Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3) (17 page)

Read Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3) Online

Authors: Katie O'Boyle

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Lakeside Porches, #Series, #Love Stories, #Spa, #Finger Lakes, #Finding The Way, #Psychotherapist, #Widow, #Life Partner, #Family Life, #Officer, #Law Enforcement, #Tompkins Falls, #Ex-Wife, #Betrayal, #Alcoholic Father, #Niece, #Pregnant, #Security System. Join Forces, #Squall, #Painful Truths

BOOK: Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
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As she settled on a stool, Haley giggled at Gwen. “What are you wearing?”

Gwen looked sheepishly at her flowered T-shirt and plaid shorts. “Sorry, I was trying on clothes, and I grabbed whatever was handy.”

“I heard that,” Melinda teased. She gave them a moment, cleared her throat, and said, “Are we all ready?”

“Go ahead, Melinda,” Rick said.

“Well, as I said to Rick, it’s all good. The papers are signed, and the Hahns, whom I like very much, will assume custody of your child as soon as humanly possible after the birth. Gwen will contact them by phone after the delivery. And I’m confident they will provide a wonderful home.” She paused. “Do you need a moment to catch your breath and pass a box of tissues?”

Rick and Haley held hands and let the tears fall.

“Let’s give them a few moments,” Gwen said.

“I understand. Listen, there is more good news coming right up for Haley and Rick. Gwen, maybe you can take notes. And you know you can call me any time to clarify anything in the agreement.”

“You’ll be sending us the agreement?”

“Absolutely. I’ll overnight it when we’ve finished, after I’ve had a chance to document our discussion and clarify any points of confusion. How’s everyone doing?”

Rick squeezed Haley’s shoulder while she blew her nose. “Ready?” he asked her, and she nodded.

“We’re good, Melinda.”

“To set the stage,” she said, “I need you to understand that some private adoptions involve significant payment to the mother, although the state places limits. First, as is often the case, the adopting parents have agreed to cover all medical expenses related to Haley’s prenatal care and the birth of the child. Second, it was decided there was a conflict of interest for the Hahns to cover my fees, so that was off the table. Far more important, however, the Hahns considered the impact of the pregnancy on Haley’s education and her living situation. They’re awarding Haley the monetary equivalent of two years’ tuition, room, and board at the state university rate.”

Haley gasped and glanced at Rick.

“Thank you, Melinda,” Rick said. He followed with a fist pump and a relaxed smile.

“Haley,” Melinda continued, “it’s important for you to understand that money is a lump sum and does not need to be used at your current school; technically it does not need to be used for your education.”

“Of course I’ll use it for school,” Haley said.

Gwen patted Haley’s hand.

“Now, Rick,” Melinda continued, “this is interesting, and it came directly from the Hahns, nothing we asked for.”

“What?” Rick looked from Haley to Gwen and back.

“They were impressed that you weren’t asking for help with your education, but they are concerned—don’t laugh, folks—with the vehicle you are using to drive back and forth from the Albany area to support Haley through the birth of the child. They’re awarding you the monetary equivalent of a new-model, compact car. While they aren’t stipulating it be used that way, they were very concerned about your safety and your continued presence.”

“How did they even know about my car?” Rick was baffled.

Gwen caught his eye and mouthed, “Justin?”

“The guy doesn’t miss a thing, does he?”

Melinda’s brisk tone signaled she was ready to wrap up. “That’s basically the agreement, surrounded by a lot of legalese. But there is one more thing that will make you chuckle.”

“What’s that, Melinda?” Gwen asked.

“This did not come from the Hahns, but I was asked to convey—without revealing the identity of the sender—that a gift certificate is on its way to Haley that she can use at Eastview Mall to rebuild her wardrobe after she delivers. Haley, I wish we’d thought of it ourselves. I’m sure losing all your things from your mother’s house has been very difficult.”

“Wow. All that’s left to replace are my art supplies that Ursula trashed.”

Gwen spoke up. “Let me do that with you, Haley.”

“Thank you.” Haley’s eyes widened. “So that’s everything,” she choked out. She buried her face in her arms on the island. Her shoulders shook with sobs.

Rick massaged her back. “Melinda, thank you.”

“Just doing my job,” she replied. “You were both very clear about what would make your lives easier through this hard time. Gwen, watch for the documents to arrive tomorrow.”

“I will.”

“Now give yourselves some time before meeting the Hahns for dinner tonight. Again, I like them very much, and I believe you will, too. In my estimation, they will be stellar parents for this baby.”

