Finally (23 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

BOOK: Finally
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His eyes roamed and he spied Rick's Aunt Bonnie talking to a stunningly beautiful woman in a blue dress. He couldn't help but stare. His heart beat faster and he knew it was Clarise. Something warm flowed through him and he recognised it for what it was—attraction.

Easy, you're here for business, not pleasure. And Clarise is a no-go. She's your friends' family.

He took a deep breath. In any case, this was his chance to be introduced to the lovely lady. Rick's Aunt Bonnie and her husband were his clients.

He strolled to where the two women were standing.

"William!" Bonnie Smithson cried as she saw him approach. "How wonderful to see you here!"

"Hello, Bonnie, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm great, thank you, but I can't wait until May when we go to that wonderful holiday in Europe that the lovely Leila in your office is organising for us. She is doing a wonderful job, by the way."

"That's good to know. So everything is to your satisfaction?"

"Oh, yes, definitely. You certainly know how to give your clients a wonderful experience even before they start their actual holiday," Bonnie said sincerely.

"Thank you. That's our goal," he answered with a slight bow of his head and a grateful smile.

"Do you know Clarise, William?" Bonnie asked, putting her hand on Clarise's arm.

"We haven't been introduced but I've heard of her," he said to Bonnie, his gaze already settling on Clarise.

Something caught Bonnie's attention in the far corner and she hastily introduced them to each other. "Clarise, this is William Matthews, his office is organising our next European holiday. William, this is Clarise Carson, Megan's sister. Now if you'd both excuse me, I see my chance to play with Lilly. Oh, such an adorable, pretty, little girl." Bonnie hurriedly left them with a wave of her hand.

Will gestured for a handshake as he stared at the attractive woman standing in front of him. Her gorgeous brown eyes were wide, as if she was surprised by something. Then she blinked and took his proffered hand.

"Hi, William, it's good to meet you," she said, her lips curling into a shy but devastatingly beautiful smile.

"Call me Will, please," he replied, in somewhat of a daze and desperately trying to regain equilibrium. He only realised he was still holding her hand when she gently extricated it from his grip.

"Uh, I've been looking forward to meeting you tonight, Clarise. I've been promised an introduction but the man who was going to do it is too busy dancing, so I thought I'd seek you out myself."

Her face flushed and she looked uncomfortable. It occurred to him she might not want to talk about work during a family party. He hastily tried to explain himself.

"Mark must have already mentioned to you that I'm interested in having your magazine do an article for my business. I know this isn't work time for you and we don't have to discuss it right now. I just want to introduce myself so we can talk about it some other time," he said apologetically.

"Oh, I see. I'm certainly happy to talk about your business tonight," she said. She seemed relieved.

"Thanks, but really, let's talk about it some other time. Maybe I can call you at work and discuss it?"

"Yes. Sure. You can call reception and talk to Elena. She can organise a meeting time for us."

"Great," he responded. He was aware he was being rude by continuing to stare at Clarise, but he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Would you like to dance?" He found himself holding out his hand as an invitation for this enchanting creature to go with him to the dance floor.
Huh? Since when do you dance, Will Matthews? You have two left feet!

"Sure," Clarise answered with a smile as she placed her hand on his.

Too late. Damn me.

Some sappy love song that he vaguely recognised was playing. Hell, he wasn't much of a dancer.

"Um, I think this is a good time to tell you I can't dance," he said to Clarise, his mouth quirking upwards, both embarrassed by and amused at himself.

Clarise chuckled, "So what are we doing here then?"

"Shuffling our feet. Well, I am anyway. I don't know about you."

"You're not doing too badly with the feet shuffle. I can shuffle too, you know. You're not the only one who's good at it," she teased.

They grinned at each other.

He held Clarise with an arm around her waist, his hand flat on her lower back, as they swayed with the music. Her hair smelled like flowers and he caught a whiff of her delicate perfume. She smelled lovely. She

His arm around her tightened involuntarily and he held her closer, acutely aware of an electric current in the air around them. He felt her sink into their embrace. He wondered if she had noticed that magnetic force, too. He could feel it slowly enveloping them with a power he could neither explain nor resist.

They danced, hardly moving to the music, their bodies pressed like they'd always belonged together.

His thoughts went to Rick and Megan's matchmaking plan and he wondered if there was a chance it could be Clarise they wanted to set him up with. The idea greatly interested him, and he forgot for a moment his determination not to get involved with anyone Rick might introduce to him tonight.

