Authors: Frankie Robertson

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Fear whispered in her ear and slithered darkly through her soul. She didn’t want to lose his love. And so she’d kept silent—and tried the far scrying. But what she’d seen had only fed her fear, which had grown stronger, coiling tighter around her heart.

She almost threw herself into the window seat.
How could I have been so stupid
? She pounded the cushion. But she’d thought Ragni would say his farewells long before Lord Dahleven learned they were lovers.

When I see him later, I must end it
. She couldn’t be his
. How could she have entertained such a foolish notion? She shouldn’t even be his lover. Her stomach felt like she’d swallowed a stone. The air tasted flat. She wanted to run after him, to get the pain over with, but Lord Dahleven would be there. At least she would spare herself the shame of an audience. She could do nothing this minute. Ragni would be in conference all day with the Kon and the Tewakwe.
. She’d tell him later.

Her decision felt like a death. Feeling as if she should don a gray veil, Saeun stared for a moment around her chamber. It didn’t seem like the same room where they’d shared so much joy. Though it appeared unaltered, it felt different, empty.

She looked more closely. It
the same. Something wasn’t right. She’d left Gert, her maid, tidying, but it was more than that.

Fear jolted through her, stealing her breath.
Someone has been here
. Her limbs felt wooden as she moved to her trunk with its hidden drawer. Was it an inch farther from the wall than she’d left it? The chest had been her mother’s once, made to hide the things she’d passed on to her daughter: the tools of her magic.

The catches were sprung. Saeun knew what she would find, but she opened the drawer anyway. Her eyes needed to see for her to believe.

Empty. The tools of her magic were gone.

She’d been found out.





Celia called out in response to a tentative knock, wondering who would be calling at her rooms before breakfast.

A serving woman let herself in, then bobbed a curtsey.

I’m Halla, my lady. I’m here in Thora’s stead. She’s been sent to serve the Kikmongso-so-so-


Celia finished for the woman standing in front of her. She kept her face and her tone neutral, hiding her disappointment. Thora had become a friend in the months she’d served as Celia’s maid, giving her much needed advice on how best to get along in her new world.
Well, it’s only until the Tewakwe go home

The woman was past the first blush of youth but she had rich brown hair and eyes as liquid as a doe’s. Her left cheek bore a large port-wine birthmark and she did her best to keep that side of her face turned away from Celia.
A little laser work and that would be a memory
. But they didn’t have lasers here, or trauma rooms or antibiotics. Celia sighed. There was so much beauty here in Alfheim, but it lacked a lot, too.

Another can serve you, if you prefer, my lady.

Oh, no! I wasn’t sighing because of you, Halla. I was just lost in my own thoughts. But there’s not much for you to do; at least, not at the moment.

Her gesture indicated her already dressed form.

Though you could bring me—

Something darted behind the bed, half seen from the corner of Celia’s eye. She turned to look, but saw nothing.

My lady?

She turned back to Halla. What had she been saying?

Uh—towels. I could use some fresh towels.

Movement. Celia’s head snapped back toward the bed.

Did a cat come in with you?

No, my lady.

She had to take a closer look.
I saw something

Are you sure?

She walked around the bed, knelt, and looked underneath. Nothing. Celia straightened.

The maid’s eyes darted nervously.
Probably wondering if her new mistress is imagining things. Maybe I am
. This was becoming annoying. And unnerving. The first few times it had seemed just a trick of shifting light and shadow. That had started over a month ago.
But this was real. I’m sure of it. Almost.

Was this a side effect of the Elves’ touch? Was Dahleven seeing things too? It wouldn’t be the first time they’d seen something no one else could. But what was it?

Celia assumed what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Well, never mind. If it’s a cat, she’s well hidden now. She’ll come out when she’s hungry, no doubt.

She shivered.
Or something will




Dahleven blew on the bowl of hot porridge in front of him, trying to order his thoughts.
Ragni and Saeun. Baldur’s Balls

Gods, what was he going to say? He’d made no vow of secrecy to Saeun. He wasn’t foresworn. And yet—it was no small thing to reveal her offense. An offense he’d hidden for five months. And one she’d committed in his service.
Has she told him
? Surely Ragni would have said something. Or was that why he’d kept their trysting quiet? But then why would he be open about it now?

Do you think the Kikmongsowuhti will have more to say on the subject of our cleansing today?

Ragni asked, breaking into Dahleven’s worries.

Dahleven wrestled the direction of his thoughts back to what should have been uppermost in his mind.

I don’t know. She seems to only want to speak with Mother.

