Fated Bliss (Bliss #2) (43 page)

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Authors: Cassie Strickland

BOOK: Fated Bliss (Bliss #2)
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“Oh, Jesus,” I whispered as shots ricocheted through the night.

I thought I was scared when we watched as a team of men threw a stun grenade through the window and then surge into the small cabin, but nothing could have prepared me for this.

Please, God, let her be okay.

The sound quit almost as quickly as it began. “Clear,” I heard being shouted, followed by a few more.

“Is it over?” Adam asked, shaken.

“Medic!” someone yelled. “Get a medic over here!”

My heart stopped.

I didn’t think.

My feet pounded against the ground before I knew what was happening.

“Ben!” Brad yelled behind me.

My sole focus was on Samantha and getting to her in time. She must’ve been hurt…or worse.


I refused to believe that.

A man with dark hair came out of the cabin with a helmet under his arm and noticed me speeding towards him. He held up a hand, yelling, “Hey, man! You can’t come in here!”

Wes stuck his head out of the house behind him, zeroing in on me. “Goddamn it, Ben!”

I slowed as I approached. “Let me in there!
” I tried to look behind them, but they blocked me. “I’m a doctor, damn it! I can help!”

Wes studied me and then nodded. “Let him pass,” he muttered and ducked back inside.

I rushed around the man and walked into something out of my worst nightmare.

Samantha was on the ground, her stomach to the floor, her arms tied behind her. A man was cutting what appeared to be some type of electrical cord from her wrists. Another man was next to Dad, performing CPR on him. And Uri… Well, he got what was coming to him. He was laying close to Samantha, most of his head missing.

I ignored everyone except Samantha. I still couldn’t see her face, see if she was hurt or even breathing.

“Samantha!” I yelled, running across the small space, evading heavily armed men. I skidded to a halt on the floor in front of her, my heart in my throat.

Her arms moved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Overcome with relief, wetness trickled down my cheeks as I carefully rolled her onto her back. Golden eyes stared at me with tears and raw terror, but they were the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

“Samantha,” I whispered, agonized as I inspected the rest of her face – contusions and cuts were everywhere.

The man helping her smiled at me. “She’ll be okay. Just a little roughed up and in shock.” He leaned forward and peeled the tape from her lips gently, then tugged one of my kitchen rags from her mouth.


Samantha worked her jaw back and forth, then whispered brokenly, “B…Ben…”

That voice.

“We need to stop meeting like this,” I murmured, caressing her bruised cheek.

She smiled, but it dissolved into a look of wreckage.

I collapsed onto my ass and picked her up, cradling her in my lap. “I’ve got you. You’re safe,” I whispered and kissed her temple.

Violent sobs racked her frame. “I was so…so scared,” she cried, her words broken.

“I know. I know,” I murmured, brushing a delicate hand down her hair. “You’re safe now. You’re okay. I’m here.”

She was safe – that was all that mattered.






The consistent beep
and hiss from the machines were familiar and somewhat comforting as I stared at the man that gave me life. Dad had tubes and wires everywhere, a reminder that he’d almost died for the second time in the last year.


I’d sat by his bed for the last hour thinking about that and the fact that if it wasn’t for him, Samantha could have died. I thought about everything that happened four days ago and his involvement in it, as well as all the things he’d done in the past, trying to come to terms with the vast contrast in the man.

Dad’s lids fluttered opened on a moan. Groggily, his eyes swept the room. They passed me but then jerked back, surprise widening them.

“Ben?” he croaked, his voice raspy and weak.

“You’re awake,” I stated evenly, cocking my head to the side.

He nodded and hit the button on the controls to his bed. As the bed lifted, he flinched slightly.

“Careful,” I cautioned.

He waved me off. “No, I’m fine.”

“Clearly,” I remarked dryly.

Dad righted himself and let out an exhausted sigh as he settled into his pillows. “How’s Samantha?”

My jaw clenched at the reminder of her in that cabin. “At home recovering. Nothing a little time won’t fix.”

“Emotionally?” he questioned with sincerity. “Is she holding up okay?”

My lips quirked. “I’ve come to understand that Samantha does what’s least expected.”

Dad grinned. “The good ones do.”

Even though it was a stab in the heart –
if that were the case, why did he do all those things to Mom?
– I let it go. “She’s been more worried about Linc and me than anything. She hasn’t even had a nightmare – she’s bounced back completely.”

Uncomfortable, he adjusted his oxygen tube on his nose and murmured, “Good.”

