Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3) (21 page)

Read Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3) Online

Authors: Katie O'Boyle

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Lakeside Porches, #Series, #Love Stories, #Spa, #Finger Lakes, #Finding The Way, #Psychotherapist, #Widow, #Life Partner, #Family Life, #Officer, #Law Enforcement, #Tompkins Falls, #Ex-Wife, #Betrayal, #Alcoholic Father, #Niece, #Pregnant, #Security System. Join Forces, #Squall, #Painful Truths

BOOK: Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
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Bree glanced at the window, waved to him, and headed for the front door. The sedan circled the cul-de-sac and headed downhill.

He heard Bree’s key in the door.

“You didn’t have to wait up,” she called, her voice defensive.

A laugh escaped him. “Bree, it’s not even nine o’clock. And I’m working tonight, not going to bed like normal people.” He decided to play it light as he stepped into the living room. “So did you have fun?”

“Yeah, I went for a walk and stopped for a coffee and met some nice women.” She shrugged. “Carol gave me a ride home. I’m going to turn in now.”

“Wait, aren’t you hungry?”

Bree shrugged. “Not really. When do you go to work?”

“Ten-thirty. I’ll be home around seven-thirty in the morning—eight, if I go for a run. I’ll try not to wake you.”

“No problem. Have a good shift.”

He opened his mouth to thank her, but she’d already closed the door to the guest bedroom. He heard the shower come on.

He retreated to his bedroom, plugged his headphones into the TV, and adjusted the volume on the Big East game. Syracuse was ahead by six points.

Chapter 10

“You sound like a little kid, you’re so excited.” Gwen felt warm all over at Peter’s answering laugh. He’d called to tell her about winning their second game last evening. “You’re a big asset to the Sneaks.”

“You know, honey, it’s great being part of the team. These guys do the kind of work I do, security and police work, and we all love the sport and are good at it. I finally feel like part of the community. Plus, I haven’t laughed this much in a long time.”

. Jeb called her
, and she always wondered if he was being cute or didn’t think she was worth the ending
was so solid, so traditional. Her stomach did a happy dance.

“I know it’s one more thing to fill up my schedule, but we can still find time to be together, right? Are you okay with this?”

“With you being on the team?” She had tuned out longer than she realized, and he must have noticed the silence. “Are you kidding? It’s great.”

“You know, someday I want to be shooting baskets with my kids.”

“You will.” She reached for the phone cord, and sighed at the empty air around the cordless landline. She’d loved, as a teenager, tangling her fingers in the cord while she talked with her boyfriend.

“Did it go okay with Bree when she visited?”

“I loved having her, but we didn’t do much together.

“What does she like to do for fun?”

“Come to think of it, we used to take a basketball to the junky old court down the street and slam it around. She was pretty good.”

“Hey, next time she comes, take her to Overlook Park and shoot a few,” Gwen urged.

“Great idea. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’m glad I caught you before your day got started. I figured, if it was too rainy and windy for me to run this morning, it was probably too lousy for you to be out on your bike.”

“You were right. Sleep well, Peter.”

“Bye, honey.”

The word felt like a caress, and Gwen tingled. She held the phone against her heart for a moment. A smile curved her mouth as she imagined three little Shaughnessys bouncing the ball on the court at Overlook, the smallest child straining to throw it in the basket, Peter scooping her up to shorten the distance so she could make the shot.

“Sweetie, you don’t usually take anything for pain.” Haley shrugged. “Why today?”

“I almost forgot, Deirdre called to apologize and said she’d appreciate a call back. That’s word for word. What’s that about?”

“Thanks, I’ll take care of it.” She jotted a note on the phone pad. “Haley, tell me about your pain.”

Haley set down the bottle of Tylenol and leaned her full weight on her arms for a moment. “My back is so sore. I don’t know what I did.”

“You didn’t fall or lift something or move something heavy?” Alarms sounded in Gwen’s head.

“No. I walked in the rain while you slept in, just over to Phil’s, but he wasn’t there. And halfway back it just started hurting.”

“And that was how long ago?” Gwen swallowed and reached for her cell phone. She surveyed the salad ingredients on the counter and sent up a silent prayer that Haley had told her before they ate a big lunch, not after.

“Well, for sure, it was before you got up. You were making breakfast when I got back, remember? You ordered me to take a hot shower.” She jabbed her finger in Gwen’s direction and laughed. “Now I know why they call you Mother Hen Gwen.”

