Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (3 page)

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Authors: Meka James

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BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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Once I released her, she crumpled to the floor, curling into fetal position. Her entire body shook from the cold and pain. I stood over her, watching as each slight movement opened a wound, making the bleeding worse. My erection strained against my pants, and I knew that if I stayed much longer, I would finish her off tonight.

Gathering up the dishes, I exited the room, making sure to secure the door. Once back in the house, I deposited the dishes in the sink before heading up to shower. I stood under the warm spray and watched the water turn pink as her blood washed off me. With my arousal not sated, I began giving myself the release I’d been denied earlier. My dick swelled in my hands when I began focusing on the memories of the evening. However, when I closed my eyes as I got into a rhythm, it was the face of the red-haired beauty I’d met that took me to climax.


Chapter 2


My eyes fluttered open as the early morning sunlight streamed through the blinds, illuminating the drab gray-striped wallpaper in my room. I had offered Macy this room since it was the bigger of the two and she had more stuff than I did. However, she’d declined saying this was ‘my house,’ so I should take the larger room.

She had been willing to add her name to the loan if I needed her to, but only as an absolute last resort. I learned during the whole home-buying process that Macy
’s commitment issues extended past relationships to include homeownership. When my loan officer told me I needed either a larger down payment or a co-signer, she happily gave me the money I needed so that she could avoid signing on the dotted line. I promised to pay her back and even told her she didn’t need to pay rent until I worked down the balance. However, she told me the money was a gift, my ‘housewarming present.’

Now I lay in bed, letting my eyes roam around my less than cheery space. I looked forward to the day I was able to finally redecorate my room, but it would have to wait. Macy really wanted to redo the main living space, and I didn
’t want her footing the bill for the whole project. For now, I made do with my boring décor and cheaply mismatched furniture I’d picked up at various garage sales or off Craigslist.

Giving my body a good stretch, I glanced over at the clock that sat on my makeshift night stand. I
’d slept longer than I wanted, but I still had time to get in a short run before my shift at Vintage Reads. I got the job at the used book store when Macy and I first moved to Atlanta three years ago. I thought it would be only temporary, but after yet another failed job interview, my part-time, temporary job was proving to be more permanent than I imagined. I suppose I should be grateful since Mr. Bradford gave me as many hours as possible. However, there was no possibility of the position becoming full-time because it was a small, family-owned business. That also meant I’d not be able to get benefits. Luckily I was healthy, but I’d still be more comfortable with having some sort of insurance.

I slid my feet into my slippers then padded quietly down the hall towards our only bathroom. After answering the call of nature and brushing my teeth, I headed to the kitchen to grab a banana, a little fuel for my run. As I nibbled on it, I thought back over the conversation Macy and I
’d had last night. She thought it was some sign from the gods that we both met sexy men yesterday. She was hopeful I was on the way to ending what she  liked to call ‘my self-imposed celibacy’ since Seth was the first guy I’d been excited about since breaking up with Paul. It’s not like I hadn’t gone on dates since then, but none of the guys made me want to put myself out there again. I wasn’t really into the idea of casual sex like her, but I did admit I would be willing to make an exception for him. However, I was quick to point out that hers would most likely call, especially since they exchanged numbers, whereas I was most likely never to see mine again.




Getting Calida’s address was a simple task since she’d been kind enough to give me her full name. I loved the wonders of modern technology, a wealth of information at your fingertips. I drove by last night when I was unable to get her out of my head. It had been a while since I’ve been this intrigued by a woman; especially to the extent that I had to study her while I still had a Pet. When she looked up at me with those sparkling emerald-green eyes that already held a hint of fear, I knew I needed to know more about her.

The foot traffic of parents out with their kids encouraging them to beg strangers for candy had prohibited me from being able to watch like I wanted. This morning, however, her eclectic Cabbagetown neighborhood was still asleep. A few of the residents had come and gone, but no one paid attention to me. The yellow Volkswagen Beetle that was parked in her driveway last night was still there this morning. She walked home from the café yesterday, but why would she do that if she had a car? Was it a friend perhaps, a possible roommate? The color of it suggested it would belong to a female.

Parked behind two others on the side of the street, I was able to sit and wait. I needed to learn her routine.
You have a perfectly good toy at home, so why are you here?

“Because I want her.”

As I spoke the words, she stepped out onto her porch. Her lovely red hair tumbled freely down around her shoulders. She was dressed in a pair of black, form-fitting pants with a matching jacket. She stretched a little then turned to check her door before pulling her hair into a ponytail. After inserting her earbuds, she bounded down the steps, running off in the direction of the park. I sat watching until she was no longer in view before cranking up my car to head home.

When I got home, I headed straight for the cellar. I’d neglected to check on Pet this morning and wanted to see how she was doing after last night. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I smiled seeing the empty cell. After entering the room, I kneeled to peer under the bed. She was curled in a fetal position with her eyes shut tightly, mumbling something to herself.

“Good morning, my Pet,” I said, smiling at her attempt to hide from me. “Why don
’t you come out from under there so we can talk?”

“No please,” she pleaded, scrambling backwards in an attempt to get further under the bed. “Please don
’t cut me again,” she begged, her tears freely falling once again.

“Shhh, stop crying,” I said, trying to sooth her. “If you come out like a good girl, I promise no cutting today.”

She looked at me, sniffling, pressing her body closer to the back wall away from me, shaking her head no. “I…I just-want-to-go-home,” she replied through broken cries.

