Forever Love (Arabesque) (17 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Forever Love (Arabesque)
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Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the kiss slowed and softened to a tender loving embrace. His hands, all over her at first, now caressed and stroked her back and rested tenderly on her rear, pressing her close. When the kiss ended they were both

“It took all I could do to keep my hands off you at dinner.”

“Is that right?” she muttered, reaching down to stroke the length of his hardening penis.

“Oh, you don’t play fair,” he growled, closing his eyes.

“All’s fair in love,” she whispered.

He tipped her chin up and looked into her hooded eyes. “Love?” he said softly. She bit at her swollen lips. She knew exactly what he was talking about. The truth was she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I love you.” He repeated the words in a quiet hush, carrying on the sweetest whisper, just as he had before.

Her heart paused and she trembled inside. They were just three innocent words. But they went through her like a double-edged blade cutting right to her heart. They had the power to transform a woman who thought she had everything perfectly ordered in her life and didn’t need anyone into a woman in love with a man who took her breath away. They were three words that she had longed to hear all her life. She looked up into his promising eyes, feeling the exact same way. “Keith, what if what you feel is just—” she took a tiny breath “—lust?”

He shook his head. “Don’t. You can’t analyze feelings. It doesn’t work like that. They are what they are. Don’t be afraid of this.”

“Keith, love smothers and chokes and suffocates until there’s nothing left to take.”

“No, love, real love, lifts up, embraces and gives. I know what I feel for you, Gia. I can’t stop thinking about you and I can’t stop wanting to be with you. Lust doesn’t keep me up every night since we met. Loving you does. I love you, Gia.”

She felt the words penetrate her heart and delve deep into her soul. She knew what she felt for him. This was real. Her heart trembled with the joy of knowing it. Then, without caution, the words slipped out of her mouth before she thought. “I love you, too.”

He smiled happily, like a little boy getting exactly what he wanted for Christmas. “Yeah, I like the sound of that. Say it again.”

“I love you,” she said slightly louder.

He nodded, still smiling. “I love you, too,” he said. “Now, one thing you should know about me. It’s pretty important. I have never been able to resist eating my dessert first.”

Gia laughed, then smiled seductively. “Really?” she said. He nodded assuredly. “I’ll tell you what, come upstairs in ten minutes.” He nodded. She turned and hurried upstairs with her little shopping bag.

Keith watched her go, then went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of champagne and grabbed two glasses. He checked his cell phone messages and quickly emailed a few replies. Then eight and a half minutes later he walked upstairs. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he saw Gia standing beside the bed lighting a candle. His mouth dried instantly. She was leaning over with her back to him. Two perfect cheeks hardened him all over again.

He walked over purposefully and stood right behind her. The hardness of his penis pressed against her. He rubbed each cheek gently, then knelt down and kissed her soft brown skin. “Gia, do you have any idea what you do to me?”

She turned around and posed, dressed in a very skimpy push-up bra and half-panties with lace stitching. “What do you think? Do you like your present?”

He looked down the length of her body and smiled. “Oh, yes.” And just like that the beautiful lace outfit was gone in a split second.

He picked her up, took her to the bed, then stripped his clothing off. She sat up, waiting, and then, as soon as he lay down, she got on top and impaled herself. Smiling, she began to move her body up and down, taking him in repeatedly. He held her waist, pulling her breast down to his mouth. She rode him and he suckled her until she exploded and his body shuddered and spasmed, draining his essence into her to the very last drop.

Chapter 18

ate Friday morning Gia sat back in her chair and twirled her pen in her fingers as she sipped her now ice-cold coffee. It didn’t really matter how long it had been sitting on her desk because she didn’t really taste it anyway. Drinking it was just something to do until it was time to go. She dropped the pen, then picked it up again and tapped it on the desk. She’d gotten in early to work, catching up with several projects. But there was no way she was getting any work done now.

