Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel (14 page)

Read Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel Online

Authors: Jennifer Miller

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel
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“Whoa.” He yanks away from me and puts his hands up in a defensive gesture.

“What now?”

“Hell, woman! All I was going to do is ask you to go to dinner with me.”

“Dinner?” I look at him wondering if I heard him correctly.

“Yes. A dinner date. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s when two people get dressed up nicely and go out to a restaurant, eat, and perhaps enjoy wine over conversation.”

“Don’t be a smart ass. I know what a dinner date is.”

“Well I wasn’t sure. Clearly it isn’t the kind of favor you usually return.”

“Why do you want to go to dinner with me?”

“Why wouldn’t I?

“You’re not interested in anything other than sex, so why are you pretending?”

He pulls his mouth into a firm line, then opens his mouth to say something before closing it again. He looks away for a moment, then looks back at me. “Tessa, will you please have dinner with me tonight?”

Looking down at my paint covered clothes, I hesitate. “By the time we’re done here, all I’m going to want to do is go home.”

“Okay, then tomorrow night it is. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.”

“You don’t know where I live.”

“I’m assuming you’ll help me with that.”

I stare at him holding his eyes with mine trying to see if there’s any humor in his, anything that may lead me to believe this is all one big joke. But, all I see is sincerity. And maybe a tad of frustration. Nodding, I hold out my hand, “Do you have your phone with you?”

He hands it to me and I plug in all of my information before giving it back. “Okay, then it’s set,” he smiles wide, “I’ll take you out for a nice dinner and we’ll have good conversation and hopefully even a great time, okay?” I nod and do my best to smile back, but I can’t help but wonder what the hell I’m thinking in agreeing to this.


Standing in front of the mirror I smooth my dress down my sides. I worry if I’ve dressed appropriately – should I have gone more casual? Maybe more dressy? I consider tackling my closet once more and pull the door open again, but I stop and make myself close it. I’m being ridiculous. Placing myself back in front of the mirror, I once again check out my appearance. I opted for a long woven floral maxi dress. It has a front slit, a low v-neckline and short sleeves. The real show stopper however is the back cutout - my whole back is on display. It’s sweet but sexy at the same time, and a perfect dress for the warm Arizona spring.

I chose to leave my hair down. It’s parted down the middle and flows down the sides of my face and back. When left alone, it has a natural wave to it that at times can be frustrating when uncooperative, but tonight, I let it be. It seems to fit the feel of the dress. My makeup is simple except for a bold fuchsia lip that matches the color of the flower in my dress. My shoes are comfortable gold gladiator sandals and I have small gold hoops in my ears and a gold bracelet on my wrist. Grabbing my matching gold bag and a sweater just in case, I leave my room.

Gina whistles when she sees me, “Oh, you look amazing,” she says with excitement. “I’m totally stealing that dress some time.”

Laughing at her comment makes me forget my nervousness for a moment, “Thank you,” I reply and then begin pacing while I wait for Ryder’s arrival.

“Will you quit pacing?!” Gina commands. “You’re going to have an amazing time. He seems really into you considering how much he’s pursued you,” she says knowing exactly how often he’s appeared in my life lately. “There’s no pressure, okay?”

“What am I doing, Gina? I mean seriously, I don’t date. Ever. What the hell am I thinking? I don’t do this kind of thing.”

“There’s a first time for everything. And you’re thinking that there is no harm in going out and enjoying a nice dinner and great conversation with a sexy man.” I give an unladylike snort at her answer. “Stop over thinking it, and just go with the flow for once.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Yes, it really is. Allow yourself to be wined and dined.”

“I’ll try.”

She takes my hands, “Look, I know you’re nervous and I get it. But, you deserve this. All your hook-ups,” she pauses and a line appears between her brows. “I just…I worry about you, okay? You know that. And this… this is different… and nice,” she says seriously leaving all signs of the crazy Gina behind as she looks me deep in the eyes and talks to me from her heart.

“It is different, that’s for sure.”

She nods and then an evil smile lifts her mouth, “Good thing I waxed you not long ago, huh?”

“Shut-up,” I laugh.

“It’s beyond clear he’s interested in you. He showed up at the hospital, then the house to help…he’s working hard, and you’ve simply been able to be just you. That has to feel good – even for you. Just enjoy it.”

“I’m trying,.” I respond, ignoring the ‘even for you’ sentiment and the ramifications of that remark.

“You’re doing a shitty job of it.” I laugh because really, what else can I do? She’s completely right.

A knock sounds on the door and I immediately look at Gina nervously. I can feel how large my eyes are in my face and my mouth goes dry; my stomach sick from nerves. She simply smiles calmly and gives my shoulder a gentle push towards the door. Taking a deep breath and wiping my suddenly damp hands on my dress, I finally bring myself to open the door. When I swing it open, the first thing that assaults me is how delicious Ryder smells. His cologne, or aftershave, is amazing – it’s musky with a hint of citrus. I love it and can’t stop myself from inhaling deeply.

He’s wearing a black pair of dress pants and a deep blue dress shirt that brings out the color of his eyes. His sleeves are rolled up his arms revealing those wonderfully strong and tattooed forearms and he looks sexy as hell. Taking a deep breath, I smile in welcome, and try to calm my racing pulse. Every time I see him I realize what one hell of a beautiful man he is. In and out of his clothes.

“Hi,” I finally manage.

