Far From Home (24 page)

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Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

BOOK: Far From Home
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Each day, I got more excited for my trip to Boston.  My dad was happy when I told him I was coming.  He even said he’d take the days off, which was saying a lot for my workaholic father. 

I couldn’t leave though before we all got together to send Brandon off.  He’d be heading to basic training a few days after I got back from Boston and we didn’t know when we could all get together before he had to leave. 

When we started talking about Brandon’s going away party, there was no question we’d have it at Jesse’s house.  It was where we’d always hung out and it was only fitting for our last hurrah. 

We decided we’d do it on Saturday night after we all finished up with work.  I was worried Jesse might get tied up at the shop, but he made sure to be home in time.  Mandy, Laura, Holly and I were already setting up when Jesse pulled in.  He looked tired when he stepped out of the Jeep, still in his coveralls.

I stopped blowing up balloons and headed over towards him.  Mandy had insisted we go all out, having purchased a helium tank and way too many red, white and blue balloons.  I knew Brandon would think it was indulgent and unnecessary, but Mandy had insisted and I, for one, thought it was sweet. 

“Hey,” I said, jogging up to Jesse.  Before he could say anything, I reached up and kissed him. “How was work?”

“Just another day,” he said and I could tell his mood was not a good one. 

“Brandon’s gonna be here in about forty-five minutes.  Would you mind getting the grill ready when you have the chance?”

“Yeah,” he said, walking towards it.  I went back to help tie up balloons while Jesse worked on the grill.  I watched him out of the corner of my eye and I thought he looked distracted, almost worried, but if the summer had taught me anything, it was not to read into Jesse’s moods too much. 

He finished with the grill and then started walking towards the house.  I decided to follow him inside where I found him getting a glass of water. 

“You okay?” I said in a cautious, cheerful voice as I sidled up beside him.

“Yeah,” he said after taking a long drink and setting the cup down in the sink. “Just tired.”

“Is that it?” I asked and he glanced over to me. “Sorry,” I said quickly. “There I go again.  I’m being too pushy.”

“No.  It’s fine,” he said, turning and leaning against the counter and folding his arms. “I guess I’m having a hard time believing Brandon’s leaving.  He’s always been around.  At least it seems that way.”

“It is weird thinking he’ll be off to God knows where while we’re still in Kansas,” I said softly. “I’m actually gonna miss him a lot.”

“Yeah, me too,” Jesse added as he started heading down the hall.  I thought about following him, but started forming the ground beef into patties instead.  I heard him shuffling around and then the bathroom door closed, the water in the shower turning on a moment later.  He didn’t stay in long and a few minutes later it turned off.  When I heard the bathroom door open, I peered down the hall to see Jesse with just a towel around his waist, walking across the hall into his bedroom.  I smiled and I knew I couldn’t just stand there, pounding hamburgers.  I quickly washed and dried my hands before walking to his bedroom.  It was open a crack and I peeked inside, watching him towel off.  I felt a bit voyeuristic, but it was a nice view. 

I pushed the door open after a few moments, obviously startling him as he quickly wrapped the towel back around his waist.

“You scared the crap outta me, Riley,” he gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” I said, closing the door and locking it behind me before I sat down on his bed, staring up at him. “Just coming to say hi.  Seemed like more fun than making burger patties.  Don’t let me stop you from getting dressed. Please continue.”

He grinned and blushed, turning away shyly.

“If you’re looking for a striptease, you’ve come to the wrong place.”

“Don’t pretend you’re all shy now, Jesse,” I said, standing up and tugging on his towel, which he firmly held in place.  We tussled playfully and then I pulled him to me, kissing him deeply as my hands glided over his body, still slick from the shower. 

“You know we can’t do this right now,” he said, breathlessly between kisses. 

“Yes, we can.  We’ll just have to be quick,” I pleaded friskily and he started laughing. 

“Quick is not how a man wants to be described.”

I couldn’t help but laugh too and our romping stopped as his arms slid around me, holding me close.  He was right. Now was not the time with our friends just outside and Brandon arriving any minute.  Still, standing in Jesse’s arms like this was almost just as good. 

“Go finish the burgers while I get dressed,” he said with a quiet laugh as he kissed me on the forehead and sent me on my way.




