Forever Love (Arabesque) (18 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Forever Love (Arabesque)
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“What an idiot,” Gia muttered as soon as Keith left the room.

“See, that’s what I’m talking ’bout. Now you’re on my side again, the right side.”

“Not him,
” Gia snapped at him, then walked out.

Bill looked around the empty office; then, seeing his cup and saucer, he grabbed them from the conference room table and stuffed them in his jacket pocket. He turned to see Keith’s assistant standing at the open door. Kate smiled, seeing exactly what he did. “This way out, Mr. Axelby.”

Bill dropped the cup and saucer on the table and strolled out. “Yeah, whatever,” he said, catching up with Gia at the elevators.

“Are you going back to the office?” she asked him.

“No, I’m gonna make a stop. It’s time to make a move.”

She wasn’t interested in his cryptic meaning, so she just let his comment go. Whatever he had to do was fine with her. She didn’t want to deal with him right now. “All right, whatever, I’ll see you later.”

As soon as Gia got to her car, she pulled out her cell phone and texted Keith.

I had no idea Bill was going to go off like that. I still hope we can get together and talk. I’m very encouraged by your ideas.
She waited a few minutes, but got no reply.

Chapter 20

he message from his father’s campaign office was simple. Lester Jameson was doing a press conference in thirty minutes. Keith hated to cut his time short with Gia, but he had no choice. He had always felt that law and business would always be his top priority, but now he had a new priority—his love for Gia. He smiled, thinking that she looked incredible. Just seeing her, even briefly, had changed his demeanor.

His cell phone beeped. It was a message from Gia. He smiled and was typing a reply when a phone call from his father interrupted him. He answered the call. “Hey Dad, what’s up?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m still at the office. I’m headed your way now.”

“Turn on channel seven news now,” Blake said.

“Okay, give me a second.” Keith dropped his briefcase onto the chair and grabbed the remote control and turned on the large-screen TV in his office. He switched to channel seven to see Lester Jameson standing in his City Hall office with two OCC members at his side.

“What the hell?” Keith increased the volume.

“ allegations have been brought to my attention from local blogger Danny Mead and OCC head, Bill Axelby. Should these allegations prove true and viable, then it puts the mayor’s actions in question and we need to look very seriously at the power given to our elected officials. No one, I repeat, no one is above the law in this city, and I promise right now to see that this investigation is handled fairly and thoroughly and lasts as long as needed. And that said, I’d like to...”

“What was that?” Keith asked aloud.

“That’s what I want to know,” Blake said, still on the phone.

“I’m on my way,” Keith said, in full damage control mode. He made phone calls from his car, setting a response in motion. If Lester wanted to fight dirty to the end, then he was ready.

Twenty minutes later Keith parted a throng of reporters still camped out at City Hall. By the time he’d gotten to his father’s office, he was furious. It was no mistake. He stood in the office watching the news feed again with his mother and father. The replay was exactly the same as it had been a half hour earlier. Bill Axelby stood beside Lester Jameson as the announcement was made. He smiled and nodded as Lester spoke about integrity and the future of the city.

“What happened?” Marian asked Keith.

“I don’t know yet,” Keith said, shaking his head, “but I intend to find out.”

“How is OCC involved?” Blake asked.

“I told Gia the general economic plan and it looks like she went to Jameson with it,” Keith said in utter surprise.

“Disappointing,” Blake said.

“Yes, very,” Marian agreed.

Keith’s eyes narrowed. He fumed as he watched Bill formally announce the OCC position in endorsing Lester. The fact that he and Gia had just been in his office an hour earlier made it worse. “I’ll find out what happened.”

“No, let it go. The OCC endorsement is lost. We’ll move on.”

Keith knew in his heart that it wasn’t that easy. There was no way he was just going to move on that easily. Gia had betrayed and used him and he needed to know why.

There was a knock on the office door. Drew, Jeremy, Prudence and Michael walked in. Megan followed and nodded to Keith.

