Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires (135 page)

BOOK: Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires
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IRS. See Internal Revenue Service

Italian cultural club

Italian squad

Italian-American Civil Rights League

The Italians


fascism in

mafia roots in

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

Jacobs, James B.

Jaguar project

bug installations for

Corallo targeted by

evidence from

Javits Convention Center

Jewish gangsters

JFK. See Kennedy, John F.

J&J Deli

Johansson, Ingemar

John F. Kennedy Airport

John R Picone Company

Johnson, Jerome A.

Johnson, Lyndon B.,

Johnson, Wilfred“Willie Boy,”

joinder indictments

Jones, Barbara

J&S Cake,

K-l reports

Kalikatas, George

Kallstrom, James

Casa Storta bugged by

as FBI agent

Palma Boys bugged by

Ravenite bugged by

Kaplan, Burton

Katzenbach, Nicholas de B.

Kedia, Serita

Keenan, John F.

Kefauver, Estes

Kefauver hearings

Keith, Norval

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

conspiracies regarding

Kennedy, Joseph

Kennedy, Michael

Kennedy, Robert F.

assassination of

mafia investigated by

threats against

Kessner, Thomas

King Caterers

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kings County Trade Waste Association

“knockdown” loan

Kossler, James

background of,

Genovese family and

Rico training and

as Supervisor

Kravec, John

Kriegar, Albert,


Kubecka, Jerry

Kubecka, Robert

Kuby, Ronald

Kukinski, Richard

Kurins, Andris

La Cosa Nostra See also American Mafia

La Donna Rosa

labor racketeering

Lacewell, Linda

Lacey, Robert

LaForte, Joseph“Joe the Cat,”

LaGuardia, Fiorello H.,

LaMorte, Joseph

LaMotta, Jake

Landrum-Griffin Act

Lang, Charlotte

Langella, Gennaro“Gerry Lang”

Commission case and

FBI’s surveillance of

indictments of

sentencing of

Lansky, Meyer

as casinos’ manager

FBI’s investigation into

Luciano alliance with

on trial

Lanza, Joseph“Socks,”

LaRossa, James

as Castellano, Paul, lawyer,

Commission case and,

Las Vegas, Nevada

Laster, Lee

Lastorino, Frank

LaTempa, Peter

Lawford, Peter

layoff pools

La Cosa Nostra


Lehman, Herbert

Leisenheimer, Duane“Goldie”

as associate

background of

hits by

imprisonment of

as informer

Lennon, John

Leonetti, Philip,

Levine, Abe“Pretty,”

Levine, Seymour“Red,”

Levitt, William J.

Levy, Morris

Lewis, John D.B.

Lieberman, Sidney

life insurance

Lindsay, John

Lino, Eddie

Lino, Frank

as acting boss

assassination attempts on

background of

earnings of

hits by

as informer

stock manipulations by

testimony of

Lino, Robert, Sr.

Liston, Sonny

Little Apalachin Thirteen

Little Caesar

Lloyd, Michael“the Snake Charmer,”


Locascio, Frank“Frankie Loc”

FBI’s surveillance of

indictments of

sentencing of

as underboss

Locascio, Salvatore“Tore,”

Lofaro, Dominick

Lombardo, Philip“Benny Squint,”

Lonardo, Angelo

Long, Huey

Longo, Alan“Baldy,”



Lucania, Salvatore. See Luciano, Charles “Lucky”

Lucchese family

contingents of

hierarchy of

income sources for

induction into

Lucchese, Gaetano“Tommy Three-Finger Brown”

borgata of

death of

as Masseria’s recruit,

Lucchese squad

Luciano, Charles“Lucky”

background of

borgata of

Dewey’s investigation into

hit’s by

imprisonment of

as innovator

Lansky’s alliance with

as Masseria’s recruit

Luongo, Anthony“Buddy,”

lupara bianca (white death)

Luparelli, Joseph

M & J enterprises

Macaluso, Mariano“Mac,”

Machiavelli, Niccolô

Mack, Walter

MacMahon, Lloyd F.

