Forbidden Worlds - Box Set (43 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Gardner

BOOK: Forbidden Worlds - Box Set
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Chapter 11


Dr. Simon stepped back as she turned around. He’d shoved his hands in his pockets and stood with his feet spread wide and his shoulders back, calculatedly casual. “I was working late and I heard the elevator. I figured you’d be staying in Dr. Roker’s lab all night.”

“He’s doing some research on my elevated core temperature. He should be able to fix the problem tomorrow.”

“Good. I’d been concerned about that.”

Tess crossed her arms over her chest. “I asked him to do something about the sensory receptors too. I’m tired of feeling like a cat in heat.”

“Tsk, tsk. I thought Sydney enjoyed that feeling.”

“She does. A little too much.”

“I can help with that.”

“I’m sure you can.” Already her pussy had begun to respond to him. Scenes from his office played in her brain. The memory of the mind-numbing orgasm he’d given her had her throat closing up.

“I’d like to talk more about your offer of earlier today.”

“Talk? Really?”

“I have something I’d like to show you, Sydney.”

She laughed. “That’s original. Let me guess, your etchings?”

He stepped closer and put a hand on her waist. The contact made her knees weak. Sydney needed what he could do for her. She wanted to feel that all encompassing, uncontrollable release again and again.

“I designed you to be the perfect woman, Sydney. I’d like you to meet the perfect man. The man who could be yours if we agree to work together.”

Tess raised a brow. “The perfect man? You mean not you?”

“Yes and no. Come with me to my place, and I’ll show you what I’m working on when I’m not here at Gentron.”

Tess’s captive mind protested. Would she ever escape Jared’s love nest if she went with him? Would Sydney disappear and spend the rest of her days locked up as his personal sex slave? Sydney’s clit throbbed at the thought, and Tess willed her to shut up.

“I don’t know.”

“Go tell Lars you’re leaving your car here for the evening. That way someone will know you left with me. Trust me, Sydney. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I might believe that if you didn’t keep calling me Sydney.”

“Tess. Forgive me. Go tell Lars.”

She complied, reasoning that Sydney was too valuable for Jared to keep locked away for himself. Nevertheless, on the way back to her car, she dialed Tye’s number. His sleepy voice answered.

“Yeah, babe? Want me to come over?”

“I’m sorry to bother you this late, but I just wanted to let you know I’ve got to go with one of my colleagues to his home office. Dr. Jared Simon. I won’t be back home until tomorrow.”

“Oh, sure, whatever.” Tye hung up, and Tess wondered if he’d even remember. She had to ask herself, if she was so worried about Jared, why was she going with him? Because Sydney wanted to, and she knew in her heart, wherever her real heart was at the moment, that he’d never hurt his perfect creation.

Jared had retrieved his car and now pulled up beside hers. She climbed in, and they sped off toward the plush suburbs north of the industrial complex.

“Why did you pick the name Sydney?” she asked as they hit the winding roads of a gated community.

“I named her after the city in Australia. I visited once and had the time of my life.”

“So she’s not an old flame or some sick obsession who wouldn’t give you the time of day when you were a high-school geek?”

Jared laughed as he eased into the next turn. “You really do think I’m some kind of creep, don’t you?”

“No. I guess...I don’t know. I just don’t understand your relationship with Sydney.”

“Sydney is my future. She’s everything. My fortune, my reputation, my life’s work.”

“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

He didn’t answer right away as Tess expected him to. She figured he’d deny the allegation immediately. Instead he tapped the brake and turned into a long, circular driveway leading up to a sprawling stonework ranch house. Security lighting came on as they pulled up in front of the house.

“Would that be so bad? Sydney is a beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman. With the right brain inside that body, she would be the perfect companion. One I’d never lose to old age or illness.”

“But you can’t program her the way you want, can you? You need a human mind inside her.”

“That’s right. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Then she’d just be a robot. I want someone real, who just happens to have an immortal android body.”

