First Lady (24 page)

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Authors: Blayne Cooper,T Novan

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: First Lady
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The reprieve, however, gave her a chance to check on the kids before deciding what she would do with the rest of her evening. She opened the door to Ashley's room and smiled at the moonlit lumps under her daughter's blankets. One belonged to the energetic child and the other belonged to the largest teddy bear that Devlyn had ever seen. Lauren had gifted Ashley with it after one of her business trips, and the little girl never slept without it.

She straightened the covers until she was sure that Ashley wouldn’t smother herself, then kissed her eldest on the forehead. "I love ya, Moppet."

For a few minutes she just watched the even rise and fall of the girl's chest. A peaceful wave gently washed over her, and she was instantly glad she took the time to do this, every night that she was home. Only Lauren knew the long, calming moments she would spend simply watching her children sleep. It was here that a sometimes crazy world could sometimes be seen with crystalline clarity. Satisfied that her daughter was romping through dreamland, she walked just down the hall to the room where the boys slept.

They had recently given up their race car beds for a set of bunk beds that they swore they needed more than anything else in the world. Dev and Lauren had put the beds together themselves after they’d accidentally been delivered in their original boxes. Several people in the maintenance department, of course, practically begged to be allowed to do it themselves, but this was a parental moment she found herself very much wanting to share with Lauren.

Dev was proud of the good job they’d done. Good being measured by the fact that the beds hadn’t collapsed under the rambunctious boys yet.

Christopher and Aaron were breathing heavily, and Dev picked up a baseball off the carpet and set it on their toy box before padding quietly to the bed. Aaron’s pajama-covered legs were sticking out from beneath the covers, and Dev lifted her son into place and readjusted his blankets, all without waking him. She had to uncover Christopher’s face and push aside a shock of messy, slightly sweaty blonde hair before placing a tender kiss on his forehead. “Love you both,” she whispered fondly. “Sweet dreams.”

Leaving the room, she lasted all of five seconds before heading back down the long hallway to Lauren’s apartment. She knocked on the door. When there was no answer she tried the knob and stuck her head in. “Lauren, honey?”

The room was still and dark, and Dev could tell Lauren hadn’t been back there since earlier this evening. She spun in a circle then dropped to her knees and lifted the comforter to look under the bed. No dogs. “How long can one party last?” she wondered out loud.

She decided it was time to find out.




Dev approached Lauren’s party with increasing wonder. The sound of music and laughter could be heard at the far end of the corridor leading to the hallway. She nodded her greeting at the two agents guarding the doorway. One was a woman clad only in a sleek, maroon swimsuit. The other agent was a tall slim man who had tropical flowers in his hair and smelled of tequila. “Hello,” Dev drawled as she took in their smiling, bleary-eyed appearance.

They both stood up a little taller, and the woman began to giggle despite herself. “Hello… ma… ma… ma… You,” the male agent said, proud that he’d thought of the word.

Dev blinked. “You two aren’t wearing your guns, are you?”

They both shook their heads wildly. “This is una… una… unaoffish unoffishel…”

“We’re off duty,” the woman finally finished for him, smacking him hard on the arm.

“Whew.” Dev wiped mock sweat from her forehead. “I wouldn’t want to get shot.”

“You can get a shot inside,” the woman said, and both agents burst out laughing. “Bacardi is my favorite.”

Dev just stared at them incredulously. What kind of party did it take to loosen up this crew? In the White House, no less. She had to know. “Is Lauren in there?”

Suddenly, from behind the closed door, Dev heard the deafening chant, "Lau-ren. Lau-ren. Lau-ren."

The agents nodded obediently. “I think the answer is yes.”

Dev lifted an eyebrow. “Ya think?” Dev gestured between them. “Step aside, please.”

The man began to move away, but the woman grabbed his arm. “Don’t you remember?” she ground out harshly, glaring at him.

“Oh, yeah!” he blurted, reclaiming his spot in front of the door. He lifted his chin. “Sorry. Nobody comes in.”

Dev’s jaw sagged. “What?”

The woman crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Nobody.”

“I’m not nobody. I’m the President!”

The woman’s eyes went wide, and for a moment Dev thought she was going to let her pass. Then the agent simply shrugged and said, “Sorry. You’re still somebody. And nobody gets in.”

Dev scratched her chin and considered her options. She could just let Lauren have her fun, or she could go in there and have some fun too. She was, she decided, in the mood for fun. And tormenting these agents was just the place to start. "Tell me, do you two know anything about protecting penguins?"

The agents looked at each other and then blankly back at the President. "Uh... No."

"Well, I'm sure if I don't get in there, I could arrange a transfer to someplace nice and cold where there are lots of penguins."

“I grew up in
,” the male agent wailed, a desperate look on his face. “I can’t go back to that kind of cold!”

“Hold on, hold on,” his companion soothed. “I’ll get Ms. McMillian.” She pointed a slender finger at Devlyn. “Watch her. I don’t trust her.”

Dev sneered as the younger woman disappeared behind the door.

“What’s that smell?” Dev nearly swooned when the door opened and closed, sending the scent of roasting meat floating out over her.

“Food,” the agent answered with a grin, as though he’d revealed a big secret.

“You’re never going to make it on Jeopardy, are you agent?”

Just then Beth came to the door and poked out her head. It was dripping wet, dark curls hanging haphazardly in her face. “You can’t come in,” she hissed, making a shooing motion. “Go away!”

“Dammit, Beth,” Dev complained bitterly. “Puhleez! I wanna see what’s inside.”

“I know you do.”


“A bitch at a rockin’ party, you mean.”

Dev frowned, and her long-time friend took pity on her.

