F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (6 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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When she got to Jay, he was all into this
girl in the red dress that he didn’t even feel her tap him the
first time. She tapped him again, but with more force. He turned

“What’s up?” he
and then turned back

She stood behind him in shock as he
continued to dance with his newfound love interest. “Um, we need to
talk,” she said to his back, and then tapped him again!

He turned around again. “I’m busy right
now,” he replied, and then turned back around and continued to
dance with the girl in the red dress as she gave Felicity a
genuine, friendly smile.

Felicity turned around fast and stormed off
the floor as she pushed her way through people and back over to the
table that her and Erin were sitting at.

Back out on the dance floor, Jay and the
girl in the red dress continued to dance as if they weren’t
interrupted by Felicity.

“Who was that? If you don’t mind me asking?”
the girl asked.

“No one. Just a fuck girl.
You see how she kept fucking with me. She does that shit to so many
guys it’s not even funny. I’ve seen a lot of shit on social media
about what she did just this week alone.
has told me to stay away
from her,” he replied.

“Wow. She’s very attractive, though. Looks
like she really wanted to talk to you about something serious.”

“She’s not serious about anything that’s why
no one takes her seriously. Trust me, Stacia, that’ll be the day
that a fuck girl like her is serious about anything.”

The song changed and most left the

“I’m gonna go freshen up and get a drink.
See you later,” Stacia said.

“Of course. I’ll be here all night,” Jay

They walked off the floor and went their
separate ways.

Felicity watched Stacia as
she walked over to a table that was a little bit behind hers and on
the right side of hers. Stacia picked up the mini-size beautiful
white lambskin leather quilted bag with beautiful silver hardware
that sat on the table. She opened up the bag and got out her mirror
and refreshed her makeup. She saw how she wasn’t the only one
watching Stacia as it seemed like guys
girls were staring at her. She
was definitely the most beautiful girl in the club tonight, and
Felicity knew that Jay’s attention was all on her now.

“That girl in the red dress is really
beautiful,” Erin said. “I’ve never seen her here before.”

Felicity rolled her eyes.
“Oh, please. She’s not all that — she
she is.”

Erin grinned.
Look who’s talking?

“Anyone who constantly looks at themselves
in the mirror like that is totally insecure. Look how much she
keeps looking in the mirror? Not to mention how much makeup she’s
wearing, look at it! Gross! I don’t have to wear that much makeup
and constantly look in the mirror like that because I’m not
insecure and I look better than her,” Felicity said with

Erin grinned, but didn’t want to say what
she really thought about how Felicity looked in comparison to
Stacia. She stayed quiet because she didn’t want her mad at her for
the rest of the night . . . or the rest of the year. “Oh, did you
talk to Jay?”

“Yeah, I did,” Felicity replied, and then

Erin stared at her. “And what did he

“That we’ll talk later on,” Felicity

Erin nodded. She then looked to her left and
saw Jay coming their way. “It looks like he’s coming over here to
talk to you now.”

“Of course he is,” Felicity
said with a big smile. She adjusted her white bra-length crop top
with a sexy plunging V-neckline and cap sleeves, and brushed off
her tight black pants with a slight flare leg — a club outfit
staple of hers. She smiled at Jay as he came towards her, but then
her smile dropped off of her face
as he
passed her table without saying anything to her and went straight
over to Stacia’s!

Erin looked at Felicity as she looked behind
her as Jay talked to Stacia and stood by her table, but she didn’t
say anything.

Felicity was livid!

No he didn’t
fuckin’ walk right past me as if he didn’t know me and go right up
to that bitch! Fuckin’ asshole! I hate him!”

