anything dangerous, just to go back to her routine and let us keep
a tail on her.”  Luke grabbed his shirt front with both hands and jerked him forward.

“You better keep a close eye on her because if anything happens to her I am coming after you.” Luke released him shoving him backwards and walked out the door. “And don’t tell me to calm down.” He said just before he slammed the door shut.

Chapter 14

“Westbrook is having a luncheon
today, I can’t make it. I want you to take my place.”

“Father I don’t think that is a good idea.”

“Never the less I want you to go anyway.”

“I really don’t want to go.” He grabbed her arm and his
fingers bit painfully into the flesh on the back of her arm.

“I am not asking what you want I am telling you, I want you there representing me, do I make myself clear?”

“Of course.” She held her head high trying not to let him see any fear and he released her and walked away.


“Why are you nervous?” James asked as they rode in the carriage.

“Am I that obvious?” She smiled, “Brent Westbrook is my former fiancée.” She explained, “The last time I saw him he seemed a little
… off. It could have been that he just had too much to drink but I guess I am just nervous about seeing him again.” She tried to give James a reassuring smile but he frowned at her instead.

“What do you mean by off?”

“I don’t know I just got a weird feeling.”

“Angelica, we are looking for a killer you should really pay attention to every feeling weird or otherwise.”

“Oh no it’s not like that, I mean Brent isn’t the killer, this was something else.” James didn’t say anything else but she could see he wasn’t satisfied.


“My father couldn’t make it, he sends his apologies and me in his stead.” Angelica said when the butler announced her.

“Yes, I received his note this morning, that’s quite alright I think we would rather dine with you anyway.
” He laughed. She looked around the room and realized that she didn’t know anyone else there. There were three other men and one woman. She felt her uneasiness grow and wished she had insisted that James come in rather than waiting for her outside.

She was able to relax a bit when they sat down to eat
she was drawn into conversation about the new college that was being constructed as well as the dam that was still in its planning stages. She chatted easily about both topics, as they were often subjects of discussion for her father. By the time the luncheon was over she had forgotten her earlier apprehension.  She started to follow the others out when Brent stopped her.

“Angelica, I have a missive for your father, I wonder if you would mind delivering it for me?”

“Of course.”

“Great, if you want to wait in the parlor I’ll see these guests out and fetch it. I’ll just be a moment.” Angelica walked around the room admiring the artwork while she waited. Above the fireplace there were two swords mounted on the wall.

“Exquisite aren’t they?” Angelica jumped at the sound, Brent was standing right behind her she hadn’t heard him approach.

“Oh you startled me.”

“Sorry about that. They are from Japan, Samurai swords. They are more than a hundred years old and still so sharp.”

“They are very impressive.
The Samurai are the noble warriors, right?”

“Yes. They have a very impressive code of conduct that they adhere to.”

“Well the swords are beautiful. Did you have that missive for me?” She turned toward him but he wasn’t holding anything.

“I am terribly embarrassed but I seem to have misplaced it.” He said smiling at her.

“Well I guess you can send it over to him when you find it.” She smiled and moved toward the doorway and he caught her hand.

“Wait, I would like to discuss something if you don’t mind. I have noticed that you have been back for a couple of weeks now and the media hasn’t managed to turn up anything scandalous on you.
” Angelica only nodded, she wasn’t sure what to say. “So I can’t help but wonder if maybe you jumped the gun a bit.” He rubbed her cheek with the knuckle of his index finger and she resisted the urge to pull away. “I think perhaps we should reassess the status of our arrangement.”

“What arrangement?” She asked wondering if he had meant to say relationship. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her
. She put both her hands on his chest and shoved him away.

“I think I should go.” She said quickly. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back before she had made it two steps.

“I think you should stay.”

“Brent I don’t think you want to damage the relationship you have with my father.”

“Why do you think he sent you?” He laughed. She felt sick and pulled against his grasp.

“Please let me go, I would like to leave.”

“What were you doing while you were away? You are different now, what scandal are you afraid of?”  He was rapidly firing questions at her but he hadn’t released her. Her heart was pounding and she was beginning to wonder if he posed enough of a threat that she should scream for James.  She was about to do just that when the door opened.

“Ms. Austin are you ready to go?” James asked
quietly he was standing in the doorway with his hand resting lightly on the revolver strapped to his thigh.

“Yes, I am ready.” She said loudly, she looked at Brent, he still had a hold of her arm. “Let go.” She said quietly. He finally released her. “I am sure you’ll understand if I decline future invitations.” She turned and walked toward the door and his laughter followed her out.

Once they were in the carriage and on their way away from the house she breathed a sigh of relief and buried her face in her hands.

“Are you alright? I am sorry, I should have been in there.”

“No, your timing was perfect.” She lifted her head and looked at him. “He handed me to the wolves James. He’s always been a bastard but aren’t there limits? I can’t do this anymore, these people, this place. Killer or no killer I have to go.” Her eyes filled with tears, “does it make me a horrible person if I don’t stay and try to help catch the killer?”

It is not your responsibility to catch this guy.  Do you think Westbrook could be the killer?”

“Well he didn’t kill me,” she said and laughed weakly.

Angelica went to see Matt before she went home

“Am sorry Mr. Harrison, I don’t think I can
help you anymore.”

“Has something ha

“No, I am leaving town. I am sorry I couldn’t help you find your killer. But I am sure you are a good bounty hunter, you’ll get him.”

“Bounty hunter? You told her you were a bounty hunter?” Angelica spun at the sound of Luke’s voice, she was surprised to see him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

“No she assumed I was and I didn’t correct her.” Angelica was confused and growing more irritated by the second. She looked from Luke to Matt and back.

“He is a Texas Ranger.” Luke said not taking his eyes off Matt.

“It’s nice to know that integrity is an optional quality in a ranger.”
She said icily, “Just tell your men to stop following me. Even the one in the grey cloak that isn’t very good at blending in.” She turned and walked out not meeting Luke’s eyes as she passed him. James was right behind her.

“Why would you hide the fact that you are a Ranger?” Luke asked when Angelica had gone.

“I didn’t hide it, I just didn’t tell her.”

“It’s the same thing.” Luke could feel his temper beginning to rise.

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