Flying Backwards (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer W Smith

Tags: #training, #dating, #love, #career as flight attendant, #multi-cultural travel, #aircraft, #travel, #flying, #second chance, #St. Petersburg Russia, #Rome, #career change, #London, #adventure, #female protagonist, #new adult, #Contemporary Romance, #debut author

BOOK: Flying Backwards
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“So do you run this place?” People seemed to regard him as an authority, and he had obviously been working hands-on with a horse earlier.

“No, my father and his board keep Westborough Meadows in working order. I
on staff, however. I’m the resident veterinarian. I specialize in equine welfare.” He sounded humble despite his impressive position.

“You’re a veterinarian! Wow, that’s so cool.” Usually people said to her, “You’re a flight attendant… Wow, that’s so cool,” so it was interesting to be on the other side of those words. Why that just made him
attractive to her she did not know.

“I’ve grown up around horses all my life. Hanging out in the stables with the vets all those years made it a natural transition for me.” Ben seemed very comfortable, like he fit this place perfectly. “How about you? What is it you do?” They had passed the buildings and were walking up a grassy hill, away from the estate. Molly paused with a wistful look back but decided to follow her master up the steep hill.

“I’m a flight attendant, like Bree. That’s how we met.”

“Oh yeah, I remember Corrine mentioning something about that.” He didn’t display the glassy-eyed look most men usually exhibited. In fact, he did not even comment. “I’ve known Bree since we were kids. She rides well. She was pretty good at the competitions, as I remember.” He paused. “She stopped competing around the time her parents split up.”

“Bree and I are roommates. We’ve only known each other for five months, but we’ve become good friends.” They continued the climb, both breathing deeply.

They reached the top of the hill. Nora saw a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside spread before her. She shielded her eyes and looked slowly from right to left, soaking up the scenery. “Beautiful.” The stone house was nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. The outbuildings fanned out below her, connected by a network of white fences. There was activity as men and horses moved about, but not much could be heard on the remote hilltop. It was peaceful.

They stood in silence for several moments and allowed their breathing to slow.

“Too bad the girls didn’t ride up here,” she said over her shoulder. She noticed an expression that resembled guilt when she turned, and he swallowed abruptly and turned his eyes away.
Hmm. I wonder what that’s about?
she thought.

After a moment, he chuckled. “Then this place wouldn’t be peaceful. Corrine and her friends continuously talk over one another.”

Nora understood what he meant. In just the short time she’d been around the three friends, she’d realized their overlapping conversations were hard to follow. They grinned at each other and looked at the scenery, waiting for the other to say something.

Nora spoke. “Lately I’ve been fortunate enough to travel and see so many wonderful sights. And I have to tell you, this English countryside is one of my favorites. The air is so cool and fresh. On the drive here I couldn’t get enough of those brilliant green rolling hills dotted with sheep. Sheep are so cute. The architecture of these elegant country estates embedded with history hits me with a sense of nostalgia. You must love it here, Ben.”

Ben appeared captivated by her speech, touched by her heartfelt words. He let out the breath he had been holding, nodding in answer to her question. “Westborough Meadows is especially dear to my heart.” He pointed to a shady spot under an oak tree, where Molly was already sprawled out. “Shall we sit and enjoy it for a while?”

After they settled, Ben asked, “What’s it like where you grew up?

“I grew up in rural Pennsylvania. Kind of a small town. Have you been to America?”

“Not to the States. I’ve traveled some around Europe. Pennsylvania is East Coast, if I remember correctly

“You are correct.”

“Do you have brothers or sisters?” Ben inquired.

“I have sisters. Two.” She offered him the brief version of her family life: she was the middle daughter, her dad worked in a factory, her mom and sister ran a catering business. She added that she had worked in an office and needed a change of scenery.

He picked up on the catering and asked bluntly if she could cook. She smirked at his question. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“More than boil water? I can boil water, but that’s as far as it goes!” He joked easily with her.

“I didn’t attend culinary school like my sister Victoria, but I’m a pretty good sous chef.”

Time seemed to fly by. Soon they saw the girls galloping up the distant pathway toward the stables.

“Looks like they’ve returned,” Ben said. He began to stand up.

