Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) (22 page)

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“Yes,” I breathe out.

I feel chills break out across my skin,
goose bumps arising in their wake. I press my center against him and feel his stiff length against my stomach. I groan in satisfaction and anticipation. He halts his kisses, placing both hands on the side of my face. He’s looks at me, almost as if he needs permission to continue. I nod my head at him and he smiles.

He stands up
again, drawing me with him. He gently guides me to lay flat on the mattress, my back pressed against the cool sheets. He crawls up between my legs, moving my shirt up towards my head. He helps me take it off, throwing it to the ground beside us. I bite my lip, looking up at him coyly. Shit, you would’ve thought I was a virgin by the way I’m practically blushing.

He smirks again, moving his hands down towards my
black yoga pants, gently slipping them down my legs. He exhales sharply and I smile at him, pleased by his reaction.

He moves up towards my face, brushing his lips
softly against mine. I deepen the kiss, more than ready for him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he can get. He moves his hand over to my breast, gently squeezing the highly responsive flesh with his palm. I moan louder, pressing my body firmly against his. He groans as our tongues dip into each other’s mouths. I move my hands down towards his pants, rubbing my palm against his rigid cock. He takes his hands off my breast and stills my exploration, quickly shedding his sweatpants with his hand. I look down, remembering the look, taste, feel of him.

groans at my rapt expression, kissing my deeply again. He moves his body directly above mine, pressing my lower body into the mattress. I feel his length at my entrance, my inner thighs already dripping with excitement. He nudges against me, and we both suck in sharp pants. He moves his right hand down to my pussy, using his left forearm to balance himself on the bed.

“So wet for me
. I’ve waited too fucking long for this,” he whispers, swirling his finger around my clit.

I close my eyes, shivers running down my spine and legs. He pushes his entire finger inside of me, thrusting it in and out. I moan, clenching myself around him.

“Aiden, please,” I beg him.

Shhh, I’m taking my time with you. That’s it, baby,” he says to me as I try to relax my body.

I settle myself
into the mattress, as he continues to plunge his finger into me. I feel an invisible curtain fall over me, realizing how close I am to bursting apart at the seams. My mouth falls open, small gasps escaping my lips. I’m so fucking close, I can barely stand it any longer.

He picks up his pace, moving his
thumb to rest against my clit as he fingers me. The double stimuli is too much, and I quickly convulse around him.

He moves his lips back to my mouth, capturing my loud release in his. My body jerks off the bed
, as I ride out my much needed orgasm.

“Aiden, um
…” I breathe out, unable to finish my sentence.

I hear him chuckle, my body a
languid puddle.

That was a combination of waiting over two months to touch you and loving you more than anything, Emma,” he whispers, kissing my lips over and over. “I want you. So fucking much. It’s taking a lot of self-constraint to hold back.”

don’t hold back. Love me. Show me how much, Aiden. I want to feel you deep inside me,” I breathe out.

He rubs the back of his neck roughly with his hand, breathing out harshly.

“Fuck, I knew going slow wasn’t gonna happen,” he groans.

I wind my arms around him, pressing his body close against mine. I feel my sore ribs aching in protest but I don’t care. The pain is worth the reward.

I kiss him deeply and I feel him reach over the bed to the side table. I look over where his hand is and notice that he’s trying to remove a condom.

“No, don’t. I just want
. Nothing should be between us ever again,” I pant out.

He looks at me, a pained expression on his face. He’s obviously remembering what happened the last time we
didn’t use protection.

You’re sure?” he whispers, his eyes becoming darker.

I nod at him, more sure th
an I have ever been.

“Whatever happens, nothing will change the way I feel about you. I’ve spent too long being a
n idiot. I want a full life, a family. I want that all with
, Aiden. Right now, this is me giving you everything, all of me. I trust you. I love you,” I whisper to him, choking on the last few words.