“Calm down, Felicity. You yourself said that
you wouldn’t have anything serious with a guy like that. You said
that he was nothing but a boy toy to you; someone that you only
liked to have fun with and not take seriously at all. Just think
about it — you’ve never seen him outside of this club, and you only
talk to him here and on social media. You saw what he just did.
It’s obvious that he’s the type that would ignore any girl for one
that he finds more interesting,” Erin said, trying to be careful
about her choice of words because she didn’t want to say that Jay
was the type that would ignore a girl for another one that he
thought was prettier, even though she knew that this was obviously
the case with him.

Felicity looked at her.
“And why would he find that cunt more interesting than
?! He’s acting like
she’s so fuckin’ beautiful and the rest of the girls in here are
some ugly bitches. I’m no ugly bitch so I sure as hell don’t
include myself in that!” She looked around and saw Jay lead Stacia
by hand back out to the dance floor, and they embraced each other
since it was a slow song. “Fuck boy! Player!” she yelled out to the
floor at Jay, but he didn’t hear her since the music was so loud.
“And she’s gonna see that about him, she really is! All he’s gonna
do is get her number so he can start sexting her and ask her for
selfies and videos! Just watch!”

Erin looked at her. “Just like what he did
with you, right?”

Felicity stared at her.
“Shut up, Erin! He’s
to me!”

“So why are you getting mad that he’s
dancing with that girl?”

“I’m not mad!” Felicity snapped.

Carson came up to Felicity with a drink in
his hands. “Hey, gorgeous. I got you your drink.”

Felicity smiled. “Thank you, Carson.” She
took the drink from him, and then put it down on the table.

Carson smiled at her. “You’re welcome,” he
replied, as he stood by her. “So, are you having a nice night

“Yeah, I guess. It’s just the same shit
different night, that’s why I was gonna take a hiatus. Maybe I
should’ve just stuck to it,” Felicity replied.

Carson grinned. “Yeah, I get a little tired
of coming here myself, even though my brother owns this place. I’m
not really a fan of clubs; I’m just here to help my brother out and
our family. This is his dream to own a club, and since he’s only
twenty-five, he’s realized his dream pretty early.”

Felicity nodded, but was getting bored by
the conversation. “Yeah, well, you do what you gotta do to help
out,” she said, as she kept her eyes glued to Jay and Stacia.

The song was over a few minutes later, and
once again, Jay and Stacia parted ways back to their table. As
Stacia walked past Felicity, Erin, and Carson, he couldn’t take his
eyes off of her.

“She knows she’s hot,” Carson said.

Felicity rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well,
there’s a lot of hot girls, so I don’t know why all of the guys are
acting like she’s the only one in here that is.”

Carson grinned. “Yeah, you’re right. But,
c’mon, you’re one of the hottest and most beautiful girls in here,

Felicity tried to crack a smile. “Yeah,
well, apparently I’m not as hot and beautiful as her.”

Carson continued to grin . . . but didn’t
say a word.

Erin grinned as she, too, noticed that
Carson didn’t say anything in regards to Felicity’s remark, and
thought that it was good for him that he didn’t tell her what she
was dying to hear.

“I gotta get in the back and stock some more
of the shelves for tomorrow. See you later, Felicity,” Carson

Felicity pretended like she didn’t hear

Carson grinned. “Bye, Erin.”

“Bye, Carson,” Erin said with a grin.

Felicity watched Carson as he left and
disappeared into the crowd. “Asshole!”

Erin shook her head. “And why is he an
asshole now? You said that he was the nicest guy.”

“Because he just
. And I’ve never said
that any guy is the nicest guy because the majority of them are

“Just like how they think that the majority
of us are bitches, right?”


They laughed, but Erin knew the real reason
why Felicity thought Carson was all of the sudden an asshole. “I
have to go to the bathroom,” she told her.

