Forever (26 page)

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Christian

BOOK: Forever
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Katy knew what Dr. Deming was going to say next. With everything in her she fought to stay seated, to not bolt from the room and run to Dayne and never, ever leave his side again. She gripped the edges of the chair. “Yes.”

“Unfortunately, if we don’t see some sort of sign in the next few days, we’ll have no choice but to transfer him to a long-term facility. We’ll begin the process tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? The sound of it shook her, threatened to drop her 202


to her knees. Long-term meant indefinitely. Months and mon then years and years.

A lifetime even. Where are You, God? \ isn’t Dayne waking up? What’s happening to us? She tried totill of something to say, but nothing would come. The tick olii clock on the opposite wall grew louder. Tick… tick… ic mocking her, laughing at her. Time was running out. An \ now the doctors here would wash their hands of Daync. then what?

Dr. Deming was saying something about the transfer and I Dayne would receive around-the-clock care, and that as to! he was breathing there was hope.

“Physical therapists will tinue to work his arms and legs and turn him on a regular s(ii ule to encourage circulation.”

Turn him? Katy shuddered. Was this really happening was supposed to be back in Bloomington working with R11()Iii and Bethany and Ashley on the final details for Cinderellti what was this nightmare she was caught up in?

The doctor seemed to be waiting for some kind of respoild Katy swallowed. “So we need a miracle.”

“Yes.” Dr. Deming didn’t look confident of the possilu “I’m afraid so.” She stood. “I will be working with Dayne’s of doctors on a placement. There’s a very capable long 1, facility not too far from here.” She pulled a packet from I folder and handed it to Katy. “The first page gives details on particular location. You can look through a few other choi( the local vicinity.” Her expression was shadowed with 101 o “We’ll be discussing options later today. I believe we’ll all that the facility closest to the medical center would make Ii II smoothest transition.” She took a few steps toward the (1,,. “That’s all.

I’ll keep you posted about the logistics 01 transfer.”

When Dr. Deming was gone, Katy covered her face wit hands. She was alone in the room, so it was okay to cry. So d she denied herself the chance. When she was with Day


11t.t goal was to stay upbeat. If Dayne could hear her, she utildn’t sit at his bedside weeping. Never. Tears in Dayne’s presit e were silent and hidden. When she took breaks for meals, jr ‘lipped into a functional existence, numb from the entire sit-kNotion. And when she finally made it back to her hotel, she was

Do tired to cry.

But here, with the latest news crashing over her like a collapsig building, the ocean of tears inside her finally overflowed. Dr. eming’s news was devastating.

Not because anything had unged but because she was giving up. And she had seemed like te would never, ever give up on Dayne. Katy’s tears became lbs, and the helplessness surrounding her became anger. God fuld’ve prevented this. He could’ve caused the paparazzi to Ick to their lanes of traffic, and He could’ve let Dayne be ten et farther up the road or ten feet back. Anywhere but in the ith of an oncoming truck.

God, I’m so mad. Dayne and I… we’ve been through so much, Id now this? Was it wrong to believe that life might actually turn a right? The doctors are willing to give up on him, and now You rt loo. Is that it?

Bitterness shot out another root, another branch, and her tort had little room to breathe. She wiped her tears, stood, and Wed to the office window. I’m sorry, Lord. I don’t want to be Ver. She caught a series of quick breaths. Anger doesn’t feel ght either.

Across Wilshire Boulevard she spotted a building with a gar-en on top-like the hotel where she and Dayne had found race that night during the first part of the trial.

“I miss him so much.” The words came in anguished whistrs. “We need a miracle, Father. I know I’m just one person and and You hear so many cries. But we need Your help. Tonight. lease tonight.”

Katy held her breath, needing an answer as badly as she t eded her next heartbeat. She focused all her senses on just 204

one-listening. But the only sounds were the tick of the clock and the distant hum of traffic on the streets below. She began to shiver, and she realized why.

Back at the beginning of this freefall, hope had been a roaring flame, warming her to her core. But now not even a flicker of hope could be seen, and the dimly glowing embers that lay at the deepest, darkest places of her being were not enough to make a difference.