Four hours
. “Phil sometimes rides to the Early Risers meeting at the Bagel Depot,” Gwen said casually, as she searched her organizer for the set of questions Dr. Bowes had given all the labor coaches. “He stays to talk over coffee and breakfast.” She ran her finger down the list. “Is your pain all the time, Haley?”

“It’s funny. It goes away and then it comes back again.”

“Is it getting stronger or more frequent?”

“Both.” She turned to Gwen, her eyes wide. “Uh-oh.”

“The doctor said your labor could start with back pain,” Gwen reminded her.

“Ohmigod.” Haley sucked in a breath. “This is scary.”

“And you’re doing really well, sweetie. Let’s call Dr. Bowes.” Gwen scrolled to the obstetrics hotline number for Dr. Bowes’ clinic and pressed the number. She gave the receptionist Haley’s name and due date, told her Haley’s status, and held out the phone for Haley. “I’ll bring your bag down just in case.”

While Haley answered questions, Gwen flew up the stairs, grabbed Haley’s duffle, double-checked the contents, zipped it shut, raced into her bedroom for the Louise Penny novel she’d just started and raced back downstairs.

Haley was already on the phone with Rick. “Gwen’s back, and we’re leaving right now.” She placed a shaking hand on her belly. “I love you, too, Rick. Drive safe.”

Gwen put on a big smile. “Ready?”

Haley nodded once, her mouth a grim line.

“Are you okay to walk out to the car?”

“If you walk with me.”

Gwen slung the duffle over her shoulder and reached an arm around Haley’s waist. “Let’s do it.”

After a white-knuckle drive to the hospital, Haley was grateful for a wheelchair ride to the obstetrics area. Her water broke on the way down the hall. Gwen helped her out of her clothes, once they had some privacy.

Dr. Bowes brief exam determined that Haley was nearly ready for the delivery room. “Need drugs, Haley?”

Haley shook her head. “Just courage and Gwen.”

The doctor smiled. “We’re with you, Haley. I’ll be along soon. They won’t let me miss it.” She winked. “Gwen and I are just going to talk for a minute right now.”

While the nurses prepared Haley, Dr. Bowes asked, “Has Rick been notified?”

“He’s on his way.”

“And the adopting parents?”

“Our agreement is they’ll be called immediately after the baby is delivered.”

“And you’ll handle that phone call?”

“I will, yes. She’s a few days early. Any reason for concern?”

“None. She’s here, she’s doing well, and we’ll do our job.”

Three hours later, a healthy baby boy announced his arrival with lusty squalls.

Haley watched every move as the team cleaned him and bundled him in a receiving blanket. She welcomed him into her arms and kissed him all over. He quieted as she whispered little words to him, until a nurse came for him.

“He’ll be right down the hall,” she told Haley. “The team will help you wash up and settle in your room. Then you and the baby can spend some time together, if you want.”

“Definitely.” Her eyes closed with exhaustion. “Gwen?”

“I’m right here.” Gwen smoothed the hair from Haley’s sweaty forehead.

Haley’s breathing quieted. “He’s strong and healthy, isn’t he?”

“He is. You did a great job.”

“Thank you.” She looked Gwen in the eye. “For everything.”

“Gwen,” the nurse said firmly, “we’ll see you in Haley’s room in about twenty minutes. “Someone will come for you in the obstetrics waiting room.”

Gwen’s forehead creased as a headache descended. On her way to the waiting room, she rummaged in her purse and shook out two Tylenol. She left word on the Hahns’s answering machine and gave the good news to Justin and Gianessa.
Wish they were home

A quiet spot by a window gave her the opportunity to pray for courage to help Haley and Rick through the tough part—letting go of their beautiful little boy. Her chest tightened at the enormity of it.
Take care of yourself, too
, a voice whispered. She saw that the cloudy sky was giving way to patches of blue to the west. A shaft of sunlight blazed a path across the parking lot, over the lawn, and into the woods, where yellow and orange leaves danced in the wind. Peace filled her heart.

The ding of the elevator got her attention. She put on a welcoming smile for Rick, as he got off, his hair in disarray and his forehead creased with worry.

“Haley’s okay?”

“She did great. It was a quick delivery. I’m so grateful for that.”

Gwen’s touch on his forearm made him jump. “You’re wound tight, Rick. Try to let go of some of that before you see her and the baby.”

Eyes closed, he nodded his understanding. “The baby’s okay?”

“He’s got a great set of lungs,” she told him with a chuckle.

A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. “Did you tell Helmud and Laura?”

“I left a message. They’re probably both at work.”

“Think they’ll come tonight?”