“Okay,” Felicity replied,
as she watched again as Stacia walked passed her, and then met Jay
out on the dance floor. They were now dancing to an upbeat-tempo
song. She looked back and saw that Stacia’s purse was still sitting
on the table. She picked up her drink that Carson had given her
that she still hadn’t taken one sip out of, and went over to
Stacia’s table where no one was sitting at. There were two other
purses sitting on the table, but she knew that this was Stacia’s
since she personally saw her pick it up and take her makeup out of
it. She looked down at her purse and noticed that it was wide open!
She saw a very expensive luxury lipstick sticking out of the top,
looked all around her to make sure no one was watching, and then
quickly grabbed it. She looked around once more and then
poured her whole drink into the purse, ruining
everything inside of it
! She then took the
top off of the lipstick, and marked up the beautiful white lambskin
bag with it! She put the lipstick in her pocket since she thought
it was beautiful, and had always wanted a lipstick like this. She
went back over to her table and waited for Erin to get back to the

Erin made her way back over to the table.
“What is it?” she asked, since Felicity was standing up with her
purse on her shoulder.

“I don’t wanna stay here anymore, let’s go,”
Felicity replied.

Erin looked at her like she couldn’t believe
what she was saying. “You’re kidding, right? I mean, we never leave
this early; we’re usually here until it closes.”

Felicity noticed how Stacia and Jay were
headed back over to her table as she laughed and smiled at him. She
shook her head. “Okay, we can stay for a few more minutes,” she
said, and watched with a wicked grin as Stacia and Jay continued to
walk to her table.

Once they approached it,
Stacia picked up her bag and dug into it; she shrieked!
“What the f—”

“What’s wrong?” Jay asked, as he wiped sweat
off of his forehead with a napkin.

“My bag!
It’s all wet inside!
I didn’t spill my drink in it! And I
don’t carry anything that could spill in it and make it wet like
this! It’s totally flooded with a soda or something! What the
hell?” Stacia said, as she looked very upset. She turned around the
bag and gasped in horror at the red marks all over the back of it!
“Who the hell did this to my bag?
?! This was intentionally done!
What the hell! Jay, are you sure you’re not seeing

“No, baby, I’m not! I don’t have a
girlfriend, I swear I don’t!” Jay replied, and he was telling the

Stacia started to cry. “This bag was a gift
from my parents for my sweet sixteen. I only carry it a few times a
year,” she sobbed. “How could someone do this?! They don’t even
know me! How hateful and disgusting! It’s ruined! My beautiful bag
is ruined!” she sobbed.

Jay tried to console her as he looked around
the club. He locked eyes with Felicity. “Excuse me,” he said to
Stacia. She nodded as she sobbed and stared at her ruined bag. He
walked right over to Felicity as she continued to stare at him. He
approached her. “Did you do that to Stacia’s bag?”

“So that’s her name,” Felicity said with a

“You didn’t answer my question!” Jay angrily

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking
about!” Felicity yelled back.

“Wait! What happened?” Erin asked Jay.

“Stacia’s bag is all fucked up. It looks
like a whole drink was poured into it because it’s all wet on the
inside and smeared on the outside with red lipstick. And it’s
obvious that a bitch did it because she’s been gettin’ hated on a
lot by a lot of bitches in here tonight since this is her first
time coming here. I just need to find out who the bitch is that did
this!” Jay said.

“Well, don’t look at me,” Felicity said.
“Let’s go, Erin.”

Stacia approached Jay. “My lipstick is
missing, too! Whoever did this to my bag did it with my lipstick
and then stole it!” she cried.

Erin looked at Stacia when she said this as
Felicity led her away from them and out of the club. “Um . . .

“I’m hungry,” Felicity said. “How about some

Erin stared at her. “Sure, if you’re

Felicity laughed. “Of course I am!”




Chapter 9



Erin drove them to a fast-food taco restaurant, Felicity pulled out
Stacia’s red lipstick. “Would you pay $90 for this?” she

Erin looked at the
lipstick. “Felicity, just where in the hell did you get that
lipstick from?!
Please don’t tell
that it was you who—”

“Took her lipstick? Yeah, it was me,
obviously, because she shouldn’t have taken my man.”

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