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Authors: Ira Katznelson

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containment strategy in, 32

415, 437

Collins, Charles Wallace, 139–41, 143–44, 187

Collins, Ross, 143

Colm, Gerhard, 377, 381, 503

Colmer, William, 143, 255, 293, 311, 368

Cologne, Germany, 74, 350

Columbia University, 457

Columbus, Christopher, 65

Combined Chiefs of Staff, 355

Commerce Department, U.S., 65, 401

Business Advisory Council of, 244–45

Commercial Appeal,

Committee on Administrative Management, 5, 93–94

Committee on Economic Security, 260

Committee on Elections, 199

Committee on Fair Employment Practices, 144

Committee on World War Veterans Legislation, 205

commodity prices, 158

Commonwealth Club, 249

Communications Act (1934), 322

Communism, 5, 106–7

investigation in U.S. of, 328

Communist Party, Italian, 440

Communist Party, U.S., 54, 205, 330, 341, 427, 463, 602

Communist Party, USSR, 51, 98

Communists, German, 110

Compass, Operation, 511

Compromise of 1877, 156

Compton, Arthur, 350, 414, 613

Compton, Karl, 595

Compulsory Military Training Bill, 280

compulsory national labor service, 196

Conant, James B., 346, 347, 403, 408, 457, 638

concentration camps, German, 30, 31, 39, 50, 52, 75–76

Condon, Edward, 415, 463

Conference on Economic Conditions, 170

Congress, U.S., 9, 13, 15, 20, 127–29

Enforcement Act repealed by, 148

in Hundred Days, 123–27

Joint Army and Navy Selection Service Committee, 311

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE), 433–34, 483

Joint Committee on Defense Production, 443

Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment, 347

Joint Committee on the Economic Report, 380

Joint Economic Committee, 378

legislative process sped up in, 124

NRPB and BOB created by, 375

soldiers’ voting rights and, 196–222

South as pivotal in, 21–22, 24–25, 148–55,

traditional powers of, 121–22

see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Congressional Digest,
198–99, 384

Congressional Record,
280, 304, 388, 543

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 89, 173, 174, 183, 190, 205, 258, 273, 274, 330, 344, 390, 391–92, 393, 396, 398, 433, 486, 550, 563, 627

Connally, Tom, 240, 256, 303, 304–5, 389, 390, 422, 431, 434, 443, 573

Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 187

conscription, 214, 310–13, 315

conservation, 84

conservatism, 6–7, 16

Consolidated Aircraft, 398

Constitution, U.S., 22, 91, 117–18, 121, 144, 185, 471

see also specific amendments

Consumers’ Advisory Board, 230

consumption, 38

containment, 32

Contract Settlements Act (1944), 368

Contract Termination Board, 368

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 514

Cooley, Harold, 644

Coolidge, Calvin, 150–51, 253, 540

Copeland, Samuel, 268

Corporate State, The
(Viglione), 93

corporatism, 51, 162–63, 233, 235, 237, 238, 401–2

Corregidor, 214

Corriere Padano,

Corwin, Edward, 335, 337

Costigan, Edward, 160, 167, 168, 179

cotton, 127, 171, 264, 266, 289, 385

cotton ginning, 242

Cotton Textile Code, 231

Couch, W. T., 138–39, 141

Coughlin, Charles, 57, 471

Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), 372, 380–82, 502

Council of State Government, 379

Council on Foreign Affairs, 279

Council on Foreign Relations, 299, 319

Coventry, England, 41, 351

Cowles, John, 370

Cox, Edward, 180, 181, 257

Coy, Wayne, 376, 627

credit, 35, 38

Creighton, Mandell, 523

Crimea Declaration, 77

crises, 7–8

Crociera del Decennale, 58

Crossroads, Operation, 448

Crouch, Paul, 482

Crouch, Sylvia, 482

Crowther, Frank, 236

Cummings, Homer, 326

currency, 146

Currey, Muriel, 508

Curtis, Carl Thomas, 568

Cushman, Robert, 458–59

CWA, 36

Czechoslovakia, 277, 288–89, 301, 418, 472

Dabney, Virginius, 157, 282

Dachau, 30

Dahl, Robert, 478, 481

Daily Worker,
334, 492

Dallas Morning News,

Danaher, John, 211

Darlan deal, 16

Davidson, Donald, 551

Davis, Allison, 15

Davis, John, 381

D-day, 321, 355

Deák, István, 512

decentralization, 384

Declaration of the Three Powers, 195

decolonization, 13

DeConde, Alexander, 586

Defense Department, U.S., 409, 439, 444, 448, 449, 451–52, 454, 461

Defense Plant Corporation, 344–45

Defense Reorganization Act (1949), 421, 422–23, 426, 445

Degler, Carl, 248

Delano, Frederic, 379

Delaware, 22, 136, 149, 165, 204, 211, 242


dictatorship vs., 7, 16, 25, 45, 50, 51, 113–14, 245, 321, 354, 463

in legislature, 109

militarism and, 318–20

three problems with, 479

Democracy in America
(Tocqueville), 136

Democratic National Convention:

of 1932, 487

of 1936, 176, 206

Democratic Party, U.S.:

African Americans in, 177–78

CEA and, 381–82

1942 electoral losses of, 378

in South, 16, 18, 23, 84, 139, 148, 149, 150, 177–78, 193, 329, 363, 396, 423

Southern shift in, 16, 272, 390

twenty-year rule of, 4

unions and, 372

Dempsey, John, 604

Denmark, 70, 277, 418, 593

Dennis, Lawrence, 56

DePriest, Oscar, 329, 544

Detention Review Board, 464

Detroit, Mich., race riot in, 218

Detroit Free Press,

Dewey, Thomas, 217, 551

DeWitt, J. L., 339

Dickinson, John, 242, 245

Dickinson, Lester, 264–65

Dickstein, Samuel, 329, 603

dictatorships, 4, 20, 105–8

by consent, 107

democracy vs., 7, 16, 25, 45, 50, 51, 113–14, 245, 321, 354, 463

internal security of, 52–53

risk in U.S. of, 43–44

Dies, Martin, 149, 177, 328–29, 330, 339, 582

Dies, Martin, Sr., 329, 603

Dies committee,
House of Representatives, U.S., Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Dies Foundation for Americanism, 331–32

Dinant, Belgium, 101

Dingley Tariff, 261

Dirksen, Everett, 83, 384

diversity, 108

Divine, Robert, 305

Dixie, Operation, 391–92

Dodd, William F., 32, 496–97

Dolomites, 101

Donbass coal mines, 59

Donnedieu de Vabres, Henri, 71

Donovan, William J. “Wild Bill,” 322, 439, 646

Double V campaign, 185, 218

Doughton, Robert Lee, 236, 238, 239, 260, 386

Douglas, Lewis, 572

Douglas, Paul, 116–17, 465

Douhet, Giulio, 507–8

Douty, H. F., 184

Downey, William B., 405

Doxey, Wall, 143, 563

draft, 310–13, 315

, Krunoslav, 445

Drake, St. Clair, 15

Dresden, Germany, 74

Dritte Reich, Das
(Moeller van den Bruck), 105

Drug Institute of America, 229

Drury, Allen, 201

Dual Alliance, 100

Du Bois, W. E. B., 4, 15, 138, 494

Dulles, Allen, 319, 440, 590

du Pont, T. Coleman, 540

DuRant, Ellison, 206

Duranty, Walter, 54–55

Durbrow, Elbridge, 412

Durham, Carl, 427, 434

Dutch East Indies, 41

Earle, Edward Meade, 318

Early, Stephen, 159

East Asia, 117

Eastland, James O., 189–90, 203, 204, 205–6, 221–22, 408, 563, 568

Eaton, Charles, 238

Eberharter, Herman, 312

Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 438–39, 646

economic planning, 236–38

Economic Stabilization Act (1942), 343

Economy Act (1933), 123, 235

Eden, Anthony, 75

education, 171, 177, 196

Egypt, 511

Eighth Air Force, U.S., 72

Einstein, Albert, 414

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 19, 34, 197, 410, 418, 457, 460, 472–75, 478, 480, 483

Darlan deal made by, 16

election of, 4

farewell address of, 473

inauguration of, 38, 467, 472

Korean front toured by, 468–69

on U.S.’s leadership role, 472–73

Eisenhower, Milton, 340

elections, German, 1933, 110

elections, U.S.:

of 1896, 150

of 1916, 165, 510

of 1924, 148

of 1928, 159

of 1930, 151

of 1932, 4, 149, 150, 159, 175, 249

of 1934, 151, 175–76

of 1936, 151, 165–66, 176, 265

of 1938, 143, 151–52, 330

of 1940, 142, 152, 551

of 1942, 216, 378

of 1944, 216, 217

of 1948, 442–43, 450, 626

of 1952, 474, 609

of 1956, 609

of 1960, 609

of 1964, 609

of 1968, 446, 609

electronics, 396

Ellender, Allen, 91, 92, 180, 266

Elston, Charles, 433

Emancipation Proclamation, 200, 230

Emergency Banking Act (1933), 123

Emergency Farm Mortgage Act (1933), 123

Emergency Powers Defense Bill (British; 1940), 310

Emergency Price Control Act, 343

eminent domain, 230–31, 252

Employment Act, 380–81

Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts by Government,

Employment Service, U.S. (USES), 188, 232, 382–83, 384–85, 388, 400

segregation denounced by,

Enabling Act, German, (1933), 98, 108–9, 124, 522, 527

Enforcement Acts (1870; 1871), 148

Enlightenment, 94, 95

Enola Gay,

Eslick, Edward, 328

Espionage Act (1917), 122, 325

Estonia, 277, 356

Ethiopia, 68–69, 94, 291, 292, 299

Ethridge, Mark, 144

European Defense Community Treaty, 472

Evans, Maurice, 535

Evdokimov, Efim Georgievich, 81

Executive Order 8802, 186, 218, 519

Executive Order 9066, 339, 340

Executive Order 9182, 338

Executive Order 9835, 459–60

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC), 86, 87, 186, 188–89, 190, 191, 193, 218, 386, 387–88, 396, 398, 427, 519, 555

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA; 1938), 36, 171, 267, 270, 296, 582–84

Falco, Robert, 76

Farm Credit Act (1933), 124

farmers, agriculture, 22, 37, 85, 127, 162, 163, 171, 241, 396

environmental crisis and, 39

excluded from National Labor Relations Act, 260, 273

in FEPC, 398

subsidies for, 251

farm income, 37, 171

farm prices, 152, 336

farm relief, 146

Farrell, T. F., 404

Fascism, 40, 106–7, 474, 485, 530

aviation and, 61–62

as counterweight to Nazism, 93

modernity of, 52

Mussolini’s praise of, 111–12

New Deal compared to, 56

risk in U.S. of, 43–44, 46

social roots of, 22–23

U.S. national loyalty to, 39

Fayette Chronicle,

fear, 29, 33, 37

of competition with dictatorships, 12

in FDR’s inaugural speech, 34–35, 37, 57, 98–99, 135, 196

New Deal and, 36, 37–38, 43

post-World War II, 43

of racial equality, 13–16

of sophisticated weaponry, 12–14

uncertainty as source of, 48

Federal Ballot Commission, 202–3

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 322, 326, 327–28, 333, 338, 339, 341, 439, 459, 460, 462, 483–84, 646–47

Federal Communications Commission, 376

Federal Council of Churches, 291

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 252

Federal Emergency Relief Act (1933), 123

Federal Housing Authority, 24, 36

Federalist Papers,
119, 318–19

Federal Reserve, 144, 251–52

Federal Theatre Project, 330

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 256–57

Federal War Ballot Commission, 221

Federal Writers’ Project, 14

Federation of American Scientists, 414–15

Federation of Atomic Scientists (FAS), 461

Fermi, Enrico, 403

Ferrari, Carlo, 507

fertilizer, 242, 254

Fifteenth Amendment, 133, 134–35, 185, 200, 282

Fifth Amendment, 331

Finland, 76, 277, 593

First Indochina War, 417

Fischer, Louis, 55

Fischler, Benjamin, 87

Fish, Hamilton, 220, 301–2, 304, 308, 309, 328

Fisher, Ovie Clark, 395

Fisher Body plants, 173, 174

Five-Year Plans, 55, 80, 98, 123, 235

Fletcher, Duncan, 256

Florida, 136, 394, 566, 597

force bill, 148

Ford, 273, 398

Ford, Aaron, 143

Ford, Doris, 228

Ford, Elise, 228

Ford, Henry, 304

Foreign Affairs,
413, 457, 458, 590

Foreign Economic Administration, 406

Foreign Policy Association, 592

Foreign Service, 409, 413

Forrestal, James, 437, 438

Fort Benning, 427

46, 244, 276–78, 279–80, 305, 333, 391–93, 430

Four Freedoms speech, 201–2, 207

Fourteenth Amendment, 133, 185, 200, 282

Fox, William T. R., 360

Fraenkel, Ernst, 527

France, 40, 105, 173, 277, 278, 301, 351, 417

in alliance with Russia, 100

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