“Dad, you have a press conference in thirty minutes. We’re all set. Are you ready?”

Blake nodded. Marian stepped to his side and kissed him tenderly. Their sons and daughter smiled, warmed by the embrace. This was what the Washington family did better than anyone. They stood together no matter what.

* * *

Gia drove back to the office and hurried inside on hearing the phone ringing. As soon as she got to Bonnie’s desk, she saw that all six lines were lit up and ringing. She knew instantly that something was going on. She pressed the buttons silencing and putting on hold all the phones. Then she hurried to her office and turned on the television. Lester Jameson was being interviewed.

“...if these allegations are true, then we need to look very seriously at the power given our elected officials. No one, I repeat, no one is above the law in this city, and I promise right now to see that this investigation is handled fairly and thoroughly and lasts as long as needed. And that said, I’d like to...”

“What allegations?” she muttered as her cell phone rang, assuming this was what prompted Keith to end their meeting so abruptly. She looked at the caller ID. It was Val. She answered just as a commercial came on. She turned the volume down. “Hey, Val, what’s up?”

“Hey, hi, how are you?” she said awkwardly. “I know you have your hands full right now. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and let you know that I’m here if you want to talk. Did you hear from Keith yet?”

“No, why? What do you mean, about what happened today? Did he say something to you?”

“Gia, it’s on the news,” Val said.

Gia looked back at the television screen.

“...allegedly this is only the beginning in the latest scandal coming out of City Hall...”

“Val, let me call you back.”

“Okay, whatever time, it doesn’t matter. Call me.”

Gia ended the call and turned up the television’s volume. The camera cut back to the news anchor at the desk.

“Again, our top story, allegations of bribery, intimidation and corruption in Mayor Washington’s office. More after these commercial messages.”

“What?” Gia flipped channels twice, looking for the full story. Then she waited impatiently. A few minutes later the anchor came back. She turned the volume up and waited for the full story. The report stunned her:

“This evening’s top story, Lester Jameson has initiated a panel to look into the mayor’s fraudulent actions regarding corruption and kickbacks, citing deals made with large corporations for personal gain in the guise of an economic recovery program. Also, this breaking report, OCC, the Organization for Community Change, the group responsible for these allegations, has endorsed Councilman Chairman Lester Jameson for mayor of Philadelphia.”

“What? Oh, my God, Bill, what have you done?” she said, looking at her cell phone. Keith hadn’t returned her text messages and he hadn’t called. She sent another text.

Keith, please call me, doesn’t matter how late.

A second later her phone rang. She answered, expecting to hear Keith’s voice. It wasn’t him. It was her grandmother. “Hi, Grandmom,” she said. “I can’t talk right now. I’m—”

“Yes, I just saw the news report. What’s going on over there?” Julia asked.

“Bill endorsed Lester Jameson without telling me. I think they’ve been talking about this and planning it for a while. I never thought he’d jump ship like this.”

“I presumed as much. He always wanted more than OCC could give him. Perhaps he’ll find what he needs with Lester. But that doesn’t matter now. What’s your move?”

“Keith probably thinks I betrayed him. I called him and left messages, but he hasn’t returned my calls.”

“Don’t worry about Keith right now.”

“Grandmom, you don’t understand. Keith and I—”

“I know, sweetheart. You’re in love with him.”

“Yes, I am,” Gia softly admitted.

“I’m so happy for you, but you’ll talk to him later and explain. He’ll understand that Bill acted on his own.”

“I hope so. But right now I need to get control of OCC. I’m gonna make an announcement tomorrow morning that Bill was solely representing himself in his decision to endorse Jameson and I’ll disavow everything.”

“That’s a good start, but it wouldn’t completely restore faith.”

“I know, but it’ll help. OCC will be endorsing the mayor.”

“Good,” Julia said, “I’m very glad to hear that.”

“Too late for that, it’s already done.”

