Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That won’t be necessary.” If they did, she’d be tempted to make love to them one more time and leaving would only be harder.

“Call us when you get home. Okay?”

“I promise.”

Before the tears fell, she left.


* * * *


The drive back to North Carolina passed by in a blur. Twice, she drifted into another lane because she couldn’t keep her mind on anything other than losing her men. What was Daven thinking believing he was ready to fight? Sure, panthers healed quickly, but he’d almost died.

Fortunately, it was still light when she got back to Delight. Her shift would have already started at The Black Cat Bar, but she wasn’t fit to wait on anyone. She’d probably cry serving beer. She’d already texted Trish who agreed to cover for her.

Because she didn’t feel like cooking, nor did she want to sit in a restaurant where she’d surely run in to someone she knew, she chanced the drive-thru. She could tell she’d lost weight, as had Breck, so she ordered a hamburger and a chocolate shake for dinner.

Instead of heading straight back to her house, she wanted to see if Jen was home. Most of the time, she was with Hunter and Derek, but she might be back at her place if her men were manning the command center. They’d wanted her to move in to Panther Cove before the wedding, but Jen decided being close to work was more convenient.

If Jen wasn’t there, then maybe Kendis, who shared a triplex with her, might be home. When she got to their unit, Jen’s light was on. Good. Not wanting to eat her meal in front of Jen, she scarfed down the burger, but thought carrying in a shake was acceptable.

Jen answered two seconds after Julia knocked. Since Kendis and Jen were such good friends, she’d become friends with Jen, too. The fact that she was marrying the heads of Panther Cove tied them together even more.

“Hey. Come in. I heard about Daven. How is he?”

She wasn’t surprised Daven’s scrape with death wouldn’t escape her. “It was touch and go, but he’s quite good now. In fact, that’s what I wanted to talk with you about. Got a minute?”

“Sure. Come in.” She stepped inside. “Sorry about the mess. Between working on a story about an accident at the quarry and helping out at The Cove, the place is a mess.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Jen cleared off a pile of laundry from the sofa and motioned Julia sit. “So tell me.” She sat in the chair off to the side.

Julia launched into how horrible Daven looked when she’d first arrived, but after a lot of care, he bounced back to the world of the living.

“That’s wonderful.” Jen leaned closer. “You look upset though.”

In telling the story, she’d twisted her fingers into a painful knot. She unhooked them and slipped her hands under her butt. “They refused to come back. They’re insisting they continue to fight The Sword.”

Jen’s forehead wrinkled. “Are you surprised?”

She sank back on the sofa. “No, but both men could have died. Can’t you ask Hunter or Derek to call them back?”

Jen huffed out a laugh. “Even if I did intercede, neither Hunter nor Derek would do something like that. It would be emasculating.”


“The Shield is everything to these men. It’s why Hunter picked them in the first place to replace Jeremiah and Mario.”

“Kendis was able to convince her men to quit.”

Jen shook her head. “No, she wasn’t. Deep in his heart Jeremiah knew that he’d be happier exploring his life. It was time for him to move on. Your men are just beginning theirs.” Her eyes widened. “You’re not thinking of abandoning them, are you?”

She blinked to push away the tears. “I already have.”

“But you’re their mate.”

“Everyone keeps telling me that. I’m not going to be with them just because if I don’t, they’ll live the rest of their lives alone. Hell, they probably don’t have much longer to live anyway.”

Jen moved over to the couch and pulled Julia’s hand out from under her. “Listen. My men could die tomorrow, too, but you don’t see me running away. As for Kendis’s men, hell, if there was an out-and-out rebellion, I can guarantee you both Mario and Jeremiah would be the first ones to volunteer.”

As would her own dads. “So you’re saying I should pull up my big-girl panties and get over my fear of losing them?”


“I’ve tried and I’ve failed.”

“Well, try harder.” Her sympathy seemed to have dried up. “Let me ask you this. Do you really love them?”

She didn’t have to think. “With my whole heart.”

“So you’re willing to throw away the best experience in your life for the possibility that they won’t be around in two hundred years?”

When she put it that way, the answer did seem obvious. “I guess that was what I was doing.”

“Well, girlfriend, you need to get your priorities straight.”

Clearly, it was time for some self-reflection. “I’ll work on it. Thanks.” Julia stood.

What her friend said made sense, but she needed to think about whether she wanted to live a life worrying every single day of her life and have amazing sex, or be alone.

As she drove home, her mind flashed to the restful day when the three of them painted, and then to how carefree they had been when they hoisted her up in a climbing harness and teased her to a point of blowing her mind. She couldn’t forget the wonderful balloon ride and the champagne breakfast that followed.

Suppose she did ask them to quit and they did. Would she respect them? Fighting was in their blood.
. She wasn’t liking the way this one-sided conversation was headed. The night sky was clear as she parked in the garage and headed inside.

Loneliness greeted her. Maybe she should imagine what her life would be like if she’d never make love with them again and see if she could handle the answer.

Julia hadn’t even gotten into the shower before she knew. The future was too bleak without them. While her mom fretted over her husbands’ well-being, Julia knew that given the choice of being with danger seekers and being alone, her mom had chosen well.

Maybe it was the fact that they did seek out danger that made her attracted to them.
. Here, she ended up falling in love with the one type of man she’d avoided her whole life. No matter how much precaution she took, sometimes love came whether she wanted it or not.

Feeling better after her shower, she called Breck as promised.

“Hey, beautiful.”

She laughed, feeling free for the first time in forever.


