Read Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Room 103, #book 4

Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4)
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The softness of her skin made my cock pulse when I slid my hands under her shirt and cupped her breast. Her back arched instinctively, pushing herself further into me, craving my touch. Her nipples hardened under my fingers when I pinched them, making her squirm on my lap, her shamelessness making me need her even more. Her tits were firm, pert and perfect under my touch, the soft flesh heaving as her plump nipples pebbled and stiffened when I pulled the cup of her bra down and squeezed her hard.

“Oh god,” she breathed when I glided my tongue down the centre of her throat. “We… shouldn’t…. Fuck! Nick.” She pushed at my head, directing my mouth to her breast causing me to grin around her nipple when I smothered it. “Oh god!” she repeated when I ran the tip of my tongue around the swollen peak, grazing her dark areola with the edge of my teeth.

My cock was threatening to burst if I didn’t hurry up and release it. As though reading my mind, Zoe slid her hand down between us and unbuttoned my jeans, her fingers eager and swift. I groaned around her breast when she pulled my erection out and wrapped her fingers around the length of me.

“Nick… God I need you…”

I brought my face back to hers, kissing her with a need, both of us biting and mauling each other in a desperate need to climb inside one another.

“Do you have a condom?”

I gazed at her. I wanted to stop, I needed her to understand what we were doing but her need was as strong as mine, her fierce arousal a match for my own.

“Oh my god,” she suddenly gasped, clambering off my lap. “I… God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I… shit!”


“I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry…”

“Zoe, stop!” I grabbed her face with my hands, calming her down. The conflict in her eyes equalled her embarrassment.

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologising! You have nothing to be sorry for. Fuck! I want you so bad. I need to feel your cunt weep around my cock but I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her eyes closed as a bitter laugh left her. “There’s nothing left for you to hurt.”

I frowned at her strange words but she moved away, pulling her clothes back into place as she snatched her coat from the hook behind the door. “I better go.”


She shook her head. “It’s fine.”

She opened the door and froze when Romeo stood staring at her.

“Zoe?” He frowned at her then looked at me over her shoulder. All hell broke loose when he spotted my dick still hanging out of my jeans.

I STARED AT him as his face slowly morphed from confusion to shock then rage. The anger in his eyes would have frozen my blood if I hadn’t been so angry myself. Half of me was still furious with him, but the other was stunned that he even had the gall to be mad at me for something he had done.

I missed it, the swift shift from rage to aggression. I should have seen it, I was used to his violent mood swings. Before I had chance to register that he had moved past me, he had already floored Nick and was on top of him raining blow after blow on him, hostility in both his actions and the hateful things he was saying.

“Daniel!” I tried pulling him off but when that didn’t work, I clambered on his back and wrapped my arms around him, restricting his movement. “DANIEL!”

“Move Ink!”

“No! You have this all wrong.”

He stood, the strength in him lifting both of us, me still hung from his back as he turned his head to look at me. “Really? Oh it looks like I have, Zoe.”

His head snapped back to Nick who was now sat up on the floor, his hand cradling his nose to try and stop the flow of blood. “Not satisfied with ruining my career you have to fuck my girl too?”

I snorted at that, causing him to angrily pivot his head and look back at me. I dropped off him. “Your girl?”

He ignored my contempt. “Did you fuck him?” One wide step from him found my back against the wall and his angry body pressed against me. “Did you, Ink? Did – you –
– him?”

My mouth fell open. Anger took my wise answer and tossed it in the gutter. “What? You can fuck him but I can’t?”

I regretted my stupidity as soon as the words left my mouth. His face paled, his jaw locking into a strict vice as he pushed me further back. “I understand you want to punish me, Zoe. I understand. But I won’t allow you to make a fool of me.”

A laugh of utter disbelief popped from my mouth and I shook my head, completely perplexed at him. “Make a fool out of
? How dare you! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! You have used me, hurt me, brought me lower than anyone else ever has in my life. For three years you have deceived me. And yet you have the gall to stand there and accuse me?” I pushed at him, my rage giving me the strength to shift him back.

Nick moved forward but I held a hand up to him and turned back to Daniel. “For what it’s worth, no, we didn’t…
. Not that it is any of your business.”


I stared at him, not understanding his question. “What do you mean why?”

“Why didn’t you fuck him?”

I couldn’t hold in the laugh. “Are you for real?”

He shrugged cockily, “I don’t know, Ink, you tell me.”

“Have you been smoking shit again?”

“Answer me, Zoe. Tell me why.” He gave Nick a look of disgust then turned back to me. “It certainly looked like something had happened, so why didn’t you fuck?”

“What?” I bit out, “You want us to? Is that it? You wanna watch?”

My whole body tensed when he held me against the wall by my throat, his hand circling my neck as his face contorted with fury. Nick stepped forward but I warned him off with a look. Daniel needed this. I was used to this part of him, it was the only thing that could shift his temper. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, it was just his way of taking control of the situation.

Nick looked unsure, eager to step in. “It’s fine, honestly. Wait.”

I watched Daniel as he fought with himself. His expression changed many times as he battled with his thoughts privately. I knew he’d moved through it when his hold softened and his eyes dulled. He blinked and he was back with me, grief, sorrow and regret now overruling the anger.

“Why didn’t you fuck him, Ink?” he asked again but quietly.

