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Authors: Dean

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Traditionally, women have used sex for reward or punishment. To the degree that a woman denies a man her climax, she keeps him off balance. A Victorian idea, one totally out of joint with our times, but this is to talk about conscious attitudes. Many women do not believe in their newly won rights so much as they still
their old insecurities. She wants sex, she wants to let go, but some vestige of the old training still holds her back: If he thinks he has failed her in the bedroom, he will guiltily give in to her demands in the rest of the house. A bitter victory.

“Why doesn’t he enjoy going down on me?” women wail.

“Why won’t she let me?” he agonizes.

The dialogue is reminiscent of people who complain that there are no suitable partners available of the opposite sex.

“Why can’t I find a man to take care of me?” the woman patient cries to her therapist. There are plenty of men who Men In Love


would love to take care of her. The problem is that such men have a price: The woman must do things his way. That is what makes them “unsuitable.”

One of the myths with which we live is that orgasm and sexual satisfaction are the two halves of an invariable formula; one always means the other. But there are people who, while multi-orgasmic, still don’t enjoy sex. Many others who never or rarely climax love the closeness and excitement of sex anyway. The cry of many women is familiar: that once a man has reached orgasm, he doesn’t care if she does or not.

This is just the opposite of a wide body of research that stresses how often men measure themselves by their ability to bring their partners to orgasm. On a more positive note, Wil-liam Blake, in his “Gnomic Verses,” observes that what we all want, men and women alike, is to see “the lineaments of gratified desire” in the face of a beloved.

It is nice to give to someone you love; it is also nice to feel you have the power to do so.




I am now forty-nine years old, and I was forty before I found out how to turn women on! I met a twenty-two-year-old blonde who was aggressive because she was splitting with her old man. We met in an airport waiting room and made arrangements for our first get-together during a short flight when we’d both have a couple of hours in a distant town before changing planes to fly off in different places. It was the first great fuck for either of us! She had never gone down on a man before; and I taught her. It gave her such a feeling of power to be able to make me come that way, that she was more aroused than she could have believed! My wife never showed any aggressiveness, but this blonde was after my cock as soon as I climaxed. She wanted to drink every drop. We would stop along the road and go down on each other in the daylight and she always screamed when she climaxed, which really turned me on!

Having had some experience with professionals, I discovered that high-quality, expensive call girls were very gifted in sex. My fantasy is to be in charge of several girls; my duty is to break each one into the art of fellatio. I discovered that most call girls are amateurish at fellating a man and have some undesirable tricks they use to conceal their feelings about the client’s semen from him. But if they are taught correctly, they grow to love it! And I would train them to do it the way my French girl friend did it. I fantasize having a training session with redheads, blondes, brunettes, blacks, Orientals, and Latin girls – all beautiful and lusty, with the types of bodies I like. First the girl should have her hair done up in a tight bun or be able to toss it charmingly from side to side as she worked over my throbbing cock! She would be instructed to face my feet so that I could play with her ass Men In Love


and cunt as she played with me! I would have a pillow under my ass to raise me about six inches so she could have access to all the sensuous zones and explore them! She would start out by testing my reflexes with a light kiss on my tummy to see if my cock would rise, then progress down lightly kissing my pubic hair and then to the inside of my thighs (this is the reason for having the pillow) and finally to the perineum area with light darting flicks of the tongue! I would instruct the girls in exercising their tongues so that they could vibrate like a tuning fork. Mostly, I would teach them the joy of drinking men’s semen.

When a girl was finished with her training, she would be able to fully arouse a man and then start to work on his cock (using mine as a training device) by flicking the head of the cock with her tongue, then taking it up to where it was comfortable, slowly withdrawing on the upstroke and fast on the stroke down) Encircling the rim of the head with her tongue and vibrating her tongue against the draw string (the most sensitive area), never once touching the cock with her teeth.

