Read Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) Online

Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novel

Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) (49 page)

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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When he stills, he lets go of my hair, and I slump forward. My whole body feels boneless as I hang suspended by his arm. He wraps his other across my chest, pulling me back against him as he eases out of me and then sets me down on my feet. My hands are quick to latch onto his forearms, my silent insistence for him to not let me go.

“I know,” he says, still short of breath. “I’ve got you.”

I nod, still feeling the residual effects of my climax. I seriously had no idea that sex could get any better than what we did last night. But this—this was
, and I
it. I’m thinking a long soak in the tub is in order, but I don’t care how much my body aches—I would do that again in a heartbeat.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait,” I pant when I finally find my words. “You kept hitting this spot, and it just felt
good—I’m sorry.”

He chuckles, the sound rumbling from his chest so that I can
it at my back. He then presses a kiss on top of my head before he mumbles, “You don’t need to apologize. You’ll learn to wait. As for the aforementioned
I believe I found your g-spot, sweetheart.”

“That’s a real thing?” I ask, a shy smile pulling at my lips. “I thought that was a myth or something.”

“Looks like I disproved your
,” he says, squeezing me closer. I giggle, in love with the feel of his strong, hot, bare body wrapped around mine. “Spend the day with me, Teddy.”

For a moment, I’m speechless. He’s never asked me to spend the day with him before. He’s not spontaneous, my peculiar man, and most of the time, he fills his weekend with
—never mixing the two. I know that he occasionally spends time with Ben and his Aunt Eddalyn, too, but his Sundays are
. To be invited into his day—when, twenty-four hours ago, I was afraid of what our relationship would look like the dawn after our first time being truly intimate with one another—it fills me with an unbelievable amount of contentment and happiness.

God…I love him, so much.


“Yes,” I blurt out, tilting my head back so that I can look up at him. His grey eyes roam over my face, and my stomach fills with butterflies. “Yes, I would love to spend the day with you.”

He offers me a curt nod and then presses a kiss to my lips before he lets me go. “Let me deal with this,” he begins to say, slipping the condom off, “and then I’ll make us some brunch.”

“And a cappuccino?” I ask, bending down to reach for his twice discarded shirt.

“Yes, Teddy,” he says with a smirk. “I won’t forget to caffeinate you.”

I grin up at him, shrugging my way into his shirt. Before he can turn to leave, I stop him with my hands against his chest, lifting up on my tiptoes as I pucker my lips. He kisses me once more before swatting at my ass and turning to head for the bathroom. I watch him go, sure that the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on is responsible for making me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.




My alarm clock sounds and I’m quick to silence it, wishing not to disturb Teddy. I know that I have to get her home this morning, but her day starts later than mine. After yesterday, I’m sure her body could use the recuperating power of sleep. I look over at her, stretched out on her stomach, her hair fanned across the pillow and down her back. She’s more on my side of the bed than hers, obviously having stayed close after I rolled away from her in my own slumber, but I don’t mind.

I reach over and slowly lower the sheet, wanting to admire the artwork on her back. I’ve been with tattooed women before, of course, but Teddy is different. Teddy’s ink screams of what my shy girl keeps hidden. Her pain. Her journey. Her recovery. Her strength. I suppose, to be fair, I’ve never taken the time to learn about the other women I’ve been with; but that doesn’t eradicate my bias. Teddy is beautiful, in every sense of the word, and I’m half tempted to wake her up and have her in the shower. I decide against it, knowing my day will never start on time if my dick gets anywhere near her.

I slide out of bed and go about my usual morning routine. After a workout, a shower, and a shave, I return to wake her. Wrapped in just my towel, I crawl on top of the bed, straddling her body as I nip her delicate skin between my teeth up her back. She sighs and squirms, which makes my dick stir, and then she flips over. I’m hard as fuck in an instant, the sight of her bare breasts taunting me. I want to do so many ungodly things to her right now. I know if I even think about teasing her, I won’t be able to stop until I hear her scream my name, so I don’t linger. Instead, I climb out of bed, looking down on her as I speak.

“If you want to grab a shower before we go, you better hop in now.”

She groans, throwing her arms across her face. “What time is it?”

“Quarter after six,” I answer, trying and failing not to stare at her tits.

“Too early,” she whines.

“If I remember correctly, you said that you would endure the early wake-up call as opposed to having me drop you off last night.”

If I remember correctly
,” she begins mockingly. “I said those things when your tongue was doing fun things to my…”

A small smile plays at the corner of my mouth as I reach for her arms, lowering them down away from her face. I speak only after her eyes are focused up on me. “
. When my tongue was doing fun things to your

“Mmhmm,” she hums with a nod. “See? You remember.”

“Get up, sweetheart. If you don’t make me late, I’ll make you another cappuccino.”

“Coffee,” she murmurs wistfully as she sits up. “Yes, okay. As long as there’s coffee.”

I shake my head at her as I begin to head toward my closet. I’m halfway there when she calls my name. I turn and see her standing beside the bed, her long, wavy, red hair wild from sleep draped down her chest and back. My hard-on reminds me it never left.

“Sorry. It’s still really early for me. I didn’t say good morning.”

I stride my way back over to her, cupping my hands around her face as soon as I’m in reaching distance. Before I can think better of it, my mouth is sealed with hers, my tongue seeking entrance beyond her lips. She responds in earnest, her small hands sliding around my waist as she kisses me in return. It’s all I can do not to drop my towel and throw her back in the bed.