I swallowed back the ache, my eyes roaming over his sadness. “Because he’s in love with you.” Nick gasped but I ignored him. “He didn’t betray you Daniel. It wasn’t him. He’s as much a victim in this as you are. You need to listen to him.” My heart broke a little more with each of my words. As much as I wanted Daniel, I would never hold him back from happiness. And I knew he could find that with Nick. It was so obvious that they were in love with each other and my soul sat down and cried when I knew he couldn’t give me that.

However, he didn’t turn to look at Nick, or even acknowledge him as I thought he would. He continued to look at me, his eyes studying me curiously. He slid his hands down each of my arms, his fingers trailing softly down my skin until he linked them through mine. Slowly he took each hand and lifted them, softly placing them above my head on the wall. His forehead dropped until it rested against my own.

“Don’t shut me out, Zoe. I won’t survive that.” I squeezed my eyes closed, not just wanting to hide from his pain but needing to protect myself from him too. “I want to kiss you so bad right now. I have never wanted anything as much as I need you right now. You’re perfect, the most amazing thing in my fucked up world and I’m a fucking fool for hurting you. Open your eyes and look at me, baby.”

I tried to hold in the tears as I opened my eyes but they refused my request and rolled down my face. “Don’t cry,” he whispered. “I don’t deserve your tears.”

I swallowed hard attempting the stop the flow but shook my head when I lost the fight. “Let me go, Daniel, please. I can’t do this, I’m not strong enough.”

He pressed his own eyes together for a moment before opening them and holding my gaze. “Let me kiss you. I need to feel you, taste you one last time. I need a memory, baby. I need that piece of you.”

I wish I could say I was strong, but I wasn’t, far from it. My whole body cried out when he softly swept his tongue across my bottom lip like only he ever could. My resistance disintegrated and my lips parted, allowing him to take me. The soft fullness of his lips upon mine again brought my soul to its knees. My spirit soared, my womb cheered, and my soul sobbed as my heart broke.

His hands let my arms go so he could embrace my face, the palms of his hands soft against my cheeks as he held me down for his onslaught. His kiss grew fiercer, a strangled moan ripping up his throat and bursting into my mouth as his tongue attacked mine angrily. His fingers snatched at my hair as he pressed his erection into my stomach, his lust as fierce as his kiss.

He tilted my head with his strict hold, taking me harder. He fucked my soul with his kiss, aroused my mind with his tongue and made my heart orgasm as my body trembled under him.

“God, I need you so much. I miss the warmth when I slide inside you. I miss the way your pussy snatches greedily at my cock, how your nipples pucker under my tongue.”

My legs shook and I clenched my fists trying to fight off the need, the hunger for him that never allowed me any peace. “Daniel, don’t…”

“I miss how your lips squeeze my cock, how the way your tongue twists and wraps around my shaft, how the heat of your mouth makes my balls explode. I miss the way you scream my name when you come undone beneath me, how your body bows for me and only me.”

Oh shit. I couldn’t push him off, I couldn’t move as his mouth moved around until his tongue found that little sensitive spot behind my ear that only he knew about. The groan that broke free heated my cheeks as embarrassment tore through me. I was ashamed of how easy he always won me over. I couldn’t resist him, I never could. And that was my problem.
Our problem


“Uh-uh, baby. You’re mine. Your body knows it, you know it.”

“STOP IT!” I forced him back. “Stop it.” I hated how my voice broke, I needed to be strong, find the courage to step back. “Stop manipulating me. I can’t do this. You’re destroying me, bit by bit. We both know I’m not enough for you. And when you finally decide that I’m no longer everything, it will kill me. I can’t do that, Daniel. I won’t let you do that to me.”

“No,” he argued. “You’ll always be everything to me, Zoe.”

My body sagged. I wouldn’t allow myself to lie to him or me, it would eventually annihilate us. “No Daniel. Don’t let your lust for me confuse what your heart needs.”

“This isn’t just a need to fuck, Zoe!” He was angry with me, his lips tightening his mouth into a straight line as his eyes blazed. “I love you. Did you miss that earlier? Did you not hear me properly? I – love – you. My heart needs you. My soul fucking yearns for you. Not just my cock, everything inside feels incomplete without you.”

“And what about in six months’ time, when you’re needing a man? What then?”

He stiffened, lying to himself as well as me. “I won’t. I can set that part aside.”

“That’s a lie, Daniel. Even you told me that you can’t live without that side in your life. So why now are you suddenly changing your mind?”

“Because I don’t want to lose you!”

I gazed at him, sadness enveloping me. “Why do you do this to me, Daniel? Why do you always break my god damn heart all the time? I waited three years to hear you tell me that you love me, and you choose the moment to tell me that just hours after you shattered my heart, when there was nothing for your love to hold onto anymore.”

“No, I don’t believe that, at least give me chance to rebuild it, fix it.”

He looked so sincere, his eyes begging and I wanted nothing more than to give in but the truth was, I knew I wouldn’t survive him again. It had only been my pregnancy that had saved me last time, preparing to be a mother taking up my time and heart.

“You want the truth, Daniel?”

He flinched anxiously but nodded.

“I loved you so much, so much. And if I’m honest with myself, I loved you more than Shane. But waiting for you, trying to hold onto you broke me down every time you walked away. And every time you did, you took a piece of me. Something inside me died every time you never answered my call, or you refused to even answer your door to me when I knew you were in there.”

BOOK: Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4)
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