Feros and the Underworld Prince (32 page)

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Authors: A.L. Bridges

Tags: #humor, #gods and goddesses, #paranormal, #contemporary, #romance, #fantasy, #supernatural, #action, #supernatural abilities, #mythology

BOOK: Feros and the Underworld Prince
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Chezarei, Cole, there is something I wish to speak to you about, but…” Naia says while glancing at Travis.

You don’t want me to hear it? That’s fine; I’ll just plug my ears.” Travis offers.

No, that is quite alright.” Naia replies, appearing to change her mind about Travis.

Well… Ryuji invited me to have dinner with him this Friday… what should I say?” Naia asks in a slightly embarrassed fashion.

I haven’t met Ryuji; is he a nice guy?” Cheza asks, directed at Naia and me.

Yeah, he is.” I reply. I still wouldn’t trust him around Addie though…

I doubt that there is any man that you would trust when it comes to Ada. Well, do you like him, Naia?” Cheza asks. I really need to stop saying my thoughts out loud.

Yes… we have a lot in common and he is fun to talk to…” Naia replies.

Well then, I think you should accept his invitation to dinner.” Cheza says.

I agree completely.” I add.

This is going in a direction that I had not been expecting when I introduced the two of them. I look across the table and see that Travis is sort of moping.

I’ll work on setting you up next, Travis.” I tell him and he perks up a bit.

One of the girls in my cardio kickboxing class might be perfect for him. Which reminds me: I still need to work on my joke for Stacy…

I call Sara when we all get back to the dorm. I talk to Addie about her day for a little while before telling her goodnight and that I love her. Sara puts Addie to bed and then comes back and sits down in front of the computer.

I wasn’t able to get ahold of my mother today, but I’ll try again tomorrow.” Sara informs me.

Alright, is there anything else?” I ask.

Yeah, I received a call from Katie today; her analysis of Adelaide’s blood is complete.” Sara replies.

And?” I inquire.

The enhancement works like a virus that bonds with its host until it becomes irremovable. The virus in Adelaide appears to be a more primitive strain and is missing the agent that allows a third party to control the virus’s host, but is more deeply ingrained into her, as though it had been inserted into the embryo.” Sara tells me.

Thanks to the injection that Father gave me before he sent me on my mission to create the girl…”
The memory of Fenrir’s voice surfaces I my mind. I thought he had been talking about Cheza at the time, but it makes sense that Addie would have been conceived under similar circumstances.

So will this be able to help The Agency?” I inquire.

Yes, they should be able to synthesize a drug with this information.” Sara replies.

Good. Now all I have to do is stop the source of the enhancements. Well I still have assignments to complete before bed so I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I say.

Alright, goodnight Cole.” Sara says and ends the call.

[September 24th]

After encouraging Naia to accept Ryuji’s date in computer science, I head to my cardio kickboxing class. Spanish Ewan McGregor is setting up the music for class when I arrive.

Excuse me, Professor? That is a Bluetooth stereo, is it not?” I ask.

That is correct.” The professor states.

Then I have a suggestion. Perhaps it would be a good idea to allow a student to pick the music for class every other day. Most people have MP3 players that also have Bluetooth capabilities so that wouldn’t be a problem. It could act as a morale boost and it would give the students more incentive to be excited about class.” I spiel.

Hmm… that actually sounds like a good idea… I like it! How about you bring in the music for tomorrow and we will do a test-run?” he suggests, playing right into my hands. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Cackle.

Yes, Professor.” I reply and walk over to the girls with my hands in my pockets so that I don’t hunch over and start rubbing them together. This means I have two more questions to get through to have the perfect setup for tomorrow.

Hey Stacy, has your mom ever gone on a business trip?” I ask about halfway through the class.

Umm, yeah… I like, think so.” Stacy asks with a perplexed expression.

Huh.” I reply and then I wait for about fifteen minutes before I ask my next question.

Hey Stacy, which job do you think I would be better suited for: mowing lawns, or as a masseur?” I inquire.

What?” Stacy asks.

It’s kind of like a psychology test… just answer the question, please.” I reply as I hear Kacey giggling, but Sarah looks confused.

It’s from the music video.” Kacey whispers to Sarah.

Umm… masseur, I guess.” Stacy replies.

Alright, thanks.” I say and leave it at that for today.

After English, Cheza and I walk back to Graythorn and I head up to my room. I finish my assignments before Travis knocks on my door. We do a repeat of last night for dinner, only this time Naia is excited about her upcoming date instead of wondering how she should reply.

I talk to Addie on Skype again, once I return to my room after dinner. I tell her I love her and then Sara gets on.

Okay, so I talked to my mother and she said that she can’t tell me and I’m not allowed to tell you that the yantra belongs to Ganesha.” Sara says.

Well that is stupid that you are not allowed to tell me; I guess I will just have to figure it out on my own.” I reply in a robotic fashion before smiling at her.