And Celia.

And Celia.

Did she know about Ragni and Saeun
Why hadn’t she told him

We may have to wait for them to relay whatever Nai’awika tells them. Or Loloma may broach the subject with Father now that it’s been brought up. We’ll hear soon enough.

Ragni nodded.

Speaking of Celia, how was your reunion? I trust you smoothed her ruffled feathers?

Ragni’s grin was just this side of a leer.

What was it about your kiss last night that bothered her so? I know you’re not much for practicing with the ladies, but surely your kisses aren’t that bad.

Dahleven rolled his eyes.

I was hoping you could tell me. The dancing finished too late last night for me to smoke that hive.

Ragni grinned.

Sorry, brother. All I know is she was embarrassed and offended. ‘A woman’s mind is a mystery as full of danger as an Elven cavern,’

he quoted.

Is Lady Saeun a mystery full of danger?

What? Saeun?

Ragni laughed, then sobered.

No. But there is something I would tell you.

Dahleven’s attention sharpened, and he glanced around them though he knew they were alone in the family dining hall. This was a matter best not shared.

I ask your word of secrecy on this, brother, until I release you.

Ragni paused, waiting for his agreement.

told him
. Well it wouldn’t be anything Dahleven didn’t know already and kept secret, even without an oath.

You have my word, Ragni.

He offered his hand.

Ragni nodded, grinned, and clasped his forearm.

I’ve asked her to be my

Dahleven’s grip tightened on Ragni’s wrist.

You what?


Baldur’s Balls! Ragni, what Loki’s whim possessed you?

Ragni jerked his hand back.

What stung your ass? Saeun is a Lady of honorable family. She has no apologies to make to you or anyone!

Dahleven shook his head but remained wordless. What could he say? His brother, a priest of Baldur, sought an alliance with a Daughter of Freya. Worse, a practitioner of forbidden magic!

I admit my timing is less than excellent,

Ragni continued,

what with my betrothal to Utta at Winterfest, but Saeun and I can wait to make it official.

Dahleven took a deep breath and then another one, settling his temper. In what he hoped was a calmer voice he asked,

You’ve been lovers for, what now—all of four months? Five?

He couldn’t keep himself from adding,

That’s what—three months longer than any other woman has held your interest?

The muscles in Ragni’s jaw bunched as his color rose.

Dahleven didn’t care if his brother was angry. He should have had more sense than to make such an impulsive alliance.

As usual, Ragni covered his anger with a lopsided grin.

Your betrothal hasn’t done much to temper your arrogance, Dahben.

He cocked an eyebrow.

How long was it you knew Celia before you sought to
her? Three

Dahleven ignored the use of his childhood nickname.

Leave Celia out of this. At least I didn’t hide her from the family. Taking an
is almost as serious as taking a wife, Ragni. You hardly know her! You should at least have talked to me first. You have no idea what she’s involved in.

Talked to
? I don’t need your permission. And when before this would I have shared it? You’ve been in Quartzholm less than five weeks in the last five months. You should look more to your own bedmate and worry less about mine! You left Celia alone to cope with Mother’s tutoring for months and as soon as you return, you offend her.

Dahleven gritted his teeth at the sting of truth in Ragni’s words, but refused to be distracted.

Celia is my concern—

And Saeun is mine.

They glared at each other, teeth clenched to contain further sharp words, their cooling porridge forgotten. After a long silence Dahleven said,

Father is waiting.


Ragni rose.

Let’s go.

They walked down the hall side by side as usual, but Dahleven felt every inch of the chasm between them.




The pompous ass
. Ragni ground his teeth as he walked down the passage beside his brother. Dahl could stuff himself and his stiff-backed, self-righteous attitude. What was his problem? He’d regarded Ragni’s past involvements with little more than a lifted brow and a warning not to tire himself. And Dahl could hardly justify his arrogance; he’d tumbled to Celia’s charms like falling off a cliff. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe he was having second thoughts.

The thought settled his temper a little. Celia was a wonder. Despite his sharp words about Dahl’s impulsive proposal, it was the smartest move his big brother had ever made.

Ragni tried to read his brother, but his own hot emotions were still in the way. He took a deep breath, then another. It took a few moments more for his irritation to recede enough to open his Talent again to Dahleven. Ragni expected anger, and steadied himself to receive it. It was there. But first and foremost, doubt and alarm clogged Dahl’s mind.
? But it wasn’t colored by frustrated love.
This isn’t about Celia, then. Why does Saeun trouble him


I can’t let this—

Dahleven stopped, facing him in the corridor.

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