Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (30 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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“Oh baby, I have been so worried.  Where are you?”

“I-I don’t know.  Wendi took me from outside the gym. I’m in a dark room, no windows with one door.” She choked her voice shaking in fear.

“It’s okay baby. We’re coming for you,” my voice shaking just as much as hers.


“Yeah, Angel. I’m here.”

“Our…our baby…” she choked out before starting to cry.

The breath left my lungs and tears filled my eyes.  No words would form in my head or come out of my mouth.  My world stopped.  Was she going to tell me that our baby was already hurt?  I couldn’t handle that is she did.

“Carson, are you there?  Carson?”

“I’m here, Angel.  I’m here.  I love you so much.  I’ll save you…both of you.  Do you hear me?” I said, choking back my own emotions.

“Please. I’m so scared. I…”

The line went dead and I crumbled to the floor.






I woke up in a room that was too dark to even see my hand in front of my face.  Shifting to a seated position, my hand knocked over something.  I reached out and found what felt like a lamp.  Turning it on for a quick second just so I can look at my surroundings, then I shut it off again.  There were no means of escape and only this lamp and bed in the room, which tells me that they mean to have me here for a while.  A shudder runs through me at that thought.  It was when I pulled my arms around myself that I felt my phone.  I nearly screamed in delight until the thought of having no idea where I’m at occurred to me.  Deciding I needed to call Carson just so he knows I’m alive, I dialed his number.

Talking to Carson killed me.  Just his voice alone brought tears to my eyes, never mind the visual my mind created.  My heart ached for him.  Unconsciously my hand went to my stomach, silently I prayed he’d make it to wherever I am before anything happened to me, but more importantly our baby.  Any doubts about him wanting to be a father were erased when I heard the anguish in his voice as he said ‘
I’ll save you…both of you.

It was
as I was pleading that I heard movement outside the room. Hanging up the phone without another word, I put the phone back and braced myself for whatever may come through that door.  The door opened and I held my breath.  In walked a very large man.  He could probably make any of those muscled up wrestlers look small.  His eyes, even in the darkness of the room to the light outside the door, were dark and he had an eerie smile on his face.  It was a smile that made my stomach knot and my heart race all at once.  I had to make an extra effort not to shudder under his stare.

“You’re awake,” his deep voice filled my body with panic.

“No shit, Sherlock,” I hissed surprised by the strength in my voice because I didn’t feel that strong at the moment.

His smile dropped and he stared at me.  For a moment, I thought I might have stunned him and that he himself was scared, but I was very much mistaken.  In just a few strides
, he was in front of me lifting me from the floor by my throat and slamming me against the wall.  The breath left my lungs from the force of hitting the wall.  My hands immediately flew to his hand as I tried to get his grip to break from my throat.

“I have your
number, you little whore.  Once Wendi gets done with you…you’re mine.  Remember that as you run your pretty little delectable, mouth off to me,” he hissed as he ran his hand down my chest.

The minute his hand touched my breast, my instincts kicked in, danger be damned.  My knee flew up and nailed him in his groin.  His grip dropped from my throat and my hand swung and hit him in the side. Moving to the side, I nailed him with a side kick.  My heart was jumping with victory as I kicked the shit out of this man, but my mind was telling me not to count my chickens before they hatched.  Carson always told me, ‘
The number one rule in fighting is to never get cocky.  The minute you get cocky is the minute you lose focus and your opponent is able to attack back.  Always keep your head in the game.
’  Though this was far from a game, but I heeded his warning too late.  For one second, I let my guard down and he nailed me across the face.  Falling to the floor, my only thought was I was going to die.

You idiot!  You never should have fought him.  He’s going to kill you with his bare hands.

Before I could think any more on the death topic, he was lifting me from the ground by my hair and I had to bite my tongue hard to not cry out from the pain.  He threw me on the bed.  Flipping me over so I was laying on my back, he crawled on top of me and came within centimeters of my face.  His weight almost suffocated me and I desperately tried to beat him off me.  One of his big hands grabbed both of mine and pinned them above my head, he smiled triumphantly at me.

