Fast and Loaded: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Fast and Loaded: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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or the first
time in my life, I was nervous about what was about to happen. I knew that I wanted Amber more than any other woman I had ever desired. Still, something inside of me felt strange.

My stomach did a little flip each time she bit her lip and glanced over at me as we walked back to the shop. When we got to the tent, my eyes naturally darted over to Theresa. After years of racing against Luke, it was always my first instinct to check on the car.

Amber smiled and took my hand, leading me towards the car. When we reached the hood, she leaned against it, looking good enough to eat. I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing her hips and pressing her core close to my growing shaft.

The short skirt that she was wearing had been driving me insane all night. I wanted to rip it off of her. She playfully pushed me away and jumped back when I tried to grab her. I watched in amusement as she climbed into the passenger side of the car.

“Have you ever done anything bad in here?” she asked me as she disappeared into the car.

I thought about it for several minutes. Theresa had always been a gem to me. I had never been able to bring a woman near her. They just didn’t seem to understand how important she was. She would always be more than all of them put together. Of course, that was before I met Amber. Now, everything was different.

“No.” I answered earnestly, “I guess we just never made it that far.”

“Well, aren’t you a player,” she said playfully.

“I was, until now,” I said, without realizing the importance of the words.

She smiled at me, “Maybe we can just break in Theresa for now? No need to think about tomorrow. Not when we still have tonight, right?”

I nodded my head, not wanting to kill whatever was happening between us. “Right.”

Following her lead, I took my place behind the wheel. It brought back a flood of memories from the race, and it almost destroyed everything about the fun we were having that night.

Luke had put a dark taint on Theresa, and I didn’t know if we were going to be able to save her again. This time was different. This time, I hadn’t caught his cheating ways in time. We had so much work to do before I would be able to race in the next stage.

“Hey,” whispered Amber as she turned my face to her. “Come back to me. We can worry about her later okay?”

I nodded my head, “Okay.”

“Tonight is about us, I need this as much as you do,” she replied softly.

Her words struck a chord inside of me, and I found myself focusing on her. Leaning forward, I locked her lips into a fierce embrace with my own. I didn’t hold back. I knew that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Nothing was going to stop us, not Luke, not Theresa and not the race.

She was everything that I wanted in that moment. My body began to feel warm, and my shaft continued to grow.

I felt her hand travel up my leg until she was able to feel my cock. I jumped away a little when her hand gripped me. She was strong, and her grip made me want to ejaculate right away. I had never before felt so aroused by a woman.

Amber was turning my world upside down. Her touch sent shivers of desire coursing through my body, shivers that I never wanted to stop. My stomach clenched in anticipation of what was coming.

My heart was racing as she climbed over the shifter to straddle me. I grabbed her hips and squeezed, watching as she bit her lip. It was evident that she liked it when I touched her there. Digging in my thumbs, Amber let out a subtle moan of pleasure.

I smiled as she kneeled down to kiss me tenderly. Tasting her lips, my gaze caught hers, and I saw a glint of playfulness. I moaned in desire as her body pressed against mine. Music filled the air from the radio as the lights from the dashboard cast a soft glow over us.

My hands left her hips and traveled up to her breasts, waiting for her to stop me. I knew that it was what she wanted; she had made that clear from the beginning. Still, I didn’t want her to feel like she was just another woman to me.

She was special, and I needed her to know that. Our eyes stayed locked together as I waited for her to push me away. When that moment never came, I let out a sigh of relief. She was making me feel like a virgin all over again. It was thrilling and terrifying all at once.

Gazing into her eyes, I saw that she was just as aroused as I was. She licked her lips, something I had seen her do before and a move that always seemed to drive me insane.

One day, I promised myself, one day I would take that lip and spend an hour just kissing it. Until she knew how much her subtle little movements turned me on and drove me crazy.

I pulled her close to me, capturing her lips in another kiss before my hands found her hardened nipples. They were barely covered up by the tight shirt she was wearing. I made short work of removing it before pulling my own shirt over my head.

