Fallen Angel (21 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jones

BOOK: Fallen Angel
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“It hurts.”

“Do you want something for the pain?” He asked concern etching his brow.

“No, I would rather be able to think, I’ll just hold still.
” He smiled at her and brushed the hair back from her face. He was looking at her so intently she thought he must be looking for something but she wasn’t sure what it was. “How long have I been out?”

“Four days.”

“Oh well that explains why I am starving.”  He laughed.

“I’ll see if I can get a nurse to bring you some food.”

“No wait.” He had started to stand so she reached out to him. He took her hand and sat back down.

“My father?” She asked.

“I don’t know,” he sighed, “The house burned to the ground there was nothing left but there was no sign of him. There was no sign that anyone at all had been in the house.”  She nodded. “Angie… there is something else. We… well we let you be dead.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Angelica Austin has been declared legally dead. Reporters and well everyone else thinks you’re dead. Actually your funeral is tomorrow.” Angelica felt a bubble of laugher escape her.

“I could go to my own funeral.”

“Well no not really, you’re supposed to be recovering remember.” Luke smiled.

“Who do the doctors think I am then?” She was surprised to see that he almost looked embarrassed.

“Angie Harrison.”

“Harrison? As in your…?”

“My wife. It was the only way they would let me stay in here and make decisions about your care.”

“Oh I see.”

“I’m going to go get you some food. I’ll just be a second.” She watched him disappear out the door.  His wife, that was a nice thought too bad it was only pretend. It was good that he let everyone believe she was dead that would buy her some time but how long was it going to take her to recover? She needed to go away somewhere where no one would find her. As long as she was with Luke he was in danger.

“They are going to bring you some soup. I guess you have to take it easy on food too.”

“Soup is fine.” She smiled at him when he sat back down, she couldn’t help it, it was so nice just to see him. “Luke, how long have you been here?” He looked as if he hadn’t shaved in days.

“Four days.”


“Angie don’t even say it.”

“You need to get some sleep.”

“I have slept.”

“In the chair?”


“Luke.” Her tone was slightly scolding and he smiled.

I am not leaving so I suggest you stop arguing with me and concentrate on getting better so we can both get out of here.” He said leaning in and resting his elbows on the bed.

“You’re lucky I am too sore to argue.” She smiled at him.  He laughed and reached out and tucked her hair back behind her ear.

“It is really good to see you smiling again.” He said softly. She reached for his hand and winced from the pain it brought. “Hey don’t move,” he reached out and took her hand.

“Thank you.” She looked into his pale eyes and hers filled with tears. “After what I did
you didn’t have to come back.”

“Yes I did. Angie, there is something that I have to tell you…” The door opened cutting off whatever he was about to say and Angelica quickly blinked back her tears as the nurse approached with the soup.

“Do you think you can sit up?”

“Ahh yeah I can try.” The nurse attempted to set the bed up and she felt pain shoot through her side and she clenched her eyes shut.

“Stop.” Luke barked, “You’re hurting her.”

“She has to sit up, how else is she supposed to eat her soup?”
The nurse said glaring at Luke.

“Give me the soup.” Luke said calmly, she handed him the bowl. “Now get out.” The nurse harrumphed and left.

“Was that really necessary?”

“Yes.” He grumbled and she laughed. He held the bowl and carefully spooned the soup into her mouth. “If you tell anyone I did this I’ll deny it.” He teased and she laughed.

“Oh don’t make me laugh it hurts.”

“I’m sorry.”
He said seriously.

“It’s okay.” She smiled at him. “I think that’s enough soup for now.”  He set the bowl aside and there was a light knock on the door.
Luke opened the door and James entered.

“I heard a rumor that you were awake.”

“James.” She smiled as he approached.

“Look we match.” He said indicating his sling.

“Oh how I wish didn’t.”

“I am going to go see if I can find the doctor.” Luke said and slipped out the door.

“Who knew Luke could be such a mother hen.” She said and smiled.

“He has been beside himself, he hasn’t left here since he brought you in.”

“I know.”

“Listen, I owe you an apology.” James said sinking down into the chair beside her bed.

“What? James you saved my life and I haven’t even had a chance to thank you.”

“Angelica, I lied to you and I am sorry for that, but there was no malice intended. We were worried about you
. Luke wasn’t spying on you I didn’t report anything back to him except what Matt was up to.”

“James, I know I am not angry, not anymore.”

“I’m glad.”


“Well?” Luke asked as soon as he reached Matt.

“No sign of him.”

“Do you think she’ll be safe?”

“As long as he believes like everyone else that she is dead then of course she is, but there is no guarantee that he believes she is dead.”  Luke sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“Luke why don’t you just turn her over to us, we will relocate her.”

“Matt, when did you get so dumb?”


The doctor came in before Luke returned so James excused himself.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Harrison, it’s nice to see you awake.” Angelica smiled more from hearing the name than in greeting. The doctor explained to her that the cut in her arm had been extremely deep and difficult to repair but given that the color had returned to her hand he felt that there would not be any long term damage. He also told her that the knife wound in her side had not damaged any organs.

“Most of the important stuff is over here.” He said and patted her right side.

“How long before I can go… um… home?”

“That depends on you, if you can stay off your feet and do nothing but this at home I will discharge you. If not you’ll have to stay because it is very important that you do not tear open those wounds.”

