Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4) (18 page)

Read Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Room 103, #book 4

BOOK: Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4)
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Romeo’s ass took me hard, granted me everything I needed right then, gave me a tight sheath that my cock decided was the best place he’d ever been. He was hot and unyielding, eager and compliant but it was his acceptance of me that fired shot after shot of pleasure through my entire body.

“Oh yeah, fuck, you own my cock,” I growled when he started to push back harder, demanding more. “Fuck Zoe harder, make her come. Bring her climax as I fill your arse with my fucking cock.”

Zoe came as hard as I did after Romeo roared out her name, his cry choked and muffled when he buried his face in her chest, the sticky residue of my cum still on her skin. She clung to his head, a scream of her own filling the room. I bucked hard, my orgasm painful but so full of exquisite white heat, bliss pouring through my veins as my cock unloaded into the condom.

Silence descended, the only sound was our deep panting, our desperate attempts to synchronise our breathing to the work of our lungs. The sheen of sweat on Romeo’s back combined with my own when I rested my forehead between his shoulder blades and let out a long groan of satisfaction.

“Round two?” Zoe asked.

The back of Romeo’s skull connected with my forehead when he flung his head back to look at her. She grinned at him. “What?”

He scoffed then shook his head in humour. “I’d forgotten how bloody insatiable you are.”

She looked affronted for a moment before her smile returned. “Are you complaining?”

“Do I look upset?” he asked.

“You look properly fucked.” Her voice then dropped to a whisper and she cupped his face with her hand. “I’ve never seen that look on your face before.”

He stiffened beneath me, as though her words hurt him. “Zo…”

“No,” she shook her head and smiled wider. “I like it. I love to see you that hot and I’m glad Nick can give you that.”

He tipped his head then grasped her chin quite harshly, bringing her eyes back to him when she turned away. “I don’t think you understand, baby.
You and
gave me that, not just Nick. But having him inside me at the same time as I’m buried balls deep inside you as well. Fuck, Zoe, I’ve never felt that… that complete. So unless you’re underneath me when Nick is on top, you’ll never see that look again.” He brushed a stray piece of her hair aside when she smiled again. “Okay?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

“Good girl.” He looked over his shoulder at me. “Okay?”

I smirked and quirked a brow, “Oh yeah.”

In fact I was more than okay. For the first time in a long time I was happy. I just prayed that once they found out, that they would still allow me that happiness.

I WAS TOO hot. Their combined bodies complete with the duvet was the equivalent of sleeping with a radiator, especially as both of them currently had all their limbs wrapped around my body, one on each side of me.

The sun was streaming through the curtains. Jakob was still quiet although it was way past his time to wake. Even so, I lay completely relaxed, making the most of the moment.

My body throbbed deliciously, the whole of me sated and limp. Nick mumbled a lot in his sleep, his frequent murmured words pulling me from my own slumber through the night. His rambling had seemed urgent, almost as though he was in pain. I’d tried to calm him by stroking my thumb across his cheek and it had worked, until it didn’t and he was back to his vocal nightmare. Daniel just snored through the whole thing.

I manoeuvred down the duvet, wriggling between them as smoothly as possible so not to wake them. My feet found the floor and I managed to slip out and into the bathroom without disturbing them both.

My memory replayed last night as I sat on the toilet and pee’d. A smile broke across my face and I shook myself to pull my head back into the present before giving my face a quick splash of cold water.

My smile turned into a grin when I poked my head into Jakob’s room and he grinned at me excitedly, his fat little legs kicking furiously as he chuntered to me in his own perfected language.

“Good morning, handsome.”

He returned my greeting with one of his own, his eyes telling me just how much he loved me that morning. “Hungry?”

He thrust his fingers into my mouth when I picked him up, furiously answering my question with a flurry of syllables and a pucker of his eyebrows. He continued with his rant as I took us through into the kitchen and strapped him into his chair.

I’d refilled my coffee twice and Jakob had finished his breakfast, thoroughly enthralled with his spoon when Nick walked into the room.

He smiled widely then walked over to me, planting a soft kiss on my head before proceeding to pour himself a coffee from the warming carafe. He slid his hand across Jakob’s head before taking the chair on the other side of him.

“Morning, mate.”

Jakob narrowed his eyes, figuring out the new guy, and then gave him a load of verbal before continuing to drive his spoon across the tray fixed to his chair.

“I am not of any interest,” Nick chuckled to me as he took a sip of his coffee.

“Unless you come with food, you’re not worthy,” I confirmed.

“Mmm.” He had another gulp of coffee then looked at me. “Are you okay?”

“Am I okay?” I pursed my lips and nodded. “I’m sore in every appealing place possible. I’ve not slept that well in months. My body is still humming. So yeah, I guess I’m okay.”

He laughed, giving me an understanding nod. “I meant about…” He waved his hands about. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to understand his unique sign language but I nodded presuming him to mean his relationship with Daniel.

“Yes, I’m good.”

He smiled softly, thanking me I supposed.