He shut off the car and gave her a sidelong glance. “We’re on the brink of something indescribable. I’m offering you the chance to be part of it, more than just a footnote in the board members’ prospectus, more than a couple of lines in the early journal articles.”

Tess swallowed. As a researcher, she’d expected a minor bump in salary when the project went live, maybe to sit in on the first couple of news conferences and publish a paper or two of her own. She hadn’t tried to kid herself into thinking Jared wouldn’t take the lion’s share of the credit while he paid Marc well enough for him to remain happily in the background doing the real work while Jared took the bows. Melissa would be fine because she’d corner the market on the psychological aspects of consciousness transfer. She’d write all the books, all the protocols, teach classes to hospital staff so they could deal with patients’ questions and concerns.

Here was Tess’s opportunity to come out in the top two of their secret research team, to stand next to Jared, tall, beautiful, fascinating. All she had to do was let Tess Ronson die.

“Show me.”

Jared grinned and jumped out of the car.


His house was sparsely furnished and impeccably neat, clearly the work of an interior decorator and a dedicated housekeeper. Tess tried not to gawk at the wall of awards, diplomas and certificates that led to Jared’s downstairs lab. Having graduated MIT at sixteen, he’d had plenty of time to collect an entire alphabet worth of degrees.

The man was inarguably brilliant, and he was about to change the world.

Down one flight and through a security door he must have had specially installed, he led her to his private workspace, a dark room dominated by a stasis tube much like the one from which Sydney had been born.

A row of lights came on above the tube at his silent command, illuminating a naked male figure inside. Tess gaped.

Jared Simon had recreated himself in polymer skin, only ten years younger, far more muscular and doubly well-endowed.

She would have laughed except Sydney’s body reacted to the sight of her perfect mate as though someone had thrown a switch. Her nipples hardened, and the sensory bundle in her abdomen began to pulse just slightly. He was absolutely perfect, and she wanted him like she’d never wanted any man before.


“I was going to name him Adam, but it seemed unnecessary since he’s just a suit for me to wear. You can call him Jared Two, JT for short.”

Tess circled the tube. The body inside rivaled Tye’s for sculpted beauty. Toned thighs rose to a slim waist, a rounded ass, and a back crisscrossed with exquisitely defined
. Brown nipples tipped his triangular pectorals, and his left biceps bore a scrollwork tattoo that had Tess raising a brow.

Jared shrugged. “I figured why not? I’ve always wanted one. The design is stamped into the polymer, though, so don’t get any ideas. If you try to tattoo Sydney you’ll ruin her skin.”

“Unbelievable. Did you give him heightened sensory receptors as well?”

“Only slightly higher than normal. As a male, I don’t need as much...shall we say
to become aroused.”

“Ah. So you made Sydney into a rutting slut, but JT here gets to keep his wits about him?”

“I’m a man, what can I say?”

She rolled her eyes. “You may have a hard time fitting that cock into a regular pair of pants.”

“I won’t apologize for wanting larger equipment.”

Tess looked around the lab. Jared had a duplicate set of computers to those in the Level 4 lab at Gentron. No wonder the department budget was through the roof. She wondered if the board members knew their star scientist had duplicated their top secret research at his home. Maybe they didn’t even know for sure what he was working on, not that his secrecy would matter to them when they received their first dividend checks after the android bodies went on sale.

“When are you planning your own transfer?”

“When your experiment is done and we’ve ironed out any kinks and gotten approval from the board to begin production. I’ve prepared some test results that will make it look as though I’m suffering from ALS, and I’ll become the first living transfer patient to keep an android body permanently. Or the second. If you’re willing to remain in Sydney’s body.”

Something inside her screamed yes, but she bit back her excitement. “Won’t we have an issue if we tell the board a healthy volunteer was...essentially killed for the sake of the experiment?”

Jared put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her body back against his. His erection bumped against her ass. “We can do this anyway you want to, Tess. You can transfer back for a short time and then return to Sydney later after an ‘accident’ or an illness.”

Lie to the board of directors. Lie to the press. Why did it seem like such a good idea? Because Sydney wouldn’t have to die. Technically neither would Tess. She’d live forever, in fact.