“I think I’m going to have a little taste of my pretty little whore,” he whispered against my ear.

Before I could protest his mouth was on mine and his tongue pushed into my mouth.  His other hand moved down to the hem of my shirt and moved underneath it.  Slowly he moved his hand up my stomach and to my breast.  Trying tirelessly to shift myself out from under him by kicking my legs and shifting from side to side, he groans into my mouth before pulling away.

, keep rubbing against me baby…I might play before she tells me I can.”

Then his mouth was back on mine.  I tried to head butt
him, but he held my hair as well as my hands and my head could barely lift from the bed, let alone with enough force to knock this man off me.  His hand moved to my bra, pulled it down and began to play with my breast.  Involuntarily, I began to shift again beneath him trying everything again to get him off me.  It wasn’t until the door opened and light poured into the room before he finally moved off me.

Rocco! I don’t believe that I have given you permission to have her yet!  Have you done what I asked?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“Then I guess if you want her that bad you will be getting on it now, won’t you?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he
said, adjusting his jeans before turning and smiling at me.  “Until later, my little whore.”

Wendi started laughing…hard.  Moving to the corner, I brought my knees to my chest to protect myself. Once she finally quit laughing, she moved to sit on the bed.

“You know, you wouldn’t be here right now if you’d only listened to my warning.  He’s mine, little darlin’. And I always get what I want.”

“Why do you want him so bad?”

“Well, he has what I want.”

“What?” I asked completely confused.

“Money and status.  He and I are going to get married.  Then in a couple years he will suffer a tragic death and all that money and status will be mine.”

My brain spun with all this new information.  Suddenly it dawned on me what she just said.  The filter to my mouth was broke again and before I could stop myself
, I blurted, “You’re a black widow!”

She began laughing.  “Oh
yes, that is what I would be called if I were to ever get caught, but I am very meticulous and have friends in high places and low ones as well.  I have not been caught yet and there have been five husbands, so far,” she stated proudly and without remorse.

“What?” I breathed. “Why?  Why would you do that to innocent people?” Disbelief loud and clear in my voice.

“Innocent? Ha! Men do not have the capability of love.  They only tell you what you want to hear so that they can get their hands on your assets…whatever they may be.  See I married once for ‘love’ and boy was that a joke.  He married me, but he was sleeping with anyone with a vagina the whole time.  My parents passed, leaving me a healthy chunk of money and property.  I found out he was cheating on me.  More like I found him in bed with two women…our bed.  I filed for divorce.  After all, I didn’t need him; I had my inheritance that I could live on.  Well the pinhead was smarter than I thought.  I had signed a pre-nup stupidly without reading it.  I asked for the divorce four years, nine months, two weeks and five days later.  Turns out the pre-nup stated that if I filed before five years, I forfeited any and all money that was gained during the marriage.  I killed him, still lost all my money because I was not a benefactor on his plans, but he was dead that was all I cared about.  When I got away with that, I realized I could do that and live the life I deserved so here I am.  But that is neither here nor there at the moment, right now I want to know why the hell you won’t stay away from my man?”

I sat there completely stunned by her confession there. 
She once loved and lost.  My heart actually broke for her.  If Carson ever lied to me like that, I would break too.  Not sure that I would go to that extreme, but I definitely wouldn’t be looking for love anymore.  When she hit me, I realized she had asked me a question and was waiting for the answer.

“I’m sorry for your loss and what you had to go through Wendi, but he was never yours.  I love him and do not regret staying with him for a minute.  So do to me what you want, I don’t care.  Carson is the love of my life and I won’t let go of him
… ever,” I said, squaring my shoulders and staring her right in the face.

“See that is where you have mistaken this situation.  I don’t plan on touching you.  No, I will leave that all to
Rocco.  You still want to stick to your guns on not letting go of Carson?”

“Yes,” I said firmly.

“So be it.  Well, I won’t see you again, but the next time the door opens…” she let the sentence trail off as she walked out the door.