This she would do by curling her lips over her teeth to form an oval with her mouth! As she progressed, her mouth would become quite wet with saliva (a necessary art for the great fellator) and her cheeks’ would pull in simulating as closely as possible fucking naturally! Finally, if the man had trouble coming, she would use her index finger and gently massage his prostate gland by inserting the finger gently but quite deeply into the man’s ass! This always makes them come (and is another reason for the pillow), and she would come with him (he has been playing with her delicious ass which has been turned toward him all the while). She either waits until the spurts stop (three or four) and swallows the sacred fluid or lets it spurt on her face as a beauty treatment) Never, never refuse it by spitting it out or letting him come in a towel or tissue! Then she cuddles up quietly alongside him while the passions subside! Then she refreshens his genital area with a damp cloth and soft towel!

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I would also instruct the girls in the art of developing and using a snappy pussy! This is delightful to a man and a treasured possession of all women) First I would instruct the girls in how to develop their inner vaginal muscles and give them exercises to make them strong! Next, they would practice their exercises on my cock in various positions until they could squeeze at least sixty times a minute and could expel a cock from their pussy they would be so strong! However, the real purpose is to do the opposite. That is, to actually keep the cock inside and so milk it during the final strokes before climax. None of that wonderful fluid is wasted. By making you know she loves your semen, you can tell she has given you everything!


I am thirty-three years old, married with two children, and have an active sexual relationship with my wife. Being an army officer, we have traveled and lived in Europe for a total of almost five and one-half years. Much of our present attitude toward sex has been positively influenced by the Euro-pean acceptance of male and female sexuality.

We have been married for ten years. We met in college and lived together for nearly two years before we were married. My wife is three years younger than I and both of us are from the East Coast. We have experimented with many sexual techniques and enjoy oral and occasionally anal sex.

We’ve tried group sex only once, with a girl we both knew and liked. None of us were really mature enough to handle the feelings that emerged.

Men often get a very incomplete picture of women because they are always told to “keep your hands to yourself” and “good girls don’t do that sort of thing” by women (from mother to girl friend to wife) who seem to be programmed to deny female sexuality. Personally, I was very happy to discover women to be “just like us” (when it comes to sexual Men In Love


enjoyment) when I read your first book and got enough courage to ask my wife about it.

The following fantasy is long but I have tried to be as descriptive as possible in an effort to present my feelings accurately. In my own way, I would like to contribute to a better understanding of that much maligned human experience –


I take an archaeological vacation to the site of Pompeii and Herculaneum. After a week of work, excavators uncover a crypt. I take it upon myself to explore the new discovery and find the crypt leads to an enormous cavern filled with statues, mausoleums, and, in the very heart of the cavern, a great mar-ble temple! The entire cavern is lit by a ghostly lumines-cence. I soon discover the source of the eerie light, phospho-rescent lichen.

My curiosity soon leads me to the temple steps. I know little of archaeology, but I know enough to realize I gaze upon an archaeologist’s dream come true, a perfectly preserved section of the outlying district of an ancient city. I advance along a large hallway. Suddenly the passageway opens into a great hall. I stare in awe at the ancient wonder before me, the stone seems to move. I touch it to reassure myself, then it does move! I quickly look up, the columns are moving slightly too. Earthquake!

“Oh, my God,” I think, “it can’t be, it can’t bet” As if in answer, the floor shifts and I know it’s true. I am trapped deep within a mountain, this ancient tomb will soon be my modern tomb.

The giant columns sway sickeningly. With a sharp crack and a deafening roar the wall directly in front of me is splin-tered. For an instant I see a burning multi-faceted crystal, then I see no more. Blinded, I hold on to the altar and pull myself onto its flat top. I pass into unconsciousness.

After the quake has subsided, those in the outside world assume me dead. Two days later, excavators at the site of the previously discovered crypt entrance find the passageway still intact. Workmen located the great hall and in its center Nancy Friday


amid the remains of what appears to be a large altar, and discover a severely burned, but still living man.

Taken to a hospital, I am given little chance for survival. I can overhear my wife talking with the doctors. The doctors tell her I am dying, it’s only a matter of time, a few hours, a day, soon. My skin is hardened, a crust; in some places only blackened cinder remains, but I feel no pain.

