Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) (25 page)

BOOK: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)
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“I know you guys want to take her out and have fun but she’s still healing,” Aiden replies, looking at me with a pained expression.

You don’t have to worry, Aiden. I won’t be out long, and Lucas and Leslie will take care of me,” I say to him with puppy dog eyes.

He breathes out a sharp breath
, and I can see his resolve weakening. I feel bad that he’s so worried, but I really do need a night out with my friends. A little sense of normalcy before being shackled by marriage is always a good thing. I have a feeling that Aiden and I won’t be without each other for much time after we say ‘I do.’ I won’t lie, that’s more than okay with me.

“Emma…” he stammers out frustrated.

“Pretty please?” I say almost getting down on my
hands and knees.

He looks at me
, his face torn, a small, almost non-existent smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“You know I can’t say no to you
. There’s no need to grovel,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck roughly.

“I’ll make sure you don’t regret it,” I say going over to him, linking my hands around his waist and onto his
lower back. “You’ll get your much deserved thank you…later,” I whisper to him.

I hear him groan softly as he leans down to kiss my forehead roughly.

You know I can’t touch you, baby. Just text me when you guys are heading home. If anything happens or you need me to come and get you, just let me know and I’ll be there in a heartbeat,” he says seriously.

I nod my head as I look up at him. His face one of love, pain, fear. Every emotion
is making me regret my determination to leave him tonight. As my decision wavers, Lucas interrupts our moment.

“Okay, so I guess we’re good to go then. You ready, Em?”

I sigh loudly, the Aiden/Emma staring contest finally ending.

“Yeah, yeah, Lucas. I’m ready,” I say, releasing my hold on Aiden.

As I start to turn towards Lucas and Leslie, Aiden grabs my wrist in his hand, bringing me back towards him again. He gently compresses my body against his, pressing his warm lips against mine. I squeak in shock and excitement, returning the kiss with interest.

“Okay, so I guess we’ll meet you outside, Em,” Lucas chuckles as I hear the front door close.

I moan loader into his mouth, our tongues dancing to an imaginary rhythm.

“I love you, Emma,” he murmurs in between kisses. “So much.”

I practically fall to pieces against him, his words mirror images of my very own. How can two people be so in-tune? Fit together like pieces of a puzzle? It frightens me, this connection. What happens if the thread weaving us together unravels? What will become of us?

I move my lips away from his, pressing my forehead against his chest. I try to lessen my rapid heartbeat before I go outside.

“I guess that didn’t convince you to stay,” Aiden says softly.

I look up at his mischievous face, arching my eyebrow at him.

“Nice try but no go. Maybe we can work on your technique later. I can show you a few things,” I add cheekily.

“You better leave before I punish you, brat,” he says laughing.

I give him a quick peck on the lips before he can real me back in.

“Bye, Aiden. I love you, and I’ll text you soon,” I say over my shoulder, as I rush out the door.

“Real cute, Emma,” he says amusedly as I shut the door.

I chuckle to myself as I see Lucas and Leslie patiently waiting for me in their car. Oh, I know how much shit they’re going to give me for that little spectacle a few moments ago.

I go outside, catching Lucas and Leslie in an impromptu make-out session in Lucas’s car. I knock loudly on the car window, letting them know of my arrival. They break apart laughing, obviously amused by being caught.

I get in the back seat of the car and put on a face of mock annoyance.

“Wow, Lucas, thanks for giving me so much shit when I was kissing Aiden. Hypocrite much?” I say arching an eyebrow.

“Sorry, Em, but have you seen Leslie? She’s fucking hot as hell,” he says looking her up and down.

“Love you too, Lucas,” Leslie says chuckling.

“Of course you do, babe. Have you seen
?” he replies smartly.

I shake my head back and forth, missing these past few months of laughing and just having fun with my friends.

“So, where are we going exactly?” I ask curiously.

“It’s a surprise, Em. Be patient,” Lucas tusks.

“Okay, okay,” I huff.

He just laughs, driving us to our unknown destination. It better not be a male strip club. Ew, yeah, that would not be my cup of tea.

We finally arrive in the heart of Astoria, Leo’s bar just down the block from our parking spot. We all get out of the car, as Lucas loops his arms through mine and Leslie’s arms. They both stop in front of Leo’s, broad smiles on their faces.

“I’m guessing we’re going to Leo’s, am I right? Real clever,” I laugh, equally nervous and happy to be back.

I haven’t been here since the attack or anywhere else for that matter. I was pretty much a hermit, holed up at Aiden’s house, and I’m a little uneasy to see people again. I don’t know how the locals are going to react to my return.

I suck in a deep breath, preparing for the worst. I make sure to keep a smile plastered on my face, not wanting Leslie or Lucas to become concerned.

“You’ll have a good time, I promise,” Lucas whispers to me, squeezing my hand in his.