“I’m betting they’ll wait until morning. Rick, I don’t want Haley to be alone here tonight.”

“I plan to stay here with her and the baby,” Rick insisted.

“Thank you. If the Hahns show up, call me on my cell right away.”


A nurse summoned them, and Gwen suggested Rick go ahead. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

She walked out into the sunshine, slipped on her sunglasses, and found a bench out of the wind.

“Hey,” Peter answered on the first ring. “What’s up?”

“Haley and Rick’s baby has arrived, and Rick is spending a little time with mother and son right now.”

“Wow,” he crowed. “Mom and baby are okay?”


“Are you okay? Your voice is shaky.”

“I have a screaming headache that is slowly improving.”

“What can I do?”

“Rick will stay the night here at the hospital with Haley, and I don’t think the Hahns will make it until tomorrow. Tonight, I want to leave Haley and Rick alone with their baby. I’m hoping you and I can get something to eat in an hour or so.”

“It happens that I am in the middle of making one of my famous meatloaves. Why not come to my place, and we’ll have a meal together and relax?”

“That is so perfect.” A wash of sun warmed her muscles. “I’ve never been to your place.”

“That’s because it’s been messy with half unpacked boxes and a backlog of laundry.”

Gwen laughed, and the tension rolled off her shoulders. “Is it still a mess? We could use my kitchen.”

“Nope. The boxes were emptied and out of here before Bree’s visit, and I just finished the last load of laundry.”

“Cool.” His happiness and energy were elixirs.

“We’ll kick back together, just the two of us.”

“It’s open,” Peter called. He set the steaming loaf pan on the stovetop and pinched the potatoes. Gwen inhaled the aromas of good, home cooking, and her mouth watered. She leaned one hip against the island and watched him work, her eyes roaming over his wide shoulders and slender hips, admiring his deft, sure movements.

“Food is right out of the oven,” he said. “Salad just needs to be tossed.” He turned.

One black curl fell onto his forehead. His green eyes swept over her. “That is a hungry look.”

She rushed into his arms, offering her mouth, and pressing her breasts against his chest. His kiss seared her lips. He drew her hips hard against him and anchored her there with one leg. She reached with cool hands under his navy Henley, and he yanked it over his head and flung it behind him.

While she unfastened his jeans, he undid the buttons of her flannel shirt. “You’re sure?”

“So sure.”

He kicked out of his jeans and boxers, eased the shirt off her shoulders, and freed her breasts from the lacy bra.

Eyes dark with desire, he carried her to the bedroom and laid her on her back on his bed. She offered her breasts and gasped with pleasure as he sucked one, then the other. When he eased back to unbutton her jeans, she stroked his erection. “Is this for me?”

“All for you. Why don’t you wiggle out of these”—he tugged on the belt loop of her jeans—“while I suit up for us?”

She laughed with delight and obliged him by stripping off her jeans and her lace bikini. She rolled onto her side to drop her clothes to the floor, and Peter lifted her hips and moved in between her legs. “Do you like it from behind?” he asked as his hard shaft rubbed against her crotch.

“I’ll like anything with you.” She braced her arms against the beautiful, old cherry headboard with the pineapples.

Strong hands cupped her breasts and fingers teased and squeezed her nipples. When she cried out with pleasure, he slipped one hand down her abdomen, parted her wet lips, and teased her with a gentle finger. “You’re trembling,” he whispered. “What do you need?”

“Please,” she urged him.

“Tell me what you want, Gwen.”

“You. Inside me.”

He eased back and slowly entered her. “Like this?”

“All of you,” she begged. She squeezed him with her pelvic muscles. “Deep inside me.”

He held her hips tight and drove into her. She cried out as waves of pleasure swept over her, and he plunged again. Her breath caught in her throat and she mewed and panted as he drove again and again until he came inside her.

She shuddered as he pulled out of her, lay beside her, and drew her back against him.

“Wow,” she said on an exhale.

“I knew we’d be good together,” he murmured while his hands fondled her breasts.

“I didn’t know we’d be that good.”

He laughed from his belly, and she lifted his hand to her mouth to kiss each of those talented fingers.

“Headache gone?” he asked.

“It’s back, but I’m sure it’s from hunger.”

“Food hunger?”

She shifted onto her back. “Food hunger.” Her eyes sparkled as she studied his chiseled features, his eyelids heavy with satisfaction. She tangled her fingers in his black curls and kissed his mouth. “And later, Officer Shaughnessy, I want you for dessert.”

He teased one nipple with his thumb. “You can have me all night long.”

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