Forbidden Worlds - Box Set (40 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Gardner

BOOK: Forbidden Worlds - Box Set
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“Yes. And now I’ve had sex with two.” She pulled up her jeans and buttoned them, still amazed by the dexterity of her borrowed fingers. “He was better.”

Jared’s face colored. “Dr. Ronson, I’d like you to remember the object of this experiment.”

Tess skirted around Dr. Simon and patted him on the ass before opening the door to his office. “I just had the object of this experiment shoved up my pussy, doc. I’d love to see how you’re going to fit that into your report to the shareholders.”

Chapter 7


Tye arrived promptly at seven that evening, dangling a pair of plush handcuffs from one finger.

Tess kissed him hard before he even stepped over the threshold of her apartment and then dragged him inside, laughing. “Oh my God. You want to handcuff me to the bed?” The thought had her clit beginning to pulse. In real life, bondage held no interest for her, but the idea of being trapped and immobile while Tye had his way with Sydney’s body made her instantly hot.

“Or you could handcuff me. Whatever you want to do, babe. We don’t have to use them at all if you don’t want to. No pressure.”

She winked and snatched the cuffs from him. “Oh, we’re going to use them. You first, I think.”

Squeezing her legs together against the heat of the arousal lube, Tess hurried Tye into her bedroom where she’d already dimmed the lights and lit a few candles. The room smelled like sex already, thanks to a musk-scented air freshener she’d bought along with the strawberry lotion and a two-pronged dildo she was dying to try.

Tye looked around the room and grinned when he found the flat-screen television and the video docking station beneath it. “Perfect. I brought a movie.”

“Who has time for a movie?” she said. She’d already unbuttoned her jeans and was sliding out of them, revealing a hot pink thong.

“Oh, you’ll like this.” Tye sauntered over to the TV and slipped a digital thumb drive into the video port. A moment later pulsing music filled the room along with the sound of rhythmic moaning. On the screen a man and a woman writhed on a red-satin-covered bed. She was handcuffed, spread-eagle, her back arched and her hips bucking.

Tess stared at the video, biting her lip. Tye hadn’t wasted any time with getting to know any more about Sydney. He’d found a more than willing partner for some bed play, and he was taking full advantage. Some small part of her was disappointed that he didn’t want to go out to a theater with Sydney, take her to dinner and talk to her, but the rising pulse in her belly countermanded any desire for a real date. Sydney wasn’t the type of girl to waste time with hearts and flowers.

“Wow. This is hard-core stuff.”

“Not really. I didn’t want to scare you.” Tye came up behind her and rubbed her ass. He pulled her against his erection, then reached up under her tiny T-shirt to finger her braless breasts. “Keep this on for now.”

She nodded and turned in his arms. The woman on the video whimpered and begged her partner to fuck her harder. Tess began to shiver a bit. She needed this so badly. Thoughts of Jared fucking her over his desk crossed her mind, and she moaned.

Tye flung his shirt off and dropped his pants. His cock was dark red and wet with precum. She caressed the silky flesh and pushed him back on the bed. “Spread ’em.” She pulled one of his hands up to the bedpost and trapped his wrist with the handcuff. “You only brought one set of cuffs?”

“That’s all I had. Sorry.” He grinned. “What are you gonna do about it?”

She fished a satin scarf out of her bureau draw and used that to tie his opposite hand to the bedpost as well. “This will have to do.”

Offering a wicked grin, she straddled him, reached for the bottle of strawberry lotion, which she’d cooled in the fridge for half an hour and drizzled some on his cock.

He yelped, and she laughed. “Nice and cold, huh?”

“Damn, yes. You’re a witch.”

She licked her lips. “You have no idea.”

The lotion was supersweet and made the inside of her mouth tingle a little bit, but Tess didn’t worry about it. She’d rinse it out later. Working diligently, she licked and sucked and spread the gooey substance with her tongue until Tye’s entire cock glistened. Then she blew a steady stream of air over it and watched him squirm.

“It’s hot now! Oh, man! God, it burns.”

“Yes, it does, naughty boy. That’s your punishment for not bringing two sets of cuffs. What were you thinking?” She slapped the side of his ass. “You weren’t prepared.”