The minute the door closed, I dropped my head to my knees and silently cried.
  It was a major effort to not start crying while that guy…Rocco, was in the room.  Grateful to be alone, but my hope was dwindling.  How would Carson find me in time?  I couldn’t overpower this guy.  He was too strong.  As long as I had the upper hand, it was possible, but keeping that was proving to be hard.  When I was taken I had it briefly, but he regained it.  Here I had it briefly again, but again, he regained it.  How was I going to get out of this alive? Or even still how was I going to get out of this unharmed…untouched?

I debated on calling Carson again just to hear his voice, but I had no idea how long it was going to take to get out of here…if I could.  The battery on my phone would not last forever.  The situation was hopeless.  I held my stomach and
briefly, I wondered what she would do if I told her I was pregnant.  If she would let me go or if she would make sure I suffered because of it.  This time, for the first time, there was no light at the end of my tunnel.  There was no Geno here to save me before things got too bad for me.  Not this time.  This time I sit with no possible positive outcome.  The only options I have are; give in to my fate now or prolong it as much as possible.

Fumbling around, I turned on the lamp.  They already knew I was awake no
sense in sitting in the dark.  I got a better look at my surroundings.  The room was probably about the size of the walk-in closet at Carson’s.  The walls were cement and looked like they had water issues at some point.  The floor was some kind of concrete or…hell I don’t know.  It was broken in pieces and looked to be dirt under it. A chunk of the floor clunks to the side as I kicked it with my foot. Staring at it for a moment, I picked it up and held it in my hand for a moment. Shifting it from hand to hand, it could be a decent weapon if need be.  I think I’ll hang on to it.  Walking around more, I noticed that there was a doorway in a far corner.  It was almost unnoticeable from the other side of the room.  Walking in, I felt the wall near the entrance and found the switch.  Turning it on, I found what was probably a decent bathroom…fifty years ago.  Every surface in the bathroom has some kind of rust or dust or…filth all over it.  There was no clean surface anywhere.  Walking in further, careful not to touch anything, I looked inside the recess of the wall to find a dilapidated shower.  There was no way this shower had been used anytime this decade.


On the floor of the shower was a bucket full of cleaning products, rubber gloves, and various scrubbing instruments.  Turning and looking at the bathroom again, who knew how long I’d be down here.  I guess I should clean it.  For what seemed like forever, I cleaned every nook and cranny of that bathroom.  It was far from sparkling, but at least it was clean and I knew that the water and toilet worked. I set the bucket and supplies under the sink and walked out of the bathroom.

Suddenly it hit me.  The floor, the walls, the ceiling or lack thereof as was the case here, I was in a basement or cellar.  I moved to the bed and turned off the light.  Reaching in, I pulled out my phone again.  I should text
him, but I just needed to hear his voice.

Angel? Baby please, tell me you’re okay,” he pleaded.

“Carson, listen to me. I’m in a basement.  You have to hurry.
If you don’t find me soon…she’s giving me to this huge guy named Rocco in a couple of days.  Please Carson…save me,” a sob escaped at the end.

“No, he won’t touch you.  I promise I will find you.  Do you remember anything that stands out as you were taken there?”

“She hit me over the head with something outside the gym with Tommy.  Carson he didn’t even try to help me.  He just stood there hanging his head saying he was sorry.  He didn’t even try…”

growled, then took a deep breath. “Can you hear anything?  Anything that might narrow down a location?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and listened intently for a minute or two.  Focusing on any sound I heard, but I heard nothing aside from them moving around upstairs.  Sighing
, I put the phone back to my ear and was about to reply when the door opened again and I dropped the phone under the bed.  He moved over toward me even in the dark I could see his smile.

Fucking prick!

It took everything out of me not to scream when the door opened.  The closer he got, the further back on the bed I moved.  There was only so far I could move before he had me cornered on the bed.

“Oh my pretty little whore.  Soon you will be all mine to do with as I please.  Soon…you will be mine,” he said as he bit my ear.

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