Forever Summer (17 page)

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Authors: Elaine Dyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forever Summer
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Chapter Ten




            After an informal photo session with the two ladies, goodbyes were said and promises were made to return for another visit soon.  They exchanged phone numbers, and Summer gave them her address and Gabe’s addresses in Córdoba and Mexico City, which was where they were headed when their Spanish holiday ended.  Luisa and Yolanda laughed when Summer gave them her email address, saying they’d never used a computer and were blissfully unconcerned about learning.  Then they all cried when final embraces ended and they waved goodbye.


Summer wiped her tears away as they reached the end of the driveway, and Gabe reached for her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss which Summer paid for with a smile.


“Would you rather skip the picnic?  We could just go straight back to the villa, and you could rest.  We had a late night, and you’ve had quite a day already.  We could go another time if you’d rather.”


Summer thought a moment, and then answered, “No, let’s go.  It’s still early, and I’d like to have some time to organize my thoughts and to come down from the emotional trip I’ve been on for the last couple of hours.  Unless you’d rather not.”


“And give up an opportunity to romance you?  I have the perfect spot in mind.  It’s back in Córdoba by a pristine lake.  It’s beautiful this time of year, and there are few visitors to the area around now.  It should be private and peaceful.”


“I don’t think I got any further than you romancing me.  Is that what you’re doing, Gabe?”


“If you don’t know,
, I must be doing something wrong.”  He flashed her a smile. She looked into his dark, soulful eyes but didn’t smile back.  “Oh no, not the serious look again.  What are you thinking now


Summer relented and gave him a small smile.  “I don’t know, Gabe.  I’m trying to categorize and translate the term romance, I guess, and wondering what it means.  We had a wonderful night together last night, one that I’ll never forget.  I guess I’m wondering if that’s what romance is in this case, a scorching affair that will burn out as quickly as it started or something … else.  It’s not that I’m trying to pin you down or anything.  I guess I’m just trying to … analyze it.  I have a habit of doing that, trying to prepare myself as much in advance as possible for outcomes, so I can … I don’t know … protect myself?  It’s hard to explain.  Don’t listen to me, I’m babbling.”


“You’re not babbling, Summer.  In fact, I think you’re questioning yourself and your emotional responses for the first time in a long time.  I think after dealing with the loss of your family, you closed yourself off from any strong emotional ties with anyone new, since the people you most loved left you in one way or another when you were a girl.  It’s a coping mechanism I recognize, because I also have used it.  After my marriage, I didn’t trust any women who were interested in me.  I questioned their motives, their honesty, and their intentions.  Probably the only reason I’ve let down my guard with you is that you were
interested in me.  I was the pursuer instead of the one being pursued.  I find that refreshing in you.”


“So you were interested in me, because I’m not – or I wasn’t – interested in you?  I’m sure there’s some kind of psychiatric term to describe both of us, some syndrome of some kind.  And what does that say about our chances of having anything lasting?”


“I think it says a lot.  Neither of us has let anyone past our defenses for years, yet we have or at least we’re attempting to do so for each other.  I think that’s in our favor.”


“You see the glass half full, while I tend to see it half empty.  Maybe you’ll rub off on me.  I wish I was more optimistic.  My mother always was, and I think I started out that way, but not so much anymore.  It’s not that I’m all doom and gloom and looking for the bad things to happen, but I guess I like to be prepared for the worst in case it happens.  I guess I’m a hope for the best, prepare for the worst kind of girl.”


“And if the worst never happens?  Have you considered that things might work out between us and grow into something worth pursuing and keeping?”  Gabe parked the car near a large tree about fifty yards from a beautiful lake.  He turned off the engine and turned to face Summer who was looking at him with wide eyes.  “Summer?”


“I guess this is a day for revelations for me, Gabe.  In answer to your question, no, I didn’t realize until you just asked me that I really haven’t given that possibility any thought at all.  I’ve given the alternative plenty of thought.  I almost walked away from you before anything happened  between us, I’ve lost sleep several nights being scared that getting involved with you would end in disaster, but I haven’t let myself even wonder what it would be like if we, you know, stayed together.”


Gabe tried not to smile as he raised his eyebrows.  “And if we decide to stay together, what would be the reason do you think?”


“Well, you know, we would like being together.  A lot.”


“You can’t even say the word, can you?”


“What word?  I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Okay, let me clarify.  What if we fall in love?”


“I think it’s a little premature for that, Gabe.  Good God, we haven’t even been on a date.  Exactly.”


“It scares you, doesn’t it, Summer?”


“Of course it scares me.  Doesn’t it scare you?”


“Sometimes.  But it also intrigues me.  Come on.  I’ll carry the food if you’ll bring the blanket.  Let’s practice being together.”


“Are you angry, Gabe?”


“Not in the least.  As a matter of fact, I appreciate your honesty and your openness.  You could just have easily have said you had thought about falling in love or us staying together, but instead you shared your thoughts and fears with me.  I think that is sometimes a hard thing to do.  I like that you had enough confidence in yourself and trust in me to tell me the truth.  I would say that’s a step in the right direction as far as a long term relationship goes, wouldn’t you?”