“Yes sir.”

“It’s actually quite a miracle that you s
urvived. I have never seen anyone lose as much blood as you did and survive. We were very fortunate that your husband had the same blood type as you.”

“You used my husband’s blood?”

“Yes ma’am quite a lot actually.” Angelica felt her eyes fill with tears and tried to blink them away. Thankfully the doctor was looking at the wound on her side and didn’t notice. 

“Ah here you are Dr. Simmons, it’s no wonder I couldn’t find you.” Luke said as he entered the room.

“Good afternoon Mr. Harrison. Your wife’s wounds look good, no sign of infection.” Luke stepped up beside the bed and twined his fingers with hers. “She is anxious to get out of here so I will tell you what I told her, she has to take it easy, she can’t do anything at all for a while.”

“That won’t be a problem, there are
plenty of people to look after her. I will make sure she doesn’t move.”

“That’s good.”

“Oh doc before you go, she is still in a lot of pain but she doesn’t want to take the meds that make her sleep. Is there anything else you can give her?”

“Yeah I’ll see what else we can try.”

“Great thanks.” Angelica felt the tears slip out of her eyes while Luke walked the Doctor to the door. He was still looking out for her. He had been taking care of her since they met he only had her best interests at heart and she had only made his life more difficult, in three months she had turned his life upside down, she had yelled at him, she had accused him of spying on her, she had disparaged his honor and she had put his life in danger more than once. How could she still claim to love him? How could she let him go on taking care of her since that was clearly his plan.

“Hey what’s wrong?
Are you in pain? Do you want me to get the doctor back?”

“No.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes. He sat down on the chair and leaned close to her. He reached out and ran his fingers down her cheek.  “I am so sorry Luke, about all of this.”

“Hey, don’t be like that.” He whispered softly.

“You gave me your blood.”

“Oh yeah.” He grinned and pulled his sleeve up so she could see his bruise. “You have almost as much of me in you as you have you.” She smiled through her tears. His smile faded as he looked at her. He reached back and grasped her hand. “I have something I need to say, I know my timing isn’t good but I need to say it anyway.” Angelica wiped her eyes with her one good hand without letting go of his hand. He had the same serious expression he had when he had told her what was between them was wrong. But he was holding her hand still. Either way she would take whatever he had to say she owed him that much.

“You lost an
awful lot of blood and the doctor wasn’t sure if you would make it or not. It was touch and go there for a while. I’ve never been much of a religious man, but I have to admit I did quite a lot of praying and I am not sure if I made this agreement with myself or with god but I promised one of us that if you pulled through I would set things right. That I wouldn’t let another day go by without doing it.” Angelica tears were flowing freely now, she didn’t even try to stop them or wipe them away.  “So here goes,” He took a deep breath, “Angie, I love you, I have for… I’m not even sure how long, since I found you in the rain maybe. I want you to marry me.” Angelica couldn’t breathe, she knew there was air around her but she couldn’t draw it in. Then the air in her lungs escaped in a sob and she turned her head and buried her face in the pillow.

“Oh no, please don’t cry, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Luke said quickly rubbing his hand over her head. He felt sick that it wasn’t what she wanted but he felt worse for upsetting her

“Oh Luke how can you ask me, look at everything I have already done to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Luke for the last three months I have done nothing but destroy your life.”

“Angie, you have brought the color into my life.”

“You don’t know me Luke, I am a terrible person.”

“I do know you. You are the woman who stood between me and an orphan foal because she said everyone deserved a chance, you are the woman who risked her life for my dream, you are the woman who has made me see the beauty and life in the world around me, you are the woman who gave me this,” He pulled the acorn from his pocket and held it up, “And called it a miracle and I have had it with me every minute since. I don’t give a damn who you were before, you are here now. You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Angelica was still crying she couldn’t stop but now she was crying because she had never heard anything so beautiful. She pulled her hand free of his and reached out and wrapped her arm around his neck. It hurt but she didn’t care she needed to feel him. He leaned in towards her lessening the pull on her wound. She lifted her head and pressed her lips to his he cupped her face with his hand and kissed her deeply.

“Is that a yes?” He whispered when he broke away.

“Luke I love you so much, you wouldn’t believe how much but I don’t want to see you get hurt because of me.”

“I’ll make you a deal.”

“What’s that?”

“You worry about getting yourself better and I will worry about keepin
g both of us from getting hurt.” She laughed in spite of the fact that he was serious.

“I don’t think it works that way.”

“Everything is going to work out you’ll see.” She gazed into his eyes and for the first time she really felt like everything was going to be okay.

“Luke,” She whispered, “I love you, I don’t want to spend my life with anyone but you.” He grinned and kissed her again. 

The doctor came back and Luke straightened up quickly. Angelica almost laughed, she thought he did that because he didn’t want anyone at the ranch to know about them, but the doctor
thought they were already married.

“Here we are let’s try this.”

“No please don’t.” The doctor injected something into the back of her arm before she could fully object. She sighed and glared at him, he didn’t seem to notice.

“That should help with the pain.” Luke said hoping to sooth her irritation.

“I don’t mind the pain, it lets me know I am alive.”

“I am glad you’re alive but I don’t want you to be in pain.”  Angelica felt an odd warmth spread through her
and her head swam just a bit as the drugs took effect. 

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