“Are you hungry?” I asked as Daniel shuffled into the room. I was used to his morning sour manner so I just smiled at him, not hurt by his squint on me. He slapped his body into a chair and I rose to pour him a coffee. He took it from me, giving me a simple nod of his head and began to slurp at it.

Nick lifted an eyebrow and I couldn’t help the giggle as both he and Jakob stared at Daniel with wide, concerned eyes. “Jakob.” He turned his face to me, his happy little eyes finding his mummy. “Don’t stare at the strange man, sweetie.”

He blinked at me, and then turned back to Daniel, obviously he was more entertaining.

“Morning,” Nick tried. I smirked when he just received a deep grunt. Nick nodded. “I take it you’re not a morning guy.”

I tried to disguise my laugh with a cough but all three men in the room turned to look at me. Jakob’s wide eyes, Nick’s narrow eyes and Daniel’s small slits all glared at me.


Both men nodded. Jakob barked out a random string of vowels and then I remembered Henry and let him out into the garden for his own morning ritual.

“I’ll just change Jakob’s nappy, then I’ll make a start.”

Romeo made me jump when he stood upright and hoisted Jakob into his arms. “I’ll see to the small guy, you start the food.”

I stared at him, unable to hide the incredulous expression from my face. He frowned at me. “Why do you always look at me like that when I offer to help with Jakob?”

I shook my head, my mouth opening and closing. “I’m sorry. I, uhh, no, go for it.” I gave him a large happy smile. He gave me a firm nod.

“Am I okay to bathe him?”

Okay, now I was wondering where this was coming from. He kept his smile on Jakob as he waited for my answer. But I mumbled my approval. “Yep, uhh all his stuff is…”

“We’ll find it, won’t we dude.” He jigged Jakob around, generating a deep chuckle from him and bringing an instant smile to my face with the sound.

I stood still as they disappeared through the door and Daniel’s loud happy voice bellowed through the house.

“I take it he’s not a child person?”

I blinked at Nick but shrugged. “To be honest, I have no idea. I just gathered that he wouldn’t be. He’s never involved himself with kids before. He’s okay with the other’s children but he never really gets involved, if you get me?”

He nodded then walked to the fridge and peered inside, before pulling out eggs and bacon. “Take your coffee onto the veranda and relax while I cook breakfast.”

I wasn’t sure my heart could cope with any more.

“Go,” he urged when I just stood there staring at him. I nodded numbly, picked up my cup and did what he asked, taking a seat on the veranda and staring out to the world in my own little morning bubble, a morning bubble I hadn’t had in six long months.

“I’M TIED UP today,” I said to Zoe as I placed my plate on the side and turned my gaze out of the kitchen window to avoid their looks. “But you’re mine tomorrow.”

“I have things to do tomorrow,” Zoe answered when she appeared beside me, placing hers and Nick’s plates on top of mine.

I turned to her, shaking my head. “I don’t think you heard me properly, baby. Tomorrow – you – are – mine. All of you,” I raked her body with my gaze, ignoring the way my cock twitched. “All day.”

Her eyes widened then she huffed. “Fine,” she conceded wisely, “tomorrow I’m all yours Daniel.” She knew me, knew when she lost the battle with me, which was actually all of the time.

“And you,” I spoke to Nick without looking at him.

“Uh-uh, not me I’m afraid. Need to find a job.”

“No need.”

He scoffed and stared at me. “Okay, are you offering to be my sugar daddy?”

I smirked. “Nick, you’re older than me. That aint gonna work. But what will work is if you come and work for the band.”

He froze, his eyes widening then narrowing. I knew I had said the wrong thing when his fists clenched by his side. “No fucker keeps me!”

“Whoa!” Zoe took a timid step back from him, but I knew he would never hurt her. His sudden mood swing shook me though.

“Pull that shit back, Nick. Not in front of Ink for one, and definitely when there’s no reason for it.”

His jaw trembled, his head shaking with anger. “Then don’t try to run my fucking life!”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? The band needs a new Media rep and you know all the shit. That’s all it is, thought it would be good for you.”

“Well you thought wrong.”

“Nick?” Zoe whispered, her wide eyes held concern as she took a step towards him. The instinct to pull her back was overpowering but I readied myself and allowed her to do what she needed. “What is it?”

He blinked, his face tightening before he cleared his throat and visibly relaxed. “Ignore me. Sorry, didn’t get much sleep last night, I’m just tired.”

Zoe stood still, watching him, her gaze on his face. She reached for his hand, taking his fingers between hers. His body eased further, his anger evaporating with her touch.

“Do you get a lot?”

He frowned at her, pursing his lips, not understanding what she meant. That made two of us.


He looked at her like she had suddenly gained another eye, his face blanching, his eyes widening as his chest started to shudder with his deep breathing. “What?”

“It’s okay,” she said softly. “You had quite a few during the night. Mumbling things, and…” She swallowed and stepped back when his whole face started to vibrate.

She stepped back further and I stepped in front of her. “Go!”

His eyes were fixed on Zoe, the deep green of them glinting with fury. “What did I say?”

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