Fated Bliss (Bliss #2) (41 page)

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Authors: Cassie Strickland

BOOK: Fated Bliss (Bliss #2)
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I didn’t deserve to die and miss all of that.

When Uri trapped my wrists and wrenched them behind my back, I began to sob. Something wrapped around them, tying them together, and then my ankles were constrained next. Uri flipped me onto my back again. I opened my mouth to scream, but he stuffed something in it, a cloth of some sort, and slapped a piece of tape over my lips.

I was powerless.

Hoisting me in the air again, Uri threw me over his shoulder, grunting loudly.

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

As he carried me across the house and out the front door, I wondered if it was the last time I’d ever be here. I wondered if I’d ever see Ben again. I should have held him longer, kissed him one last time this morning. I should have told him I loved him a million more times.

The only solace I had was that Linc was okay.

At least I saved him.

Chapter 34





“I wanted to
help her, but she screamed at me to run. Run, Linc! She fought him, Dad, shouting it over and over again.”

Lincoln’s weak, broken voice filtered through my mind. It’d been on repeat since he told me, taunting me, and I could do nothing but sit at the police station and wait.

“He aimed the gun again. Sam wrestled his arm away, telling me to run again. I was so scared. I wanted to stay, but he was trying to point the gun at me – I couldn’t stay, Dad. I couldn’t. And I had to leave her. I had to leave Sam!”

The next time I saw Samantha, I was going to paddle her ass for being so selfless. But after, I was going to kiss her and worship her for saving my son. Without her bravery, there was no doubt he’d be dead.

“I ran to my room and then left through my patio door. I could hear stuff breaking as she screamed in the kitchen. I ducked behind a tree and waited for him to come. He didn’t, so I went back to help her. He’d tied her up, Dad, and threw her in the trunk of his car. When I ran out of the woods to stop him, he started shooting again. I couldn’t get to her.”

Samantha was out there somewhere with that madman, scared and alone.

I put my head in my hand and scrubbed my face, my worry and terror getting the best of me. Lincoln’s account was horrifying. The fear she must have felt…

“It’ll be okay,” Dad murmured, gripping my shoulder. “We’ll find her, Ben. I’ve called a security company out of Dallas that I’ve used in the past. They’re already working with the Bliss PD, and they have a team on their way.”

I’d never felt blessed by his presence before, but now that I was sitting at the police station, waiting as Lincoln gave his description of the man to the sketch artist, I was. I was thankful he was using all the money he gained by the business I’d repeatedly cursed to do something good.

“Thanks,” I rasped, my throat dry.

Mom approached us. “I spoke with the hospital.” Her face was clouded with worry. “Gwen’s in surgery. The bullet punctured her lung and exited her back.”

“Fuck,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “How…how bad?”

“She flat-lined twice on the way to the hospital. Gwen was gone too long the second time. They aren’t sure she’s going to make it. They are doing everything they can,” Mom replied, her voice somber. “There’s so much damage, Ben.”

“Fuck.” For once, she did something selfless, and she paid dearly for it. “Fuck.”

Lincoln was going to tear himself apart over it. I hated the woman, but at the moment, I wanted to kiss her feet.

“I need to call Maggie,” I whispered, my heart crumbling to dust.

“I called her and their parents after I talked to the hospital,” Mom replied, sitting on the other seat next to me. She took my hand in both of hers. “I’ve got it covered. They’ll be in the air shortly.”

“But Madeline…”

“I chartered a plane for Maggie and Paul. They’re bringing Lyric and the baby.”

I couldn’t believe my father and mother were the ones holding me together. Never, and I mean
, had I pictured this. But I was hanging on by a string, and only their actions were keeping me sane.

Glancing across the room, I found Emma and Brad. Emma sat in a chair, her head in her hands, while Brad paced in front of her, their terror palpable. Pops appeared older, staring daggers at Dad. Adam held Chelsea in his lap, his arms around her, finding comfort in one another. Teresa sat next to them with Bella peacefully asleep in her arms. How the baby slept was beyond me, but at least one of us was unaware of the horrors of today. They’d haunt all of us for a long time.

“I need to do somethin’,” Brad growled, tugging at his beard. “I have to do somethin’.”

I had the same need. It was as if a charge crackled under my skin, and I was jumpy and tense.