Madden, Owney

“made” man

Maduro, Denis

Maffatore, Michael

Mafia Cop: The Story of an Honest Cop Whose Family Was the Mob

mafioso (mafia member)

Magaddino, Peter

Magaddino, Stefano

as boss

Canada and

FBI’s surveillance of

Magliocco, Joe

Maheu, Robert

Maione, Harry“Happy,”

Majuri, Frank

Malangone, Alphonse“Allie Shades,”

Maloney, Andrew J.

agencies’ disputes involving

Gotti, John Joseph, pursued by

as U.S. Attorney

Maloney, William Power

A Man of Honor

Mangano, Venero“Benny Eggs”

background of

imprisonment of

indictments of

windows racket and

Mangano, Vincent“Don Vicenzo,”

Manna, Louis“Bobby the Thin Man,”

Marangello, Nicholas“Nicky Glasses,”

Maranzano, Salvatore

Marcantonio, Vito

Marcello, Carlos“the Little Man”

JFK conspiracies of

as New Orleans Godfather

Marcu, Aaron A.,

Marcus, James L.

Margolin, James

Marina Restaurant

Marinelli, Albert“Uncle Al,”

Marino, Danny,

Maritas, Theodore,

Marked Woman

Markowitz, Michael

Marshall, Pat

manhunts by,

Massino, Joseph, case headed by

Martens, Frederick

Martin, Raymond V

Massa, Gregory

Masselli, Nat

Masselli, Pellegrino“Butcher Boy,”

Masseria, Giuseppe“Joe,”

Massino, Adeline,

Massino, Joanne

Massino, Joseph“the Ear”

arrests of

background of

as capo

FBI’s surveillance of

as fugitive

as godfather

Gotti’s, John Joseph, relationship with

hijacking by

hits by

imprisonment of,

income of

indictments of,

induction of

as informer

legal expenses and

meetings abroad by

as mentor

personal life of

personality of

as protégé

security programs of

sentencing of

tax returns of

trials of

Vitale, Salvatore, relationship with

Massino, Josephine

investments by

personal life of

taxes of

at trial

Mavis, Peter

Mazza, Lawrence

Mazzeo, Enrico“Rick,”

McBratney, James

McCabe, Kenneth

McCaffrey, Kimberly

background of

diligence of

tax returns examined by

Vitale, Salvatore, investigated by

McCarthy, Joseph R.

McClellan, John L.

McCormick, Donald

McDonald, Edward A.,

McDonald, Miles F.

McElearney, Seamus

McElroy, James Patrick,

McGarth, J. Howard

McGuire, Phyllis

McIntosh, Hugh“Apples”

bribes by

sentencing of,

truck-hijacking by

Megale, Athony

Metropolitan Marine Maintenance Contractors Association (METRO)

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Milito, Liborio“Louie,”

Miranda, Mike

Mirra, Anthony

Mitchell, John

as attorney general

bans by

as Vitale, Salvatore, lawyer

Mob Lawyer
(Ragano, Raab)

mobile phones

Modica, Philip



Montemarano, Dominic“Donnie Shacks,”

Moran, George“Bugs,”

Moran, Jimmy

Moretti, Willie

Morgenthau, Henry

Morgenthau, Robert M.

Bonanno, Joseph, subpoenaed by

as District Attorney

District battle of

views of

Mori, Cesare

Morrill, Stephen

Morrissey, John“Sonny,”

Moscatiello, Anthony

Mother Cabrini Social Club

Motion Lounge

Mouw, G. Bruce

background of,

as FBI agent,

Gotti, John Joseph, investigated by,-

views of

Mueller III, Robert S.