After the call, Gwen laid claim to the porch while Haley and Rick chatted in the kitchen. She touched base with Justin and Gianessa to fill them in on the results. Gianessa denied any knowledge of the gift certificate.

“Nervous about dining with Laura, Gwen?” Justin asked.

“Yes, but I’m doing it anyway.”

“I’ll send waves of calm your way the whole time,” Gianessa promised.

“That will help.”

“And call me if you need to. I’ll just be here listening to the rain the weatherman promises.”

“Love you both,” Gwen said and rang off.

When Peter heard the results of the negotiation, he concluded, “I’m glad to know they’re thoughtful, caring people.”

“And generous.”

“Are you still worried about the dinner with Laura Hahn tonight?”

“I’m taking out all my anxiety on what to wear.”

“Wear the silver gown,” he advised.

She laughed from her belly. “That dress is exclusively for you, Peter Shaughnessy.” The words were out before she realized she’d said them.

“Now, I’m glad to hear that,” he told her, his voice husky, “because I am over the moon for you, Gwen Forrester.”

Justin arrived with the Hahns a few minutes before seven. Rick rushed out through the garage to greet them on the turnaround. Haley was close on his heels. Gwen left the door open and hung back in the kitchen. She listened to the tone of the conversation and smiled as it moved from stilted to easy-going. Rick laughed suddenly, and Gwen’s face relaxed in a smile.

Just as she reached for her purse, Haley offered Justin a two-minute tour of the immaculate garage.
What is up with that?

Justin roared with laughter and said, “This spotless space can’t be a garage.”

To Gwen’s further confusion, someone rang the front door bell.
That’s what guests do on a formal occasion, Gwen
. She hustled to answer their ring but stopped when she saw the clutter in her entryway.

“Coming,” she promised. In desperation, she threw open the closet door and tossed in orphan sneakers, piles of magazines, and a bent golf club. She closed the closet door, straightened her navy, silk dress, and smoothed her hair.

When she opened the front door, a pair of porcelain blue eyes, bright with anticipation and longing, tugged at her heart. Helmud Hahn pressed her hand, bowed his head, and said, “Lovely to meet you, Dr. Forrester.” The effect was charmingly Old World.

“Gwen, please.” She admired his self-assured posture and beautifully chiseled face.

“Gwen, my wife and I honor the pain this must cause you and your niece and her young man.”

Gwen swallowed. “Thank you for saying that, Helmud.” She forced a cheerful smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last. Syd and Danny think the world of you and your wife, Laura.”

“You know our friends?” Helmud’s face broke open in a smile.

“We met at the Cushman wedding in July, Justin’s marriage to my friend Gianessa.”

“I see. Laura and Danny bump elbows all the time through their work, and he’s my tennis partner. We plan to stay in touch, even after Laura stops working.”

“So many wonderful changes ahead for you,” Gwen said.

His curt, “We are beyond ready, Gwen,” made her jump. He turned back to the walk and reached out a hand to someone. “Gwen, meet my wife, Laura.” He motioned her forward.

Laura walked stiffly up the porch steps and welcomed her husband’s strong arm around her shoulders. She was a brunette beauty with a smile that was frozen in place. Her brown eyes were dark with worry.

Laura is afraid, and it has to do with me. Huh?

“Sweetheart,” Helmud encouraged, “meet Gwen Forrester, Haley’s aunt.”

Gwen extended her hand and cocked her head. “Laura, I’m so happy for you and for all of us. We’ve been on pins and needles, and I’m so relieved now that the agreement is signed. We appreciate your generosity.”

“Yes, we have been on pins and needles, too, haven’t we, Laura?” Helmud said. He rewarded Gwen with a smile. “It’s such a relief to have everything decided and formalized.”

Laura cleared her throat. “I thought we’d have our own dinner, Gwen,” she stated, as if the plans had not already been made. “How does a salad sound to you?”

“Perfect. If you don’t have a place in mind, I’ll drive us to a favorite spot in Canandaigua. I can drop you at the Manse after.”

“Yes.” She turned to her husband and took refuge in his arms.

Why is she is terrified?
Pretending she’d forgotten her wrap, Gwen excused herself and stepped away to give them privacy. Then, blue silk shawl in hand, she slipped past the Hahns onto the front porch and down to the walk, where she breathed in the serenity carried on the lake breeze.
God, how can I help Laura?
Laughter floated to her from the turnaround. She hurried around the corner to join Justin and the others.