* * * *


The next two weeks were horrible. Waiting for the men to come home tore a hole in her gut, but hearing their voices each night helped get her through. Three days ago, Breck and Daven had located The Sword’s headquarters and recruited some of the other panther shifters. With the extra help, they had destroyed many of The Sword’s computers and trashed their weapons. While little blood was shed, it would set back The Sword’s terrorist focus for a while.

Finally, the day came when Breck and Daven would be coming back home, and she couldn’t wait to welcome them with open arms and open legs.

Hunter had called and asked if she wanted to be at her men’s house when they arrived. They was going to be a ceremony commending them for their bravery that evening, but he thought it might be a nicer homecoming for them if she were there to greet them properly when they arrived. Jen had probably been the one to come up with the plan, but Julia loved the idea. To get ready, she’d stopped at Tanya’s Sex Shop for some real sexy underwear that she hoped would wow them.

To make it more of a surprise, Julia had parked her car in back so the men wouldn’t know she was there. Every few minutes she peeked out the window, hoping to see them arrive. She’d almost given up when the crunch of tires sounded on the drive.

Oh, shit
. She hadn’t figured out where she wanted to stand when they walked in the door. Wearing a bra with the nipples cut out and a skimpier pair of crotchless panties, she hoped she wouldn’t give one of them a heart attack. Not wanting to be seen by some passerby when they came in, she hid behind the door. She’d pop out and surprise them as they entered.

It seemed to take forever for them to get in. The key turned and her mouth watered, as she thought about licking their cocks. Both seemed to be sharing some good news, as they were laughing when they stepped inside. She was a little surprised they didn’t notice her right away, as they’d have been attuned to her scent.

They must have been teasing her. “Welcome home, boys.”

They slowly put down their suitcases and rotated around. She wanted to run toward them and throw herself in their arms, but she held still.

Despite their eyes twinkling, Breck looked over at Daven. “Do you know this woman?”

“No. I don’t, but I sure would like to.” He grabbed his crotch. “I got something I’d like to show you, little girl. You wanna play?”

She’d missed their teasing too much and sprinted toward them. She didn’t know whose arms she wanted to throw herself into first, but her men took that decision out of her hands. They both hugged and kissed her at the same time. Daven slipped a finger into her pussy just as Breck lowered his head and sucked hard on her nipple.

“Wait,” she said.

“Wait?” Daven’s eyes widened. “I don’t think I can. You are the tastiest morsel I’ve had in forever.”

“I want to take this slow and savor both of you.”

They groaned in unison. “We’ve had a long drive,” Breck said. “How about we all take a shower together and then get reacquainted.

Daven stepped forward. “I want to take off your pretty outfit with my teeth and tongue.”

Breck nudged him. “You won’t last that long. You’ve been moaning the whole drive down about sinking your cock into her pretty ass.”

He shrugged. “True.”

She laughed at their antics. “I’m willing to shower with you two only if you allow me the honor of sucking on your cocks first.”

“Babe, we aren’t made of steel.”

“Could have fooled me. You two get pretty hard.”

They both laughed. “You’re on. Let’s get wet.”

Chapter Fifteen


Daven carried her into the bathroom, probably to show her that his strength had returned and set her on the bath mat. She had to marvel at his resiliency.

“Didn’t I hear someone say they wanted to take off my clothes with their teeth and tongue?”

Daven dropped to his knees and swiped a tongue across her pussy. Streaks of pleasure pierced her. It had been too long since she’d had sex, and dreaming about these men for the last few weeks had only made it worse. She was desperate. At least if she climaxed, she’d recover fast enough to come over and over again. With what she had in mind, there was no doubt she’d be having many orgasms.

Wanting to get them naked, she wiggled her fingers for Breck to come near, but since Daven was in the way, Breck moved behind her. He unhooked the back of her bra, but instead of lowering the straps, he cupped her breasts over the material and pinched her nipples. Her juices flowed even as Davon licked her pussy.

Her moans came out too fast. “I want to get you two naked.”

Breck nibbled on her ear. “No way. Thinking about having you in my arms has been what’s gotten us through these hard times. Our little mate needs to learn that patience will be rewarded.”

She didn’t question his comment about her being their mate. Right now, all she could think of was what they were doing to her body. She dropped back her head. “I think patience is overrated. How about if we have some mind-blowing sex first, then exercise some patience?”

That made him laugh. “Babe, we have so much to teach you about the art of making love.”

“Then teach away.”

As Breck plucked and twisted her nipples, she couldn’t help but wiggle her hips. Daven clamped down on her thighs and leaned back.

“Stand still.”

That command she couldn’t honor. “I want you too much.”

Daven stood. “If we’re going to shower, we better start or else Julia here is going to explode.”

“Come on. You can’t tell me you aren’t in equal need.” Their cocks were nearly pushing out of the top of their jeans.

“You’re right, kitten.” He ripped his shirt over his head and tossed it on the vanity.

The sight of his body made her want him all that much more. Had Breck not been still playing with her nipples, she would have helped Daven out of his jeans.

She stepped away from Breck. “It’s only fair for me to touch you.”

Breck twisted her around to face him. “Have at me.”

She wanted them both, but since Daven was busy taking off his clothes, she’d oblige Breck. Getting his shirt off was easy. She added it to Daven’s on the vanity. Now came the fun part. Her knuckle brushed against the head of his cock and she slipped her fingers under his waistband to unhook the top button.

A drop of blood squirted down his chin. “Your fangs are showing.”

Breck’s lids lowered. “I can’t help myself. When I’m with you, I want you so much my inner beast comes out.”

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