The rest of the office staff had the afternoon off. They had all worked hard all week. When the governor visited the city to endorse the mayor, OCC was right there with questions. The same was true for the mayor’s northeast town hall meeting and the citywide electoral debate appearances. For the most part the mayor was respectful and Keith didn’t interfere. They easily accommodated OCC and even went out of their way to include them in the economic discussion.

Now the still quietness of the office made her thoughts wander, and Keith was her main focus. It was much more than physical and she knew it. It scared her. But what scared her most was feeling everything she was feeling for him even when they weren’t actually together. It was overwhelming. He consumed her thoughts both day and night.

She dropped her pen again and this time it rolled across the desk onto the floor. She scrambled to pick it up just as her open door was pushed wider. She looked up to see Bill march into her office and sit down in the chair across from her. “Lawyers, God save us all from lawyers. We need to talk.”

“Actually, I favor lawyers.”

“Of course you’d say that,” he said snidely.

She looked at him sternly. “Obviously you’ve forgotten I am a lawyer.”

He looked at her dismissively. “That’s right, you are.”

“What’s up, Bill, what do we need to talk about?”

“The election is getting close and we need to announce an endorsement backing a mayoral candidate.”

“Not necessarily.”

“We’re a community organization. People listen to us. We have power. They need to know what we think. So, listen, I’ve been checking out both candidates and I think we have a real good chance of forwarding the OCC agenda if we back Lester Jameson.”

Gia laughed. “Are you kidding me? No way. Absolutely not. The man is an egomaniacal fraud, plus he’s being investigated.”

“That’s all bogus, drummed-up campaign rhetoric,” Bill said.

“Sounds pretty legit to me,” Gia said, “and why does Jameson think he’s getting OCC’s endorsement? Did you promise it?”

“See, I knew it. You’re being brainwashed by all those political commercials. Don’t believe the hype. Blake has been going negative since the beginning of this campaign.”

“What are you talking about, Bill?”

“At least I have an open mind. You apparently don’t.”

“My objection to Jameson has nothing to do with the mayor and everything to do with Councilman Jameson’s character, or lack thereof.”

The defensive rant started and continued for the next several minutes. Getting more and more excited, Bill recited every Jameson talking point, including the mayor’s apparent inability to work with the current city council, the high unemployment rate, the increase in crime and the fact that only four of the noted unions in the city had backed him. After that Gia stopped listening.

“...and then I hear that Sam Duncan comes into the office and nobody even thinks to tell me.”

Hearing her father’s name, Gia looked up. Bill was staring at her. “Bill, he came to see me about a personal matter. He is my father and his visit had nothing to do with OCC.”

“Everything going on in this office has to do with OCC,” he said. She chuckled. “Oh, you think that’s funny?” he snapped.

“Bill, chill out, what is wrong with you?” she asked.

“I don’t see how you can be this nonchalant. This place is falling apart. The volunteers are deserting us for cash-paying jobs with politicians and in a few weeks we’re gonna be left holding nothing but our—”

“Bill. Seriously, what is wrong with you?”

“Me? You. What the hell is going on? I read in Danny’s blog this morning that you attended the Knights Ball last Saturday evening and hung out with the Washington family. So, what’s going on? Is OCC getting in bed with the mayor now?”

Gia immediately took umbrage. “I am not getting into bed with the mayor. And you need to rein your friend in. He’s tearing this office apart with his insinuations and lies.”

“How far from the truth is he? What the hell is going on, Gia? Are we in this together or not?”

“First of all, I didn’t hang out with the Washington family at the Knights Ball. I was there with a friend and they were also there. Yes, I ran into them. My friend Val is friends with them. We spoke. We talked. And yes, Keith Washington and I danced. But that’s all you need to know.”

“I’m not so sure that’s all there is. You were dancing with him. What’s going on between you two?”

“What I do in my personal life is none of your business.”

“It is when and if it affects this office. Now, if you’re playing him to get funding or inside information, fine, that’s one thing, but if he’s playing you—”

“Nobody’s playing anybody. Why does it have to be about politics? Why can’t it just be about two people meeting and talking? We talked. He told me about the plan he and the mayor are putting together.”