Her skin, touching mine, was everything that I had imagined and more. Her dark areolas looked like warm chocolate, just begging to be licked. Such firm but tender buds, I thought as she gasped out in pleasure.

“Oh God,” she moaned.

I smiled as I nibbled a little bit harder on her. “Do you like that?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

I asked, “Should I stop?”

“No!” she called out. “Please don’t stop. I need more.”

“Let’s see how good you are first,” I said to her playfully.

“Desmond,” she called out softly.

I didn’t need to reply as I unzipped her tight skirt and tossed it onto the passenger seat. She wasn’t wearing anything but a thong underneath. Looking at her exposed flesh, I felt my shaft growing rock hard between my legs.

The bulge in my pants pressed up against her thong. My body was throbbing, ready to plunge into her core, so close and so accessible. Still, I wanted to take things slowly.

Leaning forward, I captured one of her nipples in my mouth again, and her body jerked as she let out a passionate cry. Her hands found the back of my head and her fingers dug into my hair, pushing me harder into her breast.

I didn’t disappoint as I bit down with a little more force, switching back and forth between the two rosy buds on her chest. Before long, her body started to rock and grind against my own, and I couldn’t be patient any longer.

One hand slipped from where it was pushing her against me and went down to feel the warm moisture soaking through her thin panties. I heard her moan softly, and I couldn't resist mimicking the sound.

She was so aroused; it made my cock throb with desire. I wanted to plunge inside of her. Unable to hold back any longer, I pushed my fingers past the thin barrier and into her waiting garden.

“Jesus,” I muttered, feeling how her walls tightened around me.

“Desmond,” she called out breathlessly, “I can't wait any longer. I need you.”

Her words made my heart dance as my fingers vigorously plunged into her again. I knew she couldn't hold out as her nails dug into my back and she began to bounce up and down on them, bringing herself to a climax.

I felt her body tighten around my fingers as her sweet nectar flowed from her body, begging to be tasted by me. When I couldn't take any more torture, I pulled away from her and quickly unzipped my pants.

Pulling out my throbbing, engorged member, I heard her moan. It was just inches from her waiting entrance. She lifted herself up, and I guided the tip into her dripping body, ready to feel her wrapped around me.

I had planned to take it slow. I knew she was small, and I didn't want to hurt her. She, on the other hand, had others plans though.

With a playful glint in her eye, she sat down hard on my cock, making me gasp at the sudden, mind-blowing pleasure of feeling her tight entrance wrapped around me. She began to move up and down on me, my hands guiding her by gripping her hips.

I felt her squeeze my shaft with her body, and I kissed her harder. Just as I thrust into her one last time, my climax rising up, I felt her quiver and shake in a second orgasm. It rolled over my body as my seed spilled into her.

I could feel it dripping back down, but I didn’t care. Amber was the most amazing creature I had ever known. She collapsed onto me, struggling to catch her breath as I did. After several minutes, she sat up, laughing lightly. It was an intoxicating sound as I joined her.

Amber leaned away from me, attempting to compose herself with my shaft still inside of her. Her back caught the horn, and the loud noise made us both jump. We fell together in another bout of laughter, and I couldn't help but see how perfect we were for each other.

I hoped that it wasn't just me feeling that way and she would reciprocate them too. All around us, everything was silent. The only sound was her breathing and my panting. I never wanted it to end.

The windows were covered with steam and outside, the world looked like an alien planet. Hours had passed since we had left the bar but it felt like it had only been minutes. Spending time with Amber was becoming intoxicating. I didn't want to think about that time ending. She climbed away from me, a playful smile on her lips.

“You look rather proud of yourself,” I said with a smirk.

She laughed, “I am! You were pretty good too, Mr. Keys.”

“I could get used to this,” I replied absentmindedly.

She smiled but looked away. “We should probably call it a night.”

“Right,” I muttered.

I knew that she was worried about our professional relationship. I also knew that she cared, though. How would I make her realize that I wasn't just after her body? How could I show her that I wanted more?


fter we made love
, we should have parted ways, but it was just too hard. He walked me to my room, and I couldn’t resist the urge to pull him inside. It didn’t seem like he wanted to leave and I wasn’t going to force him too.