As we sat around the fire, my mind drifted to the first night I’d come over to Jesse’s.  I’d only been in Carver a few days and I remembered thinking how strange this place was: the people, the surroundings, everything.  It was all so foreign to me and I had been a complete snob.  I had no idea how important everyone sitting with me that night would become to me.  I certainly had no idea I’d fall in love with Jesse and what we would eventually share.  So much had changed since then.  They’d become my closest friends and as I looked around at them now, I was sad that it was all coming to an end.  Well…maybe not an end, but an end to the way it had been.  Brandon would be gone and it was anybody’s guess as to when he’d be able to come back.  Holly, Jesse and I would come down on the occasional weekend, but I doubted we’d all sit around the fire again like this for a long time. 

We’d eaten our burgers and Mandy had brought out the cake she’d made for Brandon, just as she had for Jesse’s birthday that first night I’d spent with them.  Once everything was eaten, we sat around talking about nothing really and it almost felt like old times. 

“Well,” Brandon said suddenly, standing up. “Since this is the last time for the foreseeable future we’ll all be together like this, I must give myself a proper send off.”  With that, he walked to his car, took something out and started walking back.

“I wonder what he’s doing,” I whispered to Jesse.

“With Brandon, who the hell knows,” he whispered back.

Brandon stood in front of us, his hands behind his back and we all stared at him curiously.

“I couldn’t leave without using this one more time,” Brandon announced, pulling a bottle out and we all groaned.

“No! No way, Brandon!” Jesse shouted. “Don’t even think about it!”

But before Jesse could get up to stop him, Brandon was squirting his lethal combination of chlorine and pool cleaner onto the fire, which instantly lit up like an inferno and we all scrambled backwards, toppling over our chairs and each other.  Jesse was always getting on Brandon about not using his concoction, but of course, Brandon didn’t listen.  I’d first witnessed it on the night of Jesse’s birthday.  It’d been a while since Brandon had unleashed it, but the fire it created was just as impressive and terrifying.

When the fire died down, Brandon was laughing hysterically as we all glared at him.  The hostility over the fact that he’d nearly burned us all to death was short lived and suddenly Mandy started giggling.  Her laughter was contagious and soon we were all cracking up, even Jesse. 

“I swear,” Brandon said, raising his right hand. “I am hereby retiring this amazing creation of mine.  Never again will you bask in the warmth of a Brandon blaze.”

We all started clapping and he took a bow, setting the bottle on the ground and smiling proudly. 

After straightening the chairs that had been overturned and cast aside as we all tried to escape the fireball, we sat back down.

“Seriously though,” Brandon said, his voice low and sincere, something that was rarely witnessed. “Thanks for this.  I’m gonna miss y’all.”

It grew quiet then, the only sound the crackling of the fire.  Mandy suddenly stood up, walking quickly over to Brandon and hugging him.

“I’m gonna miss you,” Mandy said through her tears.  Brandon wrapped his arms around her too and held her for a moment before she pulled back, wiping her red eyes and turning to all of us.  “I’m gonna miss this.  All of this.  All of you.  Just sitting around and doing nothing.  We’ve known each other since kindergarten.  Well…obviously not you, Riley,” she said, turning and grinning at me. “But it’s always been us and I love you guys.  Holly,” she said, looking at our friend. “I love how nice you are to everyone.  You’re like the most welcoming person I know.  I mean, you brought Riley into our group, which I think has been pretty great, even if you were a total snob when you first got here.  Don’t take that the wrong way, Riley.  You’re awesome.  I love you too.  You brought a little culture to Carver,” she said to me and I couldn’t help but shake my head and smile at Mandy’s professions, which I realized weren’t done yet when she turned to Laura. “And Laura, I love how you just call it like it is.  You’ve put me in place on more than one occasion and I definitely needed that.  And Brandon, as much as it annoys me, I love what a jackass you are and I’m gonna miss your insults and harassment. You’re a pain in the butt, but I love you anyway.  And Jesse, I just love you.  I love how you keep us all grounded and how you always look out for us.  And I love how you don’t realize what a great guy you are.  Heck, you never even realized Laura had a crush on you for like forever.”  She suddenly stopped, her hand flying over her mouth as all of our heads, including Jesse’s, whipped around and focused on Laura, whose face was beet red. “Omigosh!  I’m so sorry, Laura.  I’ve done it again.”

