Force: Blacktop Sinners MC (8 page)

BOOK: Force: Blacktop Sinners MC
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She nodded and let out a long breath as he unzipped her dress. Shimmying out from it, she leaned back on the blanket, smirking back at him as he moved the food to the grass. “Ants will get in that, you know. It doesn’t matter that it’s so late.”


“Fuck the sandwiches. I have bigger priorities,” he said, licking his lips. “God, you’re beautiful.”


She ducked her eyes away at that. She’d had a few relationships in her time, nothing more than a passing one night stand in five years, and even if that’s what she was promising for herself tonight, most of her was tired of that. If she weren’t so damn broken, Tess would have loved to have a real relationship with Derek, to be able to give her heart to him. She’d worry about the loss later.


She was an expert at that.


Now? Now she had tonight.


Prostrate before him, she ran her hands over the thin lace of her bra, her fingers not at all the ones she wanted on her nipples, but her need spiraling so fast that they hardened at her touch. Mewling a little, she arched her neck and glared up at him. “I’m ready for you, so
for you. Whatever you want, I’m ready.”


Derek said nothing at first but stood and started to strip. It didn’t take him long, and she was amused at how he fumbled a bit with his shoes. Maybe he wasn’t completely the suave biker tonight any more than she was the expert sex kitten. What was a bit of role play and bravado between lovers anyway? As his clothes fell to the ground, her mouth watered at the sight before her. The moonlight was bright in the sky and fell over the planes of his abs. She counted an eight pack, something lean and tempting that put Brad Pitt’s from her former favorite film to shame. But that was nothing compared to the breadth of his shoulders, the bulk of his form. Somehow, he was even bigger and more imposing without clothing at all, as if it had all been used to conceal the wild man underneath.


Tess’s eyes moved lower, and she licked her lips at his erection, springing free in the light and arcing forward from a thatch of dark brown curls.


Derek stalked toward her, steps deliberate and heavy on the grass. Leaning over her, he ground into her a little already, his dick tickling her hip bone. “You’re so beautiful, like an angel, an answer to everything I ever wanted.”


She swallowed and smiled back at him.


Be confident, channel your inner Marilyn Monroe. You can do this, Tess.


Just one night


“Please need you. Make lo…fuck me,” she said, trying to bury her feelings. It was hormones, nothing more. She hadn’t felt this draw to anyone before, but she had to play it cool. She just needed to feel him, have him plunge deep inside of her.


“I’d love to,” he said, and, with that, he reached behind her, and she worked with him as he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. “My, my, blondie, what perfect tits you have.”


She grinned. “The better for you to suck them, big bad wolf.”


Derek obliged and started to flick his tongue with surprising speed over her right nipple while his left hand kneaded her breast. Tess bucked against him, enjoying the heft of him just barely kept aloft above her by his elbows and knees. She shuddered as he switched from flicking to laving over her breast with his tongue. Tess moaned and ground into him, torn between loving the feel of his tongue on her and wishing she had more of him to complete her.


“Oh God!”


“Not hardly, blondie,” he drawled before kissing his way down her torso, leaving her breasts but spreading feather light caresses of his lips over her stomach.


He paid close attention as well to her belly button, licking circles around it and she writhed under his ministrations, wild and almost feral with need. Her panties were soaked by now, the thin lace no match for the passion and need causing her juices to drip forth from her. Derek teased his way over her hips, grazing against her skin with the prickly promise of his beard and she wondered why she’d ever dated clean shaven men. The goosebumps his touch elicited left her lost to sensation, her skin highly sensitized.


He paused, and she wanted to scream, to beg, to do
to calm the fire burning in her, to squelch the need throbbing deep in her core.




He smirked and reached over to grab his jeans, pulling out a foil packet. “Don’t worry, just being safe, Tess. I’m as eager as you are, promise,” Derek finished, kissing her lips quickly before shredding the foil and rolling the latex with practiced skill over his cock. Reaching lower, he traced a large forefinger over her slit and she shuddered under him, every part of her reacting at the slightest touch, the fire going from bonfire to four alarm blaze in just that moment.


“Never said, though, that I’d play fair,” he finished, shredding her panties and tossing them aside after he peeled the remains from her.


Under normal circumstances, Tess would have snarked that those were thirty dollars from Victoria’s Secret and nurses weren’t made of money. Right now, though? Well, right now she agreed that they were only getting in the damn way.


Spreading her legs and readying herself for him, Tess smiled up at Derek and stroked her nails over his back, enjoying digging in a bit and making him wince under her touch. It was a bit of way to mark him, to scratch him and leave the slightest bite. After all, he was hers too, and she just wanted to prove this had happened, to hope he’d remember those scratches fondly even if tomorrow only held awkward goodbyes.


Derek teased her channel at first, just running the head of his dick over her wet and ready labia, easing the tip just a bit inside of her. Every time he did it, her clit throbbed harder, erupting in a tattoo that would surely drive her mad if he didn’t stop teasing.


“Please,” she begged, not even recognizing her own voice, not when it was tinged with need so deeply. “I need you.”