“Ben,” Nora said. He paused to look at her. “I had a nice time this afternoon. Thank you again for taking the time to keep me entertained. I’m sure you had more important things to do. I really appreciate it.” They looked at each other, and Nora felt an invisible pull.

Ben grinned, momentarily shifting his gaze down, before he looked up again into her eyes. “Anytime, Nora.” He stood swiftly, holding out his hand to her. He pulled her up with a little more force than necessary and drew her close to him. They paused that way for a moment, steadying each other.

Nora stepped back, chirping, “Thanks.”

They met the girls in the stable. Bree was the first to notice them enter. “Hey, Ben! Long time no see.” She jogged over and gave him a big hug that expressed their longtime friendship.

“Good to see you, Bree.”

Nora could not help but wonder if there had been any romance between the two. After all, they were both extremely good-looking. But they conversed and joked with ease. No sign of a failed romance that Nora could see.

“You took good care of Nora, I hope.” Bree gave Ben a look. “You didn’t bore her with horse talk, did you?”

Nora quickly came to Ben’s defense. “Ben was wonderful. He gave me a tour of the grounds, and we went up the hillside to take in that glorious view. And best of all, he introduced me to Bellefleur.”

Ben smiled appreciatively at her, the look they exchanged unnoticed by the others.

“Bellefleur! Is she still around?” astonishment in Bree’s voice.

Corrine piped up, “She down there, stall forty-six.”

“Oh, I have to visit her!”

“I’ve got to get back to work. It was nice meeting you, Nora. Ladies.” Ben waved a general good-bye as he turned away. The four girls went toward stall forty-six while Ben strode the other way.

“Oh, Ben!” Ashley yelled. He looked back over his shoulder. “We’ll be at the bridge tonight. Come by.” He shrugged and sent her a smirk before he walked out of sight.

Chapter Eleven

It was nearing nine o’clock in the evening when Nora, Bree, and Ashley finished their dinner. They ate in a small, private dining room just off the kitchen that accommodated ten people at most. The larger formal dining room seated up to forty-eight guests. During her tour of the house, Nora had thought her mother would love to have a banquet facility like this back home. The cook had made a shepherd’s pie filled with ground lamb and vegetables and topped with mashed potatoes. Nora let the steam from the food fill her nostrils.
she thought. She missed this comfort food. When she thought she could eat no more, a peach cobbler was served with fresh whipped cream.

Nora felt her eyelids drooping. The time change was catching up with her, and her full belly did not help matters. Nora glanced across the table at Bree, who did not look tired at all. She was entertaining Ashley with funny flight attendant stories.

“Let’s get going. I told everyone we’d meet up around nine,” Ashley said. The girls gathered their plates to take to the kitchen.

As they drove off in Ashley’s car, Nora asked, “Where are we going? You mentioned a bridge?”

“It’s literally a bridge.” Ashley addressed Nora in the backseat, her eyes on the rearview mirror.

Bree swiveled around to face the backseat. “There is a bridge not too far from here where we’ve been hanging out for years. All our friends usually come into town for the big charity event, and it’s tradition we meet up, catch up…‌and drink up.”

“And drink up!” Ashley repeated, dancing in her seat so her curls bounced.

They drove for ten minutes, and Ashley mentioned some friends she would like Nora to meet. When they arrived they pulled alongside several other cars parked on the grass. The waning full moon provided adequate light. Music was playing through beefed-up audio speakers from someone’s open hatchback.

Introductions were made, and someone handed Nora a beer. Nora found herself looking around for Ben. Cars continued pulling in, and the noise got louder. Corrine arrived, calling out to them. Nora hoped she had brought her brother along.

“Is Ben coming?” Ashley asked.

“Who knows?” Corrine rolled her eyes. “We have a mare about to foal any day now, and he doesn’t like to be too far from her. I can’t wait to see when he’s expecting his own kid.” They laughed in unison. “He’s too bloody serious. If only he’d show as much interest in girls as he does the horses–”

Bree interrupted. “Wait, what about Pam…‌or maybe Patty? What was her name? Is he still dating her?” Bree looked to Ashley for help.

“Caroline,” Ashley stated flatly.

“Oh, I thought it started with a

Corrine informed her the relationship with Caroline was long over; it had only lasted a few months.