“What plan?” Bill asked.

“The mayor’s economic plan,” she said.

“Tell me about it.”

Gia laid out exactly what Keith had told her Saturday night at the diner. Bill nodded and asked a few questions as he listened intently. He was surprised; it was really pretty good. With some hard work and a lot of fortitude, he agreed, his economical plan could really work. Of course, he felt there could be a few improvements, but overall it was a very good workable base.

“And Keith Washington told you all this,” he clarified. She nodded. “Why?”

“Why? Because he and the mayor are actually trying to turn this city’s economics around,” she said. “This economical plan is good. It could work.”

“Perhaps,” Bill said, shrugging.

“If you’re done, I’m gonna go visit my grandmother.”

“Fine, go, I have an appointment I need to get to anyway.”

“Are you gonna meet me at Keith’s office?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there,” he said, already out the door.

Gia gathered her things and walked out into the lobby area. Bill was already gone, so she locked up and headed for her car.

* * *

The decision was easier than he’d thought.

Bill strolled into Lester Jameson’s office smiling as if he’d just swallowed the Cheshire Cat. He had a caveat and he knew that if he played his cards right, this small piece of information could be parleyed into a new career. He thought about what he was doing and what Gia and Julia would think afterward. He shook his head. It didn’t really matter—as far as he was concerned, it was every man for himself at this point.

Julia had overlooked him and chosen her granddaughter to run OCC. Fine. And now her granddaughter was playing with Keith Washington. That was fine, too. He wasn’t culpable. But there was no reason why he couldn’t get his payday out of all this. But really, all this was a moot point. This was a new world of instant information. And whoever controlled the flow of information controlled the world. He knew that. Keith knew that. OCC was irrelevant at this point. It was bloggers and spin doctors that made the money, shaped the politicians and affected a political race.

Lester Jameson was falling in the polls like an anvil out of a hot-air balloon. He had had a chance once, but now he was a pitiful man trying desperately to hold on to the last bits of his political integrity and his last shred of dignity. The news media had dug deep into his background and come up with a number of questionable actions, and now he was hemorrhaging money and political backing. But with his help his campaign could be revived. One innocent piece of information placed strategically in the right hands could turn this election around.

Danny had it right, but all that writing and blogging was too tedious. And there was no way he was going to be begging for money all of his life. He’d learned his lesson. It was time to step up and take his place among the power elite. It was time to seriously get paid.

Lester opened his office door, smiling. “Bill, come on in. Have a drink. It’s good to see you again. It’s been too long.”

Bill stood and nodded. “It’s good to see you, too, Councilman. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

“Not at all.” Lester smiled with wide yellowing teeth. “It’s always good to have OCC in the office.”

“Actually better than you think.”

“Sounds interesting. What do you have for me?”

“I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that it’s pretty evident that the mayor will not be backing your economic plan. He’s all set to veto it.”

Lester nodded. “Yeah, I expected as much. But it’s a good plan and it will work for the city. But all that’s fine, too. Everyone will see it for exactly what it is, a campaign snub. Ultimately it’ll only make him look petty and narrow-minded to turn it down.”

“Perhaps, but what if I told you the head of OCC and the mayor’s son were romantically involved?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Lester said. “Tell me more.”

“And what if I told you I know the mayor’s economic plan?”

The corner of Lester’s lips tipped up slowly. He obviously liked what he was hearing.

Bill smiled, knowing that this was it, the beginning of his new career.

Chapter 19

ia drove to the nursing home and went directly to the solarium. She knew at this time of day it was her grandmother’s favorite place to be. She walked in and looked around, not seeing her grandmother anywhere. Since she knew her grandmother didn’t have any tests scheduled and it was too late for her morning therapy, she couldn’t imagine where she’d be. She went upstairs and stopped at the nurse’s station. “Excuse me, my grandmother, Julia Banks, wasn’t downstairs in the solarium.”

“No, she has company in her apartment.”