We fell together onto my small bed and made love for a second and third time. When we finally passed out, exhausted from the sex, the moon was giving up his terrain to the sun. I had only planned on sleeping a few hours before rising to start fixing Theresa; my body had other plans though. As soon as my eyes shut, the world around me collapsed into darkness and I was out cold.

* * *

he buzzing was infecting
the air as I woke up, my alarm going crazy. Next to me, Desmond was still asleep, looking even more attractive than ever. I smiled, thinking about how badly I wanted to wake him with a tender kiss. Once glance at the alarm clock though had me changing my mind. It was already almost noon.

“Shit!” I all but yelled as I jumped up.

Desmond woke up and asked, “What? What’s wrong?”

“It’s almost noon, and we are running out of time to fix Theresa if we want to win this race!” I said frantically as I looked for my work clothes.

I could feel Desmond’s eyes as they traveled over my body. Spinning around, I caught him in the act.

“Desmond!” I scolded. “We do not have time for this! Not if you want to race tomorrow!”

He smiled, “Not even a little time?”

I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at his charm. It was a tempting offer, one that I would have taken him up on any other time. Not today, though. Today I had work to do. Bending over and giving him a good show of my rear, I heard him moan in pleasure.

I picked up his shirt from the floor and tossed it unceremoniously at him. He caught it midair, the playful expression still dancing across his lips.

“Get dressed Keys, we have work to do,” I said with a smile as I finished getting dressed.

He sighed, “But it’s so early!”

I rolled my eyes at him, “Is this how you always are? Too lazy to work?”

I knew that wasn’t Desmond at all, but I was hoping my question would pull him out of bed. It worked as his eyes narrowed and the will to be the best at everything rose up inside of him once again.

“You are a cold woman,” he muttered playfully as he pulled on his shirt.

I smiled before opening the door and stepping into the hallway, “I know, but I really am the best.”

I closed the door before he could argue with me. I knew that he would, it was just who he was. I was the same way, and it was great to finally meet someone who was capable of keeping up the banter with me. I wanted to tell him just how wonderful I thought he was, but it would have to wait.

The last thing that either of us needed was an emotional distraction. Who knew if I was even going to be able to repair the damage done to Theresa?

I rounded the corner and saw her sitting in the middle of the shop where we had left her last night. Seeing her brought back the flood of emotions from our time in bed. His touch, his warmth, his dick.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to rise up and my garden growing moist at the memories. I quickly shook my head, I didn’t have time to think about his lips or any other part of Desmond’s body, I had work to do.

Right away I popped open the hood and started looking around. The scanner was already in my hand, and I was working loose a bolt when Desmond finally emerged. It looked like he had fallen back to sleep. I couldn’t say that I was surprised; he didn’t really seem like the type to function on little or no sleep.

“You really need to get ready for the rest of the race,” I muttered to him.

“I know,” he replied with a lazy smile as he leaned against the car. “I would just like to know if there’s going to be a car for me to drive?”

“I think so; I am working on the repairs now,” I replied.

“Do you know that the third leg of the race isn’t just one part but two? It's spread out over back to back races during two days. It’s all about speed and points. Whoever wins tomorrow, will have a huge lead in the last race of the competition.” Desmond said.

I looked at him in confusion, “You mean it’s not just one more race tomorrow?”

He shook his head, “Nope, it's actually two races.”

“Well,” I said to him as I wrenched free the piece that Luke had damaged, “It looks like you should get out there and shake some hands or do whatever it is that you do. Here’s the problem.”

He took the piece from me and shook his head, “That son of a bitch.”

I nodded my head in agreement, “You got lucky though, we have a spare. It will take me a few hours to switch them out. After that though, there’s no reason you shouldn’t kick his butt tomorrow.”

Desmond smiled at me, making my heart race, “Thanks.”

He leaned over and kissed me gently, and I felt myself blush. He was so much more than I had ever hoped for.

