Fallen Angel (33 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jones

BOOK: Fallen Angel
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“Luke.” Matt said louder this time but still he didn’t stop. He walked to the bedroom but she wasn’t there either he called out for her again as he walked back toward the kitchen.

“Luke, she’s gone.” Matt said forcefully.

“What do you mean gone?” Luke asked frowning.

“I mean she left
, she is gone.” Matt’s voice was a little softer this time. Luke could only stare at him. He felt sick he wondered if he should sit down. She left, why would she leave?

“She needed you to protect her, to catch him for her so he wouldn’t come after her again. She used you Luke.”  Luke’s head snapped up and he glared at his brother.

“No, that is not true she loves me.”

“Luke,” Matt said softly, “People like her are all the same they… well they don’t care who they step on to get what they need.”

“Shut up Matt, she is my wife, she isn’t one of those people.” He advanced on his brother, he didn’t know what he intended to do but his emotions had reached their limit. Before he reached him Matt held up a piece of paper, Luke took it.

“What is this?”

“She left you a note.” Luke quickly scanned the note and then his head snapped up again but this time he was looking at the table. “No.” He said his voice barely a whisper.

“I’m sorry Luke.”

“Was there anything on that table when you came in?” Luke pointed at the table but Matt shook his head.

“Only the note.”

“Damn it!” Luke cursed. He turned and walked to the gun cabinet in the living room. He took out shells for his rifle and his pistol and dropped them into the pockets of his duster and headed back toward the door.

“Where are you going?”

“Matt, Angie did not write that.  Someone took her. I went after Austin just like he knew I would and I was stupid enough to leave her here unprotected.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I know my wife.” He growled. “Did you suspect anyone else in your investigation?”

“Initially they thought there were two killers because some of the elements of the killings didn’t quite match but then the differences disappeared and they were all the same so they decide
d it was only one.” Luke cursed again and headed out the door.

“Do you want me to come with you?”  Luke could hear the approaching hoof beats of James and Charlie bringing Austin back.

“No, arrest him and get him the hell out of here so I don’t have to kill him.”

“Luke it’s dark now how are you going to find her.”

“Matt, this is my land, there is no where they can take her that I can’t find her.”

Chapter 23

Angelica opened her eyes and immediately closed them again as her head was filled with blinding pain. She squeezed them shut as she tried to orient herself to the pain that pulsed through her head along with each heartbeat. Finally she opened her eyes again and looked around. She was lying on the ground in the dirt. She could see a fire burning a short distance away but she didn’t see anyone around it. There was no one around and her hands weren’t tied, she should run.  She carefully pushed herself into a sitting position testing all of her limbs.

“Nice to see you are finally awake.”  She jumped and yelped involuntarily the voice was right behind her.

“Thomas?” Her voice was barely a whisper. She was stunned to see her father’s chief of staff.

“Well I am glad you didn’t lose your memory again, although I have my doubts as to whether you lost it last time.” She could only stare at him wide eyed.

“You… why did you bring me here?” She managed to stammer.

Oh I think you know why.  You are a loose end, the only witness.”

“They… they already know who he is.”

“But without you to testify they have no proof.” His voice was soft almost soothing she wondered for a moment if he thought he could talk her into dying for the cause. 

“All those girls deserve justice.”

“One could argue they got their justice. They were harlots willing to trade their wares for the chance to be the Mayors wife.” Angelica felt sick, was that how he had lured them? He pretended to woo them and then… she closed her eyes tightly trying to block the images that rose up in her head.

“You… helped him?” She whispered.

“Of course, you don’t think he killed all those women by himself do you?” She didn’t know what to say, he was talking as if killing eight women was the most normal thing in the world. She just knew she had to get away, she surged to her feet and began to run. He was on her surprisingly fast he grabbed her from behind and she brought her elbow back into the soft tissue of his stomach hard just the way Luke had taught her. He grunted but he didn’t release her. She swung her hands and elbows trying to make contact in any way she could but he just laughed at her.

“Go ahead and fight, I like it better that way.” He said and then threw her to the ground.  She scooted away as he advance
d toward her she flipped over trying to get to her feet again but he kicked her in the stomach and she fell to the ground again coughing and gasping from the pain.  He stood on her skirt preventing her from moving away any more.

“You’re father couldn’t do what needed to be done with you. He said that he didn’t want you to be counted among the slayers victims but I think he just didn’t have the stomach for it, but I do.” He knelt
down beside her and touched her face. “I am going to enjoy it.” She jerked away from him swinging at him again.

“Don’t touch me.” she said through clenched teeth, but he just laughed again.

“You think you’re special because he listened to you, stuck up little princess that didn’t give anyone the time of day unless they could do something for her. You are just like the rest of them, even your father had to admit it once you took that cowboy into your bed. So proud of yourself that you were a whore just like the rest of them.”

“He is my husband.”

“Not any more. Now you are a widow. Your father put a bullet in his head.”  Angelica gasped as tears sprang to her eyes.

“No! I don’t believe you.”  She said even as her tears over flowed at the idea. Luke couldn’t be dead she would know, she was sure she would know. But if he wasn’t dead would he come after her? He said he wouldn’t chase her down and bring her back if she left. Would he think she just left?  She was going to have to get herself out of this, she couldn’t depend on Luke to rescue her.  Thomas didn’t consider her a threat he was still laughing at her. She balled up her fist and swung with every ounce of strength she had aiming for his nose. She connected and he howled in pain and fell backwards cupping his hands over it. She took the opportunity she jumped to her feet and
ran again. It took him longer this time but he still caught her. He threw her to the ground again then he hauled her up and drug her back to where she started.  He threw her down again and she winced certain her whole body was going to be black and blue. 