She exhaled and hung her head. Dayne couldn’t have her like this, weeping, falling apart. So maybe she should go somewhere different. Dayne’s studio had provided her an around-the-clock car and driver. It was the least they could do, the director had told her. She could contact the driver and ask to take a drive to the mountains or into the desert. Somewhere the paparazzi could not follow her to, a place where she could finish crying and beg God again and again for a change in Dayne. Yes, that’s what she would do. Find a change of scenery.

Before she could find the will to turn around, before she could make herself locate the driver’s number, she heard footsteps near the door.

“Katy?” It was a woman’s voice.

She wiped her eyes and turned toward the sound. Standing there, her eyes red and swollen, was Randi Wells.

From the beginning Randi had been on the list of approved visitors. Katy had added a few more names-Dayne’s current director, his agent, and several people whom the two of them suggested. Even so, Katy had seen almost no visitors. His agent stopped in once a week, and the director had come by twice. They would stand by Dayne’s bed, helpless, and after a few minutes they would mumble something about being sorry and leave.

Not until now had Katy seen Randi Wells.

Here, in the harsh glow of the fluorescent hospital lights, she didn’t look like America’s golden actress. She looked like any other person stricken by grief, trapped in the maze of pain and uncertainty. She took a step closer. “Can I talk to you?”


“Yes.” Katy motioned to the chairs where she and Dr. Deming had sat a few minutes ago. When they were seated, facing each other, Katy saw an abyss of fear in the woman’s eyes. Dayne had mentioned that Randi didn’t care much for Christianity or faith or God for that matter. One of his goals during the filming had been to change her mind.

Katy’s heart went out to the popular actress. The tragedy was all but impossible with faith. How must it feel without it? “You’ve been in to see Dayne?”

Randi folded her hands and stared at them for a moment. When she lifted her head, her chin trembled. “You have to understand something.” Her expression tightened, and she allowed a few gut-wrenching sobs. “I couldn’t bear to come before this. I kept waiting to hear it on the news: `Dayne Matthews makes complete recovery.- She steadied herself. “See … Dayne was my rock for the few months before his. . before this.”

Dayne was Randi’s rock? Jealousy tried to take over, but Katy resisted it. Dayne hid nothing from her. Katy knew Randi’s marriage was in trouble and that she sought Dayne often for advice. The fact that he also spent his days on screen pretending to be in love with the woman rankled Katy, but she let the feeling pass. “I’m sorry.”

“I know. You’ve lost so much more than I have. I keep thinking how selfish I am, missing his friendship and stumbling around in the dark without him. But never once . . never one time coming here to tell you how sorry I am for you.”

The hopelessness in Randi’s voice was terrifying, and it gave Katy a chilling glimpse of life without salvation. No matter how dim, she must never let the fire of hope inside her die. Never. She put her hand on Randi’s shoulder and begged God for the right words. “Have you prayed for him?” She was no longer intimidated by the woman. Never mind that Randi was known throughout the world.

Here she was just one more lost soul, a


person deeply in need of the lifeline only Jesus Christ could offer.

“I saw the Bible on the chair.” Randi sniffed twice. “Is it yours?”

Katy brought her hand back to her lap and nodded. “I read it to him. The doctors think maybe he can hear us.”

“Great.” She let loose a single sob. “Then he would’ve heard me crying.”

She wasn’t sure if Randi wanted to talk about the Bible, but it didn’t matter.

Dayne would’ve wanted her to pray. “If he heard you cry, then he’ll be feeling sad. But maybe now you and I can go back in there and pray for him.”

“Pray for him?” A frown creased her otherwise-smooth forehead. “How can you, Katy? After all this time?” She leaned back in her seat, defeated. “Dayne read his Bible every night; I’m sure you know that. He prayed for me and the cast and you.” She jerked her thumb toward the hallway. “Jesus was the guy’s best friend, and look where it got him.” She narrowed her eyes. “What proof do you have that God isn’t just a nice fairy tale?”

Her words hit Katy slowly. Understanding dawned in her heart, and she looked deep into Randi’s eyes. No matter what the accident had taken from Katy, from Dayne, it hadn’t taken her faith. She felt God giving her strength, felt the answer coming to her crystal clear. “He’s alive, isn’t he? He kept his leg.”