Well, I have some stuff to finish for school so I’ll talk to you later. Night Sara!” I say.

Goodnight Cole!” Sara replies and hangs up.

I access my music management program for my phone, let’s just call it uTunes, and I transfer all of the music by the Fountains of Wayne that I have on my laptop onto my phone. With my stuff for school finished, I access Wikipedia and search Ganesha. I discover that he is one of the most widely known Hindu gods because of his elephant head. His picture includes a lotus flower and a snake coiled around his neck. He is the Deva, or god, of intellect and wisdom, which puts him on par with Saraswati: the Devi, or goddess, of intellect and wisdom. Well, I can now see how Saraswati is connected, but not how she fits into all of this, or why she wanted this to be kept secret from me. I decide to just sleep on it.

Tomorrow should be rather amusing.

[September 25th]

I walk into my cardio kickboxing class with a bit of a pep-in-my-step. I sync my smartphone to the Bluetooth stereo before joining the girls in my usual spot. I have the song set to play on track number fifteen, so I wait forty minutes before asking today’s question.

Hey Stacy, if you caught me jacking it in your bathroom to the sight of your mom in a bikini, what would be your response?” I ask, trying to be as serious as possible when I hear the opening guitar riff to Stacy’s Mom by Fountains of Wayne.

WHAT!?” Stacy replies while Sarah and Kacey start giggling; even Nagi laughs, but I don’t think it’s because of the actual joke, just the side-effect. The singing in the song comes in and Stacy’s face is priceless; she listens while connecting the dots between the lyrics and all of the bizarre questions I’ve asked her in the past few days.

REALLY!?” she replies sort of shrilly. Sarah, Kacey, and I are all dying from laughter.

My gods that was sooo worth the three days of setup!” I exclaim.

Okay, that’s it; the next time you guys want to know something about Cole, you can ask him yourself!” Stacy replies in a melodramatic manner.

Well, even though your use of the stereo appears to be for an elaborate joke, I still believe it is a good idea. Starting next week, every other day, someone can play their music.” Spanish Ewan McGregor announces.

With class over, I head to English while deciding that I won’t tell Cheza about Ganesha until I have more information. I sit down beside Cheza and we sit through class in silence. Natasha assigns the new prompt before going through and reading a couple of the papers that are her favorites; luckily she’s smart and keeps the writers anonymous.

The rest of my day follows the pattern that is very quickly becoming routine: walk home with Cheza, assignments, dinner with everybody, nightly chat with Addie and Sara, bed.

Tomorrow is my first fight club meeting; that should be interesting.

[September 26th]

Cole, I need to speak to you after class.” Natasha thinks during English.

Alright, that about covers it for today; have a good weekend everybody!” Natasha announces and leaves the room. I gather up my stuff and slip it into my backpack.

Ready to go?” Cheza asks.

Actually, I have to talk to Natasha about something so I’ll see you later.” I reply.

Reeeeeally… I think I’ll join you.” Cheza responds in a way that tells me that she’s coming whether I like it or not, so Cheza and I head upstairs to Natasha’s office.

I knock on Natasha’s door before entering. Natasha looks at Cheza and raises an eyebrow.

So we require a chaperon now, eh? Fair enough… you have your first meeting with the fight club tonight, right?” Natasha asks. I nod in response.

Well make sure to be careful and keep your eyes peeled for clues about the enhancements; tell Travis to keep his eyes peeled too.” Natasha says.

What does Travis have to do with this?” Cheza asks.

He was hired by The Agency and we were both recruited by the fight club.” I answer.

This is really the only lead we have so try not to fuck it up, Cole.” Natasha says in a lighthearted tone, but I can tell that she’s a bit worried about this.

Don’t worry, everything will work out fine. I’ll make a report tomorrow.” I reply while trying to sound reassuring.

Cheza and I return to Graythorn Hall, I finish my assignments, and I call Addie to talk to her, knowing that I won’t be able to later tonight. After I tell Addie that I love her and end the call, I decide to take a nap before Travis and I have to leave.





Chapter 29: Who needs Flunitrazepam when you’ve got

I awaken to knocking at my door at 6:26pm. I trundle out of bed and answer my door.

Hey bro, are you ready to go?” Travis asks while wearing a track suit.

Oh… umm… yeah.” I groggily reply. I start to step out into the hallway before Travis stops me.

You should probably put some pants on first.” Travis informs me.

Right… pants.” I trundle back inside and pull on a pair of jeans before heading back out.

Travis gives me a sideways look, but doesn’t say anything. We head downstairs and find that Penelope, the girl from the arm-wrestling contest, is awaiting us. She also gives me a sideways look before smiling at us and walking out the door; she’s no Lassie, but I’m pretty sure she wants us to follow her.

So where are we going?” I inquire when we walk onto the path that leads into town.

You’ll see.” is all she says and continues walking.

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