“Oh, okay, thanks.” Gia headed to her grandmother’s room. She knocked but didn’t get an answer. She opened the door and stepped inside, then stopped cold. She saw her grandmother laughing and smiling happily. She had guests. Mamma Lou was with her and another woman whom she hadn’t seen in almost six years. It was her grandmother Loretta Duncan. Gia walked over slowly. “Hi,” she barely croaked out. Three pairs of loving eyes turned to her.

“Ladies, look who’s here. Perfect timing, another wonderful surprise,” Julia said.

“Mamma Lou, Grandma Loretta, what are you doing here?”

“Visiting with two very dear friends,” Louise said.

“Hello, Gianna,” Loretta said.

“I don’t understand, Grandmom, you and Grandma Loretta are talking, but how? I thought...”

Julia smiled and took Gia’s hand. “Sweetheart, I should’ve learned a long time ago that holding on to a grudge never changed anything for the better. It only makes you work harder to be angry.”

Gia looked at her other grandmother. “It’s good to see you, Grandma Loretta.”

Loretta stood and opened her arms. Gia went to her and they hugged warmly. Louise and Julia looked on happily. “I don’t understand. How did you know...”

“I called Louise. She brought me here to see Julia and I’m so happy she did. It was time to let go of old pain.”

“What about Granddad?” Gia asked.

“Oh, baby,” Loretta said, touching Gia’s cheek softly, “your grandfather is stubborn and determined to get his way and I love him dearly. It doesn’t mean I don’t see his flaws.”

“Did he really dislike my mother so much?”

“The moment he met your mother he knew your father would never be the same man. Her love changed him. Then, when she died, your father was devastated. Your grandfather thought that the only way he could secure the family’s future was to keep you with the family by any means necessary.”

“That’s why he lied about Grandmom?”

She nodded. “He was trying to protect you.”

“Protect me or his money, his future?”

“Both. He knew you were his future and he needed you to be strong.”

“I am strong, just not like him.”

“He knows that and he is very proud of you and one day he’ll tell you so.”

“Gia, come sit, join us. It’s tea time,” Julia said.

Gia sat down happily. She still couldn’t believe what she was seeing. This was truly a remarkable sight. The three women she adored the most in her life had come together.

They were sitting at a table with several tiered trays of finger sandwiches, biscuits, scones and dishes of cream, jams and lemon curd. There was a small side table with several pots of tea, cups and saucers and delectable desserts. Tea was being poured by the caterer, compliments of Louise and her grandmother. Gia joined them. High tea was a fantastic idea. The crazy day had turned completely around.

A few minutes later they were sipping tea, eating delicacies, talking and laughing about fond memories. Then the conversation changed. “So, Gianna, tell me, is there a special someone in your life right now?” her grandmother asked.

“I’m hanging out with someone.”

“Is that some kind of code?” Louise asked. Everyone laughed. Gia glanced at Louise, knowing she really wanted her to be with Rick Renault.

“Mamma Lou, I know you’re a matchmaker, but right now I’m very happy. Yes, there is someone and he makes me very happy and he’s a really good guy.”

“Whoever he is, he’s a very lucky man,” her grandmother said.

“And I’m a very lucky woman,” Gia said.

“Sweetheart, that’s all we have ever wanted for you. Be happy and be loved,” her grandmother said. Louise and Loretta agreed.

“I am very happy.”

A half hour later she was kissing each woman and saying goodbye. As soon as she as she got in her car, she was overflowing with love. Seeing both grandmothers and Mamma Lou was overwhelming and now she was headed to see Keith. The day had definitely gotten better.

She got to Keith’s office and parked in the same spot as before. She got out, headed to the elevator and arrived at the Washington & Associates Law Firm at exactly 2:52. Bill was nowhere in sight. She called and texted him but didn’t get an answer or reply. If Bill didn’t show up she’d be in Keith’s office alone—again. Just the thought sent shivers through her body. She smiled and bit at her lower lip. Good Lord, her body was already starting to get wet just thinking about him and...