“I was trying to be nice, you will not get that opportunity again.” He growled.  He grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped it open sending buttons flying.  She batted at his hands trying to push him away until he finally grabbed her wrists and held them.
He straddled her putting a knee on either side of her waist, preventing her from getting up again. He pulled a knife and put it to her chin.  “I understand you refuse to scream, I am going to enjoy making you scream.”

“You want me to scream fine.” She
tipped her head up and screamed, “Luke!” as loud as she could. He slapped her hard cutting off the sound. She only glared at him she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain.


Luke sat up straight, he heard her, he was sure of it. She had screamed but she had screamed his name. Could she see him? He looked around he couldn’t see much in the darkness.  He urged Blaze in the direction the sound had come from after a moment he saw light from a fire.  He slowed Blaze not wanting to alert them to his approach. When he was close enough to see Angie’s prone form he slid off and approached on foot. He had a clear advantage coming in from the darkness but he was far too emotionally involved to be able to be objective.  He saw a blade flash in the firelight and launched himself at the man holding his wife.

Angelica tried not to let her fear show but it was hard not too with him holding her down and touching her with the blade of the knife. She clenched her teeth trying not to cry, the
sadistic gleam in his eyes was enough to terrify her. She took a deep breath wondering if she screamed if it would distract him enough that she could get her hands free. Before she could try there was a blur of movement and Thomas tumbled off of her. She gasped at the unexpected movement but she didn’t waste any time she scrambled in to a sitting position so she could see what was happening she recognized Luke’s form immediately. Thomas clamored to his feet and Luke jumped up as well.  She couldn’t breathe as she watched the two men circle each other. One of them was the man she loved more than life and the other was holding a knife. Thomas swung the knife at Luke and he stepped back dodging the swing. Angelica looked around for anything she could use as a weapon even a rock to the back of the head would be helpful but she didn’t see anything. He swung wildly at Luke again but he didn’t dodge it this time, he caught Thomas’ wrist and twisted it. She heard him howl in pain and he dropped the knife. Then Luke swung landing his fist in the other man’s jaw. He followed immediately with his other fist and Thomas fell to the ground, Luke didn’t let up he continued to hit the other man until he felt Angie’s hand on his shoulder. He finally stopped and turned and grabbed Angie pulling her tightly against him.

“Are you alright?” He breathed into her hair, not loosening his grip even a fraction.

“I am.” She whispered clinging tightly to him. He stood up taking her with him and moved away from the unconscious man bleeding on the ground and towards the fire.

“Did he hurt you?” He finally pulled back using the firelight to examine her, she had a split
and swollen lip but that was all he could see.

No, he didn’t I…” She gasped as she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Thomas charged toward them. Three shots shattered the silence and Thomas looked stunned then he dropped to the ground. Luke lowered his pistol but he didn’t take his eyes off the man. The arm not holding the gun was still holding tight to her and he didn’t release her as he edged forward and flipped the man over with the toe of his boot. His eyes were still wide open but there was no life in them. Angelica turned her head away and buried her face in Luke’s chest.  He squeezed her tightly and once again led her away. 

“I am so sorry, Angie

“What?” She asked looking up at him. “You saved me, again, thank you.”

“You shouldn’t have been out here. I never should have left you alone. I promised I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you again…” Angelica silenced him pressing her lips to his despite the pain from her fat lip.

“Don’t do that.” She whispered when she released him. “None of this is your fault, and you saved me. Again!”  He tightened his arms around her until he was nearly crushing her but she didn’t care she wasn’t going to ask him to loosen his grip.

“I am just glad you’re alright.”

“I am glad you are alright, he told me… he said they shot you.” She said and finally began to cry as the reality and relief of the situation hit her.

“Babe please don’t cry, everything is going to be okay.”

“I know I am just relieved. Did you… did you catch him?”

“Yeah Matt should have him in custody now.” Angelica wasn’t sure what to say, she was just so happy to have him there.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t come.” She whispered
at last.

“Of course I came w
hat else could I do?”

“Well I thought you might think I just left and you said
you wouldn’t come after me again.” He pulled back and cupped her face with both hands and tipped it up so he could look into her eyes.

“I lied,” He said softly, “I don’t care how many times you go or how far
, I am still going to come after you.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere.” She whispered her eyes filling with tears again.

“And I didn’t believe for a second that you had left on your own.”  She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Luke,” She whispered, “Take me home.”

Chapter 24

Luke was surprised to see that there was still a lot of activity in the yard when they rode up.  He tightened his arms around Angie where she was riding in front of him.

“Luke thank God you and Angie are okay.” Matt said approaching as they rode up.

“Matt, I was hoping you would’ve taken him back already.”  Luke dismounted and then lifted Angie off the horse pulling her close once she was back on her feet.  She had his duster wrapped around her covering her torn clothes. “I brought you another one, you can’t arrest this one though.” He indicated the body draped over the horse that he had towed behind blaze

“Who is that?” Matt asked frowning.

“Thomas Mann, my father’s chief of staff.”  Angie said quietly not lifting her head off Luke’s chest.  Matt raised his eyebrows slightly.

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