A week passes, yet I still live! It is a dark, cool night. I feel cramped and yearn to stretch. I move. First one arm, then the other. All the movements are accompanied by soft popping sounds. Last I open my eyes; I see!

I lay in a white hospital bed, the moonlight pours through French windows placed just beyond the foot of my bed.

Among the show-white sheets lie black ashes and hard, dis-colored bits of what can only be skin. I look at my legs, my hands, and my arms. Bathed in the moon’s silver glow, my body seems the color of polished copper. Weakly I raise myself, I must look in a mirror. Am I scarred, disfigured, mutilated?

With great effort I reach the bathroom and switch on the fight. I stare down at my copper-colored hands as they grip the edge of the white porcelain sink. Steeling myself, I quickly raise my head. “Oh, my God!” bursts from my lips.

“What has happened to me?” I stare at the reflection before me. I see myself, but not me at all. The face is the same, but subtle changes have occurred. The face is broader, cheek-bones slightly higher, jaw squarer, and the eyes, the eyes!

Where my eyes, once brown, looked out, now eyes of green, jade green, look back at me.

Needless to say, the attending physicians are overwhelmed by my metamorphosis, but none as much as I. Within a month I have regained my strength. I am taller and broader than previously and my hair, a glowing blue-black, is almost completely grown in. I long to return home, especially to see my wife and children again.

After a short time, my life returns to its normal pace. I return to my old job and home. My family, friends, and co-Men In Love


workers adapt to my new appearance. One of the most pleasant changes resulting from my alteration is a markedly improved love life. My urge for intercourse has increased and responses have heightened; this, in turn, has made my wife more responsive. Strangest of all is the amount and composi-tion of my semen. I discovered this the first time my wife and I made love after my transformation.

We were both somewhat hesitant, but after a long session of foreplay, slowly getting used to each other again, the passion rapidly begins building. I caress each part of her body, kissing, licking, sucking – lingering on her throat, nipples (a long time there), small of the back, inside of the thighs, and cant. She tastes wonderful and comes a couple of times as I lick her cunt and tease her clit with my tongue and lips. I then mount her (missionary position) and slowly start moving in and out. In a short time I can no longer control the motion of my hips and I’m fucking like a wild stallion, slamming into her. She meets me thrust for thrust, her head periodically thrashing from side to side. She moans, begs me to keep it up.

“Harder, deeper!” she cries. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Then WHAM! I come like gangbusters! I’ve never come like this in my life, it’s a gusher. My wife’s eyes are wide with amazement, surprise, and excitement.

“Oh, God! Fill me up with that hot come. Fill me up!” she gasps.

Later, as I slide from her cunt, she’s still gasping and panting. I look down and see her legs wide open, her cunt and ass soaked with come. I stare; I can’t take my eyes off that delicious cunt, for covering it is my come, not the white, milky substance I’m accustomed to seeing, but thick, golden fluid.

It looks almost like honey!

Lying there, my wife is a picture of beauty. Her face and chest are flushed with passion.

“Oh,” she says, “I never felt that way before; you’ve never come like that before. So warm and wet and soft, I can’t move it feels so good.”

Later that night she wakes me, wants me.

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“Just lie there,” she whispers, “I want to touch you; love you all over.”

As I lie there, I feel her lips and tongue moving over me, sucking, kissing, licking – it’s marvelous) After teasing my nipples, she slowly kisses her way down my chest and stomach to my crotch. She kisses my thighs. My prick is rock hard, the head full and pulsating, but she ignores it. She licks and kisses around my prick and finally takes each of my balls in her mouth and begins softly caressing the head of my prick. Moving from my balls, she licks her way the entire length of my rigid shaft, teasingly licks the rim of the head and then slowly envelops it with her lips. With one hand holding and slowly kneading my balls, she wraps the other firmly around my prick and slowly begins to move it up and down. As she sucks, she caresses the head and rim of my prick with her tongue. She removes her hands and slowly begins to deep throat, taking as much of my prick as she can, finally reaching the base. My hands are gripping the sheets by this time. I want to grab her hair and move her head up and down. Instead my hips begin lifting off the bed to thrust deep into her sucking mouth.

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