I decided to cut to the chase.

“Why did you go into that cabin, Dad?”

Dad’s eyes brightened. “It wasn’t a decision, Ben – it’s what had to be done.”

I swallowed, hoarsely whispering, “Why?”

I needed his words.

“I’ve already told you why, Benjamin. You know.” Clenching his jaw, he stared at his blanket. “Uri’s involvement in your life was my fault. I’ve…” He grimaced, shaking his head, and met my eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I won’t give you excuses. It was my fault that he was ever near Samantha or Lincoln, so it was my responsibility to try and fix it.”

“Mrs. Birdie told me you were having chest pains before you left the B&B. You felt it coming, didn’t you?”

Dad rubbed his chest. “I…” He hesitated.

“You did. You went after Samantha knowing you were close to your limit. Your doctor told you what stress would do, and you did it willingly.”

Dad’s eyes misted over. “It was the right thing to do, Ben.”

I pressed my knuckles against my mouth, mayhem boiling up inside me. I didn’t know how to feel, but I’d come to realize a few things in the last few days. Therefore, I said, “You know, I’ve been a doctor for years now. I’ve seen death. From right under my fingertips, I’ve felt life slip from my patients, unable to do anything to save them. I thought I understood the devastation, the
it leaves behind.”


“Mom didn’t want anyone to tell you. She thought that, with your heart the way it is, you didn’t need to know.” My gaze was unwavering as the guilt and pain resurfaced from the depths I’d been hiding it. “Gwen passed away yesterday.”

He inhaled sharply.

I continued anyway.

“On the way to the hospital, her heart stopped several times. The last time, she was gone too long before they could resuscitate her. She slipped into a coma, Dad, but there was no brain activity. We had to pull the plug yesterday.” Tears sprung, but I held them back by a sliver. “I had to hold Lincoln as he said goodbye to her.” My voice broke. “My son lost his mother, Dad, and the last thing she did was save him.

“My son is too young to lose a parent. He’s too good and pure to feel that pain. But you know what he told me? He looked me in the eye and said
‘I always questioned whether Mom loved me or not, but I think, in her own way, she did. She just didn’t know how to show it’

I stood, wiping my eyes, saying, “Mom’s with Emma. She wants to look for houses in Bliss this afternoon. The only requirements I have is that you don’t show up out of the blue and stop spoiling Linc so much.”

Dad choked on a sob. “Ben-”

“And for the love of God, avoid stress. Mom’s been out of her mind the last few days. I’m not used to her being emotional and needy, Dad. Get a handle on it.”

Dad wiped his face. “I can do that,” he rasped.

I sniffed, swallowing down my emotions. “I…” I couldn’t find the right words. “Thank you, Dad.” I walked to the bed and gripped his shoulder. “Thank you for trying to save Samantha for me.”

Dad grabbed my wrist, clutching it for dear life. “I couldn’t let anything happen to her. Not after… I’ve messed up everything in my life by this misplaced need for success and power.” Tears trickled down his cheeks. “What I didn’t realize is that my greatest success was you, Ben.”

A strangled noise came from deep within me. I’d always wanted those words.

“I’ll be better. I’ll kill myself to show you this just to be a part of your life even if it means a minute. I need you to know that I’m sorry.”

I stared down at the old man I called dad, seeing him with new eyes. “Everyone messes up, I’ve figured out. Some more than others. But we only have one life. I can’t forget, and I can’t say that I’ll forgive immediately, but I can try.”

“I’ll take it.”

I released his shoulder, turning around. “Samantha already has a party scheduled for when you get out, so be ready. Her family wants to thank you.”

“That’s not-”

“If you want this, you better agree,” I warned, trying to keep it playful, continuing to walk away. “Samantha won’t take no for an answer.”

“I can do that,” he whispered.

I stopped before exiting his room, saying, “Pops told me that if you show up with prissy wine, he’ll kill you himself.”

I walked out hearing Dad’s snort of amusement.



“Netflix marathon, anyone?” Lyric asked from the doorway.

Grimacing, I pushed myself up into a seated position in Ben’s bed. “I’m down.”

Next to me, Linc agreed, “Sure.”

Lyric walked in, tsking. “Nah uh, don’t get up. Ben will kill me if he comes home and you’re out of bed.”

A chuckle slipped out, causing me to flinch. “That’s the truth.” I clutched my ribs and laid back against the pillows, breathing through the pain.