She turned in Jared’s arms. “I’ll do it. Please let me have Sydney’s body.”

Jared kissed her once, tenderly, but with the promise of much more to come. “Come upstairs to my bedroom and convince me to say yes.”

Chapter 12


By the time they reached Jared’s bedroom, Tess had relinquished all control to Sydney. Her artificial heart pumped wildly, and her skin tingled all over from the maddening friction of her clothes.

He didn’t bother to close the door behind them, just guided her to the bed and eased her back on the dark satin sheets.

“I enjoyed what we did in my office,” he told her as he unfastened his belt and opened his zipper fly. “But I’ve been waiting for this.”

Tess raised Sydney’s hips and slid off her pants while Jared shed the rest of his clothes. She fumbled at the buttons of her blouse and pulled it open, unhooked the clasp of her bra and spread her legs for him. “How many times did you jack off to her when she was in the tube?”

“To you. Sydney. When you were in the tube.”

Ah. She understood completely now. He didn’t want Tess. Who would? It didn’t matter right now. She was Sydney, and she might very well be Sydney for the rest of her very long life.

“When you were designing my pussy, did you try it out?”

“Ha.” He climbed on the bed, knelt between her thighs and ran his hands up the smooth, warm flesh. Her clit engorged, and the mechanism deep in her pelvis controlling her wants and desires began to pump her musky cum to lubricate her pussy. She squirmed and gasped as he pressed his thumbs into her plump nether lips. “I made dozens of moulds and I have to admit, I ran my tongue over more than a few of them, just to see how it felt.”

He grasped Sydney’s hips and pulled her closer to his waiting cock.

“When she was finished, did you fuck her? Tell me.”

He pushed a finger inside her, slowly at first, then with slightly more force until she moaned. “Say it properly, Sydney.”

“When I was finished, did you fuck me? Did you lay me out on your work table and put your cock in me to see how that felt?”

He massaged her clit with his thumb while gently stroking in and out with two fingers. She bucked her hips up, enticing him to hit that spot inside that would make her lose complete control. If he did it now she’d be almost too tight for him to get inside. What would that feel like?

“Yes, I did. I closed your eyes. I put your arms up above your head and I fucked you so good. Sydney, it was exquisite. It was everything I’d designed it to be. Your body can respond without a mind in it. This still works.” He reached up inside her and fingered the nerve bundle that would set her off. She screamed as her muscles went rigid and everything inside her contracted.

Her mind blanked in ecstasy as wave after wave of sensation washed through her, shuddering outward from her center. Her slick fluids pumped out of her in a warm rush, and he collected them and rubbed them on his cock.

He was in her in a heartbeat, groaning above her as he worked his hot cock into her, pushing against the contractions that had her vaginal walls squeezing so tightly she thought she’d ignite.

“It was just like this, Sydney, except you couldn’t look at me. You couldn’t beg me with your eyes to do it over and over again.”

Her throat worked, clamping down on nothing. Her lungs labored, her heart thudded and her fingers convulsively clutched the sheets. “This is better. Before, you were nothing but a very expensive sex toy. Now you’re real.”

This was so much better than just being real. Pleasure and pain collided, making her alternately whimper and sigh with each thrust. She watched his thigh muscles bunch and in the mirror that hung opposite the bed saw his ass clench when he reached his own peak.

He groaned Sydney’s name as he exploded inside her, and the scent of his release and hers mingled. Together they writhed for a moment as she regained use of her body. She gulped and shivered and finally closed her eyes and let herself be swept away with the unending tide within her.

Jared collapsed across her, still pumping his seed, and breathed heavily in her ear. “Every night, Sydney. For the rest of our lives, we could do this and more. We’ll never get old, never be too tired and we’ll be rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.”

It sounded too good to be true. Tess would have questioned everything about this plan, but Sydney wanted it. She wanted to feel this helpless, this free, this out of control and this powerful all at once. “Yes,” she whispered. “I want it all.”

“You’ll have it. All you have to do is everything I tell you.”