On the video the woman was grunting rhythmically, and Tess glanced over Sydney’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of her being soundly fucked by her well-endowed partner. It looked like fun, but her turn would come soon enough. She wanted Tye sated first so he’d take a good long time with her.

He was groaning now, begging her to suck him. She shook her head and blew some more cool air over his penis.

“Stop, stop! Oh God, Sydney, you’ve gotta do something. It’s burning.”

“It’s supposed to, you big baby.” She squeezed his balls. Is it making you want to come?”


“Well, don’t.” She took him into her mouth again, as far to the back of her throat as he fit, and sucked hard. Tye bellowed, then began bucking his hips. Tess smiled around his cock. She had him. This was perfect.

She let him fuck her mouth for a full minute, then pulled away just in time to watch his cum spurt out in long, glistening streams. He shuddered and yanked on the cuff and scarf, making the head board shake. “Damn, that was...oh God, Sydney. That was...”

She raised a brow and grinned wickedly. “Just the beginning.”


An hour later, after the video finished and Tess grew tired of teasing Tye with the strawberry lotion and threatening to fuck him with the dildo, she untied and uncuffed him and threw herself on the bed. “Now it’s my turn. Do whatever you want.”

Tye rubbed a hand over his eyes and laughed. “Right now, I want to take a nap. You wore me out.”

She pouted. “You don’t want to fuck me?”

“I have no idea.” He rose, and walking a little stiffly, headed for her bathroom. “Give me a minute.”

She blew air out through her lips and sighed. “Just one minute. I’m horny as hell, and I can’t take much more waiting.” She laughed until he shut the bathroom door, then she rolled her eyes. Why had she done him first? The arousal lotion had kicked into high gear, and her pussy burned incessantly. She needed the release of orgasm to get some relief.

She was about to just grab the new dildo when her phone rang. She didn’t bother checking the ID, just snatched up the bedside receiver.


“Is this Sydney?” It was Jared Simon.

Tess’s skin tingled. “Yes, this is Sydney.”

“I want you to come to the lab tonight. I need to see you.”

She smiled, hating herself just a little bit for wishing she could comply. What was wrong with her? Had Dr. Simon somehow programmed Sydney to respond to him sexually? She’d been thinking about him all day and was desperate to recreate the naughty little scene that had played out in his office. Maybe she’d ask Tye to fuck her over the kitchen table later.

“I’m busy right now. I can’t.”

“This is important.”

“So’s what I’m doing.” She fingered the handcuffs. “I’m tied to my bed at the moment and I’m about to be fucked very hard by a guy with the longest dick I’ve ever seen. Maybe if we finish early...but I just sucked him off, so on the other hand, it could be a while.”

“Sydney.” The word was a hiss. Jared growled into the phone. “The body you’re abusing belongs to me.”

“I thought it belonged to Gentron.”

“Either way, Sydney is not yours. You can’t do this.”

“Come and stop me.” She bit her lip. God, had she really issued that ultimatum? What if he did show up while Tye was here?

“Don’t forget, Dr. Ronson, your body is in the lab. That’s where you belong, and if something should happen and your vital signs drop unexpectedly, you could be required to return to your own body prematurely.”

“Is that a threat, Dr. Simon?”

“It’s just a reminder.”

A small frisson of fear gripped Tess. Was he blackmailing her? “And if I come to the lab, then what?”

“Then we can discuss how this experiment is progressing.”

“Tomorrow,” she said, her eyes on the bathroom door. The toilet had flushed and the sink was running. Tye would be back soon. “I’m all yours tomorrow. We can
about anything you like.”

“Come in early. Before Dr. Stanz and Dr. Roker arrive.”

“I’ll be there.” She hung up before he could issue any more orders. Anger made her hands shake, but some part of her, some part that wasn’t Tess Ronson, relished the idea of having no choice but to obey Jared’s commands. Her artificial pussy clenched, and the strange systems in her belly began to throb and pulse. He had some effect on her, and she was determined to find out just exactly what Jared Simon expected of Sydney.

Tye strolled back into the bedroom, his gaze feral. “Now, then. I believe I owe you something.”