“Ms. Duncan.” Gia looked up like a kid getting caught drawing on the wall. “Keith is ready for you. This way please.”

She stood, took a deep breath, straightened her skirt and followed. Halfway down the hall she heard her name and turned.

“Gia, hey, I’m here,” Bill said, hurrying to follow Gia down the law office corridor. “Damn, look at this place. Is it a law office or the friggin’ west wing of the White House? Did you check out the lobby? I mean, damn, what’s up with that waterfall and atrium?”

“Yes, I’ve seen it,” Gia said tightly, knowing something was wrong with Bill.

“I wonder how much those two paintings cost out there. I swear I saw them in the museum last year and they don’t look like fakes. This place is loaded.”

“No, you are,” Gia hissed. He smelled of liquor even though he’d professed to be on the wagon for the last two years. “Bill, please tell me you haven’t been drinking today of all days.”

“I’m celebrating and I’m not drunk if that’s what you’re asking me.”

“Celebrating what?” she asked.

“The beginning of a new day,” he said cryptically.

Gia shook her head, exasperated. This had potential to be totally embarrassing, and right now this was the last thing she needed.

“You’re late. We were supposed to meet and talk before the meeting. What happened?”

Bill smiled happily. “Yeah, well, it is what it is. I had some phone calls to make and business to attend to.”

“Fine, let’s just get this done.” As soon as Gia walked into Keith’s office, the memories flooded back to her. They had made love against his desk, on his desk, on the sofa and on the conference table, then again on the sofa. But there was no sign of anything. It was the same office, but it was pristine.

“Damn, look at this office,” Bill said. “Now, this is the kind of office I need at OCC. It immediately shows power and prestige. I can seriously see myself sitting at that desk. Check it out.”

He walked over. Gia’s heart jumped.

“Good afternoon,” Keith said, walking into his office. His assistant, Kate, followed. “Can we get either of you anything before we get started? Water, tea, coffee?”

“Yeah, I’ll have a double cappuccino,” Bill ordered.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” Gia said, hearing the tenseness in her voice.

“Are you sure?” Keith asked.

“Yes, positive.”

Keith looked at Kate. She nodded, knowing to just get Bill’s coffee. “How was the traffic getting here? It can get crazy this time of day.”

“We didn’t come here to talk about the traffic,” Bill began.

“Bill,” Gia warned.

“What? Hey, I’m sure Keith here knows exactly what I’m talking about. Our time is just as valuable as his. Am I right?”

“You’re absolutely right, Bill. Please have a seat. We’ll get started.” He motioned for them to sit at the conference table. The conference table where he had licked and sucked cherry juice off her naked body. Gia didn’t move. It wasn’t until Bill sat down and turned to her that she timidly walked over. Gia sat as far away as she could from the spot where Keith had licked and enjoyed her body.

“So, Keith,” Bill began casually, “I hear the mayor’s leaning toward vetoing the economic and jobs bill going through the city council. Why would he do something like that? Wouldn’t that be considered political suicide?”

“I’m not privy to the mayor’s thought process, so I have no idea what he will or won’t do with the council chairman’s plan.”

“Have you read it?” Bill asked.


“What do you think?” Bill asked.

“In my opinion it’s lacking. The plan could be a lot better. It gives away too much power to corporations and those who answer to shareholders and not the citizens of this city.”

“But you do approve of the general concept,”
Bill said.


“I think you’re being shortsighted on this issue. We’ve been working with Chairman Jameson and he has the answer.”

“Respectfully, he doesn’t even know the question,” Keith said.

“Keith, Bill, I think we need to get back on track. We’re here to discuss ways of opening communication between the mayor’s office and OCC. Now, you told me that the mayor was interested in working more closely with us. I’m all for that and I’m sure Bill is also interested in hearing how we can make this work.”

Keith turned and smiled at her. “I doubt Bill is very interested in that, are you, Bill?”

Kate walked in with Bill’s coffee. For a few moments Bill was busily engrossed with the drink. She glanced at Keith. He had already been staring at her. He smiled again. She quickly looked away.