Gia turned around, hearing the comment. She saw Bill standing in her office doorway. He was smiling and holding a bottle of champagne.

“Grandmom, I’ll call you right back,” she said, disconnecting. “Are you insane? What have you done?” Gia said as she looked at Bill coldly.

“I did what you should have. I made a decision based on facts and not on my hormones. Man, you should see the party at Jameson’s headquarters. Now, they know how to celebrate—champagne, not beer and cold pizza.”

Bonnie and Linda hurried into the office. “Hey,” Bonnie said, out of breath, “I saw the news tonight. I didn’t know OCC was gonna make an endorsement announcement. I don’t have a press release ready. What do you want me to write? The phones are already ringing off the hook. They’re probably looking for a follow-up announcement from you, Gia.”

“I’ll tell you what to write,” Bill said. “I have some notes and highlights I want to stress. OCC will be—”

“Gia, what do you want me to write?” Bonnie said.

“OCC does not endorse Lester Jameson. I personally don’t endorse Lester Jameson. Bill, you can endorse anyone you choose but you do not represent OCC.”

“The only reason you want to endorse Washington is that you’re sleeping with his son.”

Bonnie’s and Linda’s jaws dropped as they turned in her direction for a response.

“What I do in my personal life and my relationships is none of your business.”

“They are when they affect this office.”

Gia smiled, shaking her head. “You are a piece of work. All this just to, what, to get in good with Jameson? What did he promise you, money, fame? Do you really think he’s gonna deliver?”

“It’s true, isn’t it?”

“Get out!” she demanded.

“Gladly,” Bill said, handing Bonnie the empty bottle of champagne as he walked out.

Gia took a deep breath and looked at Bonnie and Linda still standing in the office doorway. “Are you ladies still with me, with OCC?”

“Yeah, we’re here with you.”

“Thanks, we have a lot of work to do.” Gia looked at her watch. It was seven-thirty. “We need to make an announcement for the eleven o’clock news. Let’s get busy.”

The first thing Gia did was send a text message.

Bill went rogue.

Again, there was no reply from Keith, so the next few hours she was on full damage control. She’d been trying to put out media fires all evening. Bill was constantly on the news. She sent out a press release, a blog, made phone calls to the media answering questions and updated all OCC social networks. She did everything. But it was obvious that she needed to do more. Bill had always acted as the face of OCC. But she knew it was time for her to take center stage and step in front of the camera and speak.

She called Val. “Hey, I know it’s late, but do you think your friend Whitney Abbott at WPVI Action News TV Station will give me a fair interview?”

“I know she will. She’d love to have you on. Let me call her.”

Gia hung up and waited all of five minutes. Val called back. “Whitney cleared the first segment of her morning talk show, but she wanted to know if you were up to going live tonight.”

“Yes, I am,” Gia said.

With that response it happened just that fast. Before she knew it, plans and arrangements had been made and the network was sending Whitney down to the OCC office for an exclusive. Thankfully Val and Prudence came with her, adding moral support.

“Don’t worry, Gia, you’ll be fine,” Whitney said. “I’ll ask you a few simple questions to get you started. Just answer the questions as honestly as you can and then you just tell us what you want us to know.”

Prudence smiled. “You’re a natural, you’re gonna do great.”

Gia looked at Val, getting two thumbs up. “You got this.”

Gia nodded and smiled. Whitney asked her if she was ready. She nodded again and then Whitney’s cameraman started a countdown with his fingers. He got to number two, then pointed to Whitney. They were on.

She was honest and endearing and the camera loved her. She answered Whitney’s questions and ended with OCC’s firm endorsement for Blake Washington.

Shortly afterward she got the text message she’d been waiting for.

Late dinner?


Chapter 21

t one thirty Saturday morning Gia drove to Keith’s home in Chestnut Hill. It was dark but the houselights were on and she knew he was waiting for her. She got out of her car and walked to the front door guided by the landscape lighting along the path. Keith opened the door before she got there. It looked as if he had just gotten in also. He stood smiling and holding his hand out to her.