“Fuck, Emma
. Until you, I don’t think I really knew how to love. You taught me.”

Tears start leaking down the side of my face and I chuckle at the absurdity.

“Jesus Christ, you turned me into an emotional bitch,” I chuckle through my tears.

“No more crying, Emma,” he says, wiping my tears a
way with the pad of his thumb. “You can cry my name when I make love to you but that’s it,” he says with a straight face.

He moves his hand back down in between our bodies, touching me once again with his fingers. I flinch, my clit still sensitive from my prior release. I feel the tip of him enter me, as I moan from the pressure. I wrap my legs around his thighs, urging him forward. I feel him plunge into me, the air escaping our lungs.

“Fuck, Emma,” he grunts as he stills inside of me.

“Sorry. I just needed you,” I say, not the least bit apologetic.

I move my hands to his back, running my nails across his ass, clawing the hell out of him. I feel him shiver above me and I smile in satisfaction.

“You want more?” he says, his voice strained.

I nod my head back and forth, digging my nails in even deeper. He groans loudly, his legs trembling against me.

“Beg me, Emma. Beg me to love you. I need to hear you…say it,” he pants out.

“Please, Aiden. Make love to me. I need you,” I say.

I think he needs conformation on how much I love him. He needs me to reassure him that he’s the only one I’ll ever want.

I feel him
retreat all the way out of me, violently thrusting into me once again.

“Oh my God!” I yell out, the feel of him almost unbearable.

He thrusts into me deeply a few more times, before finding a slow and steady rhythm. He leans down towards my face, raining kisses on me. He nips my chin, as I move my hands to the back of his head, entwining them in his hair. We both moan as he continues his thrusts, driving us near the edge.

I look over at his left arm, grabbing his wrist as he shifts his weight to his right arm. I move his scarred limb towards my face, kissing it softly. Every inch of him, scarred or smooth, is perfect to me.

“You were right,” I pant out.

“Bout what?” he groans in between kisses.

“We helped each other. You…fixed me, Aiden,” I breathe out.

“Oh, baby, I love you so much,” he says, his thrusts quickening. “Love you more…than anything.”

“Me too,” I say right before I shatter into a million pieces.

I clench tightly around him, my heart practically leaping out of my chest.

“Ahhh, it’s too much,” I say convulsing.

“No, it’s perfect, baby. Fuck…” he says as I feel his body shaking above mine.

My orgasm feels like it goes on forever, my body barely able to handle the vibrations. I look into Aiden’s eyes as we both come, his expression completely open to me. He looks wild, overwhelmed, and fully loved. I can see it in his eyes. He loves me and he knows that I love him now. This is how it should’ve always been between us. No barriers, just honesty and love.

I ride out the end of my orgasm, every muscle in my body screaming at me in disapproval. He pumps into me one last time, searing me with a lingering kiss. He stays inside of me, blowing out a loud breath. God, I could stay like this forever.

He brushes my bangs out of my eyes one again, which are practically glued to my moistened skin.

“There’s something I want to ask you, baby. Something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while,” he says deeply.

I freeze underneath him. He’s probably going to ask me why I
moved to Astoria. I sigh, realizing that now is the right time. I’m finally ready. I can do this.

Before I can respond, he slips out of me. We both moan, already uncomfortable not being joined together.

“Be right back,” he whispers, leaving the room butt-naked.

I yawn loudly, stretching my
lethargic body out on the bed. I wince slightly, my ribs aching like a motherfucker. I move my hand in between my legs, feeling the results of him. I drape the bed sheet over me, missing the loss of his warm body already.

God, what if I were to get pregnant from tonight? How crazy would that be? As scarred as I am from losing our baby, I think I’m ready to be pregnant again. The lingering fear that Marcus is still out there is always fresh in my mind, but I have to live my life. I know that I’ll be safe with Aiden. I know he will protect me and our unborn child.