* * * *


The sex went on for hours. Jared was insatiable and inventive, and with his secret G-spot trick, it didn’t matter that he wasn’t as big or as long as Tye. He felt like a battering ram and managed to keep Sydney in a constant state of orgasm while he did things to her body she hadn’t even seen in porn movies.

At four a.m. he finally lay back, flung a forearm over his eyes and sighed. “I’ve been holding all that back for a while now. You have no idea how badly I wanted that.”

Sydney lay next to him on her stomach. A moment ago he’d been straddling her ass, using a dildo to give her a wicked anal orgasm while he fucked her pussy with three fingers. Her spine was still rigid from the sensory overload, and she was certain she’d exhausted her supply of internal lubricant. She could just about turn her head to glance at him.

“Which part?”

“Every part. There are still a few things I haven’t gotten to, but we have forever. You know, JT is functional just like you were before the transfer. You can try him out if you like. I’d enjoy watching that. You’d have to be on top though. And I still haven’t chosen a formula for his ejaculate. You can try them out and pick your favorite.”

The idea excited Sydney, but she actually didn’t have the energy to do anything about it. She wondered, if she remained quiet long enough, would she fall asleep?

“We should shower and head to the lab.” Jared rose, moving with almost manic swiftness.


“Come on.” He helped her sit up. “Just water alone won’t replenish all the fluids you’ve lost. I’d like to do an infusion before Marc gets in. I don’t want him asking questions.”

Sydney allowed him to pull her to her feet. “You mean I need a cum injection? Didn’t you just do that to me, like five times?”

He laughed. “Your cum, not mine. Come on.” He stepped away from her, and the moment he let go of her shoulders, she fell to the floor.

Shock at her sudden lack of control had her gasping. She couldn’t get her arms under her to push herself up.

“Sydney? What’s wrong?” Jared slipped his arms under hers and pulled her up to a sitting position. He leaned her against the bed, but she began to sag as soon as he let go. She shivered and her body quaked as though she had the chills.

“You’re hot.” He touched her cheek, her shoulder and finally her belly where something churned. If she was human she’d have thought she was about to be sick.

“Water. I need to drink. This has happened before.”

“Right. Of course. I wasn’t thinking.”

No, you were too busy fucking me.
She lay on her side next to the bed watching his feet as he hurried into the bathroom and returned. He propped her up and started to pour water into her mouth.

“No, no.” She spit the liquid out. “No tap water.”

“This is filtered. It’ll do for now.” He tipped the cup against her lips again. This time she swallowed, but it hurt. Her throat had almost completely dried out. She managed to get the whole cupful down. Then Jared hoisted her up on the bed and started pulling her clothes on. “We have to go to the lab. I can tell by touching you, your core temperature is over 101.”

“Fever?” She had a whole question planned but only that one word came out. Her tongue seemed to go numb in her mouth. Her vision dimmed.

“That’s exactly it. Your fluid levels must have been low to begin with. I thought Marc was monitoring that.”

She wanted to say he was, but nothing came out. All she could do was watch as Jared hastily dressed her, then scooped her up and carried her to his car.

“I’m calling Marc to meet us there.”

“Nuuu...don’ tell ’im.”

“That I fucked you into the android equivalent of a coma?” He arranged her now limp body in the passenger seat and shut the door. He jumped into the car, and a second later they roared off, heading out of the sedate community toward Gentron. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll tell him you activated the panic button.”

Lars knows I left with you.
Her brain worked fine, but her mouth was no longer responsive. She could do nothing but lie there and watch the gray pre-dawn scenery roll by.

Would this be the end of her seven days in paradise? If Sydney’s body failed she’d be forced to live out her life in the body she’d just agreed to forsake forever. She couldn’t let that happen. She’d do anything to stay alive, anything to keep this new exciting existence.

Somehow Jared managed to hit every bump in the road between his home and Gentron. Her useless body bouncing like a rag doll in the passenger seat, Tess prayed to survive and willed him to make it to the lab before her fever caused Sydney’s body to shut down for good.

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