Maggie entered behind her, carrying the baby, her eyes red and puffy. “Pick something funny. I
something funny.”

“I can do funny,” I approved, my heart heavy for her. Wanting to keep the mood light, I held out my hands to her, saying, “Gimme.”

She smiled and stopped next to the bed, carefully passing me the baby. It was a tad painful, but I’d go through a little pain to hold a new baby. Madeline was a cute little thing, with a headful of red curls and an adorable upturn nose. I was in love.

Lyric settled on the lounge seat in the corner, already manning the remote, while Maggie relaxed on her stomach across the end of the bed. Lyric flipped through Netflix selections until she settled on one that would get a lot of laughs, one I’d never seen before.

All the while, I rubbed Madeline’s back, enjoying her breaths on my neck as she slept against my chest, and felt Linc’s reassuring presence as he cuddled close. He was extra affectionate lately, barely leaving my side, but I was okay with that.

My sweet Linc needed all the love and support he could get right now. Naturally, Gwen’s death hit him hard, but he was struggling with survivor’s guilt. The weight of the truth that his mother gave her life for his was a heavy burden to bear.

I wasn’t sure how Ben did it, but his house was immaculate. There were no signs of anything that’d happened days ago. He tried to tell me that we’d stay at my house, but I wasn’t having it. If I was going to move on and put the memories behind me, I needed to make new ones. He even murmured something about selling it, but I nixed that right in the bud.

No way, no how.

I loved this house.

Linc felt the same.

So far, as far as memories go, we were doing well. I had Ben and Linc, and my life was intact. The events over the last few days made me realize how lucky I was, so I wasn’t traumatized by my time with Uri or his death. I cherished my blessings of family and friends all the more.

I was peaceful.

“How do you think Ben’s doing?” Maggie questioned, her eyes on the television, nervous for him.

In the few days I’d known her, I liked her. She was kind and thoughtful, even though she was grieving her sister. Gwen wronged Maggie in a lot of ways, but Maggie still loved her. Her guilt was that she didn’t try to mend the gap between them before, and she’d never get the chance.

I understood it in a lot of ways.

Lyric laughed dryly. “How do you think he’s doing?”

“Dad’s fine,” Linc murmured quietly.

I was with Maggie on this one and didn’t fully agree with Linc. Ben was dealing with his own set of guilt, but the issues with his father were the biggest for him. This morning he’d left for the hospital in Asheville to talk to him, not able to decide if he should draw him closer or push him away again.

The day after my ordeal with Uri, after I calmed my family for the umpteenth time, I revealed to Ben everything his father did and all the things I’d learned while I was with him. Some of the things he was angry about were misplaced, though he still had a long list. I was hoping he’d forgive Joel. The man deserved redemption after helping me, even though he went about it in all the wrong ways.

“What do you think he’ll do?” Maggie asked.

“Whatever he needs to,” I decided, kissing the baby’s head.

Ben would do what he needed, and I’d support him. I’d stick by his side no matter what. Between him and Linc, the reward far surpassed any hardship. Their love was everything to me.

Maggie glanced back at me, a soft look gentling her face.

She understood.

I smiled at her, letting her know that I’d always take care of him and Lincoln.

Her eyes misted, and she mouthed, “Thank you.”

“What’d I miss?” Ben questioned as he sauntered in.

I aimed my smiled at him. “Hey, handsome.”

Though everyone said hello to him, he only had eyes for me. “Hey,” he whispered, carefully slipping into bed with me.

“How’d it go?” I whispered as I adjusted against him, his arms around my back and my cheek pressed against his shoulder.

“Great,” he whispered, brushing a kiss to my temple.

I tipped my head back to gauge his sincerity. His eyes darted over my bruised face, unable to hide his anger at the remnants of my experience, but he smiled, letting me know he was all right.

I sighed in relief.

Ben ghosted his fingers over Madeline’s hair. “I like seeing you with a baby. She looks good on you.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling and snuggled against him. “She does.”

“Once we’re married, you’re going off the pill,” he murmured, his voice soft so that only I could hear.

My belly dipped. “You plan on marryin’ me?”

Ben squeezed me lightly, not wanting to hurt me. “I don’t want to wait to start our life together. A fall wedding would be nice.”

I licked my lips, whispering, “Fall is beautiful in Bliss.”


I tilted my head and met his happy blue-violet eyes again, my heart brimming. “Love you, handsome.”

“Love you too, baby girl.”

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