Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (52 page)

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Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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He stepped closer to me, leaning so that we were cheek to cheek. I inhaled deeply
, drinking in the smell of him. His lips gently made contact with my skin as they pressed against my face just below my ear. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to pepper my skin in goose bumps.

“I didn
’t mean to scare you.” The words came out soft, like a velvet caress, and I felt my body temperature starting to rise.

it’s fine,” I stammered, stepping back to put a little distance between us. “I’m gonna go get the suitcase.”

I briskly walked towards Macy’s room wondering at what point in our relationship I would stop acting like such a mindless, horny teenager whenever he touched me. My hand was shaking as I got the suitcase down off her shelf. He’d scared me. I still didn’t understand why he’d just walked in, even if I had left the door unlocked as he’d claimed. I was relieved, however, that my forgetting to call didn’t appear to have upset him.

“So how did things go for you and Kerrin today?” he asked when I reentered my room.

I had to do a double take as he had kicked off his shoes and was propped up among my pillows, looking very relaxed.

“It went well. We put in an offer on a place near Inman Park.
It’s an old Victorian. Susan is gonna check on the zoning for us, and if she can get it switched to commercial, we’ll be set.”




Calida looked excited as she told me about the progress she and Kerrin were making. Since Susan worked for me, a fact I hadn’t told Calida, I already knew the details of the deal. I knew the zoning wouldn’t be an issue considering the house sat in a mixed use part of town.

“Well, congratulations. We should celebrate,” I said, getting off the bed.

“It’s a little early to celebrate. We haven’t gotten the place yet,” she replied, dropping the clothes she was folding when I approached her.

’s never too early to celebrate,” I countered, wrapping my arms around her slender waist. “Besides, I have no doubt that Susan will be able to get the deal done.”

“Well, I hope you
’re right because I can’t go for too long without an income. I don’t think Macy is going to be with me much longer, and I need to be able to swing the mortgage on my own. I might get something part-time until things get going.”

“How much?”
I asked, spinning her around to face me.

“How much what?”

“Is your mortgage and other monthly expenses?”

“Why?” she asked, trying to pull out of my arms.

I tightened my grip, keeping her pinned to me. “Because I need to know, so answer the question.”

“Seth, I
’ll be fine. She’s not really moving out, or at least not for a while, and I can handle my half for a few months. Besides, Kerrin said she got some calls from clients that we had started projects for, but haven’t been able to get in touch with Patrick about the status. So we may have work sooner than we thought, even without having a location.”

“I didn
’t ask you about any of that. I asked a simple question that you have still yet to answer,” I said, my tone clearly conveying the annoyance I felt.

“I know. I just didn
’t want you to think that…”


She jumped a little at the sound of her n
ame taking a step back from me. “Sorry. My…my mortgage is, um, seven hundred thirty one dollars and eighty three cents. Macy and I split it just like the rest of the bills which are roughly an extra four hundred or so a month total.”

“So you would need about a twelve hundred a month allowance.”

“No, no I don’t.”

“Right, you split the bills so only about seven hundred.”

She let out an exasperated sigh. “No.” she replied, shaking her head. “I don’t need an allowance. I told you I would be fine, and if not, I can get a job until things pick up. My old boss, Mr. Bradford, said I could always come back.”

“Well,” I said, stepping closer to her. “It
’s no longer up for discussion. You getting a job would be an inconvenience to me. I like you not having such a set schedule, therefore I would gladly pay the seven hundred a month to keep your schedule as open as possible.”

She looked as if she was going to protest again but wisely decided against it. “Okay,” she said, returning her attention to her packing.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, giving her a swift kiss on the back of the head.

When I returned from my car, I dropped the burgundy box I
’d retrieved into her open suitcase.

’s this?” she asked, picking up the box. Her eyes grew wide when she opened it. “Seth, it’s beautiful,” she exclaimed, gingerly fingering the piece. “But what’s the occasion?” she asked, looking over at me.

“A congratulations gift,” I replied, taking the box from her hand.

I took out the delicate platinum chain and fastened it around her neck. Calida’s hand went to the diamond encrusted swan that hung from the necklace.

“Congratulations for what?”

“Your new business venture,” I replied, spinning her so I could look at it.

After I spoke with Susan, I stopped by the Cartier store at Lenox. Originally, I thought a simple pair of diamond studs would be sufficient, but when I saw this piece
, I knew it was more fitting. Seeing it now around her neck solidified that choice.

“Seth, this, it
’s beautiful, but…it’s too much,” she said quietly.

Gripping her chin, I forced her head up. “You don
’t sound very appreciative.”

Her small, soft hand covered mine. “I am, really. I
’m sorry. Thank you, Seth. It was very thoughtful,” she said with a slight tremor in her voice.

I held her face for a moment longer before leaning down to kiss her. “Finish packing, we need to get going.”




The closer we
got Dorian’s house, the more nervous I became. I was still rattled by Seth’s appearance at the house, and the car ride had been mostly quiet, adding to my agitation. I’d hoped we would have just flown again, but Seth decided for the longer stay, driving would be best. He didn’t like rental cars.

I was thankful he
’d stopped to check in at the hotel first, it gave me time to shower and stretch my legs a bit. I was nervous about him meeting my parents. Looking out the window at the large, million dollar homes in Dorian’s Ballantyne Country Club neighborhood, my fingers played with the necklace I now wore. The yards were all immaculately landscaped, every flower, tree, and bush looked perfectly uniformed.