Gia smiled, knowing this was what she needed, to see him. She took his hand and he pulled her into his welcoming embrace. She closed her eyes and melted into his arms. She never wanted to leave and never wanted this feeling to end. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Seeing you makes everything so right.”

“You’re welcome.” He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She’d never felt so loved in her life. This was what she always wanted.

“Thank you for endorsing my father.”

“You’re welcome. It was deserved.”

“Come in.”

She walked in and turned to him. “That’s the first time you referred to him as your father. You usually call him the mayor.” He nodded. “We need to talk.”

“We will, later. Come.”

She followed him, but instead of going to the family room, they went up to his bedroom. As soon as he opened the door she was overwhelmed by the romantic beauty. The room was softly lit by candles aglow on the fireplace mantel and a welcoming blaze in the fireplace. “This is so beautiful.”

“A gift for you.” He handed her a small shopping bag. She recognized the logo. It was from the same boutique as before.

She smiled. “Don’t you mean for you?”

He smiled as he popped a champagne cork. “Oh, yeah, it’s definitely for me.”

She laughed as he handed her a filled glass. “Are we celebrating?”

“Yes, we’re celebrating you. Freedom—you made OCC yours.”

They toasted and then she took a sip and sighed happily. “Keith, I need you to know that I had nothing to do with what happened. I would never betray your trust. I did tell Bill about your father’s program and the companies, but I had no idea he was—”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s done and everything’s fine.”

She nodded, knowing that it was the truth. Shortly after her on-air interview, information had begun coming to light about Danny and Bill’s involvement with Lester’s campaign. It was far more involved than she thought with promises made and money exchanged. She suspected Keith knew all along.

Then video of Danny’s screaming rant outside at the press conference was shown. As the author of the allegations against the mayor, both his blog and character had quickly begun to suffer. Then his soon-to-be ex-wife stepped up and nailed him with spousal abuse and delinquent child support payments. Lester denied knowing anything and completely turned on both men as they all blamed OCC. But with her recent on-air interview, their finger-pointing accusations lacked validity.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, walking to the table and uncovering the dishes. “I stopped by the diner and picked up some—”

She came up behind him and started pulling his shirt free from his pants. “Like you said downstairs, later.” He turned around and she kissed him as their passions ignited. He undressed her and she undressed him. Then, standing naked in the glow of the fireplace, they kissed and touched, embracing the sensual feel of their bodies. Their erotic shadows, first two, then one, merged into a sensual dance displayed on the wall.

But foreplay was taking too long. He took her hand and led her to the big four-poster bed. She lay back, waiting as he covered himself. Then he entered her in one smooth, easy motion and they made sweet, slow sensual love while gazing into each other’s eyes.

Hours later, with the bed rumpled and the covers tossed to the side, Keith and Gia lay in each other’s arms. “I can’t believe it. Time moved too quickly. I feel like I just got here,” she muttered. He hummed his agreement. She sighed. “I’ve got to leave soon. It’s almost dawn.”

He wrapped his arms around her tighter. “Or not,” he said.

“It’s Saturday morning, the day after craziness, time to get back to reality. I have to go to work. You have to go to work.”

“Or not,” he muttered again. “You could stay,” he added.

“Can’t, I have nothing to wear.”

“That’s a good idea. I’m totally okay with that.”

“Okay with what?” she asked.

“You wearing nothing.” He grinned, chuckling.

“You are a dirty old man, Keith Washington,” she said, then leaned up to see him smiling with his eyes still closed. They both laughed softy. “I guess I could put on whatever’s in that small shopping bag, but I have a feeling we wouldn’t be getting a lot of work done.”

“You’ve got that right,” he assured her.

“Actually, since the staff stayed late last night, I gave everyone the morning off.”

“What about you?” he asked.

“I planned on working from home this morning.”

“Good idea, we can both work here this morning.”

