Fallen Angel (30 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jones

BOOK: Fallen Angel
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“Do you really think you’re going to have that on for more than a minute anyway?” He whispered in her ear.

“Maybe,” she smiled up at him, “Maybe I am going to develop some willpower.”

“Alright put it on then.” He bent and began kissing her neck making small circles with his tongue all the way up to her ear.
She leaned her head back against him.

“Oh, maybe not.”
She sighed he laughed.


“So I was thinking that tomorrow before we head home maybe we should go make this legal.” Luke said aloud into the darkened room. Angelica lifted her head off his chest and looked at him.

“You mean like get married.”

“Yeah, shouldn’t be too hard to find a judge or a minister to do the job.” He said lightly. She was quiet for a moment then she just said,


“No?” he asked surprised.

We are committed to each other so it’ just a formality, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. We are only going to do this once so you should have everything you wanted, and our family should be there.”

“Alright,” He sighed “but you just put your mother on the train and I am really not willing to wait that long.”

“I meant Ella and the boys, at the ranch, that family.” She laughed.

, I guess I can agree with that.” He chuckled. “What else would you like?”

“It’s not just what I want. You wanted to get married on the ranch under that big oak tree.”

“Yeah, I do.” He said softly, she smiled at him.

“So we can find a minister to come out to the ranch and marry us.”

“Sounds good.” He slid his fingers deep into her hair and smiled into her eyes. “You are so beautiful.”

“It’s dark in here, you can’t even see me.”

“I can see you, and even if I couldn’t
I still know you’re beautiful.”


Angelica stepped out of the barn and looked around, the moon was full but it still seemed like she couldn’t see farther than a few feet in front of her. Where was Luke? She couldn’t find him anywhere, he wasn’t in the house and he wasn’t in the barn. She couldn’t find anyone it was so quiet, usually she could hear insects and animals but all she heard now was silence.  She continued to walk across the yard looking for Luke. Then she saw him, he was leaning against the corral rail with his back to her.

“Luke, what are you doing?” She asked but he didn’t respond. She walked towards him when she got closer she saw the handle of a dagger
sticking out of his chest and his eyes were missing. She screamed.

“I told you I’d hear you scream before we were done. Beautiful eyes though.”

Angelica bolted up in the bed gasping, her heart was pounding so hard it was like thunder in her ears. Luke’s powerful arm wrapped around the front of her and she clung to him. She turned and looked at him in the dim light and reached out and touched him everywhere then cried with relief.

“Shh.” He whispered wrapping his arms tightly around her. “It’s okay I got you, I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again I promise.”  He soothed.

“It wasn’t me it was you.” She sobbed. “Oh Luke how could I be so stupid, if Brent sees my father he’s going to tell him I am alive and that I married you and I told him your name.” Her voice was muffled because she was speaking into his chest but he understood her. “I put you in danger, all of you which is exactly what I didn’t want to do.”

“Angie listen to me, take a deep breath.” He felt her draw in a deep breath. “
It was only a dream, I’m fine see.” He felt her nod. “It’s going to be okay.” She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

“Luke I know it was only a dream but the fact is that being with me puts you in danger, and my being at the ranch puts everyone else in danger.” 

“Angie I know where you are going with this and you might as well stop right there. I don’t care how much danger you think there is you are stuck with me now.  If it makes you feel better we will tell everyone at the ranch the situation and anyone uncomfortable with it can go, I would be shocked if anyone did though.”  She sighed and laid her head back down on his chest, she had that same resigned guilty look as he had misconstrued earlier.  He realized that as long as her father was still out there she was never going to be happy, she was always going to be worried and feeling guilty about things she couldn’t control.

“Angie, we are not going to just wait for him. I am not going to let you spend any
more of your life feeling responsible for things you can’t control.” She lifted her head again.

“What are you talking about?”

“We are going to draw him out. Only this time we do it my way.”


Angelica looked at herself in the in the floor length mirror this gown was perfect. The white gown had a fitted bodice and a full skirt the lines were clean but there wasn’t a lot of unnecessary beading and decorations. It was attractive but it was still simple and functional it was a perfect symbol for marrying Luke. 

“It just needs a little color.” She said aloud to herself.

“Wedding gowns aren’t supposed to have color.” One of the nearby seamstresses giggled.

“I know but it needs… it needs flowers.”

“Well, you’ll be holding a bouquet of flowers. Wait I think we might have something you’ll like.” The seamstress disappeared and returned a few moments later with a headpiece that was a ring of embroidered flowers.

“Oh that is beautiful.” She looked closely at the flowers. “Do you have any more of these flowers?”

“I think so, I’ll go and check.”


“Did you get everything you needed?” Luke asked when she met him back at the hotel after she finished her shopping.

“Yeah I think so, did you get everything you needed to?”

“Yep, the minister will be at the ranch tomorrow. Are you ready to go home?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “Let’s go home.”

Chapter 21

Angelica was suddenly apprehensive about announcing to everyone that they were getting married, she was thinking about it as they made the trek back. At least half the men had thought she wouldn’t even speak to them if they saw her on the
street. What if they didn’t want her to marry Luke, and then there was Ella, she was very protective of Luke and that day that she had announced she was marrying him Ella had seemed surprised but she hadn’t seemed happy.

“You’re awfully quiet over there, you’re not getting nervous now are you?” Luke asked pulling Blaze close alongside her. She smiled at him.

“Maybe just a little.”

She didn’t have long to agonize about it, Luke didn’t waste any time. As soon as everyone was seated at the table for supper he stood up. He put his hand out to her so she stood up slipping her hand into his.

“We have an announcement to make. We are getting married.” He said cutting straight to the point.