“The cops are doin’ everythin’ they can,” Emma replied, sounding broken.

Luckily, there was only one way up or down this mountain, a long and curvy stretch of highway. It opened up at the bottom of the mountain, almost an hour away. The cops had set up a roadblock, searching for the car Lincoln described. Lincoln had told them about the scratches down the man’s face, so they’d stop anyone that fit that description until they received the sketch Lincoln and a woman were working on. Because they arrived on the scene shortly after Samantha was abducted, if he fled town, there was a good possibility that they’d stop him before he could disappear.

It was the only solace I had.

If he hadn’t fled, that meant he was in town somewhere. And if he was in town, what had he been doing to Samantha all this time?

I couldn’t stomach that thought.

Please, God, bring her back to me safely.

Now that I’d found her, my world rotated around her. I’d be a ghost without her. Life would be colorless, less vivid without her light shining on it. I’d experienced it already, before she came into my life and shown me what love truly meant, and I couldn’t go back to that.

Lincoln couldn’t go back to that.

Stop thinking like that.

Stay positive.

I wanted to laugh maniacally at that. How was I supposed to stay positive when she was out there somewhere with a man that didn’t blink at shooting a woman and attempting to kill a teenaged boy?

A door opened down the hall, gaining everyone’s attention. Lincoln and Wes headed our way, their faces grim.

I shot to my feet and met Linc in the middle of the waiting room. I clutched the back of his neck, whispering, “You okay?”

His gaze skidded sideways. “Yeah,” he muttered.

Mom and Dad walked up behind us. Dad questioned, “Do you have the sketch of the man?”

“The artist is finishing up some details. She’ll be out in a second,” Wes replied, patting Lincoln on the back. “You did well, kid.”

“Yeah…thanks,” Lincoln muttered again, distressed. “I guess.”

“Come on, Lincoln,” Mom murmured, holding her hand out for him. “Let’s get you something to snack on, maybe something to drink.”

Lincoln curled his lip, repulsed by the idea. “I’m fine.”

I thought the idea held merit. “Go on, Linc. Give yourself a break.”

Lincoln sighed in defeat, then walked past Mom, ignoring her hand. Mom pressed her lips together, concerned, and followed behind him.

“I’d suggest a counselor, Dr. Rhodes,” Wes offered, watching them disappear. “I’ll give you the card of a really good one in Asheville. What he went through today…that stuff sticks with you.”

“I’ll look into it,” I assured him.

“Detective Wilde,” a woman said from behind us.

We turned to find a blonde girl with thick framed glasses standing behind us. She had to be no more than eighteen. She held up a piece of paper for Wes, batting her eyelashes. “I’ve finished it. I’ve already sent it to the other officers and police stations in the area.”

“Thanks, Indy,” Wes replied, taking it from her.

She beamed at him and shifted uncomfortably. “Can I do anythin’ else?”

He didn’t look at her and scanned the paper. “We’re good. Thanks, though.”

The girl deflated. “Oh, okay.” She offered me a look of sympathy. “I hope you find Sam.”

“Thanks,” I whispered gruffly.

As the girl spun around and headed back down the hall, I questioned, “
your sketch artist?”

Wes shot me an annoyed look. “She’s the chief’s daughter and a pain in my ass, but she’s one of the best I’ve seen.” He handed me the paper. “Do you recognize the man?”

I took it from him, my hungry eyes scanning it, and my stomach bottomed out. He was right – Indy was great. She’d captured his dark eyes, his square jaw, and nose perfectly.

This can’t be happening.

Not him!

An incisive and bitter fury flooded my veins. I spun towards Dad and gripped him by the throat, shoving him backward until his back collided with the wall. Several shouts went off around us, but I didn’t care.

“You sonofabitch!” I bellowed.
“You selfish sonofabitch!”

“Whoa!” Wes yelled, tugging at my arms.

The rage was so strong that I squeezed tighter. “Did you send him after her?”

Dad’s eyes were wide and stricken, his color growing redder and redder. “What…? What are you talking about, Ben?”

I slammed him against the wall again. “Uri! You sent Uri after her!”

The blood drained from Dad’s face as he blanched. “No,” he wheezed, clawing at my hand. “Oh, my God, no.”

“Back down, Dr. Rhodes,” Wes interjected.