“Good morning, Teddy,” I rasp, pulling my lips from hers. “Now, get in the damn shower before I pin you down and fuck you until you can’t walk straight. I don’t have time for that this morning. I’m assuming you don’t either.”

She whimpers, shaking her head as her doe eyes meet mine. After a pause, she kisses the space in the middle of my chest, and then flees from my arms. I watch her disappear into the bathroom before I go get dressed. She’s still in the shower when I make my way up to the kitchen a few minutes later. At ten minutes before the top of the hour, I hear her bare feet against the metal stairs leading up to the second level.

Heading toward me, she looks decidedly more awake and refreshed. Her wavy locks are damp, pinned up into a bun on the top of her head. She’s wearing a pair of tight jeans with a long-sleeved, simple white t-shirt that clings to her subtle curves, and a tartan scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. I assume those are the clothes she packed for yesterday—the clothes she never put on because the only garment that her body knew all day was my button-down worn at dinner Saturday evening.

“I haven’t made you late yet, have I?”

“No,” I reply, bringing my coffee to my lips as I push her cappuccino across the kitchen island. She stands in front of me, propping her hip against the counter as she reaches for her mug. “I made it extra hot, just in case. Be careful.”

She nods, taking a hesitant sip, and humming as she swallows. “You’re so good at making coffee. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

As I watch her enjoy her beverage, I wonder about the next time I will see her. Friday feels entirely too far away, but I’ll have to double check my schedule before I arrange anything with her. Thinking of work then leads to thoughts of Aunt Eddalyn and her request to meet Teddy. Now that she knows I have a woman in my life of some importance, I’m sure she won’t cease to remind me of our conversation at every chance she gets.

“I want to introduce you to Eddalyn. She asked about you and I think it appropriate that you meet.”

“Oh,” she murmurs, setting aside her mug. “Okay.”

“There are a couple more fair-weather Saturdays left. October is usually too cold for golf, but if you are still interested in joining me for a game, we can all go this weekend.”

“I can’t.” She scrunches her brow apologetically, taking a step closer to me. “I promised my parents that I’d visit a couple weeks ago. I was going to make the drive to Estes Saturday morning and spend the night.”

I frown, not at all pleased to hear that I have to share her this weekend.

“What about Sunday dinner? I should be back by then,” she offers, snaking her arms around my waist.

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” I mutter, still disappointed in the news of her Saturday evening plans. “You’re mine Friday night,” I insist.

She tightens her grip around me, her big, round eyes filled with what appears to be worry. “I won’t get to see you again until Friday? That’s so far away.”

A lopsided smile tugs at my lips as I reach up to grip the back of her neck. “We’ll work something out,” I speak softly, grazing my nose along hers. “I don’t want to wait that long either.”

I barely get the words out before she pushes herself up on her tiptoes and crushes her mouth against mine. I let her have this kiss, following her lead, content to let her express just how much she wants me. When she slips her arms around my neck, beckoning me closer, I drop a hand to the small of her back, pulling her body flush against mine. I’m completely unaware of anything outside of my woman—until I hear her gasp.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr. Jude.”

Teddy squeals, burying herself in my chest as I look over her head at Marta. Her eyes are wide in surprise, and she stands frozen at the top of the stares, staring at Teddy and me.

“It’s all right, Marta. Come in.”

“Marta?” Teddy whispers, peeking up at me. “The woman who laundered my underwear after I drunkenly decided it should be thrown in with your clothes?”

“She’s the one.”

A blush fills her cheeks, which makes me chuckle.

She’s so fucking cute.

When she spins around to face Marta, I then watch as Marta’s shocked expression turns into a giddy one.

are the redhead,” she exclaims.

“Um…” Teddy hums, looking from Marta, then up at me, then back at Marta. “Yes?”

“You shed,” she says, tugging on her own braid. “Mr. Jude does not have long, red hair.” With a grin, she enters the room, setting her things by the dining room table, as she always does, before she comes and joins us in the kitchen. “I’m Marta. It’s so very good to meet you.”

“Hi,” Teddy says, her grin evident in her tone. “I’m Teddy.”

“You are muy bonita! I’m not surprised. Mr. Jude could not fall for someone less gorgeous than you.”

I quirk an eyebrow as I look down at her. She returns my stare with a wink and a giggle. “It does not take a rocket scientist, Mr. Jude. Less sheets in the wash. More dishes in the dishwasher. I pay attention. And I am so happy for you!” She sighs, clasping her hands together as she returns her gaze to Teddy. “He needed to settle down. A man cannot be wild forever.”

“And on that note—” I interrupt, reaching for Teddy’s hand as I check my wrist for the time. “We better be going.”

“Oh! Yes, yes. Don’t let me keep you,” Marta says as I lead Teddy from out of the kitchen.

“It was nice meeting you, Marta,” she calls out from over her shoulder.

“Have a good day, Marta,” I say in farewell.

“You too!” she practically sings.


I smirk at Teddy as we enter my room. “I’m sure the feeling is mutual.”

I return to my closet to slip into my jacket, and I hear Teddy groan as I make my way back into the room. She’s standing with her bag slung over her shoulder and her eyes trained on the bed. “Shit. It just clicked that she washes your sheets…”

A smile spreads across my face as I close the distance between us and press a kiss on top of her head. “It’s perfectly natural, Teddy. Besides, it should be known that I know how to please my woman. Now, let’s go, or we’ll both be late.”

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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