“Hi, yourself.” He hands me a bright pink rose that I didn’t realize until now he was holding. I immediately bring it to my nose and inhale. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” It’s also unexpected. I’ve never gotten flowers from a man before.

“Here, I’ll put it in water for you,” Gina says as she appears at my side.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

“Hi Ryder,” she says with a large smile.

He nods, “Gina, nice to see you again.”

“You too, stud,” she says making him laugh. She disappears to take care of my flower like she promised.

“Are you ready?” he asks me.

“Yes.” I turn around in order to close the door and I swear I hear a small gasp from Ryder. Ah. He’s seen the back of the dress. I can’t help the small smile. Gina catches my eye as I close the door and she winks.

Ryder places his warm hand on my back as he walks me to his car and my body immediately breaks out in goose bumps from the contact. My nipples harden and my breath catches in my throat.

His effect on me is unchartered territory.

This is going to be an interesting night.



She’s beautiful. I know I’ve thought this to myself a million times but fuck, she is. It isn’t just the way she looks. It’s in the way she moves, the sound of her voice, the intensity in her eyes, the way she carries herself. Everything. Just simply everything about her.

When her apartment door opened and it was filled with her beauty I felt speechless. She has an effect on me I can’t define. I want to get to know her better, protect her and have my way with her, all at the same time. It’s a foreign feeling and I find myself at war with myself. It’s obvious she’s apprehensive and the worst thing I can do is come on too strong – but at the same time, I want to make my intentions very clear. It’s all rather unconventional considering how we first met, but it’s clear I’m not the only one that’s trying something new here.

“So, I had reservations for us at this new restaurant they just opened in downtown Gilbert. It’s supposed to be great and some guys were talking about it at work.”

“Did you say had?”

“You caught that, huh? Yeah, I said had. I changed my mind at the last minute. It just wasn’t the right place for us tonight.”

“Okay,” she says, heavy on the ‘a’ with apprehension clear in her tone.

“I decided somewhere more comfortable, easy and relaxed would be better. A place where we can kick back, have a good time and just enjoy each other’s company.” She nods and I can see her nervousness - the rigid set of her posture, the way she’s clutching her bag and how her eyes are darting around, likely trying to figure out where we’re headed. I reach over and take her hand. “Relax, okay? We’re going to Rustler’s Rooste. We’ll have good food, a fantastic view and hopefully interesting conversation. Sound good? Ever been there before?”

The tension in her shoulders eases and she even holds my hand in return and manages a small smile. I’m fucking magic. I feel bad for spiking her nerves yet, at the same time, wonder why she’s so wound up. “No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard of it.”

“I think you’ll like it. It’s a fun atmosphere.”

“Sounds good. And I am hungry.”


It doesn’t take us long to arrive and I’m a little irritated the valet attendant helps her out of the car before I have a chance to myself. She starts to head for the door, but I steer her slightly left of the entrance, up a wood incline and hold her hand, watching as she peers over the wood gate and lays eyes on the large bull housed there. She looks between the bull and me a couple times, but she never says what she’s thinking. She shakes her head a little, clearly deciding it best to let her first impression go unstated. I usher her inside and as she glimpses the décor and feels the ambiance a look of both relief and calm crosses her features. She starts to walk forward, but pauses, “I’m probably a little over dressed,” she says gesturing to herself.

“No,” I reply sincerely, “you’re perfect.” With that, I see her shoulders relax and know that the evening is off to a good start. To keep things moving that way I point to the large statue of the partially exposed cow standing near the entrance that assists in advising diners about the various cuts of meat available. “Don’t let the cow fool you – it’s a great place.” Once we walk inside, we head down a long staircase that takes us to a platform above the dining room. From there, we can either walk down another set of stairs to reach the hostess, or there’s a long slide you can choose instead. Tessa looks at it, then me with a smile. “May be hard with the dress,” I tell her, “but if you want to go down the slide, we’ll do it.”

We grin at a group of kids that are laughing as they take turns sliding down – their parents behind them joining in the fun. I move to the first step, but stop when I feel her slide her hand in mine and tug. Looking at her she smiles and shrugs, “You only live once.”

We laugh and head to the top of the slide. I sit first and pat my lap. “Hitch a ride, milady?”

“Why I’d love to, kind sir,” she says and sits on my lap positioning her legs on top of mine. We make sure her dress is tucked in safely and I push off the slide, holding her around the waist. We laugh when we reach the bottom and awkwardly stand up. I love the sound of her laugh, it makes me feel happy and want to do things that make her laugh more often.

Her eyes roam around the room gathering more information than she could obtain from her initial glance. The entire room décor is wood and stone. Wood tables – some situated as larger booths, others as more intimate settings, all with leather-upholstered seats generously comprise the huge dining area. A small bar is off to one side. It has twinkle lights hanging above it adding to the effect, and on the other side of the room there’s a built up platform stage where a country band is entertaining guests with a tune I don’t recognize. In the far end of the large rectangular dining area, there is a large floor to ceiling stone fireplace, likely used in the cooler winter evenings that no one thinks are experienced in Arizona. Everything is western themed – from the riding attire, riding equipment and animal skins tacked to the walls, to the wait staff who all wear various western attire. Which is why the real view is completely unexpected. A north wall comprised entirely of windows causes her to nearly stagger because the view beyond them is nothing short of stunning. The lights of the valley below are as far as the eye can see. It’s breathtaking and if the food here wasn’t also good, people would come for the view alone.

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