She threw the handcuffs at him. “You’re damn right you do. Get to work, stud. If I don’t get some soon, I’m going to have to jerk off.”

Tye laughed. “I might like to watch that.”

“Maybe next time. Right now, I’m going to need some help because I plan to be all


* * * *


Tess gasped and looked around in a panic. Had she fallen asleep? Her heart pumped wildly for a second, then calmed itself when she realized the clock read only two minutes later than the last time she’d glanced at it.

Tye lay across her, snoring softly. He’d passed out about half an hour earlier after his third orgasm. At the moment, Sydney still had the two-pronged dildo inserted in her ass and her vagina. It felt great, but she’d come so many times she’d begun to wonder if she could wear out the artificial muscles in Sydney’s pussy.

Slowly she eased her body out from under Tye’s muscular bulk and slithered off the bed. It was just after five a.m., and she’d need to get to Gentron in less than an hour to beat Melissa and Marc there.

Slowly, she removed the dildo. The sensation of her anal and vaginal walls slipping against the lubricated rubber made her moan softly. It had been amazing with Tye, who, for all his earlier protests, had found some creative uses for the strawberry lube. Her skin tingled all over, but she decided not to shower before going to Jared. Let him smell another man on her and taste his cum mixed with the sweet lotion. It would drive him crazy.

Rolling to her knees she moved to stand, but her legs buckled beneath her, and she landed on her rear beside the bed. Mild panic seized her. Was something wrong with Sydney? Tess shook off her concern. She was just clumsy. She’d been lying under Tye for a while, looking at him, listening to his breathing and enjoying the pressure of his hand clasped on her breast. So she was a little stiff. Could Sydney’s muscles become stiff?

Undaunted, Tess tried again. This time she managed to stand, but her knees shook. Her mouth was dry and sticky, and her head spun a little bit. What the hell was wrong with her?

She staggered to the bathroom, having a hard time putting one foot in front of the other. The panic button Marc had given her lay untouched on the kitchen counter, and she wondered if she should go and get it, just in case. Was Sydney breaking down?

Tess looked in the mirror. Of course, the reflection staring back at her was perfect. Sydney looked gorgeous. Though her hair was a bit wild, she bore none of the telltale signs of having spent the last eight hours in bed. No kiss-swollen lips, no stubble burn or smudged make-up. Her eyes revealed nothing unusual, though her hands shook as she fumbled with the hot and cold water handles at the sink.

Water! That was it. She hadn’t hydrated the body since six p.m. Trembling, she shoved a bathroom cup under the faucet, then remembered Marc’s warning. No tap water. Heavy metals.

Her vision had begun to blur. Too many hours without proper lubrication could leave Sydney completely non-functional. She lurched toward the door and dragged herself through the bedroom and out into the kitchen.

The seal on the top of the water bottle gave her some trouble. With Sydney’s muscle systems crying out for fuel, she could barely twist the cap. Finally, she managed to open a bottle and chugged half of it. That was more than a single dose, but since she’d missed at least two she had to catch up.

The cool water washed down Sydney’s throat and with it came a strange sensation spread through her limbs. Weakly, she pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down. If anyone had asked her, she could have traced the path of the revitalized liquid crystal memory fluid as it surged through her artificial veins. By the time it reached her toes, she was shivering almost violently.

“Damn, Sydney. You’ve got to be more careful.” Tess looked at the water remaining in the bottle and considered drinking it, but she wasn’t sure what an overload of fluid would do. Once Marc arrived at Gentron she’d have to ask him to test her levels and make sure she was back on track. She’d tell him she overslept and forgot to drink her allotment of water through the night.

Sighing, she capped the bottle and brushed her hair away from her face. She rose unsteadily but found her legs were stronger now and the dizziness had passed. She decided to snack on a PBandJ bar while she dressed. By the time she’d pulled herself together, Tye had begun to stir.

“Hey, where you goin’?” he asked, his voice muffled by the pillows.

“I’ve got to go to work early today. You don’t have to get up. Just let yourself out later,” she said, slipping a loose button-down top over a black bra. She shimmied into tight black pants, slipped on flats, grabbed her purse and car keys and planted a kiss on the back of Tye’s neck.

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