Mundt, Karl

Murder Incorporated

Murder Machine (Capeci, Mustain)

Murret, Charles“Dutz,”

Murzulli, John

Museum of Modern Art

Musillo, Charles“Crazy Charlie,”

Mussolini, Benito

Mustain, Gene

MVP Trucking

Napoli, James“Jimmy Nap,”

Napolitano, Dominick“Sonny Black”

assassination of

as capo

crew of

hits by

narcotics. See also heroin

Castellano, Paul, involvement in

FBI’s task force for

trafficking of,

Nat Fleischer’s Ring Record Book

Natale, Ralph

National Football League

National Origins Act

National Prohibition Act

Nelli, Humbert S.

Ness, Eliot

Nesta Social Club

New Orleans, Louisiana

New York Concrete District Workers Council

New York Daily News

New York Families

New York Post

Newark Airport

newspaper drivers’ union

newspaper rackets

The New York Times

Nickerson, Eugene

assassination plan for

Gotti, John Joseph, trial and

Massino, Joseph, trial and

tainted jurors and

September attacks

“the th Hole Crew,”

Nixon, Richard M.

Nordenbrook, Ruth


NYC Department of Marine and Aviation

NYC Housing Authority

Obermaier, Otto

O’Brien, Joseph F.,

O’Connell, Gregory J.

as assistant U.S. Attorney

Casso, Anthony, interrogated by

plea bargains by

windows scam and,

O’Connor, John Cardinal

O’Connor, John F.

O’Dwyer, William

as Brooklyn DA

Costello’s support of

as N.Y Mayor

resignation of

Olarte, Gloria

(code of silence)

On the Waterfront

“Operation Payback,”

Orbach, Jerry

Orbach, Marta

Orena, John

Orena, Victor, Jr.

Orena, Victor“Little Vic”

background of

Carmine’s War and

Commission and

contract on

FBI’s investigation of

sentencing of,

Orenstein, James

Organized Crime Task Force

Breheny’s employment by

Corallo targeted by

downsizing of

FBI’s relationship with

Oswald, Lee Harvey,

Our Friends Social Club

Our Thing, Owen, Richard

Commission case and

sentencing by

padrino (father)

Pagliarulo, Richard

Palma Boys Social Club

background of

FBI’s surveillance of

Salerno, Anthony, headquarters at

Palmieri, Vito

Panarella, Charles“Charlie Moose,”

Panico, Salvatore

Pape, George

Pappa, Gerard“Gerry”

assassination of

drug trafficking by

hits by

induction of

Pappadio, Andimo“Tom,”

Pappadio, Michael

Pappas, Dennis J.

Paradiso, Michael“Mickey Boy,”

parking lot industry

Parking Violations Bureau

Pastore, Joseph“Do Do,”

Pate, Herbie“Blue Eyes,”

Pate, John

the Patriarca gang

Patterson, Floyd

Pecora, Ferdinand

Peist, William


Perdue, Frank

Perrino, Robert

Persico, Alphonse“Allie Boy”

background of

death of

fugitive activities by

Persico, Alphonse“Little Allie Boy”

background of

loan-sharking by

sentencing of

trials of,

Persico, Barbara

Persico, Carmine“the Snake”

appeals by

assassination attempt on

background of

Commission case and

Gallo’s War and

imprisonment of,

indictments of,

manhunt for

sentencing of

trials of

Persico, Dolores

Persico, Joyce Smoldono

Persico, Susan Plantamura

Persico, Theodore

Persico, Tori

Persits, Lev

Petrizzo, Thomas J.

Petrocelli, John

Petrosino, Giuseppe“Joe,”

phone card scams

Piazza, Steven

Piccolo, Anthony

Piecyk, Romual

Pieri, Joe

Pileggi, Nicholas

Pistone, Joseph“Donnie Brasco”

evidence gathered by

infiltration by,

reputation of

as witness

Pitre, Giuseppe

“the Pizza Connection,”

Pizzolata, Lenny

Polakoff, Moses


corruption of

mafia rules regarding


Ponte, Angelo


Postel, George

Presanzano, Angelo

Pritchard, John S., III

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