Laura looked like she was on the verge of tears.  She was usually a rock, but Mandy had obviously embarrassed her. 

“Well, I guess the secret’s out,” she said, trying to laugh, but I could tell she wanted to cry. “That was a long time ago though,” she said, even though I knew otherwise. 

An awkward silence fell over us then and I wondered how we’d get past Mandy’s faux pas, but then Jesse stood up.  He walked slowly towards Laura, stopping in front of her, extending his hand and pulling her up.  He looked at her and smiled before wrapping his arms around her.  She hugged him back and I could tell he was whispering something in her ear.  A part of me was a little jealous seeing someone besides me in Jesse’s arms, but at the same time, it was just another reminder why I loved him so much as I watched him try to make Laura feel better.

“Well, it wouldn’t be a complete evening until Mandy put her foot in her mouth,” Holly chuckled and the rest of us laughed because we knew it was true. 

“Should we bust out the quads?” Brandon suggested, hoping to lighten the mood once Laura and Jesse were both sitting down again.

“Of course,” Jesse said, standing up and walking towards the shed.

“Whaddya say, Riley?  Want me to give you one last ride to remember?” Brandon laughed as we both recalled my first terrifying time on a four-wheeler.  My life had flashed before my eyes, but when it was all over, I’d had a blast and I realized life in Carver might be tolerable.

“I’d love that, Brandon.”




After everyone else was gone, Jesse and I put everything back in the shed, doused the fire and headed back inside. 

“Tonight was fun,” I said, once we were sitting on the couch in the living room. 

“It was,” he agreed.

“I was impressed by how you handled the Laura situation,” I told him as we both leaned back.

“I felt bad for her.”

“She looked mortified, but you were very sweet,” I said, taking his hand. “So…you never really knew how she felt?”

“I knew,” he said with a telling smile.

“And you never said anything?”

“Why would I?  I didn’t want to embarrass her.”

“Well, Mandy took care of the embarrassing part.”

“She sure did,” he said with a light laugh.

“Did you…” I began hesitantly and then paused for a moment. “Did you ever have feelings for Laura?”

“What?” he exclaimed, shaking his head. “No.  Of course not.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.  I just didn’t.  Are you jealous or something?” he asked with a grin.

“I was just curious.  I mean…she’s cute…and nice.”

“Riley…” he said, rolling his eyes.

“What’d you say to her?  When you were hugging?”

We sat quietly for a moment and I wondered if he would tell me.

“I just told her she was beautiful and that I loved her.”

“With those smooth words, no wonder she was always into you.”

“Well, what can I say?  I’m irresistible.”

“I won’t argue that,” I said, leaning my head against his shoulder. “You handled that situation very well, even if I’m not exactly keen on you telling another girl she’s beautiful or seeing you with your arms around her.”

He turned to me, brushing my cheek with his fingertips. 

“Laura may be beautiful, but she doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

“Such a charmer,” I said softly.

“Always.” He kissed me gently and I snuggled in closer to him. “I’m gonna miss you while you’re in Boston.”

“It’s only for a few days, but I’ll miss you too,” I said, sitting up and turning to face him, locking my eyes on his. “I wish you could come.”  I leaned in slowly, pressing my lips against his and I waited to see if he would reject my advances the way he had earlier.  When I felt his hands slide around my waist, pulling me onto his lap, I knew he wouldn’t and I smiled as he began kissing me eagerly, both of us obviously wanting the same thing.  He stood up, my legs clinched around his waist and he carried me to his bedroom.   


Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I landed in Boston, it felt good to be back.  Part of me missed the hustle and bustle that greeted me at Logan Airport.  That feeling quickly faded though when we encountered the bumper to bumper traffic on the drive home.  I’d almost forgotten how frustrating Boston traffic could be and a drive that should only take a half an hour could easily turn into a two hour trek.  As my dad continually pushed and released the brake pedal of his Audi on I-93 through the heart of the city, I was surprised by how much I longed for the open space and ease of the turnpike back in Kansas.

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