“No!” I slammed Dad against the wall again. “No! He’s not going anywhere until he tells me where Samantha is!”

“I don’t know,” Dad rasped, pleading at me with his eyes. “I don’t know, Ben. I thought Uri was back in Portland. He doesn’t even work for me any longer. I’ve cut ties with that life.”

“Right. I’m supposed to believe that?” My laugh was cutting. “You arrive, and in the same day everything turns to hell.”

“Back down, Ben,” Wes repeated.

“Ben, please,” Dad implored between gasps. “I had nothing to do with this.” There was nothing but truth shining in his eyes.

I didn’t care.

I was done.

I slammed him against the wall one last time and released him, treading backward. “That’s it. No more. This is the last straw, even if you didn’t have anything to do with it.”

Dad took a step towards me, a hand extended as he rubbed his throat. “Ben…”

I warded him off. “No. Stay away from me. I don’t want anything to do with you. Even from afar, you taint everything. Everything you touch turns to shit.”

“I can fix this,” Dad begged. “I didn’t-”

“No. Leave. Get away from me. Stay away from Bliss. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“But Ben…”

“Not now,” Brad intervened, gripping Dad’s arm. “We’ll worry about that later.”

“He’s right,” Wes added, glancing between us with suspicion. “I need you two to tell me everything you know about this man.”

“His name is Uri Belinski. He’s been my father’s right-hand man for years,” I revealed, shooting nothing but hatred at my father. “Ask him all about the dirty things that man did for him. The only reason Uri was ever in this town was for his bidding. He was staying at the B&B.”

“I need you to come with me, Dr. Rhodes,” Wes stated, motioning at the hall. “I need you to tell me what transpired while Mr. Belinski was here.” He leveled Dad with a stare. “When we’re through, you and I are going to have a long chat about this man.”

Dad gulped and nodded. “Yes. Whatever you need, I’ll tell you.”

“But after you’re finished, I want you gone,” I growled.

Chapter 35





How has it
come to this?

I only wanted to tell my son I was sorry, that I was a different man. I’ve messed up so much that none of that covered what I’d done adequately, but I needed to try.

Mistakes have a way of catching up with you, though, and because of mine, the woman my son loves was in danger.

I should have known Uri wouldn’t let go easily. He’s wanted wealth and power since I’d met him, fresh-faced and right out of college, but I didn’t think he’d go to such lengths. It wasn’t as if I’d left him destitute, either. On top of a healthy severance package, I’d given him the option of buying my company, but he refused.

I had to fix this.

I have to find Uri.

“We’ve checked his accounts, Mr. Rhodes, but there has been no activity since earlier this week when he was in Bliss,” Jamie Blackwood, the head of Armstrong Securities and an ex-Navy SEAL, informed me. “We believe he’s still in the area and has been since last weekend. He’s held up somewhere, but I’m positive he’s used cash to stay off grid. Surveillance and traffic cameras show him driving through Bliss a few minutes after he left your son’s house. We haven’t found a trace of him since.”

“There’s got to be something more,” I implored, closing the front door to the B&B. “A trail of some kind…”

“I’ve got all my men working on it,” he assured me. “My business partner, Fynn Thatcher, landed in Asheville a few minutes ago with our team. We’ll find her.”

“Thank you, Jamie,” I whispered.

“No problem, Mr. Rhodes. I’ll call you with an update as soon as I have one.”

“Thank you,” I repeated, my chest aching, and slipped my phone into my pocket.

Too much stress.

My doctor would kill me if he knew.

I found my nitroglycerine pills, cursing the tiny things. But it meant I was alive still, and I couldn’t regret that. I had a second chance to make amends with Ben.

Well, I did until today.

“Any news?”

I glanced over and saw the older woman I’d met yesterday. Mrs. Birdie had a calming, reassuring presence, even though her eyes were lined with worry and tears.

“Not yet. They’re still searching,” I replied, ambling closer.

She clutched a handkerchief to her bosom, sniffling. “What has this world come to? Sam is such a good girl.”

The protectiveness and loyalty I’d seen in Lincoln and Ben proved that. Even though I never told him, I admired Ben for his strength and morals. He wouldn’t fall for someone or allow them around Lincoln if they didn’t contain those qualities, too.

“There’s a lot of people looking for her. They’ll find her,” I vowed.

