Forever Black (11 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

BOOK: Forever Black
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took my hand and started lightly rubbing it with his thumb. Dr. Beckett worked
his magic and put four perfect stitches above my eye. The only feeling I felt
was the warmth from Connors touch and the rapid beating of my heart as he
softly stroked my hand.

all fixed Miss Lane, do you live with someone?”

I live alone, why?”

cleared his throat, “You will have to get someone to stay with you tonight, and
you will need to be monitored for a concussion. Sometimes with head injuries,
even minor cuts, a concussion can settle in after the brain and the trauma
settle down. I’m going to write you a prescription for some pain medication,
take it only if you need to.” He glanced over at Peyton and smiled as he spoke
to me, “Take care Miss Lane and call if you have any questions.” I thought
Peyton was going to die as he walked out of the room.

staying with you tonight,” Peyton said as she got up.

looked over at her, “Ellery will be staying with me tonight Peyton.”

started to pout, “Elle is that true? We can have a girl’s night?” I looked over
at Connor then back at Peyton and could not believe these two were fighting
over whom I was staying with.

took Peyton’s hand, “Listen, you are my best friend, and I love you, but I
think its best I stay at Connor’s tonight, anyway, we are leaving in the
morning for Michigan.”

mouth dropped, “What? The two of you are going to Michigan together? Why?”

and I are taking a road trip.” I looked at him and winked.

but as soon as you get back we are having a girl’s night.”

smiled and hugged her, “I will and we will, now go find Dr. Beckett; I didn’t
see a ring on his finger, and I could tell he liked you.”

gigantic smile grew across her face, “Do you think?”

know so, now go.”

started to walk out of the room and then turned around and looked at Connor, “You
better take care of her and make sure she’s alright. She’s like a sister to
me.” He smiled at her.

looked at Connor who was helping me from the bed, “Why would you pass out like
that? Is something wrong with you?” he asked.

grabbed my purse, “I don’t know, I think I took too hot a bath.”

need to be more careful.” He lightly took a hold of my arm as we walked down
the corridor. My eyes widened as I saw Dr. Taub walking in the opposite
direction towards us. My heart started racing as I did not want to talk to him,
especially in front of Connor.

Lane?” He said as he looked at the bandage above my eye.

Taub, lovely to see you again,” I faked a grin.

Lane what happened to you?”

I fell and hit my head; I tripped in the hallway.”

looked at me curiously, “How have you been feeling?”

been feeling great Dr. Taub, now if you will excuse me; I have to get this
prescription filled.”

of course,” he said as he looked directly at Connor.

a good day Dr. Taub,” I smiled as I could not get away from him fast enough.

do you know him Ellery?”

knew that brief encounter would trigger questions. I looked straight ahead at
the sliding doors.

my family doctor; I’ve seen him a couple of times since I’ve moved here.”

couple of times and he knows you like that? Why would he ask you how you’re

why does he have to ask so many questions, he doesn’t explain anything to me
when I ask him questions?

saw him a couple of months ago for a bad cold I had. He is a good doctor and truly
concerned for all of his patients.” We walked out the door as the cold air hit
me and cooled my burning body.

slid into the back of the Limo as Denny turned and looked at me, “I’m glad to
see you’re doing better Miss Lane.”

gave him a heartfelt smile, “Thank you Denny, I appreciate it.”

looked over at me and smiled, “Denny almost got fired today.”

looked at him; shocked expression on my face, “What, why?”

didn’t pick me up for my meeting. It wasn’t until he called and told me that he
drove you to the hospital because you cut your head.”

looked at him with a confused look. “Didn’t you drive yourself to work this

yes I did,” he answered.

ran my tongue across my lips to moisten them, “Then why didn’t you just drive
yourself to the meeting, especially if he was running late?” I heard Denny
lightly laugh from the front seat, and I think Connor did to by the irritated
look on his face.

suppose I could have but…”

tilted my head, “There’s no but. You were going to fire him for not picking you
up when you had a vehicle the whole time? I’m sorry he couldn’t call you, but
he was concerned about me Connor Black, and for that you should be grateful. I
could have bled to death on the streets of New York.” I was silently grinning.

looked at me and rolled his eyes, “Now you’re being a drama queen.”

let out my silent smile, “I know and I’m good at it to.”

laughed as he took my hand and gently squeezed it. I laid my head his shoulder
as my body warmed from his touch, and my heart started beating faster.