“Okay, you can come in if you know the password and promise not to wreck the party.”

“Wreck the party?” Dev gasped. “I would

“Ahem.” She tapped her bare foot against the cool tile of the floor. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Dev sighed. “I don’t know the password.”

“Sorry then.” The door started to close.


“Yessss…” Beth poked her head back out of the room. “Can I help you?”

Dev shot daggers at her. “Please?”

“Nope. Try again.”

“Pretty please?”

Beth rolled her eyes. “As if.”

Dev ground her teeth together while strongly considering busting her way in. But she thought about who she was dealing with and tried one last time. “My party sucked and I want to come to yours.”

Beth’s eyes lit up. “And?” she prompted with undisguised glee.

The muscles around Dev’s jaw tensed. “And I’m a big loser.”

“That’ll work,” Beth said casually, reaching out and grabbing Dev by the wrist. “Keep up the good work,” she told the agents as she and the President disappeared inside.

“I shouldn’t have made you say the same thing in college, should I, Beth?”

“Paybacks are a bitch,” the older woman sniggered.

The music was loud. The beat was throbbing and the scents coming off the buffet, intoxicating. Dev’s eyes flicked from wall to wall — bright, fragrant flowers and decorations filled the room, transforming it into an island paradise. “Wow. This is great.”

A loud chorus of cheers drew Dev’s attention to the pool. At least 50 people were clustered around it. Most were standing in pairs. “What’s happening?
Swim races?”

“Not exactly.” She looked Devlyn directly in the eye. “Now remember, Devil, you have to be a good sport. This is all in fun.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m a good sport.” She hurried over to the pool and peered over her mother’s head at the same moment that Lauren burst up out of the water, followed immediately by Alex.

“The winners of our underwater limbo contest!” someone cried and the crowd applauded and hooted their admiration.

Lauren blinked the water from her eyes. “Devlyn?”

“That would be me.” She looked over at Alex, stunned.

“Remember, you’re a good sport, Dev,” Beth whispered in the dark-haired woman’s ear.

“Uhh…” A slightly panicky look chased its way across Lauren’s face just as a long wooden bar and the two partygoers who’d been holding it popped up from out of the water behind her. “Let me introduce you to my friend.”

Dev remembered the Irishman from the Gary Kramer Show. He hadn’t said anything bad about Lauren so she couldn’t exactly hate him. But did he have to have perfect abs? And was that swimsuit he had on even legal?

Dev thrust out her hand, trying not to think about the fact that this was someone who knew her fiancée intimately. But she’s mine now, sucker. And I’m never giving her back. And with that thought, her mood suddenly brightened. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise.” When the man thrust out his hand, Lauren had to turn her body. His right hand had been handcuffed to her right hand, causing them to face opposite directions. He grinned. “Alex Doolen.”

Dev ignored his hand and focused on Lauren. “You’re handcuffed together?” she said incredulously, noting that Lauren suddenly looked very uncomfortable.

Lauren smiled weakly, then hiccupped.
“All the teams were.”

Frank and Janet raised the linked hands, as did several other couples.

“Don’t worry. There’s a life guard watching.” Lauren pointed to a passed out Secret Service agent who was snoring at the end of the pool.

“Dev, it’s not that bad. It’s, well…” Beth gestured towards the very attentive agent who was watching the pool and was very much on duty.

“Handcuffs?” Dev repeated, pinning Beth with an evil glare. “And whose idea were those?” Then she looked around the room and recognized that it was half-filled with the guests from her party. Comprehension hit her like a 2x4 and her face turned a bright red. “Traitors!”

The room went silent. Even the band stopped playing. Dev let them all stew for several long seconds. “David,” she finally yelled loudly. “Get over here.”

David appeared at her side instantly. He knew his friend had a seldom-seen jealous streak and didn’t want things to spiral out of control. “Alex is here legally on a visa, Devlyn,” he whispered urgently. “I will not deport him for you.”

Dev ignored his remark and kicked off her shoes as she grabbed his hand. She jumped into the pool wearing her jeans and cotton shirt, and taking the tall man with her, causing an enormous splash.
When she emerged, she held her hand and that of a sputtering, very startled David out to Beth. “Cuff us and lower the bar.” She smirked at Lauren, who had a slow, relieved smile of comprehension spreading across her face. The blonde woman mouthed a silent
“I love you,” and Dev fought hard not to melt on the spot. “I refuse to be beaten in my own house.”

The entire room relaxed, and the buzz of conversation began again as Beth scampered off to find another pair. She only hoped she had remembered the keys.

Dev leaned close to David and whispered in his ear. “Do you know how to limbo?”

“Why do you think I don’t have a partner?”

“Uh oh.”



Wednesday, June 8, 2022


AUREN SAT IN SILENCE for a long moment before moving to exit the rented sedan. The Secret Service agent unbuckled his seatbelt to join her.

“You need to wait here?”

“Ms. Stray—”

“This is a private matter.” She reached over and patted his hand, doing her best to soothe his distress. “I know that David probably told you not to let me out of your sight, but I’m going to be fine. No one even knows I’m here.” And it was true. They’d flown out of
and slipped through
without anyone taking so much as a second look.

Lauren was dressed in a pair of worn jeans, comfortable sneakers, and a gray, soft cotton short sleeved shirt that Devlyn always liked because she said it was the exact color of Lauren’s eyes. She’d recently had an extra few inches shorn from her wavy locks and the new cut accentuated her slender neck, and, to her surprise, finally made her look her age instead of a handful of years younger. A pair of Ray-Ban Sidestreet sunglasses sat on her nose, and a bright orange
baseball hat covered her head, tufts of thick blonde hair popping out from the back.

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