Passion filled her tone. “The Lord’s been here with Dayne, with me, every day since the accident. More than that, if God calls Dayne home, he’ll go straight to heaven. Forever.” A smile lifted the corners of her lips. “What more could he want?”

Randi studied Katy as if she were an otherworldly creature. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“I am.” She stood and reached for Randi’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go back and ask God for a miracle. You could do that, couldn’t you?”

Randi looked like she wanted to shake her head, run back 207

down the hall to the elevator, and never venture to the hospital again. But gradually the doubt in her eyes lifted, and her eyes had the guileless look of a trusting child. “That’s what Dayne would want, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

Then, without further conversation or analysis, they walked to Dayne’s room.

Katy explained that Randi didn’t need to speak; she could agree in her heart with everything Katy was saying and that would be the same thing. Then for the next several minutes they did just that, asking God-once more-for a miracle this very day.

When they finished, the fear in Randi’s face was gone. “I think-” she looked at Dayne, and her eyes welled with tears- “when he wakes up, I’m going to ask him about the Bible.” She tried to laugh, but it came out like a cry. She leaned over him and kissed the top of his head. Then she turned to Katy. “I might as well see what the fuss is all about.”

Again Katy kept her jealousy at bay. “I think Dayne would like that.”

Randi thanked Katy and was halfway to the door when she stopped and turned. “I almost forgot.” She pulled a stack of magazines from her oversize bag. “These came out today. You might not want to see them-” she frowned-“but I thought you should.”

Katy’s heart fell. More tabloid news. She took the stack. “Thanks.” She gave the actress a sad smile. “I guess you know all about this stuff.”

“It doesn’t make it any easier.” She looked at Dayne once more. “He’s the real deal.” Her eyes found Katy’s again. “You’re very lucky, Katy Hart.” Guilt flashed in her expression. “The truth is, I would’ve stolen him from you in a minute, but he wouldn’t bite. Not at all. All he’s ever been to me is a friend.

He only has eyes for you.” A sad smile played on her lips. “But I guess you already know that.”


There it was. The admission that Randi did indeed have fed ings for Katy’s fiance. But something else. The proof that Dayn( had never shown any interest.

Katy wanted to be mad, but sh( couldn’t. Randi Wells was only being honest, letting Katy kno that she had nothing to worry about.

Katy closed the distance between them and took Randi hands. “I do know. But thanks for saying it.” She hoped her sin cerity shone through her eyes. “And maybe someday after Daync wakes up, you and I can be friends too.”

“Yes.” Randi squeezed her fingers, then moved toward the door. “I’d like that.”

When she was gone, Katy had the sudden certainty that one day not too far off Randi would give her life to Christ, and she would most definitely become a friend. Maybe even a close friend. But before she could carry the possibility too far, she remembered the magazines. She couldn’t read them here.

But maybe there was a place she could go… .

She found her purse and the envelope tucked inside, the one Dayne’s agent had given her. It held the keys to Dayne’s Malibu house. “Use it,” the man had told her. “Dayne’s plants might need a little water, and you … well, the water might be good for you too.”

The possibility had hung in her heart since then, but she didn’t want a parade of paparazzi following her. She looked at her watch. It was only two in the afternoon. The paparazzi were used to her schedule by now. She stayed at Dayne’s side until ten or eleven every night.

The idea began to feel like it might work. She called for the car and asked for a pickup on Wilshire Boulevard-not in front of the hospital like usual. She told Dayne good-bye and promised to be back later that evening. Then she hurried down the elevator and out a lesser-known back door. She peered one way and then the other, but she could see none of the familiar cars. From there she walked to Wilshire and met her ride.


An hour later every one of Dayne’s dying plants had been watered, and Katy slipped out onto the sand with a blanket and the magazines. The beach behind the string of multimillion

dollar homes was nearly empty, the way it often was in the fall months. She walked a little ways, spread out the blanket, and sat down.

Only then did she look at the covers of the magazines. At first they looked like last week’s. “Dayne Matthews Still in a Coma.” But beneath that was a headline that made her heart sink. “Dayne’s Biological Brother Lashes Out.” Katy stared at the words, trying to comprehend the ramifications. The Baxters had been found, for sure. But what was this about Luke?

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