Before my thoughts run away from me any longer, I see Aiden in the doorway of the room. His eyes soften and a smile forms across his face. I notice that his right arm is casually hidden behind his body. Hmmm…I wonder what he’s up to.

“Can I help you, sir?” I say amused by his expression.

His dimples crease by my question, as he slowly makes his way back to the bed. He gets down on his knees by the bed, as I arch my eyebrow at his position. I sit up fully as he guides me to sit in between his legs. We’re both naked, the sheet having already fallen away from my body.

“These last few months have been the hardest time in my life, but…I would do them all over if it meant being in this moment right now. I know that I make some pretty fucked up decisions and will probably make many more mistakes. I don’t know what the future holds but I do know that I love you more than my own life. You make me want to be a better man. I didn’t even know what I was capable of until you, Emma. I want all of you for as long as you’ll have me. I just have one question for you,” he says pausing.

He moves his hand out in front of him, revealing a silver antique ring, a green stone
adorning the center. My eyes widen at its beauty.

“Will you marry me, Emma?” he asks softly.

Chapter 13:
Yes or No?


I take in a deep gulp, my palms sweaty from what I was just asked. I know that Aiden was talking about forever but for some reason I didn’t think he meant
forever. He mentioned it a few months ago before he left Astoria but…I figured my recent behavior towards him might have soured him on the entire thing. How can this man take so much shit from me and
want me as his wife? He’s fucking crazy

“Yes, Aiden. I love you so much. Yes!” I say to him, flinging my arms around him.

“Whoa, baby, you almost knocked me down,” he says chuckling.

“I’m just so happy,” I say against his neck.

“I’m the one who should be happy. I was worried that I was asking too soon. I believe you love me now but I wasn’t sure if you loved me enough to take a chance like this. There’s no one else that I want to be married to. This will be my first and last
marriage,” he says kissing my forehead.

I tense up in his arms, just realizing that he’s still married to Jessica. How can he marry me when he’s still tied to her?

“Emma, what’s wrong?” he asks me, probably confused by my still posture.

“Jessica. You’re still married to
,” I say dejectedly.

I release my arms from around him, trying to get away. He grabs onto my waist, holding me in place firmly.

“Hold on, baby. You’re wrong about that,” he says to me.

I look up at him, a baffled look on my face.

“I divorced her last week. It took a while but it finally happened. I pretty much threated her, saying that I had enough evidence that she helped Marcus blackmail me and stalk you. I didn’t have much actually but she believed my threats. I guess a quick divorce was more appealing to her than jail time. She agreed to just walk away and forget about the money. She knows she’s on thin ice because of my son.”

My heart races. Shit, I have no idea what happened with him and his son. We haven’t been on speaking terms these few months, no thanks to me.

“Aiden, did you find your son?” I ask, ashamed for not asking before now.

God, I wish I would’ve let him in earlier and not pushed him away. He was going through a lot too, and I pretty much bailed on him for my own selfish reasons.

“I found him, Emma. He was living back and forth between California and Washington with Jessica’s parents and cousin. The P.I. had a hard time figuring out where they lived exactly because they had different names. I came back to Astoria kind of as a surprise to you but then, well, everything fell apart,” he says sighing. “I understand why you didn’t want to have anything to do with me,” he says.

“Aiden…,” I say as he cuts me off.

“No, it’s true and I don’t blame you. I wish we could have talked about everything earlier, but I guess it wasn’t our time yet. I’ve wanted to ask you to marry me for so long and to tell you that I’m getting sole custody of my son, Emma. We’ve finally reached an agreement and in the next few months, he’ll come and live with us. The legality of the custody suit has been a pain in my ass, but that’s as soon as I can get him back. Jessica will finally be out of the picture for good. He’ll have you to love him, Emma. That is, if want to be his step-mom…” he says hopefully.

“Of course I do, Aiden. I don’t know much about kids but I know that I will love him no matter what. He’s part of you, so it’s kind of inevitable that I will,” I say smiling.