He releases his hold on me, as I follow him and Leslie into the bar. When we get inside, I see only friendly faces, as if people were expecting me. Some former coworkers come over and hug me, obviously trying to not stare blatantly at my facial scars. Regular customers come over too, visibly upset by what happened to me. I feel accepted, protected for once in my life and it feels good.

“Hey, kid,” Leo says, coming over to me.

I smile at him, putting my arms around him for a hug.

“Hi, Leo. It’s good to see you,” I murmur to him.

“Aiden told me about the engagement. Congratulations,” he says smiling.

“He told you already?” I say amusedly.

“Sounded pretty excited on the phone. I’m happy for the both of you. That’s a good man you got there, Emma,” he says to me smiling.

“He is a good man. Took me awhile to appreciate him but now I do, Leo. I’ll try to be the best wife I can be for him,” I say proudly.

“I have no doubt, Emma,” he says smiling. “You guys have fun and make sure to watch Lucas, Leslie. That kid better not embarrass me,” he says winking at Leslie.

“Oh, I’ll make sure, Leo,” Leslie says chuckling.

We all find a booth near the pool tables, while Lucas goes to get our drinks at the bar. Leslie is the designated driver, so she and I sip Shirley Temples, my favorite non-alcoholic beverage. It may be pink and pansy as hell but I love them.

When Lucas returns with our drinks, I see a welcome face behind him, someone I haven’t seen for a while. I squeal in girlish delight, getting up out of my seat to greet her.

“Riley, it’s good to see you! It’s been too long,” I say hugging her.

“It has. I’m sorry that I didn’t come and visit you. I know that we barely knew each other and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Hearing about what happened, it just…” she says pulling away from me.

I see her look at my face, tears welling up in her eyes. I squeeze her shoulder, trying to reassure her that I’m okay. Everything is okay now.

“Gah, I’m sorry! I just get really emotional sometimes,” she says shaking her head, chuckling nervously through tears.

“No, it’s okay. It’s good to know that people care about what happens to you. I appreciate it. I was in a bad place these past few months but I’m better now. The scars just remind me that I survived,” I tell her truthfully.

She nods her head, smiling at me. I can tell that she’s still upset but a little more pacified because I explained myself.

“No more crying. If you shed one more tear, you have to take a shot, okay?” I say to her jokingly.

She laughs, sitting next to me in the booth. Lucas distributes our drinks, sitting on the opposite side of me, next to Leslie.

“Well, I’m glad you girls were finally reunited. I texted Riley earlier and told her to come by. I didn’t tell her what we were celebrating though. I thought you might want to tell her,” Lucas says, looking at me.

“Wait, I didn’t think you guys knew each other,” I say to Lucas confused.

“We didn’t, but then Riley approached me after she heard what happened to you. We kept in touch, and I let her know how you were doing,” Lucas says, looking away.

Ah, now I understand why she didn’t come and visit me. I wasn’t much for visitors, and I think Lucas made the right decision. Had I seen Riley, I probably would have driven her away with my razor-sharp tongue.

I nod at Lucas in reassurance, silently thanking him for looking out for me.

“Well, Lucas invited you here tonight because I have big news,” I say to her smiling.

She looks at me, her eyes lighting up with curiosity.

“I’m getting married,” I say to her, showing her my ring.

“Wow, that is beautiful, Emma! I’m happy for you,” she says to me, radiating with excitement.

I’m shocked she’s happy actually. Last I spoke with her, we talked about Aiden still being married and him cutting my lip from rough sex. I inwardly cringe, remembering that not so pleasant time in my life.

“Aiden and I worked everything out. It took a while but we are finally in a good place. I’m ready to start a new chapter in my life with him again,” I say.

“That’s…oh, hi, Colin,” she says surprised, looking over my shoulder.

“Riley. Emma, can I speak with you, please?” I hear a sharp voice ask.

I move my head towards the speaker, bloodshot eyes looking back at me. His stance is determined, obviously upset about something.

“Colin, what are you doing here?” I ask, wondering if Lucas invited.

I look over at Leslie and Lucas, shock and confusion emanating from them. Okay, obviously he wasn’t invited to our little party.

“I heard that you were here and I needed to see you. Emma, please,” he says once again.

“Uh, yeah,” I say, rising reluctantly to my feet.

He gently but firmly places his hand on my lower back, guiding me towards the front of the bar. I feel eyes following me as we walk away, obviously belonging to those of my friends.

We get outside, the night barely illuminated by the light posts around us. Before I can ask him what he needed to speak to me about, he wraps his around me, holding onto me as if his life depended on.

“Are you okay, Emma? Tell me that you’re okay?” he says into my hair.

I awkwardly pat him on the back, feeling more than a little uncomfortable by the embrace. Last night when we hugged, I was comforting him because of his sister. This hug feels different though. It feels wrong, especially since Aiden and I became engaged.

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