Forever Black (13 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

BOOK: Forever Black
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not, even if you’ve been hurt before, you pick yourself up and move on. Everyone’s
been hurt at least once in their life, some more than others, but you have to
make a choice what to do with that hurt.” I sounded way too casual about that,
and who was I to talk anyway.

not that simple Ellery, trust me.”

you don’t ever want to get married or have children and do the whole perfect
family thing?”

looked at me with such seriousness it startled me, “No, I never want any of
that and to quote you, nothing lasts forever.”

could just kick myself for saying that to him. It was true, but I did not mean
to live a life of loneliness and misery.

really need to stop quoting that Connor, I think you took it the wrong way.”

of which way I took it, I mean it, I already told you that I do not do
relationships, and I mean that.”

looked out the window, “I know.”

was starting to regret asking him to tell me about himself. I think it was
better if I didn’t know, maybe then I wouldn’t be hurting so much.

Chapter 19


had been driving about 4 hours as Connor pulled off the expressway and stopped
for gas. “I’m going to fill her up, and then we’ll get something to eat,” he
said as he got out of the car. I got out and walked around stretching out my
back and legs. I walked over to the gas pump where Connor was pumping gas and
kissed him on the cheek.

was that for?” He asked.

just a thank you for telling me about your family.” He gave me that heart
melting smile of his.

going in the shop to get a couple of things.”

entered the store and headed right to the candy isle. I scanned the rows trying
to decide what I wanted when Connor came up behind me, “You’re going to fill
your body with this junk?” He asked.

turned quickly to face him, and a wave of dizziness fell over me as I stumbled
into him and he caught me. “Ellery, are you alright?”

held my head, “I’m fine. I just got a little light-headed.” He held me until it

knew we should have waited an extra day to leave. You are not ready to travel
yet, and you need to rest more.”

was feeling better and could have lifted my head up from his chest, but I liked
where it was. “Connor, stop being protective, I’m fine, it’s probably the pain Meds
I took.” I lied; I never took any, but I didn’t want him worrying about me.

I’m finding us a hotel, and we’re stopping for the rest of the day. We’ll
continue first thing tomorrow. We’ll be in Michigan in plenty of time for the

but let’s get something to eat and drive for a couple of more hours before
stopping for the night. Go grab one of those little baskets over there,” I said
to Connor as I pointed by the door.

aren’t seriously buying that much, are you?”

Mr. Black, if you must know the truth, it’s my PMS time.”

took a step back and put his hands up, “Whoa, enough said.”

grinned as I picked up a bag of Fritos, Cheetos, a Hersey bar(king size), a Twix
bar, a small pack of chocolate donuts, 3 cans of coke, a bag of tiny twist
pretzels and a jar of Nutella. Connor looked in the basket and then at me with
a horrified look on his face.

you’re the one who wanted to take me on this road trip. I’m just trying to keep
the peace because without these foods for a woman at that time of the month,” I
waved my hand. “Well, you don’t really want to know.”

put the basket on the counter. The cashier overheard our conversation, she
looked at Connor and said, “Trust her; we girls are two sheets short of psycho
when it comes to our special little time.”

just stood there and looked at both of us, speechless, as she rang up the food.
She gave me the total, and I looked at Connor.

looked at me in confusion, “Really? You want me to pay for this crap?”

cashier leaned over the counter and looked him straight in the eyes, “Remember,
2 sheets short of psycho.”

pulled out his wallet and paid as he was mumbling under his breath. He took the
bag and headed out. I looked at the cashier and high fived her, “Thank you.”

girls need to stick together,” she said. I walked out of the store smiling as
he sat in the car waiting for me.

headed back to the interstate as he looked at me.

I smiled.

crazy; I just wanted you to know that.”

laughed, “Awe sweetie, I know, but I promise it’s only for a few days.”

shook his head, and I saw how hard he was trying to fight a smile. We saw some
signs on the interstate for some restaurants. I was going to be polite and let
him pick where he wanted to eat. He got off at the next exit, and we entered
restaurant haven.

your pick Mr. Black, the call is yours,” I said as I moved my hand around.

really don’t care where we eat?”

looked at him and tilted my head, “No, pick wherever you want, I like just
about anything.”

then,” he smiled. “There’s a seafood restaurant over there.”

pressed my lips together and didn’t say anything. I didn’t like seafood, but I
said it was his pick, and if that’s what he wanted then that’s what we’ll have.
They should have something non-seafood. We got out of the car as he held his
arm out for me. I hooked my arm around his as we walked into the restaurant.