“Shall we begin?” Keith said as he opened and pressed a key on his laptop. The screen inset within the conference room table instantly changed to the same document he had on his screen. “If you’ll look at the mayor’s interaction programs, you’ll see that he’s already connected with a number of community organizations. In monthly meetings he and his team have had remarkable success in getting programs to the people most affected and in need.”

He pressed a few keys, highlighting several major corporations that would be partnering with the city’s new economic plans and how they would factor into the community assistance programs. “These companies and corporations have been instrumental in the mayor’s community outreach programs. With these models already in the works and through the new economic plan, we have approached a number of interested partners to propose—”

“What other corporations?” Bill asked.

“The mayor will be highlighting them as soon as—”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, but who are they?” he repeated.

Keith smiled. “That’s not gonna happen, Bill. You’re gonna have to wait until the mayor is ready to release their names and his plan.”

“See, this is why OCC is leaning toward endorsing Lester Jameson,” Bill said. Gia’s eyes instantly widened and her jaw dropped as she looked at Bill, then at Keith. “Your mayor has never really done anything except line his pockets.”

“Bill—” Gia began.

“Respectfully, Bill, I believe you have Mayor Washington confused with his opponent, Lester Jameson, and the previous administration. That said, perhaps we should—”

Kate knocked and walked in. She looked at Keith and nodded. Keith stood. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

He walked out of the room, leaving an intoxicating scent of musk and spice in his wake. God, she loved that cologne even though she had no idea what it was. She remembered the first time she smelled it. He was standing right behind her at the community center. Then she inhaled it the second time and again he was standing right behind her, right here in this office, and his hands were rocking her world.

Bill got up and walked over to Keith’s chair. He sat down and began flipping through the screens.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“Cutting this meeting short.”

“Are you insane? What was that about OCC endorsing Lester Jameson? I never agreed to anything like that. I have no intention of backing Jameson.”

“It’s business. We need Jameson and we have to play this smart.”

“Bill, I don’t know what’s got into you, but I’m not playing this macho game.”

“But you’ll play it with him.”

“What?” Gia said, quickly thinking he knew about them.

“Yeah, I know everything.”

“Everything what? There’s nothing to know,” she bluffed.

“I know he’s just using you to get the OCC endorsement.”


“He’ll do anything to help his father. You told me that he’s incredibly loyal, right? So now all of a sudden you think he’s in love with you.” Bill shook his head with pity. “He’s using you, girl.”

“Bill, this is a business meeting, not a date.”

“You could have fooled me.”


“You’re looking at him like he’s the last piece of meat in a buffet dinner filled with cannibals. All he has to do is look in your face and snap his finger and you’d lie down right here on this table.”

Gia’s stomach jumped. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“The only thing saving us is the fact that he doesn’t know you exist other than to get what he wants. And I’m not saying this to be mean, I’m saying it because if he ever looks in your eyes he’d know that all he needs to do is sleep with you and he’d have the endorsement.”

Gia was speechless. Just then, Keith came back into the room. “I’m sorry, there’s been a situation and I have to reschedule this meeting.”

“Is there a problem?” Gia asked, seeing the strained concern in Keith’s eyes.

Bill stood. “Yeah, sure, just give us a call. You cancelled our meeting last week, what’s one more cancelled meeting with OCC.”

“As with last week, this is unavoidable. Thank you for understanding.” Keith shook Bill’s hand and gave him a business card. Then he turned to Gia. She was still seated. He held out a card to her. She took it slowly, then stood. “I’ll have my assistant call and set up another meeting.”

“Before the election on Tuesday, of course. That way you might just get our endorsement,” Bill said smugly. “That gives you exactly three days.” Then he downed the rest of his cappuccino.

Keith exhaled with obvious exasperation. “Bill, I understand your caution, but this isn’t about getting an endorsement. This is about helping a community and rebuilding a city’s trust. Yes, having the OCC’s endorsement would be great. It would be icing on the cake. But the mayor will win this election without it. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He walked out.

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