"Now, how about you twirl me?" Clarise said suddenly, pulling away, putting some distance between them.

"Pardon?" he asked, feeling bereft that she was no longer in his arms.

"Twirl. You know, like this." She proceeded to hold up their hands that were clasped together and twirled around.

"Oh, okay." He twirled her, his lips curving in an amused but perplexed smile.

The sappy love song ended and fast dance music started playing.

"Sorry, Twirly, my shuffling feet can only do slow, not this," he said with an abashed grin.

"Okay. Well, thanks for the dance, Shuffles."

They smiled at each other and stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a long moment while other partygoers danced around them. Then Clarise turned and left the dance floor.

He followed, not caring where she was going, only knowing he wanted to talk to her some more.

"Darling, there you are!"

Will glanced sharply at the man who called out to Clarise. He bristled as the intruder possessively put his left arm around her shoulders while openly regarding him with a questioning look.

"Hi, I'm Victor Michaels." The other man extended a hand and it took him a second to register the action.

"William Matthews," he responded, shaking Victor's hand as his eyes narrowed imperceptibly at Clarise who had an unreadable expression on her face.

Mark approached them at that moment. "Oh, good, Will. You've obviously met Clarise. And Victor, too. Just the two people you want to meet. Have you mentioned the article you want from them?"

"Victor, too?"

Will was sure he would have preferred not to have met Victor. He was somewhat antagonistic towards the man. Especially when he had his arm around Clarise like that. Especially when he looked like the possessive boyfriend.

He tried to mentally shake his irrational feelings and looked at Mark quizzically.

"Yeah, he works for the magazine too."

"Yup, I'm the head graphic designer there," Victor confirmed. "Clarise is the one who writes the articles, along with Jessa Allen, if an article is what you're interested in."

"Yes, Clarise and I discussed that briefly." Looking at Clarise, he said, "So I'll be meeting with you sometime this week, then?"

"Yes, just talk to Elena. You'll find our phone number on our website."

He nodded, thinking he'd accomplished what he came here to do—to meet Clarise Carson for business purposes—and now he could leave. He said his goodbyes and went to look for the engaged couple.


ill tapped Rick and Megan on their shoulders. "May I interrupt your marathon dancing session?" he said with a grin. "I just want to say thank you for inviting me tonight. I've really enjoyed myself but I'm afraid I have to go. There's still some urgent work I need to finish this weekend."

Megan pulled them towards a more quiet area before giving him a hug. "Will, thanks so much for coming. We really appreciate it. I know Rick mentioned introducing you to someone tonight but it turns out she's already going out with someone else," Megan said sheepishly.

"No worries about that, Meg," he said with a chuckle. "Quite frankly, I wasn't really looking forward to your matchmaking so that's a relief. Apart from wanting to be here to help celebrate your engagement, I really just wanted to meet your sister."

Megan and Rick exchanged a startled glance. "Why?" Megan asked.

"I wanted to talk to her about a possible article for my business in

"Oh, okay. Good luck with that."

"Thanks, and thanks again for inviting me. Rick, I'll see you at tennis in a few days."

"Yep, see you then, Will."


ill got into his car and let out a long sigh. He was still reeling from the strong attraction he felt for Clarise.

"Don't forget you're just looking for playmates, Will, not a girlfriend. She is one of your close friend's sister-in-law," he chided himself loudly, his voice filling the car. "And besides, she's already taken," he said in a sour tone, surprised at the jealousy that coursed through his body.

He frowned, not at all pleased with himself about what he was feeling.


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Links To My Other Books:

All these books are strong stand-alone novels. But if you would like to read them in my preferred order, start with
Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)
and follow the order below

Click on the book title to get your copy.

Lifestyle by Design Series

Book 1:
Will To Love

Clarise Carson and Will Matthews

Book 2:
Heart Robber

Jessa Allen and Rob Granger

Book 3:
Ray of Love

Faye Summers and Ray Thackery

Secret Dreams Series

Book 1:
Secret Words

Jasmine Allen and Kane Summers

Book 2:
Secret Designs

Ari Mitchell and Dylan Summers

Book 3:
Secret Moves

Kris McCann and Trey Andrews

Book 4:
Secret Tastes

Samantha Lane and Adam Craig

Time for Love Series

Book 1:

Rebecca Andrews and Zach Carmichael

Book 2:

Sarah Daley and Jeff Carmichael

Book 3:

Amanda Payne and Connor Reid

Books 4 and 5: Coming Soon

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Miranda P. Charles


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