“Now there you go again, Gabe, talking about long term relationships and all that scary stuff.  Can we please just enjoy the day and not talk about the future?  Now who’s being serious?  I like you better when you’re playful.”  She smiled up at him beguilingly.


Gabe laughed loudly and put his arm around her as they walked to a nice, level spot in the shade, and she spread the blanket on the ground.


“You know,
, you’re not very good for my ego.”


“As if your ego needed any more encouragement.  Aren’t you the one who assumed I was lying in wait to ambush you in your hotel room not too long ago?  Didn’t you also assume I wanted your new CD and concert tickets?”


“And are you not glad that you used those tickets?  How about a little appreciation, you ingrate?”


“Ha!  What about my CD?”  Summer started laughing as he set the basket down and put his hands on his hips and glared at her.


“So, you admit that you’re dying for my CD?”


“Oh, yes, Gabe.  I think I’ll die if I don’t get it.  And if you autograph it, … I can probably sell it on eBay and make a lot of money.”  She squealed as he chased her around the tree, and she ran from him.


“Aha!  I knew you were using me for something.”


“Yeah, good sex!”  She screamed as he faked to the left and rushed her from the right, grabbing her around the waist and swinging her around.  He finally set her on the ground and turned her around to face him.


“Only good,
?”  His dimples were in full swing as he bent to take her lips with his in a brief, hard kiss.


“Okay, maybe good was an understatement.  Great.  Outstanding.”


“How about unforgettable or life changing?”  He pulled her ponytail back gently and kissed and nibbled down her neck, and she couldn’t help the sound of enjoyment that rose from her uninvited.


“See?  Your ego doesn’t need any help at all.”  She laughed as he bit her neck and pulled back slowly, allowing her flesh to slowly escape his mouth, raising goose bumps all over her body.”  She brought her head back down and looked up at him through sexy eyes just daring him to take more, and he bent and took her mouth in a ravenous kiss that left them both out of breath.


“I may just have
for lunch if you keep looking at me like that, Summer.”  He reached up and held her face in his hands, looking deeply into her eyes.  Summer leaned back against the tree pulling him with her, and he bent to kiss her again, running his restless hands up and down her sides, then cupping her rear and pulling her hard against him.


“Gabe.”  Summer gasped as he ground his hips against her, feeling his hardness, his readiness.


Gabe picked her up in his arms and carried her to the blanket, lowering her gently and following her down.  He started undoing the buttons on her blouse, kissing each new patch of skin revealed as she gasped with pleasure.  She lifted up so he could slip off her blouse and bra then fell back on the blanket as Gabe closed his mouth around her already peaked nipple.  As he suckled her harder, he trailed his hand down her side, squeezed her waist gently and moved across her stomach causing her muscles to clench in reaction as he unfastened the button on her jeans and slipped his hand inside the top edge of her lacey panties, slipping a finger inside her wet warmth then circling the sensitive center of her passion, making her moan.  He alternated between stroking inside and outside until Summer couldn’t catch her breath or be still.


Summer clutched at his hand, calling out his name, wanting him to finish her while he was inside her.


“Let me, baby, let me.”  That and just the right amount of pressure and friction was all that was needed to send her diving over the edge, calling his name again as he rode her through her climax and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she buried her face against his neck and wrapped her arms around him as her senses began to level. 


Gabe was stroking Summer’s back in ever widening circles as she pulled away from him and pulled his head down to hers, kissing him desperately, unable to get enough of  his taste, his texture.  She kicked off her shoes and wiggled the rest of her way out of her clothes then started pulling Gabe’s shirt out of the waistband of his jeans, out of her mind to touch him, to feel more of his body beneath her seeking fingers.


“Take your shirt off, Gabe.  I need to feel you.”  As he reached for the bottom of his shirt and began to pull it over his head, she undid his jeans and started pulling them off.  He laid back and helped her remove the rest of his clothes, closing his eyes at the intensity flashing between them like a fire out of control. 


Summer bit his shoulder and licked down to his nipple, circling her tongue around it, scraping her nails against its mate, hearing him suck in a deep breath and knowing she was responsible.  She skimmed her nails all the way down his chest and lower until she cupped him in her hand then traced all the way from base to tip, over and down again as he arched into her touch, moaning.  She kissed her way down to follow the path her hand had just taken, licking her way to his already moist tip and taking him into her mouth.


, Summer.  I can’t tell you how good that feels.”  He had to place his hands above his head to keep from pushing her head down further.  He leaned up on his elbows and watched her as well as felt her deprive him of what little sanity he had left.  He almost lost it when, keeping him in her mouth, she looked up at him and smiled.  He dropped his head back and groaned.  “You’re killing me so sweetly, baby.”  She scraped her teeth gently all the way up his length, and then finished circling the tip again with her tongue.

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