“See you soon,” he whispered to me before walking away.

I watched him go, and when the shop doors closed behind him, I let out a sigh of relief. He was the most distracting man that I had ever met. Everything about him made me feel like a giddy schoolgirl again. It was wonderful and infuriating at the same time.

As the part in my hand started to feel heavier, I was pulled back into reality. I needed to get Theresa fixed, no matter what. I needed to show Desmond that I could make up for what Luke had done. More so, I needed to show Luke that I was better than his petty little tricks.

* * *

you sure she’s ready?” asked Desmond.

I rolled my eyes, “I promise you, she is ready. I have checked and double checked, and I tested her out yesterday. What more do you want?”

Desmond smiled at me, “Nothing, everything is perfect. I just don’t want to risk any more damage.”

I knew that he was worried. I had placed a guard at the shop twenty-four hours a day since the last time I had gone over Theresa, but it was still frightening since Luke was able to get to her so easily before.

I had done everything I could, even making more modifications as I went. For Desmond to do anything but win this leg of the race would be almost unheard of. Theresa was now capable of out running every other car there.

“Desmond, I know that you are worried, but I have put every precaution in place. All you have to do is go out there and show those people who the best driver really is, okay?” I said reassuringly.

He smiled at me and clicked his seatbelt, “Okay, I trust you. After all, you are the best mechanic that I have ever known.”

I laughed, “You know that I am going to tell José that you said that, right?”

Desmond grinned, “I think he will understand, he’s not as pretty as you, and that’s a hard thing to compete with. Plus, there’s that thing you do with your tongue.”

“Desmond!” I scolded him before playfully reaching through the window and slapping his arm.

The announcer called for the drivers to make their way to the starting line and I saw him let out a nervous sigh. I couldn’t help but be worried right along with him. This part of the race, he had told me the night before, was the most difficult.

It would push both the car and the driver along the way. It was about speed and precision as the track looped around several miles of steep and dangerous terrain. Most of the race was only going to be watched on giant screens placed around the stadium.

Not being able to see Desmond and Theresa as they went, made me more than a little nervous. Up until that point, I could watch to see what modifications needed to be done to shave off valuable seconds along the way.

A camera view though wouldn’t give me the information I needed. Instead, I would be sitting with the rest of the crew, waiting and watching to see if the past few days had paid off or not.

“Don’t worry, you’ve got this,” I said to him reassuringly.

He smiled and leaned out. I knew what he wanted, and I was more than happy to give it to him. I bent down and kissed him tenderly. The motion was almost as natural to me as breathing now. His lips felt like they had found a home when they met mine. Everything about our relationship was different and new for me. He had been such a pleasant surprise. I knew that we were going to need to talk about what would happen after the race, but it could wait. The next few days were going to be life changing, for both of us.

“Thanks, Amber. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He cooed as he started the engine.

“Well, Luke would have a better chance at winning that’s for sure,” I replied playfully.

He glared at the road ahead, “That bastard is done winning.”

I smiled. Knowing how he felt about the other driver and knowing that I too, wanted to see him get knocked from his high horse.

“Go put him in his place baby, leave him in the dust,” I said encouragingly.

He smiled at me before pulling away. I knew that as long as Luke hadn’t done anything further to Theresa, there was no way that he was going to win the next stage of the race. Between Desmond’s exceptional driving skills and my own adjustments to the car, no one would be able to beat them.

As I joined the rest of the staff to watch the race, the only concern I had was for myself. When the race was over, would Desmond and I just part ways? Would our romance just be called a summer fling or would we be able to make it work off the track as well as we had on the track?

I had questions that needed to be answered, but they would just need to wait until after we kicked Luke’s butt and put him in the loser’s ring where he belonged.

I had never before known a man that was so dark and shady as Luke was and I was positive that by the end of the race, everyone would know what a slime ball he really was. That was a project that I had already started on, a little extra surprise for everyone. Luke would never be able to race again, a fate worse than death for anyone on the racing scene.

BOOK: Fast and Loaded: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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