There wasn’t any other outcome – we had to find her. After everything my son had endured, he wouldn’t survive it if we didn’t.

The pain in my chest intensified.

I rubbed the ache, fishing for another pill.

“Are you all right, Mr. Rhodes?” Mrs. Birdie questioned.

“I’m fine, dear. Just need to lie down for a little while,” I fibbed, walking to the stairs, and popped another pill. “I’ll be up in our room.”

“Is Mrs. Rhodes still at the station?”

Glancing back at her, I answered, “She’s at the hospital waiting for updates on Gwen.”

I would have gone with her, but Ben didn’t want me anywhere close to him or what was happening. I couldn’t fault him for it – this was my doing, even though I didn’t have a hand in it. Uri’s vengeance was caused by my shortsightedness.

Saddened, Mrs. Birdie nodded. “I’ll be in the sittin’ room. If he you hear anythin’, please let me know.”

“Of course,” I agreed and left it at that.

The trudge up the stairs left me breathless. A fine sheen of sweat dusted my forehead when I opened our bedroom door, and I had to sit on the bed to catch my breath.

Something crinkled under me.

I leaned to the side and felt the bed.

A piece of paper?

Perplexed, I grabbed it and stared at it.

18453 Ricker Lane

Meet me tonight, 8 o’clock.

No cops or she dies.

What in the…?


Hope surged inside me.

I glanced at my phone.

7:05 pm.

That wasn’t enough time for Jamie’s team to arrive.

I didn’t care.

I had to try.

For Ben, I’d do anything.

Resolve steeled my spine.

I’m coming, Samantha.

Just hold on a little longer.



I strained to hear something,
, but all I heard was the rattling of an old window unit.

I’d been left alone in this closet for hours, hogtied and gagged, the stench of fear and dust clogging my nostrils. I’d lost consciousness shortly after Uri threw me in the trunk. He’d hit me again, so I’d woken in this small, dark space with no clue as to my whereabouts or how long I’d been out.

That was
ago, it seemed.

I kept picturing Ben in my mind. I thought of Grey and my parents…Bella, Linc, and Clara. Even Adam, Chelsea, Teresa, and Mrs. Birdie came to mind. I envisioned all the good things in my life to will the fight into myself.

For them, I wouldn’t give up or give in to hysterics.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t scared. I’d never been more terrified in my life.

And everything hurt.

My face was a throbbing mess. My left eye was almost swollen shut, and my mouth was chaffed and riddled with sores from having a cloth stuffed in it for too long. The bruising along my side was what hurt the most. I believed a rib or two were either very bruised or broken. Each breath caused the ache to flare, so I kept them shallow. Still, I quivered from head to toe, which kept the pain at the forefront of my mind – it was so hard to ignore completely.

A door slammed and footsteps echoed against the floor, taking me by surprise. The door creaked open, and the light seared my retinas. Blinking repeatedly, I stared up at Uri’s menacing frame, my pulse jackhammering.

“Hello, Samantha,” he purred.

A knife gleamed as Uri pulled it from his belt. My screams were muffled as I scurried backward, my movements hindered by the cords. A sinister chuckle escaped Uri’s lips, ramping up my terror, but he merely bent at the waist and cut the restraints around my ankles.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking all things holy.

Uri straightened, saying, “We should have a guest soon.”

What does that mean?

I would have asked if I didn’t have tape covering my mouth.

Gripping underneath my arms, Uri hauled me to my feet, wrenching a cry of agony out of me. I’d been in the same position for so long that standing brought an ungodly amount of pain, and my ribs flared hotter.

Uri ogled me. “Too bad you’re worth so much money. I could’ve had some fun with you.”

Bile threatened behind the gag, but I managed to keep it down.

There was no clarification needed on what that meant, but it made me question the money part.

Was he holding me for ransom?


Yeah, I had a fat nest egg sitting in my savings account, but only Grey, Clara, and my parents knew about it. Grey had given my parents and me a large chunk of the inheritance he received after Clara’s brother’s death. How did Uri know about that?

Then it dawned on me.


He thought Joel would pay the ransom.

Did this guy know Ben’s father at all?

Joel paying anything for a woman he didn’t know was laughable, even if it was for Ben’s sake. There’d been countless times Joel could have helped Ben, but he never extended it. The man was a selfish asshole.