“We’ll give him the life neither of us had growing up. He’ll only know love,” he says softly.

“What if he doesn’t like me, Aiden? I’m nervous,” I say.

“There’s nothing to worry about, baby. Just be yourself. Well, the G-rated version of yourself. I don’t want our son to know the words cock and pussy until he’s old enough. And maybe not even then,” he says smirking.

I laugh at him, picturing the two of us being respectable parents. Yeah, that part might be a little difficult. Having a filter will be a definite
with kids.

“God, Aiden. Can you believe we’re actually doing this? We’re going to be married and be parents. This is surreal,” I say trying to digest my new life.

“This is something I never knew I wanted. It feels so right though. Being with you in any way feels right,” Aiden says.

“Just promise me that we won’t turn into a boring old married couple. The kind who only has sex on each other’s birthdays. I’m making it a rule that we fuck at least a few times a week, at the very least,” I say panicking.

“I think I can help you out with that, baby. You have nothing to worry about,” he says laughing.

“Hey, that is a valid concern of mine! I refuse to start wearing ‘mom’ jeans and driving a minivan,” I say.

“Fine. We’ll just put a car seat on the back on my motorcycle when we drive the kids around. That work for you, brat?” he says arching an eyebrow.

“Yep, works for me,” I say pleased by his brilliant idea.

“So, you’re absolutely sure you want to do this? Be with me forever? There’s no going back, Emma,” he says smirking.

“More sure than I’ve ever been, Aiden. C’mere,” I say pulling him up to my eye level.

I brush my nose against his, lightly kissing his lips. My hand makes its way up into his hair, admiring the ‘rock’ on my finger.

“I’m pretty impressed with the ring by the way. Very good taste, Aiden,” I say to him.

“Technically, my mom had good taste…it was hers,” he says smiling, his eyes full of emotion.

Wow, he gave me his mom’s ring? That’s pretty fucking amazing. I’m even more proud to wear it and show it off now. I never knew her but if she created and raised Aiden, I’m sure I would have loved her. Now a piece of her can live on.

“She wore it all the time. She found it at an antique shop right after she had me. I never saw her take it off. When she was alive, she told me that she wanted me to give it to my future wife. I just laughed about it, telling her that no woman would tie me down. The only woman I wanted to love was her. She just looked me dead and the eye and said that one day, I would meet my match. I would know with absolute certainty the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She said that I was hardened by my old man and didn’t let anybody get close but that would change someday. I would meet the woman to throw me off balance and tear down my walls. Smart woman, my mom,” he says grinning.

“Sounds like it,” I say sincerely.

“She would have loved you, Emma. I know that she would have been so fucking happy to be a grandma. I wish she was here,” he says sadly.

“She’s apart of you, so she will always be here,” I say touching his heart.

“Fuck, Emma, that was really sappy and heartfelt for you, baby,” he says, his face lighting up.

I gently smack his chest. How dare he make fun of me! I was just trying to be genuine.

“Hey, jerk, we were having a Hallmark moment and you ruined it. There are times when I can be very sensitive,” I say chuckling.

“I know. I’m sorry, baby,” he chuckles. “I think you’re right though. She will always be with me.”

I stifle a yawn, trying to stay awake.

“Let’s get you to bed, Emma. Or should I say
Mrs. Crowe
,” Aiden says, his eyes softening.

I chuckle at him, loving the fact that he referred to me that way.

“You will change it my last name won’t you? I know you kept your maiden name when you married Jeremiah, so I was just…” he says looking like a deer caught in headlights.

“Wait, how did you know that Blackwell is my maiden name and not my married name?” I ask him perplexed.

“Emma, I…I didn’t want to talk about his tonight, baby, but I know everything,” he says wincing.

He knows everything? What the hell does that mean?

“I know what happened to you. I know why you really moved here, Emma,” he says frowning.



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