“Stop tempting me,” she said. “Besides, I can’t even imagine you working from home.”

“I have in the past on occasion, but not often. So let’s do it. We’ll work from here this morning—

“What do you mean afterward?” she questioned, then giggled as he rolled on top of her and pulled the covers over them. They made love again with slow, sensual and deliberate ease. Then, just as dawn approached, they fell asleep.

Two hours later they ate breakfast and sat comfortably in his family room working. Gia, dressed in Keith’s baggy sweats and a T-shirt while her clothes were in the washer and dryer, made phone calls to shore up OCC’s position. Keith stayed on the phone with his father and assistants most of the morning.

With identical laptops opened across from each other, she worked on one side of the large desk and he across from her on the other side. Every once in a while she would look up to see him gazing at her from over the top of his monitor. “Get back to work, Keith Washington,” she scolded like a schoolteacher.

He smiled. “Or what?” he challenged.

“Or no dessert before dinner,” she warned.

“Yes, ma’am.” He buried his head and began typing faster and faster. She laughed and he joined in. “You know, I could definitely get used to this.”

“Used to what, working from home?” she asked.

“No, waking up with you, being with you all night and day.”

“Is that right?” she continued his joke.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Okay, sounds good, although I couldn’t just move in. That would be morally wrong. You’d have to make an honest woman of me. Are you prepared to do that, Mr. Washington?” she joked.

“Yeah, I can do that,” he said very seriously.

Her heart slammed hard. The look in his eyes stilled her. He was serious and they both knew it. Still, she chuckled nervously. “Okay, you do that, but right now, focus, get yourself back to work.”

Gia quickly buried her head and began typing, but she had no idea what she was working on or why. She just busied her hands to stop them from shaking. And she dared not look up no matter how much she wanted to.

Then she heard him begin typing and felt safe to glance up. She did, quickly, seeing him back to work as she had instructed. She took a deep breath. Thankfully the moment was over. Against all odds and the mental storm raging in her head, she got some work done. Then, just before noon, they stopped for lunch. She changed her clothes back to what she had worn the day before, grabbed her laptop and followed him to a small restaurant nearby. They ate and enjoyed the last few minutes of togetherness. Then, after lunch, they parted and promised to get together later that evening.

As soon as Gia got to her office, she felt safe again. But all she could think about was Keith and that one moment. Was he serious? Did they just agree to marry? She shook her head, still trying to figure out what had happened. Then it hit her. What if he was serious—

She opened her laptop and instantly realized her mistake. The desktop icons were completely different. In her scattered rush to leave, she had taken Keith’s laptop by mistake. She called him and he was on his way over. While talking she noticed an icon entitled OCC. She clicked and opened it. It showed everything there was to know about her company, including detailed information on nearly everyone there.

She really didn’t mean to be nosy. She was just curious. Truth was, she had a file on him, as well, although hers wasn’t nearly as complete. She had no idea who did his research, but they were very thorough. She opened Bill’s personnel file.

It showed everything, including exactly what he was doing involving payoffs and bribes for Lester Jameson. It even showed that the woman from Los Angeles who stood up at the Community Center was actually Lester Jameson’s mistress, paid by Bill to be there. Then she saw a notation entitled Probability Factor. It noted two words—will betray. Gia nodded, realizing Keith knew all along what was going on and she didn’t have a clue. When he had told her at one point to consider herself warned, she should have listened.

Then she opened the file entitled Gianna Duncan. She read slowly, seeing her entire life written down, including every man she’d ever dated. “Where in the world did he get all this?” she muttered. Family, friends, they were all listed. Then she saw her probability factors. It noted that getting close to her and forming an emotional bond would guarantee a favorable endorsement from OCC and could tip the electoral scales in his father’s favor.

She knew exactly what she was looking at. This was a game plan on how to manipulate her to get what he wanted. It occurred to her that all this time with Keith was just a cleverly thought out rouse to get an endorsement for his father.

