Flirting with Fate (7 page)

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Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #sexy, #Flirts, #A Noble Pass Affaire Novella, #Short Stories, #contest, #Chick Swagger, #contemporary romance, #collections, #Romance

BOOK: Flirting with Fate
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“You’re amazing.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

Elle melted into him. Right there in the lobby without thought as to who might be watching, she slipped her arms around his waist and returned his kiss.

“Thank you.” She barely managed to force out the words. She’d really wanted to beg for more.

“My pleasure.” He turned her toward the restaurant. “I don’t know about you but I’m starving. I didn’t eat a muffin.”

A few minutes later, they had been seated, and bowls of steaming hot chili were sitting in front of them. According to the menu, this meal was guaranteed to defrost the body and warm the soul.

Elle wasn’t sure she could handle much more heat. Every cell in her body had fired, and only one thing was going to cool her off. Logan.

She reminded herself why she’d come to Castle Alainn.

Elle checked the nearby tables before she spoke. Privacy was critical. Luckily, everyone must have eaten earlier. Having a late lunch worked well to ensure they wouldn’t be overheard. “Surely you know someone who can unlock Brandon’s files. Someone not associated with law enforcement.”

Logan finished his bite, washed it down with a sip of beer, and studied his spoon for a long minute. “I’ll see what I can do when we get back to the suite.”

Her request had put Logan in a difficult position. His willingness to support her, to help her right this wrong, touched her heart. For him to agree so easily, spoke volumes. He was doing this for her. Deep down she’d known it for years. Had she and Logan been in love all this time and ignored or refused to admit it? Had fate given her the chance to answer that question?

“Thank you.” She slid her hand across the table palm up. He wrapped his fingers through hers and squeezed.

“Let’s get to it.” Logan asked for the bill, signed it, and then stood.

She took his hand and walked to the elevator. The doors had closed when Elle remembered Nicki’s request. “What do you think Nicki wanted?” Elle laughed when his right eyebrow lifted. “Besides your body.”

“My money. I suggested that I might be disappointed in my current investment strategy.”

“Smart. You should call when we get to the room.”

“No. Let her wait. After Liam and Alana turn them away, I’m willing to bet that I’ll become a serious target.”

“If they come after you, anything you learn can be used against them. Right?”

“Right.” Logan slid his card key into the door lock.

“Then I hope that works, even if it requires exposing you to that female piranha.”

Logan glanced over his shoulder. “I’m touched that you’d worry about me.”

“You misunderstand. I worry that you’ll fall under her spell and slip up,” she said, walking past him into the suite.

His laugh followed her. She loved the quick and hearty sound. It made her knees weak as hell.

“Okay, smart girl. Get out your laptop.” He pulled his cell from his pocket. How could he switch from oozing sex to serious detective mode in the blink of an eye?

Elle set her laptop on the bar, turned it on, and waited for it to boot up. Logan was still on the phone when the program loaded. He winked at her. That simple gesture sent her heart dancing in her chest.

“What’s your email address?”

She answered him and then retrieved a coffee pod, dropping it in the dispenser and pressing the on button. Not that she needed the caffeine. Her nerves were already spring boarding around her body like a kid on a trampoline.

“Fix me a cup too, please.”

“What do we do next?” She selected another pod and waited for the first cup to finish.

“My friend is sending a program for me to install on your laptop. It’s top of the line and should open your stolen files.” Strong hands slid around her waist, pulling her close. Logan’s face pressed into her neck. “You smell good enough to eat.”

Laughter bubbled out of her. She couldn’t deny it sounded like a corny line, but it was also a great idea. She turned into his arms and kissed him. His tongue penetrated her mouth, and the ridge of his erection pressed against her belly. She leaned into him, wanting to feel his need. She deepened the kiss, putting herself out there, leaving no question as to what she wanted. Logan’s arms drew her in tighter. Elle cupped his cheek, rubbing her palm against the stubble. How would it feel against her skin?

Logan moaned a low rumble. His chest vibrated, generating electric shocks that travelled through her system. Why had she waited so long to show him her feelings? The wait was over.

“Elle. This is your call.” His voice was soft against her lips. His head tilted back, and his gaze zeroed in on her face. He studied her as if looking for a sign.

His words wrapped around her and filled her heart. Desire shifted to need. Her kiss was her answer. He tunneled his hands in her hair. Elle’s fingers worked furiously to liberate the buttons on his shirt. She tugged until his chest was bare. God, he was beautiful. For a second, she rested her face on him, letting the heat from his skin blend with hers. The feathery kisses she placed across his chest and neck weakened her knees. This was really happening.

“My turn.” He pulled her sweater over her head and made quick work of her bra, adding them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. His gaze raked across her breasts. “You’re more beautiful than I imagined. I could look at you forever.”

Elle swept her hands over his hard, lean muscles, flexing her fingers against the shapes and contours of his body. Silk over rock. Logan dropped kisses on her cheeks and neck. She prayed he’d never stop, but he stepped back and removed the rest of her clothes.

“Perfection,” he said as his eyes raked across her body.

Unsure she could speak intelligently, she whispered, “Bed.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Logan swept her into his arms, carried her into her room, and carefully put her down. Before removing his pants, he pulled a condom from his wallet and placed it on the nightstand. Then he rid himself of the rest of his clothes.

Elle took full advantage of those few moments. His naked body was a work of art. The muscles in his back rippled with his every movement. She’d had a few lovers, but none of them had sported an erection the size of Logan’s. He cleared his throat. Caught staring, she could only laugh.

“You’re quite impressive.” Her words came out over a dry and raspy throat.

“I aim to please.” A chuckle, the one that always weakened her knees, rolled up and out of him. “You’re pretty damn awesome yourself.”