Chapter 17


walked into my cold apartment and headed straight to my room to pack my bags.
“Help yourself in the kitchen, there’s not much, but if you can find something
it’s yours,” I yelled. I grabbed what clothes I needed from my closet and
drawers and folded them neatly into my suitcase. I looked up and saw Connor
standing in the doorway with his arm up on the frame of the door.

did you lie to that doctor and tell him you tripped over something in the

shit, he wasn’t going to let this go. I looked down and continued packing, “I
don’t know, I wasn’t going to tell him I fainted then he would make a big deal
about it and want me to get a bunch of tests done, that’s what doctors do.”

said you took too hot of a bath.”

stopped and looked at him, now seriously irritated, “I did Connor now let it go
for fuck sake. You talk about me asking a billion questions, it’s different
when it’s you, right?” My voice grew louder.

walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, “I’m sorry, I did not mean
to upset you.”

first mistake was looking into his beautiful green eyes because before I knew
it I cupped his face in my hands as I so desperately wanted to kiss him, taste
him and feel him. I was vulnerable at that moment, and for one second, I didn’t
care; all I knew is I needed him in ways every woman needs a man. Then reality
hit me, “I’m sorry I raised my voice, I’m just tired.”

let go of his face and turned to zip up my suitcase. He grabbed my arm, turned
me to face him and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace.
This was the first real hug we ever shared. His arms were strong, and he made
me feel safe. I closed my eyes as I took in his scent that made me weak but
excited. He didn’t say a word, and it felt like we stayed in each other’s arms
for eternity. He broke the embrace and turned away like he did something wrong.
“We should get going.”

it hit me; I never made it to my work to give my notice. I shook my head and

wrong?” Connor asked.

was on my way to the record studio to give my notice, and I just realized I
never made it there.”

your notice, why are you quitting?” Connor grabbed my suitcase, and we walked
out into the living room. My face lit up as I was about to tell him the good

completely forgot to tell you, my paintings sold, all three of them,” I
excitedly said. “Now the owner wants to contract me and my paintings, and that’s
a full-time job.”

smiled at me, “That’s brilliant news Ellery, congratulations.”

I was grabbing the last of my things, my phone rang; it was my cousin Debbie. I
asked Connor to go in my desk drawer and grab a piece of paper and pen so I
could write down the name and address of the funeral home. I took down the
information and hung up. I turned around as Connor was staring at my list I
keep in the drawer.

this?” he casually asked.

walked over and took it from him, “Just a list of things I would like to do in
my lifetime. I wrote it after Kyle moved out, kind of a new start on life list.”

looked at me only the way Connor could and said, “Ok, ready to go?”

locked up the apartment and headed to the Limo. I called my boss at the record
company and explained to him what happened and how I was on my way in give my
notice. I explained to him how much I liked working there, but my painting was
now going to become a full-time job. He congratulated me and told me if I ever
needed a job he would take me back.

arrived back at Connors penthouse as he took my suitcase upstairs. I followed
him and fell back onto the large comfy bed.

looked down at me, “Do you like this bed?”

smiled, “Yes, it is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.”

held out his hand to help me up, “Are you up for some Chinese food?”

smiled as my stomach growled, “Sounds delicious.”

walked down to the kitchen where Connor opened the drawer, pulled out a menu
and sat on the bar stool next to me, “What do you like?”

leaned closer as his scent filled me with excitement. I wanted to respond, I
like you, but that would not be a cool move, “I like just about anything, you

looked at me, “sweet and sour pork, chicken fried rice, Mongolian beef and egg

a lot of food Mr. Black, is anyone joining us?”

I’m going to make sure you eat.”

rolled my eyes and then held my hand over my cut, “Ouch.”

smiled as he looked at me, “Stop rolling your eyes at me and it won’t hurt.”

stop making me roll my eyes at you and I will.”

chuckled and grabbed his phone to call in the order. He poured us some wine and
led me to the living room where we sat on the couch. The fireplace was on and
had warmed the room nicely. I sat with my leg under the other and faced him.

want to know more about you Connor Black.”

looked surprised as he responded, “What’s to tell?”

took in a deep breath, “We’re friends right?”

nodded his head, “Of course we are.”

know things about each other. It doesn’t have to be intimate or deeply personal
things, but I want to know about where you come from and your family or even
your business. Of all the time we have spent together hanging out, you have
never told me anything about your family other than I know you have a sister
who is an interior designer. You know a lot about me, and I know nothing about
you. I feel like this friendship is one-sided Connor.”

stared at me as he drank his wine, being cautious as to what he was going to
say to me. He ran one hand through his hair, “You’re right, and I’m sorry, I
just don’t like to talk about my life with anyone. It’s not that it’s a bad
life; I’m just a very personal person and I like it that way.” I looked down
disappointed as he leaned over and cupped my chin in his hand. He lifted it so
that I was looking into his eyes, “Give me some time; this friendship thing is
new to me. You need to understand that I’ve never been just friends with a
woman before.”

thought of the tall beautiful woman entered my mind as he said that and with me
and my big mouth I said, “But you said you and that woman you’re always with
are just friends, so you have other women that are friends, right?”

looked at me intently, “It’s different and I’d rather not discuss it now.”

doorbell rang, and he got up to answer it. I sat there wondering what the hell
I was doing. Was I playing a game? Was I his game? Was he using me to prove
something? He came back with the cartons of Chinese food, plates and

I have the chopsticks please?” I asked. He looked in the bag and pulled out a
pair and handed them to me.

are you doing?” I asked him as he started to put food on his and my plate.

serving dinner?” He looked at me with a - are you stupid - look. I shook my
finger from side to side.

me,” I said as I grabbed the cartons. “Grab your chopsticks,” I told him.

don’t know how to use chopsticks, I could never get those things right.”

will teach you then.”

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