I shot Seth a nervous glance when we pulled into the driveway. Taking my hand
, he kissed my palm and gave me a reassuring smile. After he opened the door for me, I circled my arms around his neck, kissing him fully.

“Thanks for coming. I
’m sure there are better ways to spend your week, but it means a lot to me you’re here,” I said, resting my head against his chest for a moment.

’s no place I’d rather be, but I do enjoy your display of appreciation,” he said, giving me a wink. I knew part of that statement was in reference to the quickie sex we’d had at the hotel. “Now, come on so I can meet your parents.”

“You sound almost excited,” I commented as we walked towards the door. “I was sure you had been through this enough times that you would be bored with the idea.”

“This is a first for me.”

I stopped in my tracks disbelieving he hadn
’t met his previous girlfriend’s parents.

“Why do you look so shocked?”

“Because I just assumed that some of your previous girlfriends, at least one of them, would have introduced you to their parents.”

His hand cupped my cheek, and I leaned into his touch. Seth brought his face closer to mine; a sexy half smile played on
his lips.

’ve had previous mutually beneficial sexual relationships, not previous girlfriends.”

I was stunned by his revelation. He was rich, beyond sexy, and most days an extremely charming man to be around. It blew my mind that he was claiming to never have dated anyone before. Just as he was going to close the distance to steal another kiss the door opened.

“Hello dear.”

My face burned, and we straightened up quickly before turning
to face my mother. “Hi, Mom,” I replied sheepishly.

She smiled and pulled me into a hug which I returned happily.

“Mom, this is Seth. Seth, I’d like you to meet my mother, Sandra.”

My mom gave Seth the once over, and I saw him fighting to keep the smile off his face.

“Mrs. Alexander, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Seth turned on the charm, kissing the back of her hand and giving her a full on smile.

“Yes, well, we
’ve heard so much about you. Come on in so my husband can properly interrogate you.”


“What? Come on, let’s go.” She stepped aside so that we could enter the house. “Everyone’s in the kitchen.”

Seth grabbed my hand as we followe
d Mom through the beautifully decorated formal living room, past the dining room, towards the back of the house.

“I think I
’m in trouble,” he whispered, his voice full of humor.

Collin, told you my hearing is just fine. Found your daughter and her guy friend smoochin’ on the front porch.”

My face heated once again, and I dropped my head
, using my hair as a barrier. Things were off to a very embarrassing start. Dad looked over at me over the rim of his glasses. He and Mom both looked well, and I was glad to see them.

Smoochin’ on the porch you say?” he asked, making his voice deeper.

caught’em red handed. Calida’s face lit up like a Christmas tree she was so embarrassed.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I mumbled.

“Any time, dear,” she replied sweetly.

“Sorry, I should have warned you. They take great pleasure in the discomfort of their children,” I whispered to Seth.

“Oh, it’s only you Calida,” Dorian said as she walked into the kitchen. “I was and am the perfect child. Remember?”

“Dorian, don
’t start with your sister now,” Dad said, chastising her.

, Daddy, I was just joking,” she replied with a fake laugh.

Mom gave her that motherly
‘behave yourself’ look that she just shrugged off.

“Well, come here Babygirl and give your old man a hug.” Dad pulled me into a tight embrace. “You look good,” he whispered.

“Thanks, Daddy, so do you. Greece is agreeing with you and Mom.”

We broke away
, and he turned his attention to Seth.

“So, you must be the Seth we
’ve heard so much about,” Daddy greeted, reaching out to shake Seth’s hand. “I’m Collin.”

“I should be unless she
’s dating two guys named Seth.” He gave a quick glance over in my direction. “And it’s nice to meet you as well, sir.”

“One Seth is more than enough,” I replied with a smirk.

“So, besides kissing on my baby girl, what do you do?” Daddy asked, jumping right into his interrogation.

Even though he was retired from the military, he
’d kept in shape and could look intimidating when he needed to, like when going into overprotective dad mode. Dad’s face held a very serious look while he waited for Seth to answer the question.

“Well aside from that, I dabble in a few various businesses,” Seth replied, easily keeping his cool.

“That sounds mighty vague, son,” Daddy replied, looking at Seth over the rim of his glasses.

“Daddy,” I called out, feeling more embarrassed by the moment.

“What? Your mom and I are getting up there in age. We have to make sure our girls are gonna be taken care of when we’re gone. I already put that Daniel boy through the wringer.”

Short of my parents breaking out photo albums to show naked baby pictures of me, I didn’t know how this could get any more embarrassing. I didn’t know how I would survive the week if this is how they were going to behave. I shot Seth an apologetic look, and he gave me a warm smile in return.

“Care to be more specific?” he asked, turning his attention back to Seth.

“Yes, sir. I have controlling interest in the company my father left me when he died. I am chairman of the board and CEO of that company; Jokobi Enterprises. We have several different types of businesses under our umbrella.

“Alrighty then, that
’s better. You drink beer, son?”

“Yes, sir.”

Daddy grabbed two bottles out of the fridge
, handing one to Seth.

“Come on, we need to talk about your intentions with my baby girl. We
’ll leave the ladies to talk weddin’ stuff. Frankly it’s givin’ me the worst kinda headache.”

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