Taking a deep breath, I stood, rolling the tension from my neck. If she wanted to do things the hard way, that was fine by me.
You like the hard way.
Very true, I did enjoy the hard way at times; it made things more interesting. I exited the cell, making sure to relock the door.  I walked past the staircase towards the back of the cellar, to my playroom.

Making this space like I wanted took me nearly a year. This old underground storage room was what sold me on this place. The structure of the existing walls were solid, the rest of the space just required my own personal additions. I was forced to call in a plumber because I knew that was something I couldn
’t do on my own. After that was done, it was surprisingly easy to break the large space up into two areas, the cell and my playroom. Again, the amenity of the internet helped in finding plans on how to construct the holding cell and for adding to my collection.

Looking over my various instruments, I considered my options on dealing with the disobedient Pet. There was my whip. I loved that, but it wasn
’t quite right.
Tie her up, more cutting?
No and no. I knew what she needed. Walking over to the cabinet that sat against the far wall, I pulled out four zip ties and a plastic sheet then headed back to the cell.

“Time for a field trip, my Pet,” I said as I walked back into the cell.

I pulled the bed away from the wall and she went scurrying across the floor in an attempt to find somewhere to hide. The bare accommodations, however, left her with no options.

“No!” she screamed when I grabbed ahold of her hair. Her fingers clawed at my hands in an attempt to gain freedom.

“I asked you nicely to come out,” I stated calmly as I dragged her from the room. “We could have had a nice evening of talking, but instead you insisted on being difficult.”

She continued fighting for freedom as I led her up the staircase. Several times she tripped over her feet. Her crying was loud and frantic as she apologized and promised to be a good girl.

“Help!” she screamed when I opened the door. “Please someone help me!”

“Scream all you want; no one will hear. Our closest neighbor is about three miles away.”

Once inside the house, I pulled her into the sparsely decorated living room. After covering one of the chairs that flanked my sofa with the plastic sheet, I pushed her down onto it. Wordlessly, I zip tied her arms and legs to the chair.

“Are you cold?” I asked as I turned on the gas starter to the fireplace.

She didn’t answer as she continued to cry. Her eyes were now red and puffy, her face was dirty from hiding under the bed, and an unappealing line of mucus ran from her nose. Some of the cuts from yesterday had reopened during her struggle and were now leaking fresh blood. I walked to the half bath to retrieve tissue and a wet towel. I kneeled in front of her, but she jerked her head away when I first reached out to her.

“Relax. You are a bit of a mess,” I said as I proceeded to clean her face, and tend to some of her leaking wounds.

My hand brushed against her nipples while I worked, and I couldn’t resist leaning down to draw one into my mouth. Her crying got more intense when my hand traveled between her legs. I slid two fingers in and began to move them in and out slowly.

“Please don
’t,” she begged.

“You don
’t seem to be in the mood for love tonight, my Pet,” I commented as I got to my feet. “Well, if you don’t want pleasure, we can move on to plan B.”

I walked over to the fireplace and picked up the poker, sticking one end into the flames. I leisurely stoked the logs, watching the tip grow red and listened as her sniffles mingled with the crackling of the logs.

“You have rebuffed my every attempt to be kind to you this evening,” I stated as I withdrew the poker. “Maybe next time you will appreciate my hospitality,” I continued, walking back to her.

“No, no, no…” she cried, shaking her head frantically.

I placed the burning metal against her thigh.
 Her screams, mingled with the stench of her burning flesh, made my heart race with excitement. She slumped forward crying, her body convulsing from the pain that was coursing through it. 

“You should have a matching set,
I said, looking at the quickly blistering skin.

I returned the poker to the flames.
 Once it was red again, I placed it against the other thigh. She let out another blood curdling cry that intoxicated me. Her body still shook from the pain, and her head bobbed from side to side as she sobbed taking short, rapid breaths.

“Are you ready to play nice now?” Unable to find her voice, she simply nodded her head in agreement. “Good girl,” I replied, returning the poker to the stand.

I walked the short distance to my kitchen to retrieve a pair of scissors.

’ll be nice!” she cried. “I’ll be nice!”

“I believe you. These are to cut you free.” I cut the ties, and she slid out of the chair, crumpling onto the floor.
 Leaning forward, I pulled her up so she was on her knees. “Now be nice to me.”

I stood in front of her, waiting.
 She looked up at me with her blood-shot eyes, confused and still shaking. Finally, she registered what I wanted. Her hands shaking, she opened the front of my pants, and took me into her mouth. She was nervous at first, but even through her tears she got into a crude rhythm. When I came, she gagged, but she completed the job.




I walked into my empty house after another boring shift at the bookstore. I liked my boss, but not much excitement happened at a vintage bookstore. So, it made for a very tedious day. Macy had texted me to let me know her good Samaritan, a doctor no less, had called and they were meeting up for drinks after she got off work. That left me having dinner alone tonight.

After a quick shower, I turned on the TV for some noise then went to check out my dinner options. Finally deciding on a microwave meal, I hopped up onto the counter while I waited for my food to cook.

I’d spent the better part of the day secretly hoping Patrick Thorn would call telling me he had picked me for the job, even though I knew it was a long shot. Just doing reception at his firm could get me back on the right track of pursuing my dream.

According to my instructors, I had great potential, and I
’m sure they were just as disappointed as my parents were when I left school. I remember telling myself it would only be for a semester, but when Paul stopped working to concentrate more on his studies, it left me working two jobs to cover our bills.

He said it would be better for us both in the long run; that I could continue once he
’d finished and had the good paying career. I laughed sarcastically when I remembered how I’d foolishly believed his lie. Sadly, it was only one of many that I fell for.

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