Nora smiled inwardly because Ben did not currently have a girlfriend. She didn’t consider Antonio a boyfriend. And whatever Antonio was, he wouldn’t be for much longer. There was Sergei–but those were jumbled feelings. Nora was definitely attracted to Ben, but she thought he probably wouldn’t be interested in her. She sighed, figuring she needed to forget about Ben in the romantic sense.

Soon someone got a bonfire going down by the river. Everyone migrated down to it. It was clear the group had done this before. There was an existing fire-pit encircled with large rocks, with stumps placed around it as makeshift seats. Some of them had brought lawn chairs.

Nora was amused by their friends’ tales. She laughed so hard at one guy’s animated story about when his car was surrounded by sheep on the roadway so he was stuck for two hours. He’d tried everything he could to move them until at last the farmer and his dog came by. After one whistle from the farmer, the one dog had moved the entire herd in minutes.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nora noticed someone walking up. Even in the dark she could tell it was Ben. When he came into the circle of firelight he waved at her. He headed in her direction but was stopped by a group of friends. Nora forced herself to look at the girl telling a story about a roommate, a pole, and some panties, but she could not quite give the anecdote her full attention.
Ben is here!

After a few minutes Bree announced, “Hey, look who showed up.” Ben broke away from the group and came over, sitting next to Ashley. “Want a beer?” Bree offered.

“How’s the mare?” Corrine looked surprised to see her brother here after all.

“She’s doing well. She could foal any day now.” He took a swig from the bottle. “How did you enjoy your ride this afternoon?” The three women began talking over each other about how great it was to ride together again, like old times. They told him how far they had ridden and how the horses behaved.

Ashley slipped away to talk to a friend. Bree announced she needed a potty break.

“To the loo we must go!” Corrine chimed in. They headed toward the woods arm and arm. Others had wandered off too; Nora found herself alone with Ben. Ben stood and moved to sit beside her.

“Are you cold?” His eyes were caressing her face.

“A little,” she confessed. He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She basked in the body heat that lingered inside his jacket. “Thanks, but won’t you be cold?”

“I’m used to the drop in temperature at night. I dress in layers.” She noticed a collared shirt under his fleece pullover.

“I didn’t expect a drop to this temperature–it’s June!”

They laughed and talked quietly.

Soon Bree and Corrine trudged their way back to the bonfire. Nora looked up at the sound of throats clearing and giggles. Corrine elbowed Bree, giving her brother a look.

“What did we miss?” Corrine asked innocently.

Ben stood and stretched, arching his back. “You missed nothing, Corrine. I’m heading back. I just came for a beer.” He held up the empty bottle. Nora noticed Corrine was smirking like her brother often did–minus the dimples.

“Oh, your jacket.” Nora shrugged her shoulders free, preparing to hand it back.

Before she could pull it off Ben said, “Keep it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled that crooked, dimple-in-the-cheek, devastatingly handsome smile. “Good night.”

“Good night, Ben,” the girls sang in chorus.

Bree and Corrine sat close to Nora wearing expectant looks. “So–you two are really hitting it off,” Bree observed. “Ben’s a really nice guy, and he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“He must really like you. For him to leave a mare about to give birth any day now is…” Corrine held out her hands, “monumental. I had no idea you two got along so well this afternoon.” Corrine studied Nora as if to see what brother found so interesting about her.

“He’s really nice.” Nora couldn’t help but smile. She crossed her arms, hugging his jacket tightly around her. “I’m sure he didn’t leave his mare to come here just for me. He talked with his other friends. And he offered me his jacket because I was cold. He was just being thoughtful.” Nora knew she didn’t sound convincing. The two girls nodded but said no more. Nora was thankful when they headed home soon after Ben left.

The next day Ashley drove them over to Westborough Meadows to pick up Corrine, and the four girls traveled to a neighboring town for an outing. Nora couldn’t help looking around to see if she might get a glimpse of Ben, but no luck. They got manicures in preparation for the big charity event and stopped at a soup place for lunch. They visited a few boutiques and sat in a coffee house drinking lattes until four o’clock.

Nora was getting to know Bree’s friends pretty well. Ashley told her what she did for work and how it was linked with the charities her mother sponsored. She talked about her latest love interest, George. She’d met him one night after work when she went out with some coworkers. They’d had one successful date so far, and she was hoping to reconnect with him next week.

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