He kissed her lips and plunged into her at the same time, easing in balls deep into her, filling her with his impressive girth before starting to rock back and forth. She clung to him and matched his rhythm, her hips rising up eagerly to meet his own. Her blood was on fire, but it was no longer a raging blaze consuming whole forests. No. It was passion gone nova, a full explosion consuming every nerve within her. He hit her most sensitive spot, and her climax came, feeling like it shattered from the inside out, that she was a star who was flaming out to nothingness and consumed by everything.


Maybe for a moment she was.


She laid trembling beneath him, lost in sensation when he came a few moments later, his own spasms turning her on even more fiercely. He finished and slipped out of her, leaning up against her on the blanket and brining her into his arms. Derek held her so tightly. It didn’t hurt, but she could feel his own need in it too, as if his own need was as deep as her own. He clung to her as if she were a life raft in the middle of the Pacific, and she burrowed into him, relieved to be in strong arms for just one night.




Chapter Twelve


“So,” Tess said, grinning back at him. “Did I surprise you or what?”


Derek licked his lips at the exquisite sight before him. Tess. Tess with her creamy thighs exposed under the edge of his old t-shirt. Tess with a stack of thick pancakes piled up onto two plates on the kitchen table.


Well, they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but he’d like a little of all she was offering, in all honesty.


“Are you on the menu, too?”


“Right now? It’s blueberry pancakes and some whipped cream, but we can certainly put the latter to creative use this morning,” she purred, grinning back at him. “I’ve always wanted to try so many things,” she finished, sitting down at the table and digging into her stack with gusto.


Derek whistled. He appreciated a woman with a hearty appetite. In his experience, it meant she was a girl that didn’t have pretention. Following her lead, he dug into his own plate. “Besides breakfast and an encore, what else do you have in mind, blondie?” he asked, biting into the pancake and moaning a little. The fact that she’d been able to scrape up the ingredients of his wasteland of his kitchen impressed him even further.


Tess was gifted.


“Does it have to be too agenda-based? We fuck a little, eat a little, just relax. I can’t think of a better thing to do on a lazy Saturday.”


“Sounds like a deal to me,” he said, munching quietly for a moment, still turning over in his head how to ask her about the lost and found of the hospital without sounding like he had an agenda. He had less than forty-eight hours to get Spike’s blade back to him, but as dire as it was, he didn’t want Tess to realize that, in part, he was using her for information. He certainly didn’t want to be, but he wasn’t sure he had a choice either. After all, in his years of life, he’d certainly gotten used to breathing. However, he shouldn’t have worried about him being the one to make it awkward, not exactly.


She started in with her own questions.


“You said security, right?”


He nodded but avoided the intense hazel gaze trying to pry more details from him. “In a fashion, yup.”


“Not a regular cop or a mall cop.”


“God never. I’m not ‘serve and protect’ or Paul Blart type.”


She eyed him and blushed. “Nah, you’d scare some preteen perp to death before he even thought of stealing something from Spencer’s. I think most mall cops have to be over sixty by some weird, reverse psychology state law. Hmm, maybe warehouse surveillance? I heard there was this huge shootout a few days ago in the warehouse district north of town. You hear anything about that?”


Derek swallowed so hard he almost choked. As it was, he had to guzzle down a lot of milk to get the last bits of pancake down his gullet. “Nope,” he struggled out. “I’m not that type either. What does it really matter?”


“I guess because I’d like to know. In the cold light of day, I don’t know if I can live on half-answers.”


“Maybe I’m not ready to give out everything, Tess,” he said, his voice low, strained. “Besides, I have a few questions of my own. I left one of my possessions behind at the hospital. I was wondering if you’d seen it?”


She frowned and nodded. “The switchblade? Yeah, since you left it, we assumed it was trash. Since it’s actually worth a small bit, we put it in the hospital’s sort of lost graveyard. You can go back for it if you need it. Hell, I can get it for you. I did notice the funniest thing about it, though,” she said, biting her lip.


He had only known Tess a few days, but he knew a few of her nervous tells by now. She was avoiding something.


“What? Something’s still on your mind, so spill.”


“What type of security do you do?”


“Need to know basis only,” he hedged, damned if now he was going to lose the knife and his life to her games. He cared about her but not enough to risk his freedom or to reveal exactly what he did for the Blacktop Sinners. “What’s wrong with my knife?”


“I…it had red stains on it still by the hilt. Was it blood?”


“Excuse me?” He asked, forcing his tone to stay level. If he hadn’t panicked before Bones’s bloodthirsty kill now and ask questions later policy, he certainly wasn’t going to now. “What kind of question is that?”


“Well it is the mountains. Maybe you were hunting a rabbit or it was from a squirrel you skinned. It just was odd. Before I give it back to you, I’d like to know exactly what was on it. It’s not human blood is it?”


His muscles tensed, but he kept himself from flinching under her scrutiny. “Of course not, and that’s an insane question. Who the hell runs around with a switchblade covered in blood?”


“Someone who wasn’t intending to get caught? Someone who crashed not too far from a warehouse shootout? Seriously, Derek, what’s going on here? Look me in the eyes and tell me it’s just a hunting knife---poor choice of one but still---tell me it’s nothing.”


“I need that knife,” he said, not trusting those intense hazel eyes
to see right through him if he lied.


“Then,” she said, standing up and storming to the bedroom. “I need to go home. I don’t deal with liars, and I certainly don’t deal with whoever the hell you really are.”

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