It was just as Bill “the betrayer” had told her. She just wouldn’t listen. She’d been played from the very beginning. But he had warned her not to underestimate him. She couldn’t believe it. He lied about everything, including his feelings for her, just to get an endorsement. “He lied,” she said out loud.

“Gia,” Keith said, standing in the office doorway. It was obvious he’d been there awhile. He had to know what she was reading.

“You told me and I didn’t listen.”


She shook her head. “You even warned me that you were going to do this to me,” she said firmly.

“Gia, that was a long time before.”

“Before what, you got what you wanted from me? The election is Tuesday. You have my blessing. Go. It’s over.”

“It’s not over. I love you, Gia,” he said softly.

She laughed. “Oh, wait, what is this, another game, another manipulation? What do you want from me now? What’s left?”

“Yes, it started out with me wanting the endorsement, but that’s not how it is now. I swear to that. I love you. Please...”

“Please what?” She closed the laptop gently and picked it up and tossed it to him. He caught it as she knew he would. “Get out. You got what you came for.”

Bonnie came to the office door and looked at Gia’s and Keith’s faces. “I guess you just heard that you’re all over the news.”

“Who?” Gia asked.

“Both of you,” she said. “Bill said that Keith bought your endorsement and he has proof. Danny has pictures on his blog of you two kissing at somebody’s house last night. Then he has more of you at dinner and then you kissing at the same house this morning. What do you want me to do, a press release?”

Gia shook her head and turned away. “Bonnie, give us a minute,” Keith said. Bonnie nodded and left.

“My credibility is ruined. I have nothing.”

“Gia, I didn’t mean to—”

“Of course you did. You just didn’t mean to get caught.”

“Gia, listen to me.”

“It really is all about money, power and ego, isn’t it? For you, my father, my grandfather. You always have to win no matter who gets hurt in the end. Your team has to beat the other team. What about the people in the middle who suffer? Yeah, you’re just like my grandfather and my father. All you ever care about is getting what you want. You don’t care who you hurt. You don’t care about me. You never did.”

“Gia, you don’t understand. This will help you, trust me.”

“On the contrary, Keith, I understand completely,” she said. “You did what you did. It’s done. You ruined OCC’s reputation and my credibility just to get your father reelected. Congratulations, you won. Goodbye.”

He didn’t respond. He nodded, turned and left. She watched him go, then stared at the empty doorway realizing this was it; it was over. She walked over to her desk and sat down, then looked up when she heard a soft knock. Her father was standing in the doorway. He walked in, going straight to the Chinese puzzle box, then opened it.

“I thought you didn’t remember how to open that,” she said.

He smiled. “I guess I remember when I need to.” He looked at her and half smiled. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay.”

He nodded and glanced back at the door. “I heard.”

She nodded tearfully, shrugged and looked around the room. “I guess this is over. So much for my family legacy.”

“This isn’t your family legacy, Gia. This is—”

“Dad, not now. This isn’t the time to extol the virtues of foreclosures, bait and switch and cheating people out of their homes just to take their property and get richer.”

“That’s not what I do and not why I’m here. I know I haven’t been much of a father or a friend. I lost sight of all that a long time ago. But I need you to hear me now. This, all this is important, but it’s nothing compared to what you just gave up.”

“What did I give up?”

“Do you love him?”

She took a deep breath. “He used me. He got what he wanted.”

“Yes, probably, but I have a feeling that his betrayal ended a while ago. That man left here with love in his eyes. Believe me, it’s a hard world out there when you don’t have the one you love at your side.” She didn’t reply. He nodded and turned back to the open door. “And by the way, Duncan Real Estate Development has changed a lot since you walked away. We tried to change you, but you changed me instead. Stop by. I think you’d like what you see.”

She tried not to smile, but she did.

* * *

Keith walked out, where he saw Bonnie at her desk. She looked up at him. “Um, I’m sorry. I heard. But if you want my two cents, I think you two make the perfect couple.”

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