Haley and Rick chatted with Justin beside the Hahns’s silver SUV. Justin’s bonhomie dominated the mood. Even so, Rick’s laugh was as stiff as his body. Haley spotted Gwen and managed a shaky smile.

“What do you think of them?” Gwen asked quietly.

Haley and Rick exchanged glances. Haley told her, “Laura is really scared. You’ve got to check her out for us.”

Gwen hugged her. “We’ll have a long talk, don’t worry.”

“Helmud’s really funny,” Rick added, “and he’s wicked smart.”

Gwen turned to Justin for his reaction.

“Good people.” He nodded.

The click of Laura’s heels on the walk announced the Hahns’s approach. Gwen gave everyone a warm smile and said, “My stomach is ready for a good meal. Anyone else?”

“Do you need to lock your front door, Gwen?” Justin asked.

“Ohmigod, how could I forget? I don’t even know where the key is. I’ll go back through the house.”

Justin raised his voice for the Hahns’s benefit, while Gwen dashed inside. “Laura, I understand Gwen will drive you in her car and drop you at the Manse afterward. I suppose you women will pick at salads, while we wolf down steaks.”

Haley countered, “I’m going to have a salad, too. The Grille does have salads, right, Justin?”

“The Manse Grille has a menu for every appetite. If the grilled shrimp salad is on the specials tonight, you must get it. Rick, maybe you can help Haley into the back seat?”

Helmud stood resolutely by his wife until Gwen emerged from the house. He kissed Laura’s cheek and held up his hand to the women in farewell. “Gwen, pleasure to meet you. Take good care of her.” His eyes bored into hers.

Gwen saluted.

Laura’s lips trembled, but she nodded to Gwen and walked beside her to the Range Rover.

Gwen nudged the wine list closer to Laura, who fidgeted with the silverware. “They have a good selection of local wines, Laura. The server will answer any questions or make a suggestion if you want.”

“Oh. Nice. What do you like?”

“As your designated driver, I’m having the mango iced tea, but don’t let that influence you.”

“Okay.” Laura’s voice was barely audible.

Gwen gave a silent prayer that a glass or two of something would help. Reminding herself this private dinner was Laura’s idea, and it wouldn’t do any good to take control, she sat back in her chair and opened the big menu in front of her.

The waiter was a regular who introduced himself to Laura as “Ben” and greeted Gwen by name. “Evening, Dr. Forrester.” He told the specials and asked, “What can I get you ladies to start?”

Laura answered, “My husband and I had a lovely Riesling last night at the Manse. I don’t recall the vineyard, but the label had a heron or some bird like that.”

Ben nodded. “Good selection, ma’am.”

“Iced tea for me, Ben,” Gwen said. “And a plate of your stuffed mushrooms for us to share while we decide.”

“Very good.”

Laura’s eyes roamed over the menu as if she were unable to make sense of it. Gwen had already decided on the harvest salad, made with local goat cheese and fresh vegetables and berries from a nearby farm. Just as she opened her mouth to offer a suggestion, Ben returned with their drinks and a sizzling plate of
hors d’oeuvres

To Gwen’s relief, as soon as Laura took one bite of a stuffed mushroom, her eyes closed and pleasure washed over her face. The creases in her forehead vanished, and her mouth curved. “Heaven,” she mumbled around the succulent crab, spices, and mushroom. “I’m going to like this place.”

Gwen chuckled. “I’m glad. Everything is good here.” Gwen told her about the farm-to-table ingredients in the salads. “And the trout special sounds amazing. Everything’s from nearby, so it’s going to be fresh and delicious.”

Laura decided on the Lake Erie trout, potato-turnip mashup, and fresh garden vegetables. “I didn’t realize how hungry I am,” she said as she reached for another crab-stuffed mushroom. This time, she followed each bite with a swallow of wine.

Before finishing the second glass of Riesling, Laura had divulged every detail of the room that would be their son’s. Then, in an abrupt change of subject, she asked about Gwen’s experience renovating the Forrester home and, without waiting for an answer or stopping for a breath, told her, “Our house in Pound Ridge had everything we wanted except a decent kitchen. We pushed out the back wall to create a big family space plus an up-to-date kitchen, and we added a bluestone terrace beyond the new family room. It’s become Helmud’s and my favorite hangout after work. We really hope we’ll have some Indian Summer, so we can take the baby out there.”

“It sounds wonderful. I’m thinking you won’t miss your job.”

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