I said as I looked around at the sharks and swordfish mounted to the walls. A
cute little blonde girl walked over to us and said there was about a 30 minute
wait; this was my chance to get the hell out of here. I didn’t like staring at
those things on the wall; they’re creepy.

minutes is a long time to wait Connor; maybe we should go somewhere else.”

looked at me with a smile, “30 minutes is nothing, and time will fly by. Go
look at those lobsters over there.”

flinched because I hated to see them in those glass tanks, moving around not
knowing they were next to be thrown into a pot of boiling water. He grabbed my
hand and led me to the bar, “We’ll sit here and have a drink until they call

sat on the stool as the bartender, a very attractive woman with long brown
curly hair and large perky boobs, walked over to us, but only made eye contact
with Connor. She leaned over the bar, not taking notice that I’m sitting right
next to him, and with her low-cut top and cleavage hanging out she says, “What
will it be handsome?”

gave her a flirtatious smile and leaned in closer, “I’ll have a sex with the
bartender.” I gasped, and with a horrified look on my face, I looked at him.

sex with a bartender coming right up stud,” she winked.

looked over at me as I clenched my jaw and took in a deep breath. I could not
believe he just did that and right in front of me. I bit the inside of my cheek
and contemplated.

sweetheart, when you get his drink don’t forget to bring those luscious boobies
over here,” I smiled. The look on Connors face was priceless after that statement.

what the hell are you doing?” he whispered.

Am I embarrassing you Mr. I’ll have sex with a bartender?”

came over and handed him his drink, looked at me and in an irritated way asked
me what I wanted. I looked at her and pouted, “Don’t you think it’s only fair
that you give me the same kind of service you’re giving him? Why should he be
the only one to get to see your boobies? I like them to.”

threw some money on the bar and stood up, “Come on honey, I think our table is

smiled and winked at her as she gave me a dirty look and turned away. Connor
leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “Point taken, you bad girl.”

love it Mr. Black and you know it.” He smiled as the waitress showed us to our

I opened the menu and guess what, no non-seafood
items existed. Shit, I thought to myself. What was I going to order? Well, I do
have a car full of junk food if it comes down to it.

are you going to order Ellery?”

looked up from my menu and glared at him, “I’m not sure; I’m torn at the

waitress came by and asked to take our drink orders. Connor spoke up before I
could tell her I wanted a Cosmopolitan.

set, and she’ll have a coke.”

frowned, “I wanted a Cosmo Connor.”

after that little stunt, who knows what that bartender would do to that drink.”

laughed and continued looking at the menu. As soon as the waitress brought my
coke, she asked us if we were ready to order. Connor closed his menu and looked
at me. I glanced up at the waitress and bit my lip. Connor looked at her, “Give
us a minute please.” I looked at him; I think he realized I didn’t like

don’t like seafood do you?” I stared at him while biting my lower lip.

didn’t you say something?” He said as he ran his hands through his hair.

I wanted you to have what you wanted.”

looked at me with those beautiful green eyes and suddenly they turned evil. He
didn’t say a word, but he was scaring me as he waved for the waitress to come

going to order for us,” he said. Uh oh, now I’m in trouble.

will start with an order of Calamari, crab legs and a lobster tail for each of
us, also throw in an order of broiled scallops.

waitress looked at me, and I managed a slight smile. Connor crossed his hands
and placed his elbows on the table.

the times when you made me eat things; the pizza, hot dog and let’s not forget
the use of the chopsticks?”

just stared at him. Two can play this game.

I do and I’m fine with everything you ordered.”

see about that,” he smirked.

leaned over the table, “You’re a vicious man Connor Black.”

leaned in closer until we were face to face, “Not as vicious as you darling.” I
sat back, smiled and reveled in the moment when he called me darling.

waitress came and set the calamari in the center of the table. I looked at it
and then at Connor. I got out my phone and Googled calamari; my eyes widened as
“squid” appeared. I looked up at Connor; he was laughing at me.

Googled it didn’t you?”

shook my head and took a sip of my coke. His laughing subsided, and he looked
at me with a serious face.

don’t have to eat it, I’m sorry.”

took in a deep breath, “No it’s ok, and I’m going to try it. It is the least I
can do for everything you have done for me.” He lightly smiled as I took a
piece from the plate and inspected it.

Elle, don’t, I know you don’t want to.”

took a small bite and started chewing; his eyes intently watched me as I was
eating the Calamari and making faces. He took out his phone and started taking
pictures of me, “This is classic,” he laughed. The Calamari wasn’t as awful as
I thought it would be.

bad boy bring on the next one.”

threw his head back and laughed as the waitress brought the scallops and
lobster tails. I stabbed a scallop with my fork and held it up to my mouth as
he smiled and took a picture. I ate it and to my surprise, enjoyed it. I held
up the lobster tail and pouted at it as he took another picture. We both
laughed and talked throughout dinner. I will admit I liked it all; this new
seafood experience agreed with me. We finished up and left the restaurant.
Connor put his arm around me and pulled me close. I put my hand on his chest
and my head on his shoulder as we walked to the Range Rover.

drove till we found a hotel. We only passed a billion of them, but Mr. Fancy
pants had to have the best, so we drove out-of-the-way to the Ritz Carlton.

Chapter 20


pulled up as he let the valet park his Range Rover. He walked up to the desk
and gave them his last name. I watched the girls behind the counter giggle and
eye him. He must have seen it to because he flashed them his flirty smile. I
rolled my eyes.

bellhop took our suitcases and led us in the elevator. “Welcome to the Ritz
Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Black.”

looked over at Connor as he began to speak, “Oh we’re not…” I cut him off.

you so much, what my husband is trying to say is that we will not be staying
long.” Connor gave me a perplexed look.

elevator took us to the Presidential Suite. The door opened, and I glanced over
at Connor, “The presidential suite, really, for one night?”

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