Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1)
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Chapter Twelve





This was it. There was no turning back. I was at the point of no return. I’d dreamt of a night like this my whole life and it was finally here with the most incredible man I’d ever met. He’d done everything right to get me up to this point and I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in him.

As he stripped and climbed back under the covers I marveled at his physique. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long thick cock. For a second I wondered how the hell I was going to fit it inside me but quickly dismissed it.

He pulled me in to his body, both of our heads on our pillows but only inches apart. I could feel him hard and twitching on my belly as I rubbed against him.

The moment slowed and became unhurried as I tattooed his features into my brain, from the way his mouth upturned at the corners to his sharp jaw and bedroom eyes. He was my perfect. By that I mean that in my eyes he was faultless. Ridiculously handsome in a way that had me mesmerized. Was I enough though? Was I his perfect? In that moment, I felt like I was. I could see it in the devotion his eyes held. His caress.

I traced his eyelids, following a path across his nose, cheeks, finally settling on his mouth. His lips parted, taking my thumb into his mouth and sucking on it, in and out, in and out, his tongue working the underside of it. His gaze never left mine. It was so erotic to watch him do to my thumb what I needed him to do to my body.

I brought one leg up and over his hip so I could grind against him to try and satisfy the unfulfilled ache that was rising in intensity.

Taking my thumb out of his mouth, he bit my lower lip before growling out, “Are you ready for this, baby?”

“Please!” I squeaked.

Lifting his hips off the bed slightly, he whispered, “Put your other leg around me.”

I obliged so that now we were both on our sides, my legs tightly wrapped around him, my dripping opening teasing his hard length.

I grabbed his ass with one hand to urge him on. Ever so slowly he pushed himself into me, stretching me, filling me completely until he was sheathed deeply inside, the soft tip of his cock pushing against my cervix. He was huge.

We both groaned at the feeling of his cock inside my hot interior. My inner walls clenched around him as he threw his head back and sucked in a breath.

“You feel so tight, baby. Soooo good.” He hadn’t started moving yet and when he brought his head back down to mine, he asked, “You okay?”

I nodded. “Kyle, you feel so incredible. I feel so full.”

He smiled. “We fit perfectly. I knew we would.” Finding my mouth, his tongue entered, lapping at mine as he slowly, gloriously pulled out of me so that just the tip of him was still inside.

I waited for him to thrust back in but he didn’t. He stayed there for a moment, doing things to my mouth with his tongue that had me whimpering.

I was desperate for some friction and tried to pull him into me but he smiled into my mouth and uttered, “Not yet, baby. I want to savor you. Take things nice and slow.”

I knew he had to be at work soon but didn’t want to spoil the moment by reminding him so I let the thought go and focused on immersing myself in him.

Very slowly, my wetness making it effortless, he pushed in again as far as he could possibly go, reaching a spot that bordered on pain but it was so exquisite I arched my back and cried out.

Having my ripe breasts thrust in his face, Kyle took the opportunity to take one of the swollen buds in his mouth and pull on the hard nipple with his teeth and lips.

The euphoria he was dragging from me had me intoxicated as if drugged as he showed me how responsive and sexy my body really was.

I truly did feel beautiful. He could have done anything to me and I would have let him.

As his cock slid in and out while he worked both my breasts, I wasn’t sure I could take such pleasure. My body seemed to buck in response to his rock hard member touching my sweet core.

I pulled my head off the pillow and brought my mouth to his neck, latching on and sucking the skin below his ear, my teeth and tongue grazing the skin.

It drove a response from him that vibrated against my breast. “Fuck! That feels so good, beautiful. My cock feels so hard in you right now, it’s driving me wild. Your mouth sucking on my neck while I’m deep inside you is heaven.”

The croaky sound of his voice mixed with all the other things he was doing snapped something inside of me. Something wild. I needed more. Slow and sensual was nice but it wasn’t enough.

Grabbing his head and pulling on it to release his suction-cupped mouth on my breast, I forced him to look at me and begged, “Faster, Kyle. I need faster!”

His glazed eyes penetrated mine for a moment before he turned me onto my back, angled my hips up off the bed, his fingers gripping me solidly. “Keep looking at me. Don’t look away. I want to see your pleasure as well as feel it when you come.”

A niggle of embarrassment rose but I tried to fight it off.

When he pulled out of me and thrust into me powerfully, I couldn’t help but shut my eyes at the bliss.

“Open your eyes!” It was a command, but not an angry one. He wanted to see me. To look inside me and have my soul as well as my body. This I didn’t mind. It was different when we were on an equal par with each other and in the throes of passion. John’s demands had been forcing me to do something against my will.

I groaned at the look on his face when I opened my eyes. His jaw was clenched, uttering his own verbal pleasure as he picked up the pace and really began to move.

My own body responded by meeting his thrusts again and again, our eyes never wavering. It was hard to keep them open and let him see the lust that I knew must have sat so openly in front of him but it was also so damn hot.

With each push of his swollen cock on my cervix I climbed higher and higher to the peak. Removing one hand from my hip, he found my folds and began rubbing with just the right amount of pressure until I couldn’t hold on any longer.

I felt it start deep within and roll out with such force, I thought I would never recover. Still, I kept my eyes open as the first tremors rocked me, growing in intensity until my whole body was jerking uncontrollably, my fingers clenching the sheets.

I couldn’t contain my cries. Kyle’s expression showed he was in awe of my pleasure, his eyes so dark, I couldn’t see any blue as he kept up his relentless thrusts, drawing out my orgasm until I thought I would pass out.