I’m going to die
, I concluded. There was no way of getting out of this.

Tears threatened, burning my eyes, but I refused to let him see me cry.

Not again.

Unaware of my inner turmoil, Uri led me to the bed by the arm. “Sit. And don’t try anything.”

I gulped, my throat like sandpaper, and gingerly did as ordered, the position uncomfortable with my hands behind my back.

Uri walked to the large window next to the front door and pulled back the curtain, revealing a darkening sky and a heavily wooded area. Even though it felt like a hundred lights shining on me when the door opened, there was only a small lamp lit. The room was small, a one room cabin maybe. There was a wood burning stove in one corner, a chair in the other, a little table, and the bed. A door was open, exposing a small bathroom. There was another door at the back, an exit I presumed.

After acquainting myself with my surroundings, I finally looked down. Horrified, I gawked. There were scrapes and bruises all along my legs. My dress was ripped in several places, revealing way too much skin. One rip began at my left hip and extending upward to my breast, exposing the bottom of my bra. However, I could already see the angry purple bruising along my ribs. I wondered what my face looked like. It had to be awful, too.

Shuffling interrupted my inspection. I glanced at Uri as he walked across the room and took a seat in the chair, his eyes on me. From behind his back, he slipped out a gun, then placed it on the table, keeping his hand on it. He appeared ready for anything.

I swallowed hard again.

“I was going to kill you, you know?” he murmured, his words quiet.

I narrowed my eyes.

Uri cocked his head. “You’re little stunt earlier caused me a lot of headaches. Lincoln will be able to give them my description. The cops probably already know it was me.”


Maybe they’d find me in time.

“This works better – two birds, one stone. I bet Ben’s going out of his mind.” A sadistic smile spread across Uri’s face, and he nodded at a laptop case on the floor next to him. “Plus, once Joel gets here and I have him empty out his accounts and wire me the money, I’ll be set.”

How did he plan on getting out of town without the cops finding him? How did he know that Joel hadn’t contacted them regarding their meeting?

My face must have shown my confusion.

“Joel knows better than to call the cops. I’ve got enough on him to send him to jail for life.”

Why is he telling me this?

I shrugged.

“Then I’ll kill you…and him.”

Ice settled in my gut.

I was right – I was going to die.



“Mr. Rhodes,” Jamie insisted, “you need to stand down until my team arrives.”

“They won’t get here in time,” I argued, steadfast in my decision.

“You are giving Mr. Balinski one more hostage if you go in there. My team will be there in twenty minutes. Let them handle the situation.”

Jittery, I tapped my thumb on the steering wheel, staring at the road leading to the address. I was a mile away from Uri’s location, and there were only fifteen minutes left until the deadline.

I couldn’t wait.

“He won’t touch me. I might be able to talk him down.” I paused, then whispered, “I have to try. I can’t risk Samantha’s life.”

Annoyed and pensive, Jamie replied, “Wait for the cops, at least. They can provide backup. You
go in there alone.”

“I do not trust these Barney Fife wannabes to take care of this properly! That’s why I called you!” I seethed, growing more and more agitated.

“I’ve checked into the Bliss PD. They’re small, but they are capable.”

“They’re a bunch of backwoods rednecks!”

“Detective Wilde worked as a detective in Miami and has a stellar record. He will handle this proficiently.”

“Get your team here and get us out of there if this goes to hell. Tell them to speed up. Do something – I don’ care – but I’m going in there to get Samantha.”

“Mr. Rhodes-”

“I have to go. Thank you for your assistance, Jamie.”

“Mr. Rhodes-”


I hung up and pocketed my phone. I watched the clock as it ticked down.

Thirteen more minutes.

I’m so sorry, Ben.

I’ll bring her back to you.



My cell dinged.

Lincoln: Any news?

Even though Lincoln protested, I sent him to the Raiden’s with Emma, Pops, Teresa, and Chelsea. He didn’t need to hang around here any longer – not after everything he went through today – but he was growing impatient.

He wasn’t the only one.

We’d been here for hours, only getting small scraps of information. However, so far, the police had nothing on Samantha or Uri’s whereabouts. The despair kept chipping away at me. As each minute ticked by, my sanity kept slipping farther and farther from me.

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