“It’s about time.” Someone said and everyone else laughed and Angelica felt herself blush
. Luke smiled.

“Yeah I guess I should mention that I asked and Angie accepted sometime ago but she had to heal and then she had to convince,” he paused long enough to meet her eyes, “her mother that she wasn’t going to change her mind.” Angelica smiled. “Anyway we don’t want anything fancy but we would like you all to be there, which shouldn’t be hard because we are going to do it right here tomorrow. Okay that’s it, I’m going
to get off this soapbox now.”  There was a chorus of congratulations as they sat back down and Angelica hoped that her face wasn’t too red.

After they finished eating and everyone cleared out including Luke
, Angelica began clearing off the table. Ella hadn’t said much and she was starting to get the impression that her fear that Ella wouldn’t be happy about the announcement had been realized. She wasn’t really sure what to say to make Ella think she was good enough for Luke she searched her brain and finally she just blurted. “I do really love him.” Ella looked surprised.

“Of course you do dear.”

“Well,” Angelica fidgeted slightly “I was kind of hoping to have your blessing.” Ella smiled and crossed the room to take both Angelica’s hands in hers.

“You have my blessing dear, I am very happy for both of you.”

“Well you don’t look very happy.” She said quietly, Ella smiled and squeezed her hands.

“I am happy, I am just going to miss this place and everyone in it.”

“Miss us, what do you mean miss us, Ella you can’t go.”

“Angelica, this is going to be your home now, yours to run your family to take care of, you don’t need me in your way.”

“Don’t need you…” Angelica sputtered exasperated, “Ella I don’t know how to do anything, if you leave… everyone will starve!” She said seriously and Ella laughed. “Ella I have always wanted to be a part of a big family, I love Luke and I would be where ever he was but I love this ranch and the family here too and that includes you.” Angelica took a deep breath, “I am hoping to fill this place with children. I love my mother but she is not the grandmother type. We need you Ella.”

“Oh you had to say babies.” Ella laughed.

“Does that mean you’ll stay?”

“Of course I will, I just didn’t want to intrude on your new life.”
Angelica breathed a sigh of relief and threw her arms around the other woman.

“Did I miss something?” Angelica turned and saw Luke in the doorway and shook her head.


“Alright you’re not going to like this…” She said once they were alone in the bedroom. He frowned, waiting for her to continue. “I am kicking you out.” His fro
wn deepened but he still didn’t respond. “We are getting married tomorrow and I know it’s crazy considering the last day we spent together but I think we should spend tonight apart.” Finally he smiled and walked towards her but she put her hands up. “No don’t touch me or I’ll change my mind.” He laughed but he moved quickly wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

“You don’t sound very committed to kicking me out.” He whispered huskily.

“Well I was kind of hoping you would go willingly.”

“Not a chance.” He laughed, she couldn’t help herself she la
ughed too. “Alright.” He sighed, “How ‘bout a good night kiss?”  She smiled and leaned forward and kissed him. She intended it to be a quick light kiss but he parted his lips and she couldn’t resist. Soon she was breathless and ready to change her mind about sleeping separately. He grinned at her when he broke the kiss and she playfully punched him on the shoulder.

“You do not play fair.” She complained and he kissed her again quickly.

“I won’t be far if you need me.” He said seriously before he released her.


“Ella,” Angelica called softly as she knocked on her door, “I was wondering if you could help me with something.” 

“Of course
, dear.” She said when she opened the door. She stepped out and pulled the door closed behind her but not before Angelica saw Tom in the room behind her. She was surprised to see him but it appeared that Ella hadn’t meant for her to see him so she didn’t say anything.

um… I want to put these flowers on my dress.” She held out the embroidered flowers.

“Oh that will look lovely.
Why don’t you go put it on and will pin the flowers where they need to go.”

Angelica sat late into the night talking with
Ella as they sewed the flowers on the gown. Her curiosity was eating at her but she forced herself not to ask the questions that she was burning to ask. Instead she paid attention to everything Ella had to teach her about altering the gown and then she fell into an exhausted sleep.


“Well how do I look?”

“You look beautiful dear.” Ella whispered and her eyes filled with tears. Angelica turned back toward the mirror again. The gown looked exactly as she had envisioned it. The colorful flowers offset the stark white gown perfectly and the headpiece pulled the whole thing together. 

“It looks exactly like I wanted it to.” She whispered.

“Angie, you are a lovely bride.”

“Oh Ella I am so excited, I am not even nervous. Is that strange?” Ella smiled and patted her hand,

“No, dear that’s not strange, not everyone is nervous before they get married. You are in love and you know what you want. What do you have to be nervous about?” Angelica smiled, Ella was right she knew beyond a doubt that this was what she wanted. “I believe everyone is ready whenever you are.”

Luke looked so good it made her knees weak. He was wearing his black suit and a black hat. His pale eyes were bright and sparkling under the dark brim. He smiled when he saw her and she smiled back unable to look away. She laced her fingers with his before she finally looked at the minister. He opened his bible and read a scripture about love then he spoke about the sanctity of marriage. Angelica listened intently to everything he said. He never mentioned a wife having a duty to her husband, he never used the word obey. He asked her if she promised to love honor and cherish her husband, she looked into Luke’s eye and her voice nearly choked with emotion as she said the words ‘I do’.  Her tears did fall when he repeated them back to her. He slid a ring on to her finger that looked like two acorns joined together. She wasn’t sure what to expect when the minister said ‘You may kiss the bride.’ He had never kissed her in front of these people, would he be self conscious? It didn’t appear so he gently cupped her face and kissed her softly he didn’t linger but he didn’t immediately pull away either. When he did finally break the connection he looked deep into her eyes and smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her off her feet to the applause of everyone present. 

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