He sat next to her. His hands followed his eyes as he stroked her body, searing the sensation of his touch inside her heart. He seemed to be memorizing every detail as he travelled. Slowly, he lowered his head, gently caressing her lips with his. He filled his hands with her swollen breasts, rolling and pinching her nipples into tight peaks. When he leaned over and pulled a tip into his mouth, the ache low in her belly intensified. Elle’s back bowed, instinctively rising to offer him more.

She murmured his name as his hand traversed her body. A rush of desire ricocheted through her nervous system. She’d imagined this moment. Painted erotic pictures in her mind of the two of them locked in an embrace. Nothing could have prepared her for this moment of passion.

Logan’s fingers and mouth blistered and soothed until she was writhing with need. Her hands had travelled their own path, stroking his bare skin. His muscles quivered under her fingers. She boldly caressed and explored every inch of his body.

Logan moved on top of her, parting her thighs with his knee. He kissed her breasts, running his tongue along the underside. Elle was ready to beg for more. His hand slid down her body. The palm of his hand caressed her stomach. His fingers were streaks of fire slowly sliding downward. Every nerve ending in her body came alive. The ache between her thighs turned to agony.

At last, he touched her. Elle cried out when he spread her and inserted a finger. She opened for him, baring herself and needing flesh against flesh. Her blood raced through her veins and pounded in her ears.

“More,” she whispered.

Logan moaned a deep, mouth-watering sound and continued his slide down her body until he reached her core. He parted her and leaned in for a kiss. The universe disappeared. She lifted her hips, silently encouraging him to keep going.

His hand slid under her hips, lifting her to just the right angle. His tongue took over, and all reason abandoned her. Her body quivered. Her hands raced over his shoulders, lingered as his muscles trembled. She couldn’t take any more. “Logan,” she moaned. “Please.”

“Hmm,” he hummed against her flesh.

She lost it. Her entire body vibrated with life. She shattered, grasping his head and holding him to her until the convulsions subsided. Exhausted, she pulled him to her.

He rested his head on her belly, allowing her to return to this world. When her heart rate slowed, he lifted his head and kissed her breasts, moving from one to the other. Slowly and with incredible patience, he rekindled her need for him.

Elle groaned as he pulled away and reached across her for the condom. She watched his every movement as he deftly slid it over his massive erection.

“Come here.” She pulled him over her; she spread her legs wider, giving him free entry. Her heart squeezed when she saw more than passion in Logan’s dark eyes. He cared for her, just as she did for him. Years of secretly wanting each other ended right now. “Logan,” she whispered.

He pushed inside her, moving slowly, inching his way into her body, pausing to allow her to adjust. His entrance alone had almost sent her over the edge. She drew her legs up high, wrapped them around his hips, and dug her fingers into his butt. She pulled him until he relinquished control and slammed home.

They found their rhythm quickly. The faster and harder he thrust, the closer she came to exploding. He slid his hand down her body until his fingers found her center. She tried to speak. Wanted to express her feelings for him but found herself lost in the sensation.

“Elle.” His face was taut with restraint. Sweat had beaded across his forehead, but he continued driving her closer and closer to the edge.

His eyes fixed on hers, demanding she give her all. Demanding she surrender. Demanding she release herself into his hands. Nothing existed except right here, right now. Her climax exploded. Her body convulsed. Stars shattered in front of her eyes, and ecstasy filled her soul.

He thrust himself deep inside her. His body stilled, spine straightened. A primal growl roared from him as he shuddered and pulsed. Logan’s release gave her an instant peace she’d never known before. She cradled him in her arms until his breathing returned to normal. Spent and sweating, they lay in silence.

“I’m squashing you.” He lifted his weight off her.

“No. Stay here.” She pulled him to her, relishing his body pressing her into the mattress.

His lips covered hers in a gentle caress. She melted into him. “You look sexy as hell. You wear your orgasms well.”

“Thank you.” A dull ache in her heart replaced the euphoria when he rolled away from her. Now that their lovemaking was over, how would they go forward? She couldn’t do friends with benefits. The bonds of friendship had been shattered all to hell. She’d never regret making love with him, and for now, she’d live in the moment. If this had been nothing more than sex for fun, it would break her heart.

Logan went into the bathroom, and then returned to her bed. He kissed her long and hard. Then he lay down beside her and pulled her head onto his chest. They remained in that embrace for a long time. Awake, silent, holding each other close.

He ran his fingers through her hair. “I hate to say this, but we—”

“Don’t say we shouldn’t have done this. Just don’t.”

“Shouldn’t have?” Logan rolled off the bed, stood, and pulled on his underwear. “You must think I’m a sorry bastard. I don’t regret one second of it, and I don’t think you do either.” He picked up her panties and dropped them on her bare belly. “I was going to say, we need to check your email. Let’s download the program and get some work done.”

Elle sat up and reached for him, but he’d already picked up his pants and left her room, closing the door behind him. She’d jumped to conclusions and ruined something beautiful. She slipped on her panties and slacks and hurried to the common room for the rest of her clothes.

The sound of the water running from Logan’s shower tempted her. What if she stripped and joined him? Could she convince him she was sorry for assuming the worst? Should she tell him that she’d had a crush on him since the day she first laid eyes on him? Probably not.

Elle picked her clothes up off the floor and returned to her room. She hung up her things, tossed a pair of jeans and an old sweatshirt onto the bed along with clean underwear. The Internet was so slow that downloading the program was going to take a while, which meant she had time for a bath. Elle filled the jetted tub with warm water, dumped in the entire guest bottle of bubbles, and stripped. After stepping into the tub, she sat and pushed the button activating the jets. Within seconds, bubbles came up to her chin. Elle leaned back, closed her eyes, and remembered. Logan had woken a passion in her that had been growing for years. Her body had come alive with a vibrancy she’d never experienced.

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