“Fuck yeah. That’s it, baby. You feel like a vibrator on my cock.”

As the final intense shudder left me and I started to slowly fall, I could feel Kyle harden even more, if that were even possible.

He pumped furiously. “I’m gonna come. Shit. Shit. Ahhh!” He drove into me one final time before stilling.

Shooting hot lava gushed into me, igniting more tremors from my core as he came violently, trembling against me, and filling me with his seed.

The astounding connection I felt with Kyle right then and there as we tried to keep looking at each other through our haze of sexual depletion, drew tears from my eyes. The room was silent apart from our guttural breathing.

Collapsing on top of me but keeping his head above mine, he soothed, “Why are you crying?”

“You. That. Us. I’ve never—” There were really no words.

Kissing me softly, his fingers brushing the skin below my eyes, soaking up my tears, he said, “I know. I felt it, too. That was so much more than I’ve ever experienced.”


“Uh huh! You just rocked my world.”

I couldn’t help but grin at that through my happy tears. I don’t know when, if ever I had cried with joy before. “You rocked mine, too.”

He leaned in for a gentle kiss. “I’d love nothing more than to stay here with you all day but I have to work. How about I stop by your cabin when I’m done and we can have dinner tonight?”

“I’d like that.”

Kyle pulled away and climbed out of bed, putting on a pair of boxers. I couldn’t help but ogle the body that had molded to mine only moments ago. A sheen of sweat glistened off his chest and the muscles in his torso appeared to tighten as he walked. He was hot!

“Like what you see?” He smirked as I raised my eyes to his after being caught ogling him.

“You’re incredible! Do you work out much?” That was a silly question because with a body like that, he’d have to.

“I try to when I can, although I haven’t had much time to do much of anything since being here on the island—apart from the movie and spending time with you. I guess I should go visit the gym to stay toned.”

“Don’t let me keep you from a good workout.”

He stalked to the bed and bent over me. “Baby, I think I’ve just had the most intense gym session ever.” He nipped my lower lip and as he stood again before I could grab onto him and pull him on top of me, he winked and shone his full, blinding smile at me before turning and walking into the bathroom.

His tight butt caught my attention and I was lost for words so I sunk into the comfortable bed with a ridiculous smile on my face and went over my amazing morning so far.

There was a light inside me now that had been switched off for so long. I could feel myself glowing brightly from head to toe. My skin still tingled where Kyle had touched me with his mouth and hands, both gentle and not so gentle.

I heard the water switch on and the shower door close, wondering if I should get up and join Kyle before he had to leave me for the day. Images of his naked wet body had me throwing the sheets off and moving to the bathroom door. I listened, not knowing what I was expecting to hear before I opened the door and peeked in. Steam had already filled the room making it hard to see but I could definitely make out the contours of his body through the foggy glass. Oh Lord! I wanted him again! How was that possible?

I drew in a breath as he threw his head back under the spray of water to let the beads wash his face. Taking a step closer, my heart quickened. I was not one to take the initiative when it came to sex but on this occasion there was nothing holding me back. I was leaving tomorrow and needed to make the most of this amazing creature standing before me while I could.

As if sensing someone was approaching, I watched with fascination as a hand came up to the glass to wipe away some of the fog.

I stopped when I eyed his wet face. For a second his eyes widened but then they darkened and shuttered slightly at the sight of me naked and staring.

“Have you come to join me?” He angled his head to the side and his lips twitched in amusement.

“I…uh…” My words were cut short as the cubicle door opened and a very naked, aroused Kyle stood like a Greek God in front of me. I’m sure my jaw must have been hanging open because I heard Kyle snicker as he held out his hand for me. I was like a moth to a flame. I was hypnotized under his spell and barely felt myself move into the shower until my back was pressed against the tiled wall and something hard pushed into my pelvis.

“You’re so naughty. You’re going to make me late for work,” he mumbled into the skin on my neck as his tongue licked a path from my ear down to my collar bone, eliciting a shiver from me, even though the hot water was raining down hard.

“S…sorry! It’s just that…well…” Why the heck had my mind suddenly turned to mush? I couldn’t think rationally with his swollen mouth doing things to my skin.

Not waiting for me to continue, his head came up and he claimed my lips in what I can only describe as the most astounding kiss ever. It was full of indecency and need, his tongue plundering inside to meet mine as I opened for him. My hand came up and around his neck, pulling him in so we could consume each other.

“Hmm, mmm,” he rumbled from his open mouth, both of his hands kneading each breast. They were still hard and tender from earlier so when he took one between his fingers and squeezed, I threw my chest forward. “Oh, God. Yeeesss.”

At my response, he ground himself into me, the water making it nice and slippery. It wasn’t going to take much to push us both over the edge again.

My hands were all over Kyle’s body, feeling his corded muscles and his were now moving all over me, grabbing my ass and then moving up my back and into my hair. It was becoming frenzied with each passing second and I was lost to it, not even sure if I knew myself anymore. In this wild moment, I wasn’t anyone. I didn’t have a name or a job or even a personality. I was pure desire. Pure consciousness. Nothing else registered in my brain except for sensations striking me from every angle as Kyle took me further and further away. All I cared about was his mouth and hands and the cock I needed so much. He grabbed my ass again and lifted me so I could wrap my legs around his hips, nailing me to the wall. I gripped his wet length tightly and drove it forward into my entrance. I thought I’d die if I didn’t have him filling me, touching my core.

Kyle bit down on my shoulder then yelled out, “Fuck!” as his sensitive head met the warm, moist walls deep inside me.

BOOK: Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1)
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